fishytrollsss · 9 years
welp now ive watched the first three star wars movies! sleeping over at salsas place as ill be home tomorrow night when ive watched the prequels as well and stuff haha u3u movie night is the best shit
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fishytrollsss · 9 years
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Actual real talksprites of Randal because they never put their goggles and scarf down.
And to somehow express his emotions, they use multiple signs.
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fishytrollsss · 9 years
tell me this isn’t the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
well i didnt really wanna let go of all the shit on my old blog so i just unfollowed p much everyone on my old blog and moved back there with this theme and the url fishytrolls
so yeah
you can still find me on fishytrolls its just another blog 
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
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masa's 'im-totes-ok-with-you-breaking-up-with-me-for-some-football-jock-and-ill-totally-not-go-home-and-cry-about-it' face 
and masa in his natural habitat with his sister checking on him and giving him an 'im-judging-you-all-the-way-to-the-moon-and-back' look
unhealthy fankids :') 
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
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soltar got a tiny sprite update u3u (rly just fixed a lot of shit from his old sprite hahahaha)
kittems gonna help him saw his horns off because 1 theyre very noticable and that shits bad when hes wanted 2 they were quite heavy to this is very much a relief for him
look at my fucking dork <3
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
online on pesterchum for the first time in forever
ckeera - perfidiousSlayer hyniks - cloudyBeacon arayah - airheadedChemist
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
when you build a character with the intent of them behaving  a certain way and they’re like ‘nah’ and do their own thing 
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
sometimes i forget about ckeeras teeth
but then i remember and i get scared because wtf boy file those boys down youre going to rip your own mouth up someday
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
Hah. You pissed him off. You look down on the ground, judging that the space between you would give you enough time to get out of the way, if he decided to attack. Funny.
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"So what? All landwellers should get fucking culled and if not at least be our fucking slaves. Not walk around freely like you are. Who the fuck let you out of your fucking cage, lowblooded shitstain?" Let's not talk about how you were so lucky you were hatched with fins being a polyblood. You put a hand on your stomach, starting to laugh at him while still holding the mauled troll by the neck.
"HAHAHA! Oh man your fucking lisp is HILARIOUS! Keep talking this is fucking priceless!" 
Do you ever learn? No.
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You can dig his look, much like you do with all seadwellers. He’s got a nice pair of horns, pretty good looking fins and a simple look. You don’t believe he’s haughty or would belittle you because you are a caste under his. This might be an interesting encounter and you find it slightly refreshing already.
But then he goes about insulting your horns and your lisp. While you are usually pretty tolerant, you will not tolerate unneeded rudeness. It’s already a miracle that you aren’t out looking for troubles, having him insult you only nurture that less patient side of yours. Seadweller or not, you’ll have him respect you.
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”What the motherfuck is your problem. Did I come out as aggressive or anything? Shit, was just trying to chat with you . You looked like a desperate bitch in need of entertainment and I was here to provide. Get the fuck over yourself, brinesucker, I’m just one caste under your own.”
You’re almost sure this is about the hemospectrum.
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
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> Oh goodie GOODIE SOMEONE'S APPROACHING. You are in a mix between annoyed that some troll would cross your path and glad because this might give a bit of entertainment. You look over at the other troll approaching, your eyes going wide just a tiny bit, before you instantly stand up and grab onto your prey and pull it back a bit. 
> Oh shit, that's a tall... Very tall indigo. At least a feet taller than you. You don't intend to let him see any sort of weakness on you though. You bare your teeth at him.
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"What the FUCK do you fucking want, you lispy idiot!?" you angrily answer to the question. Wrong answer. But an answer none the less. "What the fuck is wrong with your fucking horns!? Ugly as shit I tell you."
Best way to deal with tall indigos. Haven't you already learned that? Just take a look at your arm.
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You just came back from your mate’s hive, walking along the beach until you would find your way back to the mob’s mansion. Admittedly, there was a little confusion in your mind right now, and walking in the fresh air was definitely doing good on your slightly sour mood. Fingers daintly pressed against the brand new necklace around your neck as you spot the seadweller and the heap of what you think once was a troll. How about striking a conversation? Surely nothing wrong can come out of it.
No but actually, even if something wrong came out of it, you think that a murderous seadweller is always a better source of entertainment than just going back hive and taking care of your carnivorous plants.
”Sup” You say as you get closer, trying to initiate the conversation smoothly. Your lisp is thick, but you have long stopped caring about it.
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
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> You are casually sitting on the beach, staring out over the ocean with a dead blueblood besides you. He looks to be pretty... Mauled up. And you are covered in blue blood. What a boring night. This had been the only troll around and you hadn't gotten a lot of entertainment out of this guy. You look down at the dead troll, considering if you should just leave now to get your lusus this corpse, or if you should let it get a bit nastier before you'd give it to him. 
> You decide to let it get a bit nastier. How nice it must be to be your lusus.
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
i guess i could make a starter... hmmms 
who even to make a starter with 
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
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> You take the receipt, look at the tag shortly before stuffing it in your pocket.
-t was n-ce meet-ng you too! really! -ts not often - get to meet new trolls - actually dont feel too bad around! so yea|#| -t was great! 
but - really gotta' das|#| now! 
> You pick up your stuff under your arm and literally start running down the street while waving AND THIS TIME keeping an eye on where you run so you don't run into another troll. You had totally forgotten the fact you had made her powers go away, poor thing would get them back as soon as you had run around the corner towards your store.
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o|-|, dont worry about it…i s|-|ould probably |-|ead |-|ive too.
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|-|uh..? o-o|-| rig|-|t…
» You take the piece of paper and put it in your dress pocket for safekeeping. It would only be fair to give him yours, too. Just so he knows its you if you decide to contact him, or vice versa. You take out an old receipt from your other pocket and a small pen and write “Marlee, reluctantSerenade” on the back of it.
|-|eres mine, too…
» You stand up and hand it out to him.
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i-it was really nice meeting you, dramee…good luck wit|-| your work.
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
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> Shit. You frantically fish up your handheld device to check the clock. Mhmmm. You knock yourself a bit on the forehead with your knuckles and then get up to get your stuff.
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-m really sorry but - gotta go! - need to get t|#|e rest of my suppl-es before t|#|e stores close! work related |#|a|#|a! very -mportant! 
but... u|#||#| -ll g-ve you my troll-an |#|andle -f you want -t?
> You suddenly feel a bit stressed and fix up a piece of paper and a pen from your modus. Always a good thing to have with you, never know when you could meet possible customers. Just like the fabric samples. You write down on the piece of paper: Dramee enigmaticBombyx, before reaching it out for her, looking down the street.. Just waiting for her to take it, if she wanted it at least.
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» That kinda caught you off guard. You look around quickly to judge the sky.
o-o|-|„,t|-|e time? i t|-|ink it s|-|ould be around four or five…at least. 
» You yourself had lost track of time as well. Hopefully your lusus isn’t too worried about you. 
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i-im sorry…i |-|ope you |-|avent missed any stores…
» You admit, you felt bad for making him stay with you. At the time, you had started not feeling right, and you felt saver with someone around who you you at least possibly trust to not hurt you while you were incapacitated. From the looks of things in the area, getting hive shouldn’t be too much of a problem hopefully.
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
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yea|#| t|#|at was pretty -mportant... - st-ll remember |#|er face w|#|en s|#|e got -t |#|a|#|a...
> You sort of space out a bit. Let's just say you may be daydreaming a bit. It was an important thing. She was important. But you quickly shake  your head and sit up straight looking a bit frantic.
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u|#| dang... sorry - seem to |#|aaaave space out a b-t? damn... u|#| t|#|e clock s|#|-t - need to get t|#|e last suppl-es before t|#| stores closes  do you know the t-me?
> You ended up talking really fast and a bit gibberish'y. Oh wow, calm down, you big fucking dork.
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o|-|…a ball? t|-|at sounds pretty important…so its a good t|-|ing you did stay up to finis|-| it t|-|en…
» Swing your feet a bit and look down at them, then back at Dramee. You wonder what your lusus is doing right now, speaking of chinchillas. Probably at hive napping. You yawn at the thought and hug your arms to your chest again, holding your elbows in your hands. .
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fishytrollsss · 10 years
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