fitlife19-blog1 · 7 years
My first fitness blog
Well, here I am. This is my first actual blog that I’ve ever created in my life. I feel like I do better at writing then talking to people face to face. I get my feelings better out in words then actual talking.
Obviously, this is a fitness blog. My life has pretty much been dedicated to this lifestyle for the past year and a half or so. Fitness for me is a huge stress release and I am addicted to the changes I see to my body everyday. This lifestyle is also thanks to my own personal trainer, Ricky. If it wasn’t for him being in my life, then who knows where I would be right now. All I know is that I probably would be somewhere else and not writing this blog as we speak.
I mainly turned towards to fitness because I was sick and tired of hearing from my mom that I was fat and all. Even though I looked like I was ok on the outside, I was a mess on the inside. It kept tearing at me until I finally took things into my own hands and joined Lifetime Fitness. I’ve been a member of Lifetime for almost three years. Once I first started going, I did not go every day like I do now. I pretty much only went when I felt like it. Lifetime was also reasonable to my current job at the time.
I’ve been training with Ricky for the past year and a half, since April of 2016. My birthday is in April and I had a free PT session available for my use. Since that time, there was no looking back since. If it wasn’t for Ricky, I probably would not be alive today. He has saved and changed my life so much. He has changed my life so much that I actually pursued a personal training career.
I am a CPT now through NASM. I got certified the beginning of September of this year. I had to take the exam three times. The third time was a charm!
For me, this year has been extremely difficult. I got fired twice. I broke my left wrist very badly in July while doing box jumps. I broke the styloid process completely off of my ulna. I also broke the distal radius in 5-6 spots. I was suppose to get surgery in August but health insurance was not being friendly at the time. I am currently in therapy now. I go back to see the surgeon in a week to decide if I need surgery still. I am still in pain doing certain things and my wrist is semi-deformed. This injury has not stopped me from pursuing my goals at the gym. Even though I had a cast on for 8 weeks, I still went and busted my ass. I’m not one of those people who would just sit on their ass at home and feel bad for myself. I get up and pursue my goals!
Besides the jobs and my broken wrist, I also lost my grandma this past August. Her death was extremely hard on me. Even though I know she’s in a better place, I am still grieving her death. If it wasn’t for my boyfriend at the time, I would have been a much worse mess then how I was originally. He lost his mother the day after Mother’s Day in May. I’m very glad that I was there for him during his time of loss.
I fell in love with him. Granted, we only been dating 6 months. He was my everything and made me the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I pictured myself marrying him. But, he broke up with me at the end of October. He did it in a text message which was extremely heart breaking and cowardly of him. He also blocked me on every social media outlet and on the phone. I miss him a lot. Everyone keeps telling me to move on with my life but I just can’t when he’s still in my heart. I just want to talk to him one more time. I’m just going to continue to pray that one day, he will reach out to me.
I know this was one long ass post but I just do a better job at writing out my feelings and such. I’m less emotional that way. I’m sure I’ll be writing more as these days move on. I’ll most likely be posting my workouts of the day even though they don’t change much because I still can’t lift using my left wrist. I have to workout with a wrist brace.
Have a fit life and happy Thursday!!!
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