flatbond · 7 years
Due to real life, I have completely lost track of Flatbond.
If you have him, could you please let us know, via ask, and we’ll get him rolling again!
Apologies for the delay!
Flatbond Mod Spy
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flatbond · 7 years
Omg this amazing and I love all the shenanigans!!! You're brilliant!
Delay in communications STOP communique received STOP Agents have been advised END MESSAGE
(So glad you found our little project. We’ve had such fun making it happen! Sorry we didn’t get this answered sooner... real life and all that.
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flatbond · 7 years
To @brookebond From @flatbond
After hiatus Mr Sterling en route to your location STOP Please advise when arrived STOP We look forward to your report END MESSAGE
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flatbond · 7 years
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Mission report to Q: Don’t know why there are always dragons on my missions. But it seems like the guy behind has everything under control. Will move on!
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flatbond · 7 years
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Mission report to Q. Finally arrived in the south of Austria. Had no problem finding the right object. There is a lack of CCTV cameras, but I’ve already saw your new stork drone. Respect, it looks very real.
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flatbond · 7 years
I've just found your page and it's officially the cutest idea ever. Love Bond, love Daniel Craig, love the whole thing. ❤
(Just kidding - we’re super glad you’re enjoying this too!
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flatbond · 7 years
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Mission report to Q:
Q! I’m not responsible for this explosion! I’m innocent! Sorry, I have to run it’s getting a bit hot here.
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flatbond · 7 years
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Mission report to Q:
And here we go again! I have known it from the beginning that this mission will go wrong. Mad scientists and their little toys… And now I’m standing here in this chemistry cloud.
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flatbond · 7 years
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Mission report to Q:
A chemistry building?! Not a mad scientist mission again, Q! I had enough of that in the past.
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flatbond · 7 years
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Mission report to Q:
They call this castle but what is behind the facade: a shopping mall. Pfft… Germans.
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flatbond · 7 years
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Mission report to Q:
Q, I lost my Walther. This dragon attacked me and ate my gun. Really, just like the komodo dragon. I know you still don’t believe this story, but it is true. I think I need a new Walther.
Fun fact: This lion is the symbol of the city where I currently am.
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flatbond · 7 years
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Mission report to Q:
I think this is the perfect cover. What do you think?
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flatbond · 7 years
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Mission report to Q :
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flatbond · 7 years
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Alex’s residence was much more what I would expect for one of Bond’s partners it was posh without being showy. the flat’s interior was modern and sparsely decorated and the building faced onto a huge and beautiful park.
Being nosy I had a poke around there were little signs everywhere, I asked Bond if he’s was one of us and a strange almost murderous look passed across his face.
On a desk, I found a picture that had such an air of intimacy to it the darker man looked familiar sort of like our Quartermaster. I put it back It was starting to feel weird so after that i just kept my mouth shut.
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flatbond · 7 years
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Mission report to Q: It is very hot here and I want to jump into this fountain but that would ruin my suit. And I haven’t packed my swimming trunks. Shame.
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flatbond · 7 years
Communique from @flatbond to @nebel-kraehe
Please advise on how to deliver sensitive information STOP Normal methods are unavailable STOP Private courier has been denied END MESSAGE
(aka - please send us an ask so that when you get FlatBond, we can send you the address of where he goes next! Thank you!)
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flatbond · 7 years
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On his recent visit Bond asked to track down his other partners Danny and Alex. Where they lived couldn’t have been more different.
Danny’s flat was in what might have been a nice block if it wasn’t slap bang on a very busy main road. The flat itself was a dump it looked like someone was making a half arsed attempt at decorating.The whole place had strangely lived in but strangely vacant feel that set my teeth on edge a bit.
From what Bond divulged Danny sounded like a real character nothing like I’d expected for one of Bond’s lovers. I mean he has a bit of a reputation, doesn’t he.
This place was part slum, part hippy commune, part paradise, part Queer enclave. the local pub is the Royal Vauxhall Tavern FFS and Chariots bathhouse wasn’t far away either.  The surrounding area, however, was also green and cared for there’s was even a little co-operative cafe down the road with a free Palestine poster in the window.
I couldn’t work it out. Bond, however, spoke about Danny with such fondness I think the poor bugger misses him I never expected to see that side of an old battleship of an agent like him.
(extra images)
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