five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 4 29/06/2020- 03/07/ 2020
This week I designed some details: 1. I designed the LOGO about the cafe, it will become the representative of the entire cafe, so it needs to reflect the two themes of the cafe, so I will iceberg and cyberpunk Combined to form the following two conceptual pictures. 2. We made some killer images that will be used in the design report, and they will well represent our design. 3. Through Lucy's suggestion, I also planned the clothing of the staff of the cafe. Because in the cyberpunk theme, the entire cafe will turn off most of the lights, the atmosphere will be dim, so the staff's clothing I hope Clothes that can use this LED light, they are like some stickman in the dark, very interesting
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 4 22/06/2020- 26/06/ 2020
This week we made new comments and we showed everyone the progress of our design. 1. In order to better bring the theme of climate change into the cafe, I changed the design of the bar table. Inspired by the melting of icebergs, the entire table resembles an iceberg floating on the sea surface. It is an irregular body composed of plastic. One side is made of glass. This material can reflect the light to render the atmosphere. 2. The design of the bar counters and windows is mainly based on the irregular structure of ice cubes, bringing the whole cafe into the feeling of icebergs. 3. There are two modes in the entire cafe, and the theme of melting icebergs can be seen during the day, which fully reflects the impact of climate change on people. At night, when the lights dim, the LED lights around the furniture will light up one after another, changing the theme to cyberpunk, which can be freely switched between the two themes
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 4 15/06/2020- 19/06/ 2020
The tutor gave me a lot of useful suggestions before, which made me realize that there is an obvious deficiency in the design of my "Cyberpunk Cafe", which is not well expressed in terms of climate change. Climate change and cyberpunk The connection is very weak, and I need to show more about climate change design. So I discovered immersive art, which is a new type of space art that has been popular in recent years. Designers often bring the entire design to the space, let people immerse themselves in the design, and resonate with the design. I think this is very Interesting, this can be achieved very well using VR. So I started my research on immersive art. In the end, I decided to bring the experience of melting snow to the cafe area
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 4 08/06/2020- 12/06/ 2020
This week on Monday we showed everyone a new design plan and made a new plan and project concept. And began to study how to use the website to display their own works. The website is a good platform to display their own works, which can pave the way for future career choices, and other people can better understand ourselves. We are also making our own website for the first time. After a discussion, we evaluated three websites, and we decided to use WIX as the platform of our website. It is very simple and exquisite.
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 4 01/06 / 2020 - 05/06/2020
This week we started our last semester, which will be our graduation project. In this project, we will design the previous works more in-depth and show more details and processes. The team started to restart this new project and made a new proposal.
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 3 18/05 / 2020-22/ 05/2020
Finally, when we arrived at the final review, our team finally successfully completed the entire project, and everyone was very happy. Although I still did not get rid of the tension in this presentation, I did all I could do. I think this is very important. Secondly, I am very grateful to tutor for his feedback to us later, which is very helpful to us Know your shortcomings. I hope I can do better in the future.
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 3 11/05 / 2020-15 / 05/2020
The overall design of the cafe is inspired by cyberpunk's online pictures. Those pictures about cyberpunk are always full of colorful neon lights, which may be the embodiment of a society with excessive information expansion. In the last week's experiment, I made a new cafe model. In order to reflect the atmosphere of information explosion, I tried to put advertising logos of various colors into the scene, and wanted to decorate the entire space with their own colors. , But the effect is very bad, because the color of each advertisement is very bright, which makes the color of the entire space very chaotic. Although chaos is also one of the definitions of cyberpunk, we need to grasp a balance. So in the end I gave up the plan and restarted the design and partitioned the space This time I referred to some exhibition hall designs, and I tried to design our facilities with the simplest square. For example, for a sofa, the frame of the entire sofa is very simple. There is even an iron shelf, and there is neon light tied to the iron, so that there is only a light line in the darkness, which is very interesting. I tried to use a cuboid frame to represent tall buildings, and irregular polygons to design cloud lights. In the end, I put them in lumion to render, and the effect was not bad.
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 3 04/05 / 2020-05 / 05/2020
This week we put all our energy on the paper, because the final paper will be submitted next week. In order to better understand the cyberpunk in the movie, I watched the films "Blade Runner" and "mad max" both have shadows about cyberpunk. All are dystopian backgrounds. The sense of "Blade Runner" is more in line with the cyberpunk in the minds of most people. It uses a lot of gray scenes and bright neon lights, making people feel that the city is vicissitudes and mysteries tech ". "Mad max" is mainly a story that will get rid of the utopian government control. The heroine's mechanical arm is matched with the worn clothes. I like it very much. This wonderful sense of contradiction is very attractive. A large number of mechanical devices are used in the film, and some people even transform their bodies into machinery. These two movies gave me a lot of inspiration, one is a combination of gray screens and neon lights, and the other is a combination of mechanical equipment and plain fabric.
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 3 27/04 / 2020-01/ 05/2020
This week I started the preliminary planning for my cafe. After confirming the location, I found that it was a relatively long space. The whole was like a rectangle, one side was completely open, and the other three sides were closed, like a box. First of all, I did some research on other punk style cafes and found that they use pink and cyan lights most. This cool color light is very bright, and the contrast is also very large, which can catch people's attention. Secondly, create a cyberpunk atmosphere in the future. The environment needs to be darker, which can show a little mystery. On the other hand, the other two students in my group started the design of the external space, and began to try to use Unity. We are all using this software for the first time. Everything is unknown. Although it is difficult, but after the efforts of 3 people Still slowly master the method, and ready to start making videos.
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 3 20/04 / 2020-24/ 04/2020
This week I started a new research glitch art. This particular style is a bit similar to cyberpunk, they come from some "accidents" in life, such as mechanical failure, TV screen distortion, and messy images. These mistakes were first discovered by some artists, who discovered different aesthetics in these failures. For example, in the TV shown below, the artist placed a large magnet on this old TV, which caused the TV screen to malfunction, display a weird image, and have distorted colors. This is very interesting, like the information from aliens, mysterious and strange. In the research process, I found that this may be brought into our design, because the style and color of this faulty art are very similar to cyberpunk, which can make our works more abundant.
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 3 30/03 / 2020-03 / 04/2020
This week we ushered in our first review. We combined all the work of the three people in our group and showed them to other students. First of all, we showed the threats brought by sea level rise and the data of sea level rise in recent years. Second, we planned the work afterwards and organized the videos that we will need to do later. In this review, I explain After understanding the definition of cyberpunk and showing the appearance of cyberpunk in some cartoonists and movies, many students are also attracted to this fantasy style like me. Then I showed the research about the lamp I did this week, and did an experiment about the neon lamp, and finally showed the renderings. About this neon experiment: we set the neon in the space for the first time, and tried to make a punk atmosphere, but since we have not studied the combination of light color and brightness test, this time the effect is not as good as expected, but Is a good start
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 3 23/03/2020-27/03/2020
This week we determined the specific location of our project, a rectangular space next to the barbican centre cinema and an outdoor cafe space. We decided to make an exhibition hall and a coffee shop, and to design with the theme of "submerged city". My plan is to design a cyberpunk cafe bar. Since cyberpunk is a not-so-friendly future, such a society is full of contradictions and struggles, as well as a bad environment and a turbulent society. Therefore, we want to attract audiences and warn people through these cyberpunk designs, so that people pay attention to protecting the environment.
Secondly, in my research, I found that the cyberpunk style is very special in the use of lights. They are mainly based on cool colors, so I plan to do an in-depth study of the lights, which will be the key to the punk atmosphere.
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 16/03/2020 - 20/03/2020
Since the preliminary manuscript of the paper will be submitted this week, the work of the group is temporarily suspended. We have only done some research on the exhibition hall. We have found many exhibition halls designed by famous designers on the Internet. We have also learned a lot about the environment. The inspiration about the atmosphere.
Regarding the preliminary manuscript of the thesis, my thesis mainly studies the style of cyberpunk, which is a magical style from science fiction and movies, and it represents a story of resistance to oppression. There are often dystopian stories in cyberpunk, and because it is the future world, the gorgeous lights and complex mechanical sense are very fascinating to me, so I want to learn what is cyberpunk through this paper. And apply it to your own projects.
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five-sheep-posts-blog 4 years
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Project 3 聽09/03/2020 - 13/03/2020
This week we conducted a preliminary study on the "barbican centre" of our choice, analyzed its geographical location and history, and classified the main functions of the group. We found that it was mainly for various exhibitions and concerts. , Of which there are also cinemas and cafes. Then we observed the ripples on the sea surface and thought of the problem of sea level rise, imagined the problems caused by sea level rise, and combined with the online data to make predictions. In the end we decided on the theme of our project "Flooded City". We discussed in the library all afternoon and used PS to make a few pictures of the city flooded
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