flarrowfemslashweek · 7 years
you guys gonna have another week?? :D
if there’s interest for it, sure why not! i’m super busy lately but i’ll try to set up a poll later :)
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
Well, over a week past Valentine’s Day, I’m going to have to admit to myself that I’m never finishing all of the prompts. However, here are nearly six thousand words for the “wedding” prompt!
I dedicate these to that illustrious bae, @that-pumpkinspicewhitegirl, who is one of my favorite people, deserves everything good in life, and befriended me due to this ship! Plus, wedding feels are kinda her thang.
“I’ve faced supervillains,” Caitlin tells her, clinging tightly onto her hand. She looks over Iris’s shoulder towards Cisco, sees and appreciates the way he bites back some teasing comment, turns her gaze back to Iris’s. “I’ve been kidnapped by them and told them to go to hell, I have stood in front of a panel of experts in my field and defended my thesis, I have admitted to my mother that I think her ‘famous beets’ are infamously beastly—why, Iris, why on Earth am I so nervous right now?”
“Well,” Iris says, guides her to sit down on the chair in front of the vanity mirror. She picks up the lipstick tube, the corners of her mouth twitching in amusement as she points out, “this time, the supervillain you’re facing is waiting for you at the end of the aisle.”
(Or, the day of Lisa and Caitlin’s wedding, intertwined with earlier scenes from their relationship.)
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
time of love and affection
[first date] breakneck love; killergold. Lisa first meets Killer Frost when the metahuman blows out the tires of her motorcycle. [gift giving] it’s you; lauricity. Felicity gets sick the week of Valentines. [meeting the family/friends] is this sound okay; nyssara. It’s time for a Lance family dinner. Considering the absolute trainwreck that it was the last time her family got together to celebrate her resurrection, Sara is a bit reluctant to agree at first. [anniversary] still young; speedycanary. Laurel thinks the best way to celebrate Valentine’s (and just being alive) is to eat snow cones.
I wanted to write them all, but I was lucky enough to get sick this very week, so I’m posting what I managed to get done and I’ll probably do the rest later, woop.
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
sleeping in
The smell of burning woke Laurel up with a jolt, she rushed out of bed and into the kitchen at a rate even Barry would have admitted to being fast.
“Felicity?” She blinked at the mess that was her kitchen, Felicity standing at the sink and dumping water on a burnt pan.
“Sorry sorry,” Felicity frowned at the pan, “I was trying to make you breakfast.”
Laurel relaxed a little, sighing with the relief that her place wasn’t on fire, and then took another look around the kitchen.
Egg shells were scattered across the counter, the black pieces that resembled toast were sticking out of her toaster, and Felicity still looked like she wanted to curse out the frying pan for betraying her.
“Why were you trying to make breakfast?” Laurel asked, running a hand through her hair and leaning heavily against the wall as she considered which spot to help clean up next.
Felicity shrugged, “You got in late last night, I just thought it’d be nice if you got to wake up to something sweet. And instead I nearly set the stove on fire by cooking eggs. I think your stove hates me.”
Laurel did her best to hide her smile behind her hand so Felicity didn’t think she was laughing at her, “It was a good idea. I love you for it.” She walked over to close the distance between them, catching Felicity’s hands in her own and began pulling her back, “But how about we go back to bed and worry about this mess later, maybe sleep a little more, and then go out for breakfast?”
Felicity followed her with a bright smile as she walked backwards to the bedroom, “I’ve always thought cleaning could wait till after cuddling.”
“If you’re doing it right, sure.” Laurel teased.
They fell back onto the bed in a tangled mess, scurrying under the covers and Felicity hummed in appreciation as they made their own cocoon of blankets as they both dozed off.
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
i want you (for worse or for better)
for flarrow femslash valentine’s week day five: wedding
(and also for @weekend-conspiracy-theorist, who is possibly the only person who loves this ship more than me)
“Ladies and gentlemen! Introducing, for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Thawne!”
Caitlin claps wildly along with everyone else, laughing as Cisco sticks two fingers in his mouth and whistles sharply. Eddie and Iris strike an impressive figure, Eddie sleek in his dark fitted tuxedo and Iris radiant in her classically elegant dress, both beaming so brightly Caitlin is sure their jaws will ache with it in the morning.
She thinks she’s never seen two people so happy and so deliriously in love before, and her chest aches with an old pain, right underneath the small ring strung on a fine chain around her neck.
She’s so happy, though, for Iris and Eddie both—so incredibly happy that they got the chance of a happy ending—and on her most maudlin of days, she thinks it’s better this way, that Eddie survived where Ronnie couldn’t. She’d already lost Ronnie once, after all, and she feels that Iris wouldn’t have been able to handle the loss as well as Caitlin, who is already intimately familiar with that kind of pain.
But that’s a thought for a different time and place, Caitlin tells herself firmly. She smooths her hands down her dress, admiring the rich purple fabric Iris had insisted on (and that, as a bridesmaid, Caitlin actually doesn’t hate), and the smile she pastes on when Iris catches her eye feels genuine.
(read the rest at ao3)
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
a little cheering up
for flarrow femslash valentines week day 2:  Candy Message Hearts, Box of Chocolates, Bouquet of Flowers, etc. (Gift Giving or Anything Sweet!) 
Yes late again - I know shh
“Laurel, what did you do?” Felicity asks the woman who just walked through the front door of her apartment.
Laurel walks the short distance towards the kitchen idea to empty to contents of her arms onto the granite countertop.  She steals a glance at the blonde on the couch with a blanket draped over her and shrugs. “I figured you could use some cheering up…I know I do.”
“But what did you do?” Felicity asks again, raising an eyebrow and trying to peer around her to see the mess of bags sitting on her counter.
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
trying to put it into words
for flarrow femslash valentine’s week day four: proposal
(I know I’m a day late shhhh)
Iris lets herself in the front door, yawning hugely, beyond exhausted. She flips on the hall light as she deposits her keys and purse onto the small table, admiring the fresh flowers artfully arranged in the pretty vase Caitlin had gotten her as a housewarming gift, and toes off her beautiful but painful pumps with a grateful sigh.
“I’m home!” she calls out.
“In the kitchen!” Linda calls back, and Iris grins, picks a flower from the bouquet and sniffing at it delicately before tucking it behind her ear and following the sound of Linda’s voice through the house.
Linda’s back is turned when Iris enters the kitchen, bent over as she pulls a tray out of the oven, and Iris leans one hip against the counter, more than happy to enjoy the view. “Hey, babe,” she says with a salacious grin, waggling her eyebrows ridiculously.
(read the rest at ao3)
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
laurel & felicity || meteor shower
for what @flarrowfemslashweek is doing for valentine’s day and also for @felicityollies because i made this bc of some laulicity conversations we had a while ago
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
The Game
Here’s yesterday’s!
Sara and Lisa are having an argument about who loves who more, in the form of stating hypothetical actions that they would take on the behalf of one another, each more extravagant than the last–they hit a stalemate, but Lisa has an ace up her sleeve.
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
Morning Hours
It’s been one of those weeks. So here’s Wednesday’s femslash valentine for “Meet the Family.” (Or, more accurately, be confronted by family you’ve already met because now they’re aware you’re dating their daughter.)
Caitlin’s an early riser. She sets up shop in the lab while no one else is around, works on projects she started long before the Flash was ever in the picture–it’s a solitary time, usually. But today, Joe stops by for a chat.
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
bet i’ll be up all night
for flarrow femslash valentine’s week day three: meet the family
(also, for @dragdragdragon)
Joe sighs wearily to himself, rubbing a hand over his eyes.
Overnight shifts are the worst.
He pushes back from his desk abruptly, not really looking forward to another cup of the piss disguised as piss-poor coffee but needing the caffeine, and watches in amused bemusement when Officer Espinoza sashays into the bullpen, chuckling merrily.
“What’s got you in a tizzy?” he questions, and Espinoza’s eyes snap to his, the merriment in them growing.
“Just a D&D,” she says, waving a hand airily. “Got picked up outside the dive bar off Stockton—when Avery and Mulholland got there, one of her gal-pals was holding her back, and there was a guy on the ground with a broken arm.”
(read the rest at ao3)
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
origami roses
@that-pumpkinspicewhitegirl, you are the light of my life and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
Iris West gets a secret admirer. There are three suspects–but none of them are the one she’s hoping for.
(But then again, maybe she’s wrong.)
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
Kendra brings Shawna flowers for (a little earlier than) Valentine’s Day.
written for the ever awesome @andyneedstostop
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
a kiss from a rose
for flarrow femslash valentine’s week day two: gift giving
(also, for @believesinponds)
Life on a time-traveling spaceship is really kind of boring between life-threatening missions to save the world.
Sara ambles through the corridors aimlessly, at a bit of a loss of what to do with her free time. The Waverider had been in need of some basic repairs, and Rip had decided, shockingly, to go along with Snart’s suggestion of using the downtime to catch up in their own time.
(Sara had figured there was more to Snart’s suggestion than pure altruism—he spends way too much time talking to Gideon in private, in her opinion, and sure enough, as soon as the ship had safely landed in Central City in 2016, he had taken off, almost as fast as his one-time nemesis.)
(Mick and Sara had shared a knowing, eye-rolling look and decided to let it go.)
(Because they’re nice like that.)
(read the rest at ao3)
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
Tuesday: Gift Giving or Anything Sweet (parkwest)
“We’re gonna run out of vases pretty soon,” Joe says, when Iris walks in the door.
“Funny,” she replies, carrying the flowers into the kitchen to put them in some water. It’s been happening all month, every day she finds some sort of gift on her desk at work. Usually it’s flowers–lilies today–but she’s also gotten chocolates and on a particularly rough day she was having, tequila. It’s not just presents though, there’s always little note attached telling her to have a good day or saying she has a nice smile. Today’s was “you light up every room you walk into.”
It’s become a running joke that ace investigative reporter Iris West can’t figure out who her own secret admirer is. Not for lack of trying, though. She’s tried to keep a vigilant watch, but she can’t spend eight hours straight at her desk. And sure enough, whenever she leaves for more than two minutes, there’s a gift waiting for her when she gets back.
“It’s driving me nuts,” she says over lunch the next day.
“I think it’s sweet,” Caitlin says.
“Yeah,” Cisco agrees, “you’re being wooed. I miss getting wooed.”
“It’s nice and all, I just wish I knew who was doing it.”
Cisco seems to consider that, “I guess it is pretty rude to give you, of all people, a mystery.”
“I’m gonna solve it though,” Iris says.
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
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Unlucky (Part Three)
sara/felicity || ao3 || gen || fluff || 768 || more fics
summary: felicity pays a visit to her favorite model doctor
a/n:  flarrow femslash valentine’s week: day two - gift giving or anything sweet. Yay for the continuation of earth-2 smoaking canary.
tagging: @polymathfelicity
[read from the beginning]
“This is stupid. Why am I even doing this?” Felicity said to herself as she turned around for the third time.
She started back towards her apartment, but stopped and turned back the way she had been going. “Stop doing that. Just go and get it over with,” She sighed loudly. “And stop talking to yourself.”
She gripped onto a small box of heart candies and forced herself to walk into the hospital. It was a few weeks since she had been there last. She actually got all of her rabies shots like she was supposed to. Felicity wouldn’t admit it out loud, but she was starting to like Sara.
She didn’t really have to say it out loud because she was there to give the other woman candy. It was so stupid. So stupid. Felicity was pretty sure that Sara would think so too. She just had this urge to see her again. To be nice to her. It was close to Valentine’s day so she got a box of those chalky candy hearts. She actually bought it with money instead of swiping it off the shelf. There was probably something wrong with her.
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flarrowfemslashweek · 8 years
Flarrow Femslash Valentines - Tuesday
Pairing: Lauryssa
Wordcount: 1015
Summary: Nyssa tries to make Laurel chocolate hearts for Valentine’s Day. Emphasis on tries.
Tuesday - Gift Giving or Anything Sweet
“How is this so difficult?” Nyssa found herself murmuring into the empty kitchen as she peered into the pan on the stove just to find herself faced with yet another portion of burned, foul-smelling chocolate.
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