fizziefaerie · 2 years
TSH reading experience in a nutshell
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fizziefaerie · 2 years
No matter what happens in The Stolen Heir, always remember, Oak was canonically a leash kid
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fizziefaerie · 2 years
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🍁Cardan Greenbriar🍃 - In celebration of The Stolen Heir releasing today, here’s Cardan from the Folk of the Air series!! I LOVED that series so I’m so excited to read the next one!
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fizziefaerie · 2 years
I think I need to go for a long scream in the woods
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fizziefaerie · 2 years
He’s a 10 but exiles his wife as a practical joke
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
Cardan: okay so yes Nicasia cheated on me but I’m gonna save face and act cool to protect myself
Locke: *opens his goddamn mouth*
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
Jude: You know those days when you feel ugl-
Cardan: No
Jude: Huh...?
Cardan: Have never felt ugly. Can't relate. Next.
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
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Our first "Out of Context" for How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
Meet Me In The Woods
Summary: Jude and Cardan’s first meeting as children. One shot. Rated G
Jude was running as quickly as her short legs could carry her through the strange and terrifying fields and wooded areas of this weird place- Efham? What had that mean green monster called it again? She didn’t care, all she knew was she wanted out and back home, back to her mother and father-
But they were no more. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that. She missed them so much but couldn’t quite wrap her head around the fact that they were gone. She felt that if she ran fast and far enough away, she could run right back into her mother’s arms.
She hadn’t stuck around long enough to listen to the pretty lady with shiny hair tell them about this place. As soon as…Maddy? Maden? What was that monster’s name? As soon as he had ushered them off the strange ponies and into the big house, Jude immediately began searching for a way out. She herd something about princes and princesses and how they shouldn’t eat anything offered to them, but after that she had split.
She would go back for Vivi and Taryn once she found a way out. Then they could go back home and…well, they would figure the rest out later...
Meanwhile, a young, dark haired prince was fleeing from a murder scene.
Cardan was running as fast as he could through the grasslands of his home and into the wooded area near Hollow Hall. Dain had murdered a mortal and was going to blame it on him. His father would never listen. Even if they couldn’t lie, Dain had orchestrated it in such a way that he could say Cardan’s arrow had embedded itself into that human. He wouldn’t even be able to say the words “It wasn’t me!” before his father cast some punishment upon him.
So he ran.
Like a coward.
A relatively safe coward, though.
He wasn’t sure what he would do, where he would go. His mother had vanished and his father must have hated him, his siblings couldn’t care less whether he lived or died. He wasn’t exactly safe anywhere, even as a prince.
He just needed to get somewhere he could stop and think. Somewhere he could calm down enough to garner the courage needed to face his cruel family. Somewhere-
His thought process was brutally cut off as he collided with someone coming from the opposite direction. There was enough force behind the action that they were both sent sprawling to the ground in heaps of breathless fabric and tense muscles.
He would have told off whoever dare run into a prince of Elfhame, but he was panting and crying, and he had just been framed for a murder he didn’t commit and he really didn’t feel like throwing up that cruel front he used to get attention. He just wanted a break.
Jude lay, stunned, on the ground, trying to catch her breath as she gazed up at the star-dotted sky through tear filled eyes. Of course this would happen. Of course someone would interrupt her great escape. As if the fear of trying to run at all wasn’t bad enough in the first place, now she had to fear being dragged back to that horrible house, kicking and screaming. That monster killed her parents, she dreaded to think what he would do to her if she made him mad.
Sniffling brought her attention to the present. She hadn’t even thought to look at who she’d run into- just immediately assumed it was one of the big scary… things she saw around the house, sent to come take her back. But she was surprised when she sat up and was met with the sight of a boy, not much older then her, sitting there with tears streaming down his cheeks.
Jude’s first instinct was to get up and start running again, this boy scared her. He didn’t look like her, or any of the other kids she’d seen when she went to school. He had dark hair and darker eyes. Pointy ears- just like Vivi’s- and…was that a tail? What was this place?
The boy wiped the tears from his pale cheeks with a fist before regarding her with curiosity.
For some reason, Jude felt the need to stay seated. He was crying too. Maybe the fall had hurt him? Or maybe he was running too.
Cardan had finally turned to his assailant, only to find it was no assassin. It was another child. A mortal child. Cardan felt like he was going to be sick.
He noted, as he wiped his tears away that she was also crying. Had she been hurt when they collided? Her hair was shiny and full, and she looked completely aware of her surroundings. Maybe she had been glamoured and woke up somehow? If that was the case, then she needed to get back to her station before she was found and…
There was that sick feeling again.
Jude opened her mouth, intending to say something, anything, to get her out of this strange creature’s sights and back on the run.
She did not expect the first thing out of her mouth to be, “I won’t eat anything.”
The boy looked a bit stunned at this. He titled his head. Obviously that wasn’t what he expected her to say either.
Or maybe he didn’t speak English? Jude tried again.
“I said,” she started, drawing out the words so he would understand, “I. Won’t. Eat. Anything. You. Give. Me.” For some reason that’s what stuck with her out of the pretty lady’s welcome speech.
Cardan rose an eyebrow, why was she speaking like that? “I heard you the first time.”
Jude started. Oh. So he did understand. He sounded funny though, that same strange way of talking that monster and the pretty lady at the house had. It just made Jude want to cry more. Nothing was normal here.
“Who are you?” Cardan asked when she stayed silent.
Jude sniffed and raised her chin, “Jude Duarte.”
Well he had never heard of the name Duarte before. And she obviously wasn’t faerie. If her looks hadn’t already given that away, then her total willingness to give up full name would have.
She shocked him when she asked, “Who are you?” didn’t she know that already?
Cardan scowled, that now familiar instinct to block everyone out with hate flaring up again, “Cardan Greenbriar. Prince of Elfhame.”
Jude shook her head, completely ignoring his tone, “This place is weird.”
Affronted, Cardan barked the first thing that popped up in his head, “You’re weird.”
“No you are!” she shot back with a glare, “Everyone here is. That monster has green skin and that lady had white hair, and you have a tail and pointy ears like my sister.” She took a breath, “Everyone looks so scary.” She gripped her knees and drew them into her chest. She wanted to block out everything that was scaring her right now.
Cardan could agree with that at least. The folk were either beautiful or ugly. No in between. No ordinary, not like the girl in front of him.
The name sounded strange, sounded mortal. He supposed he must have sounded strange to her. He sighed and said, “Yes, it can be.” He thought of Balekin and his evil grins. Of Dain and his wicked ways. Of his own father and the inability to love him like he loved his siblings. Even of General Madoc, always wearing a blood-drenched cap to important meetings. For the mortal’s sake, he hoped she never had to meet him.
Jude sniffed again, “Why…why were you crying?”
Cardan stiffened. He couldn’t tell her. It was complicated and bloody, and she looked really scared. No need to further petrify her. He shook his head, “Doesn’t matter. What about you?”
Jude had no qualms about dishing out what had happened, “The green monster killed my mom and dad. Then he took me and my sisters here. I was trying to go back.”
Green monster? Cardan assumed she was talking about one of the Goblin-Folk. Maybe a redcap…there was no way…
Before he could ask if it was Madoc that stole her, someone was calling out from the woods.
“Jude! Where did you go?”
Jude sighed, “That’s Vivi.” She stood and sent him one last glare, “Don’t tell anyone you saw me here.”
And then she was off, running towards whoever Vivi was. Cardan balked, who was this harebrained mortal to tell him what to do?
He growled and stood, noting that his tail was twitching nervously. Thinking of Jude’s mortification with the thing, and his own inability to hide his true emotions when it was out, he pouted and tucked it into his breeches.
He wasn’t sure what else to do. Nothing he did would convince his father that he had never and would never hurt a mortal. The only thing he could do was face his punishment with the grace of a prince. Rolling his small shoulders, he turned back to the palace and disappeared into the night.
The next day a revel was held as per usual. Cardan was forced to attend, even though he would much rather be up in his room studying or packing. After he had gotten back to the palace, his father had been unhappy with him. Predictably, he hadn’t listened to a word Cardan had to say and simply told him to prepare his things for packing. He would be moving to Hollow Hall with Balekin to be taught how to behave as a proper prince. Though he would still be attending school with the other Gentry.
Now, here he was, being forced to put on a fake smile as if to say “Don’t worry! Everything is fine within the royal family. You can completely trust our judgment on everything!” his only source of comfort- no matter how minor- were his friends. Nicasia was staying above water to uphold peace between the Undersea and Elfhame land. Valerian had no one better to spend his time with and Locke was always in the mood for fun. Despite his usual meddling, he could get Cardan to lighten up every so often.
Cardan stood at the dais with his family whilst guests were introduced. The young prince had little interest in this until General Madoc stepped forward.
With three young girls in tow.
As though they had been trained overnight, the three bowed alongside Madoc before straightening and going back to staring around in wonder.
Cardan locked eyes with Jude Duarte.
Or at least, he thought it was Jude. Next to her was an exact copy, the two girls were completely identical. Twins, Cardan recalled the term. Extremely rare in faerie, but still possible. Still, seeing it up close was strange. He absently wondered if it was like being two halves of one person, or the same person but doubled.
“General.” Eldred regarded Madoc, “I see you have brought company.”
Madoc nodded, “My daughters. Once hidden away in the mortal realm with their mother. Now where they belong.”
“One of them, at least.” The High King stated, eyeing the one that wasn’t a twin. Vivi, Cardan remembered Jude calling her.
She glared back and Cardan mused that he liked her. Liked Jude as well, if he were being honest- which he had no choice in being.
Madoc nodded solemnly, “My wife was… unfaithful. We thought she had died with my unborn child nine years ago in the estate fire. I recently found out she had in fact staged her death and escaped to the mortal realm with her new lover. Justin. The blacksmith if you recall?”
Eldred nodded, following along with the interesting tale. Cardan’s curiosity was piqued as well.
“They had offspring,” He gestured to the twins, “Taryn and Jude. When I found my wife, I… righted matters.”
“You killed them.” Vivi cut in, her tone like acid. Madoc winced.
“I knew the children could not be without a home, so I have taken them in. I plead they take their rightful place among the Gentry, and be granted the right to an education here in the palace alongside the other children.”
The High King nodded, not willing to reject a request from his general so simple as this. “Of course, they will train right alongside my own son, Cardan. The youngest of his siblings and still in school.” He waved the prince forward and Cardan had to comply.
“Say hello.” Eldred ordered, masking it with a light tone. Cardan inwardly cringed. This was meant to disgrace him, putting him on display in front of the General’s bastard offspring. He locked eyes with who he hopped was Jude (He was probably right, he got an icy glare in return) and nodded his head.
Eldred smiled and removed the hand he had placed on Cardan’s shoulder, “I hope you’ll get along. Now please, enjoy the festivities.”
Madoc nodded and turned from the royal family, ushering the three girls along. Jude sent a glare back at them. She hated it here and no amount of nice words would change that.
Cardan watched them go with a strange feeling setting into his chest, not quite sadness…loneliness, maybe? Perhaps in a different world, they could have all been friends.
As they mixed with the crowd, a single name rang through the young prince’s head to a curious little melody.
Years later, the High King and High Queen lay together under a large tree.
Cardan gently ran his fingers through his wife’s full and shiny hair. Quietly he asked, “Do you know what’s special about this place, love?”
Jude pretended to think about it, placing her fingers to her chin in mock thought, “Hmm…this is where our favorite type of flower grows best?” She giggled as her husband tugged a lock of her hair. After a moment she whispered against his chest, “Of course I remember. It’s where I met my greatest enemy!”
Cardan stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. She was playing dirty now…
Swiftly, Jude kissed the pout away. When she pulled back, she traced the fine point of his ear, saying, “It’s where I first met the love of my life.”
Let me know what you guys think!
Tag list:
(Please let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list!)
@woodsbeyond1 @cardan-greenbriar-tcp @thewickedkings @aneurwin @snusbandxknifewife @jurdanhell @andromeddea @dressedindustandshadows @thesirenwashere
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
listen i understand that when jude was exiled all she wanted to do was watch anime and eat soggy fish sticks bc i lowkey do the same, but my favorite alternative plot is that jude worked out cardan’s word choice immediately and only stayed in the mortal world for an extended amount of time out of spite and to familiarize herself, so that she could show up with airpods and starbucks iced coffee at the palace of elfhame out of the blue and be like “sup” like a bad b. and also bring parts of the mortal world back to faerie just for pure superiority over cardan and revenge. what i mean by this:
wife, what’s this? (cardan talking about an eyelash curler)
oh... it’s a human thing... you wouldn’t understand... you see i was in the mortal world after being dreadfully exiled... i learned quite a bit... you couldn’t possibly be able to comprehend
also, to show off how well she was doing when cardan was literally writing angst-filled letters in her absence:
jude, where are you going?
oh! just a quick trip to the mortal world :) i made some very nice friends when... you know... i was banished. nothing to worry about! you should make some of your own friends too :)
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
if i saw a ring of mushrooms in the forest i would step inside it actually
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
Awww tysm love! @cardan-greenbriar-tcp
I’m relatively new here, but everyone in all the chats I’m in and all the amazing people I’ve been able to talk to and meet have made me feel so welcome!! There are so many people here that make me happy, but here’s just a few of them!! Sorry if I didn’t tag you, anyone who sees this is cherished by me!!!
@jurdanhell @jurdannet @jurdan7 @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @nite0wl29 @cardanstrickytail @storiesandschemes @queenofgreenbriar @tallie91746 @cardan-greenbriar-tcp
Aww @willowsmarika - thank you, lovely! <3
I have so many people on here who brighten my days with their content. Here’s just five:
@sarah-yyy @katishideout @thuriweaver @brendaonao3 @takaraphoenix
Awww thank you @iwillsithereandtrytocontribute ! Ditto!
@youre-lazy-and-youre-gay0-0 @iampengwing @pixelatedrose @ghosttb0y
Aww!! Thank you both @iwillsithereandtrytocontribute and you too Juniper!!! 💛💛💛
@nerd-in-space @sweetkirbi @lurktress @panwithpunsandpanic you all make me real happy!!!
Aww!! You’re so kind!!! X3
I love my children @miraculous-mused and @jollymarshmallo!
All of @aimasup’s Sander Sides content is just… ooh. Perfect. So are @djpurple3’s stories.
And to all of my 35 followers!!! Yay thanks so muuuch!!! ❤️❤️❤️
*crying*. Thank you @sweetkirbi  I’ve been getting no sleep and passed out in my apartment today, but I’m back with the people who make me happy!
@falling-oceans is literally the best! If you asked me who I would want to meet sometime in real life, I would say them, preferably at a comic con so I could get to know ocean more
@tizzymcwizzy who has easily the best shading I have ever seen on pen art and I consider an art idol!
Sweetkirbi, because, well, she and I go way back and she’s the first person who ever read my Mythical Box AU and fell in love with Aidene and Mo.
@briefstrangerchild my pal!  I love the bread theme you got going on, it makes me happy.
Lastly to each of my followers! When I see the notification that I have another one, it makes my day a bit brighter;)
okay @miraculousmused thats perhaps the sweetest thing anyones ever said to me. You are literally the best, don’t you forget it. Right back at you when it comes to the happy thing!
as far as folks who make me happy (there are very many so im not gonna try to @ them all, that would be suuuuch a long post)
@starburstdragon is just so galaxy-brained, like their stuff is sooooo good
@suburbiabarbie love u girl, ur the best
@collecting-weird-rocks-at-2am <3 and i would put a caterpillar if i could
and of course of course of course the nug fam: @gryffindorcls, @themiraculousladyblog, @nobu-akuma, @ryn-garner, @penguonice and @demon-m-bear for being generally amazing, and the most supportive folks ive had the pleasure of meeting. And on top of that, they all create such wonderful things!
and to anyone who follows me: i see you too, and yall are wonderful!
Ocean! You’re the best!
Before the nugget family, I didn’t exactly have friends on here, and I mostly just stuck to myself. However, there was one girl who kept me company and made me feel special on this massive sight full of amazing peeps:
The one, the only, the amazing @2sunchild2
I’m a fuckin delight thank you
Right back @ u Ryn
@slytherinsheashire ily @realrandomposts @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay @drama-queen-supreme @obliviousblondesunite @thehugwizard @the-chloest @spyofthenightcourt
y’al are lit asf
Thank you! I…. I have absolutely no idea how to respond to this, I’m kinda overwhelmed, to be completely honest. Kinda feels like you’re talking about someone I hope to meet, and not who I am.
I… don’t really have many friends, if I’m being honest. There are people I’m friendly with, without a doubt. And really, all the people I talk to (most of them anyway) make me happy! But, the people who make me the happiest are @2sunchild2 @wheredidyouputmybody @xthreeravensx @patchworkfox @flowerchild338 @lady-charinette and @mythical-illusions thank you for sticking with me, even when I didn’t think I deserved it.
There are likely more people, but I am blanking here, but all of my followers, and the people I follow, you make me happy too!
Awww, you’re honestly the sweetest thing!! Thank you so much!
As for the people who make me happy? There are so many, it’s hard to tag you all, but some of the most amazing ones are:
@patchworkfox @fromthelightstothepavement @kneecap-stealing-gay-rainbow @nathanduil @bat-boye @guiltyidealist @definitely-a-living-human @knickkatstuff @some-gay-looser @thatonemspaintartist @tiny-planty-grower
You guys always brighten my day and cheer me up. Thank you for being part of my life!
Thank you so much!!! You make me happy too!!!
@adultkiddo @sandwiches-and-pain @ellavaneck @vanille-berry @the-strawzish-clownfish @catdragonunicorn @im-a-tired @i-am-the-egg-enby @queer-fanenby @doctor-sherlock-strange @junk-n-stufff @bitchass-slytherin-snakery @multi-fandom-remy @jacobofdiamonds @notclaramiller @seven-lonely-souls @uwillneverknowwho @lordylordlori @wolfstarsstuff @angel-fell-out-of-grace @katlikethesword @lifeknife-jones
I’m sorry if I missed anyone, I love you all!!!
AW THANK YOU @definitely-a-living-human
im just going to go ahead and tag ALL my mutuals sooo
@a-phantom-fool @transnaughtyalien @our-lady-of-the-upsidedown @egglord667 @panpotterhead3000 @midnight-spectrum-again @thedenouementsister @dnpbants @kays-canvas @ghalind @bisexual-boredom @thehugwizard @fang-irlingtakentoofar @franvolk @one-threesevenths @seducemeluver-2 @oh-no-i-bungalow @anthonyofawesome @transasexualharrypotterquotes @scottish-cheese @irresponsibledumbass @ohnoimfangirlingagain @1-800-i-adore-u @superwholockianpanic @toygirly @5millioncatipilars @mirroredideas @that-bi-bliophile @friendofthecrows @belalugosiisdead @justaconfusedqueerkid @mythosnerd @rattiepuff1 @beetlejuiceatthedisco @songs-of-bones-decayed @ava-the-cado @justmescreaming28 @iwolfieluvfam @sketchydoodledoo @aceisonfire42 @rationalmilksnake @yes-definitely-absolutley
Uhhh idk who to tag jgjsjfkkd I’m dumb so I’m gonna tag like
@devilsss-dyke @martindykewood @bojanglesmcduff @dalekpropaganda @the-girl-in-the-box @space-glasgow and basically any mutuals I missed also @im-extremely-scottish and all the malcolm tucker stan blogs im fkdkgjjgjgj
SHSJSJAJSJ OMG THANK YOU SM @scottish-cheese!!! 💖💕
here’s some people who really brighten up my day :DDD
@yeahhiyellow @pan-distaster @softenglishspy @knifedykes @eccleston
When I read this I honestly started crying, I’ve had a really bad weekend and thank you so much for tagging me I didn’t even know how much this would mean to me 💛💛💛
I hope I can bring some happiness to everyone who brings happiness to me @madisactuallyscreeching @the-delicate-sea-dryad @youknowwhoboi @manicparadox @sonic-fairyspell @pug-bean @mywigglybaby @russianblue22 @quackjax @jurdan7 @kara-jayne-art @willowreader @sakurablossomhime @flightofthestorm @emiliaf25 @abbeyplusultra @adorabeanie @emzillaspn @pzos-amiserableidiot @tin-a-can @harperhug @my-sins-might-be-your-tragedies @strixton @citrine012 @inhumanfromcyberlife @assortedyeets @dreamxeyes @echosilverwolf @rahzy-l7 @ajunkblogorsomethingiguess @lenotchpoodles @luminescent-city @hiimherenowsthings @genderqueer-deity @infinite-cats @boowoomuu 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
Omg thank you luv!!!! You make me even happier🥰and I hope you start felling better I’m always here to talk🥺
Off the top of my head~ @kaitchucklez @cardan-greenbriar-tcp @jurdanhell @fandombuiltsoul @williams-tessa @lexisntthatweird @himboshapt @ellavaneck @wickedqueenoffantasy @realpokefairy @aneurwin @nite0wl29 @bigbookslilreads @mysweetvilllain @thewickedkings @thatbitchydonutcollector @judexcardanxgreenbriar @sweet-villlain and soooo many more!!!!
Thank youuuu!! You’re so sweet ilyyy
Here are just a few of the people that make me happy:
@jurdan7 hehe yes I’m tagging you back because you deserve it!! <3
@dressedindustandshadows @cardan-greenbriar-tcp @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @jurdanhell <3<3<3<3
Omg safia I love you!!
I just want to say you’re all so precious and honestly I am so bloody glad I met you. I love you all so much and know that when I need to talk there’s always someone there xx
@city-of-fae @cardan-greenbriar-tcp @thewickedkings @dawnblaze23 @iamthebonecarver @the-smoldering-illyrian-beauty @fibrous-lesbian @bookloving-lesbian
@dressedindustandshadows IM SOBBING I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
Everyone i’m tagging I love you all so much you don’t even comprehend it
I’ll fight anyone you want me to <3
@dressedindustandshadows @cardan-greenbriar-tcp @sophieboo1881 @fangirltrash74 @likesirensinshadows
AKSJAK Im so sorry to everyone who tagged me and I didn’t reply right away! Thank you @jurdan7 @thewickedkings @fandombuiltsoul @lexisntthatweird @dressedindustandshadows and @dawnblaze23 for the tag❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love every single one of you guys so much and you guys make me SO happy🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Not trying to get all ~cheesy~ here, if you will, but honestly there are so many people that I’ve gotten so close to, and they each make me so happy. Even if it’s just their posts. I’ve gratefully been given the chance to talk to some of you guys and get to know some of y’all even better and it is SO fun🥺 I’m so glad that I was able to make some of you guys happy, and there are so many of you guys who do the same to me. I’m going to try and tag as many people who make me happy as I can. If I miss you, I apologize. If you simply viewed this post, you make me happy :)
Tagging in no particular order: @jurdan7 @dawnblaze23 @dressedindustandshadows @thewickedkings @jurdanhell @fantasy-flyer @taco-taco-belle @nite0wl29 @mysweetvilllain @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @belongtorhys @judexcardanxgreenbriar @b00kworm @hizqueen4life @fandombuiltsoul @lexisntthatweird @blindlyjump @thesirenwashere @aneurwin @charincharge @aelin-queen-of-terrasen @aesthetics-11 @nope-i-am-done @clockworkgraystairs @queenofgreenbriar @afexiss @ellavaneck @serpentineo @fizziefaerie @doingmyrainbow @jurdannet @alwayss-reading @verryberriess
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
@lexisntthatweird requested I share this so hear ya go luv, there are much better and longer ones I promise but here’s mine💖💖💖
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
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fizziefaerie · 4 years
Locke: I dare you to kiss the next person that walks in
Cardan: I’m not kissing anyb-
Jude: [walks in]
Cardan: Fine, I’ll do it. I mean, rules are rules.
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