fl4shera-blog · 5 years
Are bear canisters required on the PCT?
Animals are attracted to human foods. To get your food they can do anything. You are required to protect your food properly on most of the PCT. While you are traveling on the PCT you have to know the food storage regulations and follow this, this is very important. Because human foods are sometimes a threat to the bears and they can be died by eating these foods. For protecting the wildlife and for the future backcountry travelers to make the trail experience you have to follow these regulations in the PTC areas - this is the bottom line.
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Foods that are improperly stored, bears become adept at gaining, in places. Bears that are too habituated to going after human food, sometimes managers have to kill these bears - bears can access those foods that are stored inadequate or improper way. While traveling it is important to keep safe your food from bears, and keeping your food safe can protect them too!
When getting human food bears are legendarily good that are resident PCT. In the bear canisters, you should keep your all scented items in some of the trailer regions. In some of the regions, it is mandatory to use bear canisters. Also, there are some areas to carry a bear canister it should be on their list.
In recent years the black bears have increased. In the 1980s to around, from 10,000 to 35,000 the bear population has grown in California. The range of the bear's has also been increased. Bears are now in the places too where you didn't use to worry about. And they tend to steal human food. From the northern border to the southern deserts, in the mountains of the PCT bears are at home.
When you will be traveling, gather some knowledge about how to store foods and make a plan ahead before your trip. In the different trials and places the appropriate protocols and regulations are different.
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On the Pacific Crest Trail and the John Muir Trail, where are bear canisters required?
In the Lassen Volcanic National Parks, Yosemite, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forests, Sierra, Inyo, Kings Canyon National Parks, and Sequoia it is required to use bear canisters. On the Pacific Crest Trail, these places are required to use bear canisters. And you have to carry a bear canister all the entire way of the John Muir Trail if you're hiking there. When you make your camp, then in you bear canister you have to keep all of your food and scented items. In the Sierra, it is not required to carry the bear canisters all the portions. But we will recommend you to carry a bear canister in all the way.
It is a great way to store food and other goodies in bear canisters but if it is not required to use a bear canister then what you will do? You can keep your food nearby to the camp but it is not a decent idea. So you should always carry a bear canister while trailing. To protect your foods, using bear canisters is the most effective way.  Find us on Facebook if you are looking for more Information.
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