flavdia05 · 3 months
Final Curated Portfolio
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Artist Statement
These eight pieces reflect my creative qualities through the means of color, variety and balance. At the beginning i struggled a lot with straight lines, craftsmanship and overall grasping the concept of working with space. One of my first assignments was recreating Franz Klein’s art style but severely lacked of understanding non representational art. Therefore, working with lines especially curved, horizontal and vertical helped me create a much fuller and well representational world within the medium. As my time in this class went by, i was able to create space within white and black such as my white cut and paste on black square. Then, using this new learnt variety to create a sketch of flowers of different shapes and sizes that despite its differences, they harmonize. Color was something i really enjoyed, i was able to channel what i had learnt from the principles of art such as variety and balance in my “Three colors make four” assignment, making circles of different sizes creating a constant flow of dark and lighter blue illusion. All of these pieces lead me to the making of my museum piece with the tiger by the river. I used colors that complimented each other, cut and paste, and balance elements to create a harmonious piece.
In regards on my midterm I enjoyed using colors of the same warmth and so close to each other in the color wheel that made my piece look well put. My craftsmanship in this assignment could’ve been better i had grown too excited and careless of my cutting and pasting.
As for my Final, i was proud of using analogous colors of different blues in order to create a shape and texture to the whale. I could’ve done better on the typography aspect.
My work is able to follow instructions however i must work on the executions. I have learnt that im server flawed in the craftsmanships department and will work further to improve. Despite this, I think my understanding of principles of art is shown throughout my work as the semester progressed and was able to apply what I learnt to these pieces.
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flavdia05 · 3 months
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Artist Statement
“Carmilla” by Sheridan Le Fanu tells the tale of one of the oldest vampire stories. Laura, is being preyed on by a female vampire named Carmilla whom has grown an obsession with her and haunts her nights. Despite Sheridan’s attempt to villainize sapphic love, Carmilla had quite the opposite effect and has been reclaimed as a lesbian cult classic. A very passionate love affair between the main characters has been of great influence in the media and despite its origins. This book means a lot to me since it was the first exposure to raw, unique tension between two women and has helped me further develop a more comforting relationship with my own sexuality.
Upon planning this project, i knew i wanted to have gothic themes heavily shown in my chosen font. I wanted red to be the color representing this book not only beacuse of its relations to blood and vampirism, but also because of passion felt throughout the story. The bag transformation is very important in this book, it shows Carmilla’s truest self but also wnated to include her human stare as told in the book, she would observe Laura at night. My aim was to show her a threatening hunter.
Submarine by the Marias is a recently released album, I’m a big fan of this band and has been anticipating this album for a great amount of time. The two songs they had released prior the album was “Lejos de ti” and “Run your mouths” which had made me in constant state of yearning. The entirety of this album feels very melancholic following its blue and underwater themes. I decided to represent it through a 52 Hertz Whale, which is said to be one of the loneliest sea creatures. The 52 Heryz whale has been used as a metaphor of loneliness due to being called after a frequency of 52 hertz, which is higher than any other known whale species and too low for humans to hear. Despite being discovered, this whale has never been seen. Like the singer, I believe she’s crying out her melancholia in a very passive tune. This album reminds of a time when I had cried out for empathy after a terrible heartbreak but never felt heard enough, as if everything i said was lost in the sound barrier. Therefore, I believed a whale was a great representation of how this album communicated to me.
I was overall satisfied with my work throughout this project. I’m specifically proud of how i decide to execute the themes of the book and album. I think i could improve the typography and filling our overall blank spaces.
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Museum Assignment
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Three colors make four RE SUBMISSION
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Midterm Resubmission
( added connections )
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Midterm Assignment
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Artist Starement
I first started with creating a couple of color combinations, after knowing which colors i wanted, proceeded to paint evenly 4 pieces of 18”x 20” bristol paper and created my 6” inch squares and started making my other shapes. I especially used dark red, red orange, pink and yellow because i wanted my piece to feel warm. My preliminary work consisted of cutting various geometric figures and line shapes to create an environment for each square. I believe i did a good job since everything feels/looks very cohesive. I used variety of shape and size, repetition of shapes such as circles in every piece to create a sense of connection, rhythm to manage the figures, and balance by creating a harmonious composition.
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Personal Color Wheel
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Vibrating Lines
Complimentary colors R+G
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Class work 5/20
Three Colors Become Four
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Analogous Schemes
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Homework 2/2 Color Theory Charts
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Homework Color Swatches
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flavdia05 · 4 months
7-day drawing portfolio
Day 1: Repetition
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Day 2: Variety
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Day 3: Rhythm
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Day 4: Balance
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Day 5: Emphasis
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Day 6: Scale & Proportion
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Day 7: Compositional Unity
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flavdia05 · 4 months
5/15 Assignment a- 5 Black Shapes in White background & White Shapes in Blk background
White on black
I started off by painting the base pitch black with layers of ink. Then i cut a sheet of white paper and slowed a symmetrical pattern and glued on the page. These patterns resemble each other since they were made out to be from the same sheet/ line system.
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Black on white
Started off by framing 8” x 10” square and painted a white sheet of paper with black ink. The geometric shapes are cut out from two different ones and then pasted on the white bristol paper.
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Re-submission Lines Assignment
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Assignment 5/13 Chaos and Order
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Homework Assignment Franz Kline
Black on White & White on Black
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Franz Kline’s paintings related to the Industrial Revolution and man-made structures at high scale. His paintings emphasized the intimidation of these buildings. Like him, I’m also constantly amazed by big and complex structures, after moving to Miami 8 years ago I still find myself amazed, confused and even scared of driving in the city’s complex structural highway system. In these paintings i used thick and disorganized brush strokes to emphasize how my eyes wondered in confusion and overstimulation seeing all the twist and turn, the high and low bridges connecting the exists, etc. The smaller brush strokes depict buildings i sometimes see from the distance.
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flavdia05 · 4 months
Assignment Thursday 5/09
C (curved lines) & D (curved lines and horizontal+vertical lines)
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