fitfave · 7 years
#1 The Begin
Hello to you, hello everybody in the world, I’m Natalie! Please welcome to FitFave, the journal where I’ll keep track of my training process, routine, food & food tracking, and other life-related things since fitness and health are now things that involve my whole world. 
The main purpose of this is not only sharing my world and experience with you, to inspire other people and be part of a Health & Fitness community but also to keep me strong and motivate to do more for me and for everybody else. I’ll be posting quick everyday notes about everything, some pictures here or there, and all those good stuff. Don’t expect big texts in here! Life’s hurry and we want to keep it real. If I can do it, you can do it too!
So, if you want to join me in this, you can use the #fitfavego ‘cause I’ll track you all! Together we can create a solid, strong team and the best happy, confident versions of ourselves! 
See you all soon!
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