fishthegenderwitch · 3 hours
Everyone please rise for the national anthem.
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fishthegenderwitch · 3 hours
It wrinkles my brain that Jupiter’s moon Europa has oceans that are sixty miles deep, while Earth’s oceans only reach seven miles deep at most. I’m willing to bet good money that there’s life in Europa’s oceans. Like five bucks. You hear me, NASA? I bet you five bucks that there’s life on Europa… Now that there’s money and reputation on the line, I bet they send a mission there real quick.
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fishthegenderwitch · 3 hours
have yall met Mr Wrinkles my 9 year old pumpkin
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fishthegenderwitch · 10 hours
Destroy the myth that libraries are no longer relevant. If you use your library, please reblog.
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fishthegenderwitch · 11 hours
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Meme news: The Brazilian actress Renata Sorrah came out as bisexual at the age of 76
That's her, btw
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She's an icon and also very talented. We Stan.
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Gatekeeping is so good and important
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✨ Cute and Curvy ✨
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I gave my soapbox speech about how weight loss is mostly bullshit to two different patients in a row yesterday and so help me I’m pretty sure one of these days someone is going to say “but SURELY you agree I’d be HEALTHIER if I lost weight!” bc you can see the disbelief in their eyes. And like. Sure, maybe! You might see some improvement in biomarkers like LDL and A1c, and your knees would probably feel better. But you would be amazed at how much more good you can do for yourself by focusing on things you can actually meaningfully change without resorting to making yourself miserable. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables—it’s hard bc they’re more difficult to prepare and more expensive per calorie and go bad faster than other foods, but they’re what we evolved eating the most of so they’re what our bodies need the most of. And walk around more; sure, cardio is great for you, but if it sucks so bad you don’t do it, it isn’t doing shit for you. And we evolved to walk very very long distances, a little bit at a time, so our bodies respond actually very well to adding walks into our schedules, which is vastly easier than adding workouts that are frankly designed to be punishing when the definition of punishing is “makes you less likely to do it again in the future.”
You get one life. It is shorter than you can begin to imagine. Don’t waste it hating yourself because somebody is going to make money off that self-hatred. You deserve better than to be a cash cow for billionaires who pay aestheticians and dermatologists to make them (or at least their trophy wives) look thin and beautiful no matter what they actually do.
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I woke up from a dream this morning wherein I was living in an apartment with my dad, and two random roommates. There were no bugs, there were no mice, but for some reason if someone was in the bathroom, the hallway leading to the bathroom (and by extension my bedroom at the corner of it), shrank so that I couldn't get into my bedroom. My ass was stuck between the door jamb two feet ahead, and the opposite wall. At one point I attempted to pull the wall away from the other one by putting both hands on either side of the doorway and pulling backwards while pushing the wall with my foot. But I just succeeded in making an ominous cracking noise as if the walls were made of cardboard.
Other occurrences in this space, I found a set of two plastic containers that were half an inch thick, and 18"x12" full of loose flour.
One of our roommates got angry that the door had been left open for about 5 minutes after we were done moving something. He slammed the door really hard and it was an ancient wooden medieval door with two long door locks that you slid across into a hole. The door slid down and out of its hinge slots so he picked up the door and threw it down the hallway where it bent. We got a new roommate, don't need one throwing doors around
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Trying to sell handmade crafts in this economy is so. Like. Hey guys I know we're all broke as fuck but do you want my silly little things. I'm very good at it. For the time it takes to make them + skill + materials it's gonna be 30$ per silly little thing. But also shipping costs 12$ for reasons outside my control so it's actually 42$ now. Sorry. No I really can't charge less than that. Yeah I know. Ok. Bye
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"smalltalk" is a doorway. we need doorways. we need not to linger in them forever. small & big-talks and all in between have their place; many rightful complaints regarding the prevalence of smalltalk are really complaints about being trapped in the threshold when we desperately want to let & be let in.
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RB if you think CD drives in computers are not obsolete, but in fact still necessary, despite being artificially phased out
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fishthegenderwitch · 2 days
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I took this photo on my way home from work, just snapped a shot of this beautiful little rosebud as I was walking past. I sent it to my girlfriend and now she uses it as her phone wallpaper ❤️
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fishthegenderwitch · 2 days
I love when I’m in the middle of speaking and suddenly I’m like wait I literally don’t agree with what I’m saying
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fishthegenderwitch · 2 days
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based on a true story
(side note, it's very euphoric drawing my kid self as a girl! i'll have to do more of this!)
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