flautuagrad501 · 2 years
I am connected to my Samoan roots through the clothes I wear such as the ‘puletasi’, which means I am always reminded of my heritage and where I came from. To be completely honest, I don’t own a lot of puletasi’ clothing
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flautuagrad501 · 2 years
In our week 3 lecture, we were told to write a reflective statement relating to self-identity, and I decided to choose the song “Get Lucky” by Daft Funk. This song reminds me of my development from childhood to adulthood. Though, the meaning behind the lyrics was unclear at the time, growing up listening to it had a distinct ‘home’ tune that provided a sense of solution. Essentially, this song taught me to seize the moment, because sometimes life can be too serious, however, we need time to relax and live in the moment
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flautuagrad501 · 2 years
WEEK ONE: Self Portraits
During this lecture, we were told to draw a series of self portraits using the design element ‘Line’. 
This self-portrait depicts my imperfections, such as my nose and my eyes. These two features mostly stood out to me because it has been an insecurity of mine due to past experiences. Therefore, using the design element ‘Line’ helped me acknowledge and embrace my imperfections. Through this, I’ve learnt that every flaw and every quality of mine, makes me, me.
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When I drew this self-portrait, my thought process was in a spiral because everything was too much for me to handle. I felt like university was messing with my head because I was having trouble staying focused and catching up on my work. Whilst, I tried to acclimate to the work environment and work ethic. I just had a lot of “stuff” on my plate during the time, however, I tried my best to balance everything while also prioritizing my goals. Which is why I purposely highlighted the words that was eating up my mind, by repeatedly outlining it until it stood out. Whereas, the words that were not outlined, were my thoughts and emotions. Drawing this self-portrait was very therapeutic as it helped me release some thoughts/feelings that I couldn’t expressed.
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flautuagrad501 · 2 years
WEEK ONE: Activity 1
“Getting to know” worksheets:
We were required to respond to the questions that were posed, which related to getting to know ourselves and our peers.
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The “I am statements”:
On our first lecture, we were given a sheet to fill in the blanks with a true statement. (e.g. “I am a proud Samoan”). These statements reflects on how we perceive ourselves, as well as what others may not know about us.
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flautuagrad501 · 2 years
Introduction: WEEK ONE
Talofa Lava, my name is Faith Lautua. I was born on March 27 2004, which makes me 17 years of age. I am a proud Samoan, from the village of Faleula and Levi Saleimoa.There isn't a single day that goes by when I don't miss my homeland. The fresh warm atmosphere, green scenery and of course the sight of my beautiful brown people. I aspire to pursue a career in the fashion industry, possibly a fashion stylist. Gucci and Alexander Mcqueen are two of my favourite designer brands, and I hope to work with them someday. “Citypop” has been my favourite musical genre because of the authenic taste of the 70s-80s in Japan.
This is me. I was dressed like an angel for my little sister’s 5th birthday. Quite frankly, this is one of my favourite picture of myself because it is aesthetically pleasing to look at. Anyways, nice to meet you :)
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