flamefcrged-blog ¡ 7 years
This blog is now an archive! I’m going to go ahead and unfollow everyone, but you’re more than welcome to come find me on my new blog -- just ask for the url! I’ll be deleting the ad soon, as I don’t want potential people finding it, but I’ll check this blog over the next few weeks. Thanks!
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
( hi random question! you're gmt + 8, are you from WA? )
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          Yep! My family lives over east, but my boyfriend and I live in Perth. I’ve been here juuuust over three years now and I love it. c:
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
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i was commissioned by the lovely @stvenjames to draw steve/peggy/bucky cuteness in a photo booth, and it was such a joy to make!! i like to think they have a lot of fun photos like this around ;;
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
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                                                             THIS IS OUR MOMENT.                                                                    written by SEA.
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
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     This is a permanent starter call for SONA ( from League of Legends )      By liking this post, you’re giving me permission too –
    Tag you in things pertaining to our character(s) & their relationship.       Create random starters for you.       Come into your askbox/im’s for plots.       Send you memes & asks pertaining to our character(s) & their relationship.       In general be a huge dweeb about this character.
    My other characters can be found HERE!       Chloe | Widowmaker | Brooke | Dolores | Odette | Peggy | Persephone
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
–     Ahri didn’t mind the other’s touch in the least, in fact she secretly enjoyed it. She could see the other was also feeling the effects of the exhausting battle, thinking if it would be a good idea to hit up a hot spring before another battle were to commence. 
“There will definitely be another battle soon, but I would like to take the opportunity to relax. Would you care to join me for a dip?” Her smile became more bright, the prospect of communicating with the other in a more private environment appealed greatly to the fox. 
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         Sona was accustomed to the hot springs of Ionia -- the places where monks and travelers would go to soothe their bones and encourage mending -- and the idea of seizing its advantageous properties was definately appealing. When she was younger ( smaller, scared & sheltered ), the matrons of the orphanage had used the money sold from her etwahl to pay for such a trip, hoping it might ‘cure’ her afflictions. But the warmth of the water offered her no succor then that of a mineral bath, and she remained as sweet and silent as ever.
            Irregardless to it’s failing, the maven nodded, her hand tentatively slipping through the other’s arm as if hoping to link the two like a chain. She smiled warmly, continuing to convey physically that which required no verbal communication until such time as it became difficult to do so. When such occurred, she was ever thankful for talent Lestara unlocked within her; as traditional methods like writing, sign-language or even charades could be awkward and cumbersome with those who didn’t know or couldn’t understand.    ❝Yes, that sounds wonderful!❞    she answered, her voice echoing telepathically like the chiming of bells.  ❝It’s not like we don’t deserve it.❞
            The smile formed into a hesitant, but definately playful, grin.    ❝I’ll just need to acquire a bathing suit --❞
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
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If I ever were to LOSE you, I’d surely lose myself. everything I have found dear I’m not found by myself. Try and sometimes you’ll succeed to make this man of me. All my stolen missing parts I’ve no NEED for anymore. I believe. And I believe ‘cause I can see our FUTURE days, days of you and me. Back when I was feeling broken I focused on a prayer, You came deep as any ocean. Did something out there HEAR? All the complexities and games. No one WINSbut somehow they’re still played. All the missing crooked hearts. They may die but in us they LIVE ON.
                                               INDIE JOEL MILLER                                             FROM THE LAST OF US
*banner credit
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: how they play them: the mun:
do i;
follow them: rp with them: want to rp with them: ship their character with mine:
what is my;
overall opinion:
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
I know we haven't interact much ( my fault, sorry im rly slow ) but if you really want to do urls, i can give you mine
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;                                                  ---- Always accepting!
my opinion on;
character in general: To preface I should mention that, despite the fact I play Sona, I actually haven’t played League in over a year. I love the game design and characters -- I just cannot stand the general community and it turned me off even playing casually. But Ezreal was one of my favourite characters to play because of his learning curve! I was never fantastic with him, but I really enjoyed how he played and I loved his mobility and skillsets. I remember playing him when he had a heal, back in the day! I love his lore, skins and basically everything about him. He’s my smol son.how they play them: I haven’t followed you for very long, but I really like the grasp you have over him! I think he’s very nuanced and deep -- especially because ‘cheery’ characters can oftentimes be boxed solely into the trait; especially from the fandom as a whole.the mun: You seem really sweet! Again, I haven’t followed you for very long, but I really like seeing you on my dash. c:
do i;
follow them: Yes!rp with them: Not yet.want to rp with them: I did like your starter call, but there’s no rush/no need to do that if you don’t want!ship their character with mine: I’m always of the opinion that, if chemistry exists, go for it! The most likely ship would be Sona, because they share the same game, but if it works??? I’m not picky.
what is my;
overall opinion: I love Ezreal and I think you’re swell!
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
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                                                   ‘cause I’m a survivor. yeah, i’m a fighter.
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
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                                  she  can’t  help  but  laugh  at  the  others  enthusiasm.                       she  was  VOCAL  –  a  plus  in  cathy’s  book.                     she  doesn’t  mind  working  hard  to  make  the  other  feel  her  best.                    she  was  intoxicating.                      ❛    yeah  ?                   alright  then,               come  on.    ❜                     she  climbs  off  the  other  &  grabs  her  hand,                tugging  her  to  come  to  the  bedroom.                         she’d  hated  the room  since  jamie  left  –  the  bed  too  big.                         she’d  changed  sheets  &  comforter  so  something  grey  &  drab  –  now  bright  yellow  &  cheerful.                       
                                     cathy  guides  the  other  to  lay  down  &  smiles  as  she  crawls  atop  the  other  &  gets  back  to  work,                     fingers  digging  into  her  skin.                     her  hands  crawl  down  her  back,                 working  her  spine  down  to  her  tailbone.                      she  bites  her  lip  before  slipping  her  hands  under  her  shirt  to  work  her  bare  skin  better  ;  knowing  her  fingers  could  get  in  deeper  if  she  could  feel  it.                         ❛    this  would  work  better  if  your  shirt  wasn’t  on,   ❜                    she  teases,                     giggling   to  herself  ;  she  hadn’t  been  BOLD  in  a  long  time. 
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            With a groan as she got to her feet, ( for, even with the promise of relaxation, her body still felt the need to complain ) Chloe’s fingers tangled easily with Cathy’s own as the smaller woman lead her towards the bedroom. Inside it was easy to see the ghosts -- the bed was too large; the walls and drawers bare and lacking in the clutter that came with more than one person. Still, she smiled at the ways Cathy had made it her own -- especially with the cheery sheets and comforter.
              ❝I should get you one of those floral covers!❞ She mused aloud, barely noticing how domestic the words sounded in their delivery. But, if she and Cathy were going to become roommates, the least Chloe could do was try to provide items that helped fill in the void. 
              As she climbed onto the bed and collapsed into the mattress, another loud groan emanated from those lips at just how comfortable the thing was. It was obvious that Chloe was not expecting such small luxuries -- she had been planning on staying at a hostel, after all -- and, as the other climbed upon her back, the ginger’s arm stretched over her head and touched the headboard, feeling the way her bones in her spine popped and cracked.
                ❝I’m so old,❞ she began to complain, her muscles easing up to the places where Cathy began to massage, and her skin prickled the moment her fingers slipped beneath her shirt. It was because they were cold, she told herself. She’d have to get used to the New York chill.  ❝Oh, my shirt?❞ she asked. Play it cool, Chloe. ❝Yeah, just let me --❞
                It was not exactly graceful or flirty the way that she removed her shirt, but Chloe was seldom a graceful person. Careful not to throw Cathy off her as she pulled, the accompanied grunts would ease the cotton over her shoulders, revealing her pale back and the grotesque curvature of scar tissue.
                Where she had survived, it had not been without a cost. Whilst Chloe was lucky not to be disabled or ‘disfigured’, beneath the layers of clothes she wore spelled just how bad the accident had been. The skin was red and newly healed, with grooves from the stitches, and the flesh raised where it hardened from the damage. She had completely forgotten about it until the shirt was off, which prompted Chloe to go pink.  ❝Oh. Yeah, um... don’t worry about my war wounds. They don’t hurt.❞
                 Way to go, Beale.
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
He grinned, leaning back against the wall behind him and pressing his open palms against it, as his eyes followed the question across the paper.
                    “Not yet,”
he admitted, though the smirk remained.
                    “I’ve rewound time for smaller things. Like, hm… Once, I rewound time to nail a cool opening line. Trust me, it doesn’t sound great if you open with, ‘Hey! Pick on someone yer’un saish.’”
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          A hand moves to her mouth, though no sound emerges, and the laugh she gave was as silent as she had always been. Instead it resonated from fingers plucking at etwahl strings, producing a noise that was light and airy to mimic what it might have sounded had she been born with the ability of voice. ❝I don’t have that problem,❞ Sona quickly wrote, a hand gesturing to her throat as she flashed him an almost mischievous smile. No one bothered to wait for the mute girl.  ❝Was there anything else?❞
          Part of her wondered if it might be prudent to ensure that her inquiries did not come with offence, but she hoped her general curiosity won out over those who might actively seek to exploit such information.
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
–     It was a difficult battle this time around, nothing that the fox could not handle, but she was glad she had the companions that she did as the fight could have been much more dire. Arms reached out towards the sky as she stretched her lithe frame, barely stifling the yawn that came from her mouth as the exhaustion from the fight finally settled into her bones. Ears twitched at the praises of her teammates, golden slitted hues turned to look at them as a smiled formed on her lips. “You all did well, I’m impressed.” She stated the last word with a bit more of a flirty tone, though she was happy they were at least able to keep up their roles. 
       It was when her eyes turned to rest on the face of the woman the fox found so radiant did her smile turn more genuine, her features softened as she felt the other’s fingertips against her arm and the praise brought a bit of a swell to her already good mood. “You were also amazing out there. It is always comforting hearing your beautiful melody out on the field..” 
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          Her smile grows and her head nods earnestly -- she’s tired, it shows; her magical ability limited from the battle -- though delicate fingers stroked her etwahl’s string in major to signal her appreciation. Ever her stalwart companion, the instrument conveyed what words could not; it’s melody resonating in the hearts of many to bring to life her ‘voice’. There was beauty, but also danger there. Their opponents had come to be reminded of it that.
           ❝Will you be returning to the League?❞ she asked, a playful ascension of notes punctuating her question as one set of fingers began to dance over the strings. The other she kept settled against the other’s arm, seeing her lack of denial as permission, and it made the mind link considerably easier given her exhaustion.  ❝I am versed with celebration, but perhaps such is in order?❞ Mute girls seldom functioned well at parties, after all.
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
*sticks my leg in the air* give me attention
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
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         BUT WHAT IF I DID –
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flamefcrged-blog ¡ 8 years
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Daenerys Targaryen in every episode of Game of Thrones – 4.01 Two Swords
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