firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
Strength, warmth, love, safety, consumed Paige as Derek's arms encased her because regardless to how she had originally died it was what Derek had symbolized to her. She never blamed him for what happened. "Shh. It's alright. It wasn't your fault." Paige whispered back as a small shiver ran through her as she felt his breath against her skin. So long she had been attempting to make some form of contact, forced to watch as his life continued, as everyone's lives continued, without being able to connect. But now she was alive, she was able to connect, she was able to feel his arms around her again and it was a wonderfully surreal feeling. 
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Finally pulling back enough to look at him, but not enough to lose contact she smiled a tearful smile still a bit overwhelmed with the reunion. After all it was one thing to wish for this moment, to long even, but to have it was quite the another. "I'm here now, that's what matters, not the past." She whispered as she brought her sleeve up to wipe tears away. She knew she would have to reveal how any of this was possible sooner or later but she would wait for him to ask. Biting her lip and glancing down a moment she considered her previous worry that too much had happened and that he no longer felt the same way about her, or wouldn't after the shock of the reunion ceased which was something she had attempted to prepare herself for but would deal with if she needed to. All in all, there was a fury of emotions and thoughts coursing through her in this moment, but as she glanced back up at him they all seemed to wash away again. "You have no idea how much I missed you."
  Clenching his jaw Derek was just staring at her, both were just looking at each other thinking, though they were thinking two different things. He thought she was dead. Derek lost her along with his family, minus Cora and Peter. She had the same fate as Erica, Boyd, even Peter momentarily, to be killed by a werewolf. The silence was getting to him. He heard her heart beating into his ears. How could he open his mouth to say something? How?
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She finally said the first words, though they came along with tears. Derek looked away knowing if he stared too long his own emotions would come out, something Derek Hale does not do anymore. He was called a sour wolf for a reason, it was his own way of not letting any too close to let them go. But that moment he realized that Paige was in front of him, that emotions eventually had to be let. “Paige." Derek barely whispered tears welling up in his eyes. 
It was complicated but so was his whole life. But here she was and here he was, standing there both too stunned to say anything. She looked the same, even sounded the same. Finally, Derek saw her running and he opened his arms, ready to fall in love again and ready to catch her. As he felt her make contact with his arms, the tears began to fall from his face, “I’m so sorry." Derek whimpered as he tucked his head into her neck, “I’m so sorry. Forgive me, please forgive me." He whispered against her warm skin.
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
Replies after Teen Wolf.
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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I hate you.
No you don’t, you love me.
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
Sometimes suffering is just suffering. It doesn’t make you stronger. It doesn’t build character. It only hurts.
Kate Jacobs (via practicalmagics)
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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Is going to be crying tears of blood after the new episode tomorrow.
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
Reblog if you're in the Teen Wolf Fandom
Come on, i wanna see those numbers
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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Dean women expert Winchester.
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
I'll be online when I finish watching Lincoln. Replies then.
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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"I still remember our first date. We went to the carnival and walked around for hours, just doing what any normal couple would do. God, you should’ve seen her. She was so beautiful. Anyways, we’d go on rides, eat funnel cakes and cotton candy, oh - then we tried to keep it all down when we finally rode the Zipper after hours of me begging. I won her stuffed animals and stole a few kisses any chance I could get and even when the night was over I still refused to let go of her hand."
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firstlovepaige-blog · 11 years
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