A few comments on my idea “Sisyphean stories”
Somebody asked me for more details about my idea for this AU, and after answering some questions (link to the ask/response), I wanted to clarify a few points (the link whisks you to a previous post giving the general gist). Thanks for asking anon, I appreciate the interaction :)
(trigger warning below the cut, near the bottom of the post because I talk a bit about miscarriage) (827 words)
So far, I think that MC’s first love is Arthur (just posted my first story ft. flirtation incarnate), but they end up falling for Jean next (Chapter two is in the works :)
Anon asked if MC will have some bad endings, and the answer is absoFRUITLY. MC’s first tragedy is actually the catalyst for why they end up pursuing another suitor, since after the ‘big sad event’, Mc can’t really stomach seeing Arthur in the same way… :(
There won’t be violence depicted in my stories, but there will be loss… If you know then you know
Jean and Napoleon went a bit too hard and Napoleon ended up with a broken hand? Congrats little Leon, as soon as MC is reset, it’ll be like your hand was never broken
MC was on the brink of death because they’d be stabbed? *hand waving magic: RESET* MC is now back in the corridor, and although the recollection of agony is very recent, MC’s body is unharmed
I strongly considered using this ‘unchanging body’ as a major plot point, wherein MC and Arthur would do the do pretty early on in MC's time slice, and in the middle of the time slice MC would realize that they're pregnant with Arthur's child, but I decided that it wasn’t the most gender inclusive. Instead, I thought of an equally heartbreaking event that causes MC to drift from Arthur... Coming soon ;)
How I thought the plot point would play out 
They're glowing with anticipation, having managed to delude convince themselves that surely their baby will be exempt from being reset... the pain of losing a child and also having to experience that anguish alone is too much for MC, and even though their heart yearns to be able to go back and never know this pain, they can’t but Arthur can and does. Against all reason, MC can’t look at Arthur the same way. Because of the time reset, Arthur doesn’t even recognize MC at first, let alone realize that in MC’s perception, twenty minutes ago they had a baby bump were singing lullabies together for the baby to hear in utero. MC has to mourn the loss of their child without the support of their partner. Right after the reset, MC exits the corridor into the mansion, numb and despondent. They don’t speak much, avoiding Arthur’s gaze. Eventually, they approach Jean, the heretic who was burned for his visions. Explaining that, in a way, they also had vision, the two become close. A balm to their broken heart, Jean is everything that Arthur isn’t and even though MC has a lot of love for Arthur, after all, he’s still the wonderful person that MC knows, but MC just can’t. To be lovers again would only serve as a reminder of what MC had lost. MC is still kind to Arthur, but is determined to keep him at an arm’s length. Their stiffness upsets Arthur quite a bit, but he doesn’t lose too much sleep over it. )
MC is stuck in an endless time loop, and given the infinite possibilities, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong
But on the positive side, it’s also possible for MC to have a time slice that’s teeming with joy!
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hey i really like your story idea! it reminds me of a really good fanfic i read awhile ago for an obscure otome that used the Groundhog Day concept. If you did make a story or stories of it i would love to read it! :) have you considered if mc will have bad endings too perhaps? like where she dies and wakes up in front of the door again? if she writes down everything in her diary (it happens in one route), would it stay? would she write reminders on her body and would that last? would she grow older or would time keep her body the same and she only kept her memories? personally i also really love the concept of despite mc being jaded also being so in love (especially if she changes love interests to try and end the cycle but loves them all) with them and the struggles that brings them all together. I know you said you’re only a few routes in and I have no idea how much you know or want to know about spoilers but I wonder if you have an idea of the overall plot of why it’s happening and if you’d include some of the japanese routes elements just because i know they have about 5% more lore about the door. Anyway I think this is a really cool idea and I look forward to seeing what’s done with it :)
Hi hi! Thanks for asking! I didn’t know there was an otome that was groundhog day-esque, that’s totally down my alley! To answer your questions,my original idea was actually for  MC to have quite a few tragedies, and chronicle the changes in MC’s personality/attitude as a result of this. (General Spoiler note at the bottom)
In terms of dying, the moment they reach the point where a medical doctor would declare them “brain dead”, they open their eyes in the corridor again. 
They never get to “follow the light” and see what happens after we die.
Basically, whenever there’s a reset, everything is reverted back to how it was during the time of MC’s arrival at the mansion. 
I have a head canon that they convinced Leo and Napoleon to get matching tattoos with them, but after the reset, the tattoo vanished, like it never existed (but MC clearly remembers having it)
Age wise, their body never changes past the few months. MC is forever frozen at their current age (tbh I’d cry if that happened to me because I still look 12 despite being 22). 
Honestly, if you know any spoilers I’d love to learn! Although I’m not trying to replicate MC’s route, having better knowledge of each of the suitors and the general plot would be super helpful in better characterizing everyone! 
I don’t know anything about the JP routes, and I desperately wish that I knew enough Chinese characters to be able to guess my way through the kanji, but alas, I do now :(
I have a faint idea that Vlad basically thinks the future is doomed unless he manages to make everyone into vampires (I hope he intends on growing a boat load of the blanc-flower)
Since I don’t know much about Vlad and his plot, I figure that for MC, each of their ‘groundhog day sessions’ will only last 3-4 months, enough time to make it past the epilogue. I’ll have to think of something for Vincent, since I heard he ends up going to the future for MC but it’s a year or two later.... 
In general, this concept is pretty fuzzy to me, very touch and go
I don’t know if I want to give all of the suitors super long stories
Some suitors will also get multiple stories, because as far as I can imagine, MC is going through infinite resets, so there are limitless possibilities ~
I haven’t decided if the time loop will ever break for MC
If anyone has an idea, shoot me a message! If I can write it, I’ll try my best to do so! Like a monkey with a typewriter, anything is possible for MC
Did MC spend a time slice completely ignoring the residents and accepting Comte’s offer to live in a private villa? Who knows~ (probably, yes)
Did they decide to ask Comte to turn them, hoping being a vampire would stop the time loop???
Maybe MC even decided to set Comte and Leonardo up!
Anything except breaking the time loop, which MC has tried almost a hundred times, collaborating with Isaac and Leonardo
Please give constructive criticism! I do tend towards longer sentences, and am not sure how best to position dialogue in a way that’s most readable. Formatting in general is a bit new to me. Thank you! 
I really appreciate your ask! 
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Sisyphean Stories: The first time the big groundhog day reveal actually went well (1)
Summary: a quick little drabble (?) regarding how the residents react when MC reveals that they’ve actually been in this situation thrice before. MC is pining for Arthur but also drinking her ‘respect for people's autonomy’ juice. 
Chosen Suitor: Arthur from Ikevamp
Reset count: 3 (To be clear, at the start of this story, MC has experienced the plot 3 times) [MC has not experienced dying (yet)]
On a scale of ‘effervescent optimism’ - ‘jaded nihilism’, how pessimistic is MC?: effervescent optimism (the big sad event will be next, this will be lighthearted <3)
wordcount: 1,754
“-now I apologize for using so much technical jargon, but I learnt these terms from Isaac and Leonardo and they assured me that this was the most effective manner to explain this.” Exhaling at the end of their monologue, MC sat back, hoping that they successfully convinced the residents of their fantastic claims. 
The long pause that followed MC’s was daunting, but at least this time nobody was shouting or accusing them of being an insane stalker (or a heretic).
Arthur was the first to speak, his lips turned up in an arrogant smile as he lilted, 
“So, Mc, you’re telling me that you’ve already re-lived this era three times, and you still choose me? I must say, you must really enjoy the time we spend together~~~! In that case-”
“Arthur I tell you that not only am I a time traveler, but I’m also trapped in a repeating loop,  something that ought to be impossible, and you’re trying to bring this back to how good you are in bed?” MC didn’t miss a beat when they quipped back, prepared for Arthur’s flirtatiousness. 
Despite the exasperated tone of their retort, MC was in fact relieved at how well Arthur took their time-travel reveal. In fact, the previous two times, it took days for MC to gain the confidence of the vampires. Having learned their lesson, never again would MC start off their conversations with intimate details. As it turns out, some art dealers find it highly disturbing if a stranger waltzes in and happens to know all of their favorite things. This time, MC planned on a more subtle approach.
“They do have a point-” Though it was uncharacteristic of the introvert to willingly partake in a conversation with a stranger, curiosity compelled his behavior. Isaac’s eyes shone with interest, the challenge of a spatio-temporal enigma was exhilarating and he seemed far more interested in the topic at hand than his breakfast. 
“Newt you wound me! Obviously my charm and skill transcend t-” feigning offense, Arthur dramatically placed a hand to his chest, giving every indication of his intent to act the frivolous playboy. 
“Oh hush I couldn’t care less about that! Comte’s door- which he has yet to let me analyze- has produced someone who claims to be reliving the same time. What were your words, ‘a time loop’? While I don’t think that Mic is lying, the temporal paradox alone suggests that such an occurrence would contradict the very fabric of our reality as we know it. Excuse me, Mc, do tell me, what changes have you noticed? With what methodology have you approached each of your ‘rebirths’? Do you know the exact duration of each of your stays?” With each question he grew more animated, unconsciously losing his shyness to his inquisitive nature. 
Noticing Isaac gradually inching closer to Mc, Dazai began to laugh jovially, “Ai-chan! Who knew all it took to bring you from your shell was to bring in someone from the future! I’m quite hurt, you realize that I come from the future as well, yet you’ve never shown me this much interest! I know I’m not as attractive as MC, but you still haven’t warmed to me in the slightest.”
Even though Dazai didn’t intend his words as barbs, Isaac’s demeanor quickly changed when he was called out on his proclivity for reticence, rose blooming on his cheeks as he stammered “T-that’s b-bbecause you’re incapable of speaking in a straightforward m-manner!” (1)
Embarrassed, the scholar’s posture slumped in his chair, suddenly intrigued with his sandwich. Knowing better than to try to immediately ameliorate all of the relationships in the mansion (their previous resets were fraught with headaches due to their zeal for acting the therapist), MC instead glanced back at the Scottish flirt, most interested in his reaction. It was only meant to be a quick peek. 
Since this Arthur didn’t know them yet, MC knew how unfair it was to feel hurt when this Arthur didn’t look at them with the same enamored zeal that the MC was accustomed to. MC wouldn’t dare use their prior knowledge of Arthur as evidence to convince him that they were once true lovers. Relationships were built on trust. Knowing that brute force approaches never succeed in amorous endeavors, and realizing that despite their shared history, MC was not entitled to the affection of this Arthur, MC was careful to not come on too strongly.  MC steeled themself for the possibility that perhaps this Arthur wouldn’t return their love. Nonetheless, MC was prepared to be as transparent as possible, hoping that Arthur would naturally fall in love with them, ready to accept if he weren’t. They didn’t want love with Arthur if he had to be convinced of it. Not wanting Arthur to feel uncomfortable, MC tried to restrain any outward indications of the affection they felt for the Scottish author. 
 However, as soon as their eyes met, MC couldn’t help losing themself in the vast ocean of Arthur’s eyes, seeing their best friend, their counterpart, their love. If Arthur was uncomfortable with MC’s tender gaze, he didn’t show it. Beyond the pure adoration that was obvious in this stranger’s expression, Arthur saw silent longing tinged with grief, the melancholy reminiscent of how so many soldiers looked during the war. This person, their eyes are far too aged. Why does their countenance suggest knowing such pain? Struggling to deconstruct the person in front of him, Arthur knew that despite the implausibility of their story, the earnest aura emanating from their person was evidence enough of the veracity of their claims. This person seems far too pure and kind to have been my lover, but I don’t sense they’re lying. I suppose there are worse mysteries I could expose. Fortunately, this one is so cute!
“MC, let’s talk some more. I’d like to know you more~” 
Although they heard the double entendre of Arthur’s words, MC was nonetheless eager that Arthur was giving them a chance. Despite the outwardly risqué air of Arthur’s words, MC knew that beneath that bravado was a lonely man, desperate for someone to see past the many façades he wore like armor. Moreover, this time Arthur’s words relayed much more emotion, as if he were allowing himself hope. 
As they both rose from the breakfast table, Vincent was happy that MC and Arthur were happy, innocently calling out towards MC “I’d like to know you too!”
“Broer, I’m not sure they’re planning on exchanging their deepest and darkest secrets…” Silently cursing the pair, Theo realized he’d have to explain the biblical meaning of ‘to know someone’ to Vincent. 
~Bonus notes!~
Thoughts going through the suitors' heads during MC's explanation of their time slicing and sCiEnCe:
Isaac: how intriguing! this interpretation of Aristotle's efficient cause is quite unique ...Could this phenomenon be an indication of Aristotle's συμβεβηκός (symbebekòs, chance)? I must know more! 
Vincent: (doesn't understand a lick of the scientific parts of MC's explanation but is nonetheless happy to see a friendly new face) they seem so sweet and chipper! I hope we can be friends!
Dazai: This poor child has yet to realize the severity of their sentence. Cruel Fate, was Sisyphus not enough for you? (Dazai, being the sadboi that supports other sadbois, is determined to preserve MC's optimism for as long as possible, not in the least willing for another to experience the same despondent thoughts that plagued himself. sidenote: I love Dazai so much let me give my ssris)
Theo: (science words also flew past him) Finally Arthur has someone else to bother. Now that this crazy person is here, I won't be dragged to the bar as often. (Eager that the time he had, begrudgingly, allocated for 'that four eyed pervert' appears to be free, he considers how many more clients he'll be able to meet with)
Sebastian and Comte: MC explained this in detail to the pair the night before, currently Sebastian is observing the reactions of the others for his shrine journal. Comte pensively regards the hour glass in his study, perhaps there is a clue to the door he had never noticed? Comte makes a mental note to keep MC's existence a secret, it had been ages since he'd even heard whispers of Vlad, but he feared what the former Voivode would do should he learn of MC
Mozart: how noisy it is...
Leo: (fell asleep during the parts where MC talked about how much they loved Arthur, but was wide awake for the technical details funny, the author is the opposite) Finally a fascinating study! They seem quite knowledgeable, perhaps Isaac and I have met our intellectual equal? Together the three of us could discover the fabric of time... (genius brain juices are flowing rn, sorry Leo, MC isn't gonna be a MENSA candidate anytime soon, they're paraphrasing exactly what you and Isaac coached them during MC's previous time slice. This time they prepared a script for MC that they were fairly confident would convince themselves. Poor MC had to memorize it, it took them a month.)
Napoleon and Jean: (not present, the former is sleeping soundly while the latter is drowning in self loathing and shunning interpersonal contact)
Shakes: (not present, too afraid of Leonardo to come without either Comte's express permission or Vincent's angelic vibes to protect him. Doesn't know enough about MC’s timey weirdo-ness to snitch to Vlad)
Bonus to the bonus
A month after the big reveal, Arthur has fallen head over heels for for MC. They are that couple that acts married but actually aren't. A crime (petty and other) solving couple, a power couple if you will. Odysseus and Penelope ain't got nothing on MCxArthur.
Arthur: Now now my dove, you really haven't been interested in any of the other men? It's understandable that in front of the others it's best to show a united front lest the others try to pursue you. But it's just us now, and I'm already hopelessly in love with you, don't be afraid to speak the truth~~~. (How did he manage to verbalize ~ ???)
MC: Arthur, even if this was my hundredth time, it will always be you. Although I can't  predict how many iterations of this time period I'll be subject to, I am sure that nothing on this earth could ever keep me from your side.
Arthur: * does whatever the Scottish equivalent of 'kyaa!' is*
(My sweet summer child, just you wait for the heartbreak that this narrator is about to subject you to)
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Sisyphean Stories, Summarized (reformatted)
An idea for an Ikemen Vampire AU, based off of Cybird’s , where Comte’s door is much more problematic than previously thought, and after each suitor’s epilogue scene, MC suddenly finds themself back in the prologue, at the moment just before they enter the mansion.
This MC is gender neutral (please let me know if I make any mistakes :) and starts out the relatively kind, polite, well mannered MC we all know and love. I may or may not call MC ‘Mickey/Mic’ since it feels pretty gender neutral.
I really did look at the letters ‘M’ and ‘C’ together and read ‘Mick’. Sorrynotsorry
Note 1: Not sure if I’ll write out individual fics for every suitor, but I’ll try to give some sort of a time line to order them according to where they fall within MC’s perception of time.
Def. will write a denouement piece (I suggest as I haven’t written a single substantive story) where after going through goodness knows how many replays of the same general plot, MC is a little broken, a lot insane, and a heck-ton nihilistic. MC doesn’t turn evil, but does grow rather jaded and numb. Presumably, MC will have experienced all possible timelines/suitor routes.
Note 2: MC remembers previous encounters as well as any average human would, so not a photographic memory, more of a ‘I spark noted this route but I do indeed have a few episodic memories of the more moving events’.  
A you can expect, no matter what MC does during their ‘slice of timeslip’, everything is reset when MC is pulled (?yeeted?) back to that dreaded corridor. They could pull a Napoleon 2.0 world domination card in their route, but eventually they’ll open their eyes in the same corridor, their previous actions having absolutely no consequence significance purpose value effect in the grand scheme of things
it’s pretty clear how MC comes to believe that literally nothing matters
…because in this story, nothing matters
~that being said, my dear reader, YOU matter. On a painfully real note, it can be pretty easy to start drowning in feelings of despair and emptiness, and sometimes you don’t even realize that depression has begun to sneak in until it’s already begun to color your vision, whispering the cruelest things in order to break you.
~but at the end of the day, no matter what happens, you do matter. The way you interact with others, how you make them smile, how you care about the well being of others, well, no one else is quite like you.
~on the days when you feel replaceable, unlovable, stagnant, alone, when those emotions overwhelm you, never forget that there are so many people in the world who see how delightfully wonderful you are. You are so very loved, by your friends, your family, random strangers on the internet.
~Your value is inherent in your person-hood, and even people who have never met you wish you happiness and solace.
~everybody is important, not due to their relation to others, or their life story, but due to the sheer magnificence that is their own existence. Living in a world that is demanding and restricting is a feat, and it’s okay to feel burdened.
~please remember that you deserve to be happy.
The only constant in all of these (besides the fact that they’re literally reliving the same sliver of time without end) is that MC is a huge reader.
Which is great, because MC probably would have lost their mind a lot sooner had it not been for the limitless library at their disposal. MC’s escape from their never-ending rerun is the worlds contained within the pages of their Comte’s precious books.
MC may as well claim them, bc Comte probably couldn’t even tell you the content of half of the books in his library. He just likes the aesthetic
side note: Knowing that he’d be housing certified geniuses, he expanded his already impressive library in order to accommodate their varied interests
something something Tyrion Lannister quote ‘a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone’
don’t get me wrong, Comte def. is well read, he just has matters to attend to, unlike Leo, who has no tangible responsibilities and is free to read to his heart’s content
It comes to a point where, after so many ‘resets’ MC could rival the entire mansion combined in terms of literary prowess~
Disclaimer 1: I don’t own these characters, they’re all Cybird’s. 
Disclaimer 2: Have only completed Leonardo, Isaac, and Arthur’s routes, so I’m a bit weak in terms of accurately portraying the vamps. Please be merciful, but critical.
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Idea: Sisyphean Stories
Breaking the 4th wall, where Ikevamp’s MC arrives at the mansion like normal, gets ~familiar~ with chosen suitor, goes through the drama, but shortly after the epilogue, they open their eyes to find themself smack in the middle of the prologue, unwittingly reenacting chapter 1′s scene. 
Yep, it’s groundhog day for our dear MC, although it takes a handful of ‘timeslips’ before they catch on to the absurdity of their situation. If the pureblood vamps were salty about the monotony of living for eternity, MC is a fully seasoned and seething vat of frustration. :) 
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TRUTH. What you need is imagination, and you don’t need to go anywhere to use it.
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Wolf pup howling for the first time
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“Why do you beat yourself up so much over little mistakes?”
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“Junior! There you are! What are you doing in the airport?”
“I have a math test today. I need to leave the country.”
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“Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and ten to one she has the means of settling well, without further expense to anybody.”
— Mansfield Park, Jane Austen (via macrolit)
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This dog was depressed for 2 years after his best friend died, but then this duck showed up
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So I’ll cut to the chase on this since a lot of people are dying, drowning, and screaming for help in Cagayan and Isabela, Philippines. A lot of them have also been stranded and are standing on their rooftops as we speak.
I’m here to post a collection of donation drives that I’ve gathered online. If we can’t help them physically, we can at least make sure they have monetary assistance, food and clothing once they’re evacuated.
This is how Cagayan looks, from recent photos (not mine)
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TW: screams and shouts for help
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Please feel free to add on this post for any other ways to help.
For context:
The Philippines has been hit by three consecutive typhoons this month alone: Quinta, Rolly (Goni internationally) and Ulysses. It’s been hitting nearly the same areas, which has made them even more vulnerable now that they’re still recovering from the previous typhoons. Our mountain ranges couldn’t shield us from this due to heavy quarrying and deforestation.
That said, these aren’t the only places in need of assistance. But these are the places in urgent need of help. And we’re trying to do as best as we can with what little we have.
I’ll update this post from time to time for full transparency.
[November 14, 2020 3:13 AM GMT+8]
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On Ig, @titotheraccoon
Why do I feel like this is something vincent would do with brush?
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Ikevamp+ Running into him in the modern day 1/2
Basically this is a “what if” if Mc was forced against her will to go back. Not by Comte st.Germaine but by the odd force of magic that rules the timewarp that sends them back in time. So Mc goes forward in time, back to paris, with a massive headache and no concious memory of what had happened to her. The boys are all forging forward through time to see her again. How will they meet? Owo? 
Part 1 has Theodorus, Leonardo, Shakespeare, Mozart, Jean and Isaac
The Musee D’orsay was beautiful. Just another museum in the city that you lived in, but for some reason you were drawn here, and to this specific exhibit. The paintings of Vincent Van Gogh were breathtaking, and you found yourself standing in the room long after many people had filtered out. Surely the next person in there would be a guard, telling you to go home. “It’s brilliant work.” A man’s deep voice spoke to you, and you let out a small chuckle. “It’s more than brilliant.” You responded, “I feel this odd magnetism to it, as though- as though I knew him.” Theo laughed as well, unaware of your presence next to him. “I know how you feel.” Those words trailed off as the two of you turned to look at each other. The connections were made in your mind, and Theo recognized you as well. “Hondje.” He smiled, hoping it was really you. 
 Work was exceptionally dead today. J’t(e)aime was the combined book store and cafe in the heart of Paris that you worked in. Most days, it was rather busy with all kinds of patrons running around- but today was one of the few slow days that had you wishing for something fun to happen. “I’m going to bus tables.” You called out to the chef in the back, who nodded and tossed you a rag as you headed out into the store. There were a few patrons enjoying their coffee, those you chatted to, and some tables that you cleaned up. Then, you noticed him. A tall man was sleeping with his head on the table. Leonardo had fallen asleep on his notes, his half-finished milk tea was now no- longer warm. Groggily opening his eyes, he noticed a familiar sight, and for a moment - he was back in time. That scent, though. You moved to go onto the next table, after watching the man’s side rise and fall- and sighed thankfully realizng he was alive. The moment you took a step away though, and the man’s arm shot out to grab your wrist.
Stop 2 on your first vacation was to visit England, and catch a play at the reconstructed Globe Theater. An exact replica of the original, down to the way the actors were instructed. It was brilliant, and you were so lucky to grab tickets to not only the theater, but to see Romeo and Juliet- the most popular Shakespeare play. A pit of dread lingered in you, and picked at your spine as you sat down to watch the play, but it soon passed and was nothing. The play was overall a success, and you went and filtered out with the crowd when a hand clasped over your mouth . You ended up standing in front of the man you sat next to, and the pit returned. “You really don’t recognize me?” He spoke, before taking out a color contact. Your jaw dropped , “Will?”
You loved the main shopping district in the town you lived in. Surely it wasn’t as grand as it was in paris, but it had that same metropolitain feeling to it. It even had street performers. Performers of all different kinds littered the street, you could see living statures, live paintings and … music. You had a hard time listening to music lately, especially classical music. All of it brought tears to your eyes even though you didn’t know why. You walked around at leisure this morning when a familiar tune found its way through to your ears. Following it, and you found a hipster looking man with white hair playing a street piano. Enraptured, you watched him play- the man had something about him, something that lingered in the back of your mind. You knew him. Mozart sensed you watching him, like a 6th sense he felt your presence out of everyone elses. The moment he turned around was when it all became clear. 
If there was one sport you loved doing, even before your trip to Paris, was fencing. You’d started it because of your crush on Inigo Montoya, but ended up really enjoying it - long after that phase ended. You were all wearing your masks for random matchups that day, something the instructor did to help build natural skill beyond the normal instruction. You bowed to your partner, someone tall and with an air of mystery that … you couldn’t consciously place. He was a master though, and kept you on your feet. The thought kept lingering , and it ended such with your partner accidentally knocking you down. He threw off his mask, and underneath he was this- ethereal French beauty with an ornate eyepatch. The pieces were coming together but they needed one last push. He helped you back on your feet, and the moment you stood back up you took your mask off, and he did a double take. “Y/n?” He asked in surprise
You hadn’t been to school in a long time, but a work colleague told you about a local university’s public lecture series and it seemed like something you would want to check out. You’d researched the lectures online, and the one that stuck out to you the most was the one on physics. It brought a smirk to your face, though you didn’t know why you were so interested in the lecture. The lecture itself was rather informative, though you were certain that the lecturer kept looking your way.. you weren’t famous or anything. You weren’t that interested in physics anyway, but the way the lecturer taught it was, well, perfect. As you moved to leave the lecture hall , a hand reached out and grabbed for your wrist. You were pulled in by a hug, only to step back and - “Isaac?” You mumbled, the familiar feeling the lecturer gave off cane flooding back to you.
Same with the others, Feel free to request a continuation for any of these!!
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if we were villains, m.l. rio
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