fleetfootedchangx · 7 years
I’ll Run to You || Cherry
TAGGING: Mike Chang and Rachel Berry 
WHEN: 28th of September
WHERE: Mike & Rachel’s apartment, New York
GENERAL NOTES: Rachel shares one of her songs with Mike 
Rachel: smiled softly to herself as she put the pen down on the bedside table next to the bed where she was laying on next to Mike. After two weeks, she had finally completed the song she had been working on and while she was bias, the brunette thought it was really good. "I'm finished." She told her boyfriend, the room only brightened by the two bedside lamps. It was nearing 10pm and the couple had settled in for the night. It was Rachel's favourite time on the day, she loved just being with Mike and being comfortable and relaxed before bed.
Mike flipped the book he had been reading shut, looking over at Rachel curiously. He knew she'd been writing more lately, but he hadn't wanted to invade her privacy by asking for details on the song while she was still working on it. Now that she was done, though, he couldn't deny he was interested in the process and whatever the finished product was. "Can I read it?" He asked, a bit tentatively. "Or, actually...can I hear it?"
Rachel: wasn't expecting Mike to want to listen to it but she probably should have. Biting down on her bottom lip, the brunette nodded her head tentatively after a pause before quickly opening her mouth to explain. "I'm not a professional so it might not be that good." She felt the need to defend. "They say to write about what you know so... I wrote it about you. About us. Be nice?"
Mike couldn't help but grin when Rachel immediately went on the defensive. "It'll be amazing," he argued, leaning forward to press a soft kiss against her lips. It was a surprise to hear that she'd written about them - somehow their relationship had never crossed his mind as a potential subject for a song - but he nodded in agreement anyway. "I'm hurt that you'd think you even have to ask me to be nice," he teased. "But ok."
Rachel kissed her boyfriend back before offering him a shy smile. "Okay..." She replied before turning her attention down to the page where the lyrics were written. Sucking in a breath, the brunette closed her eyes and began to sing.
The city sky's feeling dark tonight We're back to back with our heads down Just look at me, give me more tonight Just give me more of your love now
Let's set fire to the lonely night You're beautiful when you look at me Let's give love another life
Cause you'll be safe in these arms of mine Just call my name on the edge of the night And I'll run to you, I'll run to you
I would run to you, if you want me to Just give me some kind of reason I'll take the pain, take it all away Just give it some kind of meaning
Let's let go, let it be the start You know I'm feeling the same thing Let's let go of our broken hearts
Cause you'll be safe in these arms of mine Just call my name on the edge of the night And I'll run to you, I'll run to you
Even if it's gonna break me, love Gonna make my way to you Anyway it's gonna take me, love I run to you I run to you Run, run
Cause you'll be safe in these arms of mine Just call my name on the edge of the night And I'll run to you I'll run to you
Even if it's gonna break me, love I run to you
Mike knew Rachel was talented, but hearing her sing something she'd put so much of herself into put it in a completely new perspective. As soon as the song came to an end, he immediately voiced the thoughts. "You're so crazy talented, and I'm not just being nice. That was amazing"
Rachel: smiled softly. "You really think?" She asked before biting down on her bottom lip. "Thank you."
Mike couldn't help but smile at the seemingly shy way she responded. "I really do," he nodded. "Have you thought about performing your songs before? Like an open mic night somewhere?"
Rachel: shook her head. "Not really." She admitted. "I don't see myself as a girl who writes songs and has an album. At least, not yet. I need to be concentrating on Broadway classics if I even stand a chance at getting a role."
Mike shifted slightly, settling more comfortably beside her. "Fair enough. From what I've heard they're too good not to ever do anything with, but you're right, they might not be the best choice for Broadway auditions." Looking down at the bed, he picked at an imaginary thread on the blanket. "Have you seen anything you're thinking of trying out for?"
Rachel: closed her notebook and it put in on the bedside table beside her. "I try out for everything." She replied seriously. "Even Chorus Parts that have barely any face time on stage. Anything and everything. I can't be too picky just yet."
Mike nodded. "That's probably the smartest approach. I can't imagine you not getting something soon that you can use as some kind of stepping stone to a bigger role. They just need a chance to realize what a star Rachel Berry is."
Rachel: shook her head. "We've been here two months and I haven't even got a call back for a crappy background understudy. Maybe I'm not as a good as Lima made me think I could be?"
Mike chewed on his lower lip. "You are," he tried to reassure her. "It's just an industry that hands out a lot of rejection until you audition for the right person.”
Rachel: shrugged. "Or a nose job." She replied softly. "I thought I had heard my nose wasn't good enough enough during my time at McKinley. Fuck, I was so wrong."
Mike 's eyebrows knit together, a mixture of concern and confusion crossing his face. It was a harsh, judgmental industry they'd decided to go into, he knew, but hearing Rachel repeat that kind of criticism of herself hit hard. "Fuck that," he shook his head. "People at McKinley are idiots, and so are the casting directors you've auditioned for so far. You don't have to change parts of yourself to get a role...besides, you're gorgeous how you are."
Rachel: smiled softly at the passion lacing her boyfriend's voice. "I know." She replied honestly. "I know I'm not the typical beauty but I do know that I am beautiful. It just sucks sometimes for the thing that took me the longest about myself to accept is the reason why I'm being turned down for jobs."
Mike let out a quiet breath. Their situations weren't identical, but it wasn't like he was blind to the biases against him as an Asian-American in performing arts and the ways they worked against him. It was close enough to mirroring her situation that he could see where she was coming from. "Remind me why we're doing this to ourselves, again," he laughed slightly, trying to diffuse the situation though there was a hint of truth to his words.
Rachel: laughed at Mike's comments. "Because we're desperately seeking the approval we never received from our parents from strangers?" She offered out after a moment.
Mike couldn't help the surprised laugh that slipped past his lips. "You know, I actually hadn't thought of it like that, but it would explain a lot."
Rachel: smiled softly. "It really does." She laughed, moving to press a kiss to Mike's lips. "But I don't really care what anyone thinks about me... Besides you. I've become nicer since you and I started dating. You're why I quit the Skanks. I'm sure if you hadn't come along and reminded me of who I truly was supposed to be, I'd be in jail."
Mike cocked his head slightly, considering what Rachel had just said. "Who know the power leaving a note in your locker and some dance lessons could have," he teased. "But I'm glad you remembered who you really are. Besides, without you, I'd be slowly going crazy in a pre-med program somewhere. We're good for each other."
Rachel: laughed. "I'm glad we've prevented each other from slowly going insane."
Mike grinned. "Me too. This isn't where I thought getting transferred to Lima Heights for a while last year would end up going, but it's pretty much the best thing that could have happened."
Rachel: hummed in agreement. "I never thought I'd find the love of my life in high school and that my love would be from McKinley." She admitted with a shake of her head. "It's funny how life works."
Mike distantly wondered whether it should have felt as natural as it did that they both seemed to think of their relationship as something permanent, considering how young they were. He didn't give it much thought, though, because somehow everything felt right the way it was. "I almost feel like I owe my dad the right to say 'I told you so' on this one, since he was in favor of the whole transfer thing, but I'm not sure he'd even want to hear it."
Rachel: smiled softly. "You really should let him. Though I don't think he planned for you to end up slumming it with a Lima Heights Skank." She laughed.
Mike snorted in amusement. "I'll get right on that," he laughed, leaning forward to press a quick kiss against her lips. "Besides, this is hardly what I'd call slumming it."
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fleetfootedchangx · 7 years
How the Other Half Lives || Cherry
TAGGING: Mike Chang and Rachel Berry
WHEN: 5th of September
WHERE: Mike & Rachel’s apartment, New York
GENERAL NOTES: Mike starts college while Rachel starts a new job 
Rachel: let out a long sigh as she walked into the Brooklyn apartment she and Mike now called home. Things between them had been going amazingly but the brunette knew that could all be put in jeopardy now that Rachel was working as a waitress and Mike had officially started his freshman year at NYU. Tossing her handbag in the corner by the front door, the former Skank made a beeline towards the couch. She had been on her feet for ten hours and Rachel was pretty sure she was now incapable of standing.
Mike made his way up the steps of the apartment, each one feeling more draining than the last. It had been his first day of classes, and while he'd thought the professors would go easy on them, at least for the day, he'd been completely wrong. In spite of the exhaustion and throbbing muscles that hours of dance classes had left him with, though, it had been one of best days he'd ever spent inside a studio. Opening the door, he grinned as he realized Rachel was already home from work. "Hey," he greeted, setting his dance bag down by the door and walking over to the couch where his girlfriend was currently sitting.
Rachel: smiled softly at Mike's greeting. "Hey baby." She replied, a yawn escaping her lips before she shook her head. "How was your first day?" She asked, her tone light as the excitement and curiosity oozed from her voice.
Mike dropped down to sit next to Rachel, noting the soft yawn she let out. "Long day?" He asked, watching her curiously. "It was great. Kinesthetics of Anatomy probably won't be my favorite class - it feels too much like something pre-med not to haunt me a little - but everything else was amazing." He paused for a moment, focusing on her more completely. "Thank you for encouraging me to go after this."
Rachel: nodded her head at his question. They were officially in a grown up relationship and the brunette refused to hide anything from Mike. Not that she did during high school but things were a lot higher in consequence now that they lived together. "I had a long day but I managed to get $50 worth of tips so that's something, I guess? Even if I'm only getting $7 an hour. Like, how is that even liveable?" She muttered before moving herself closer to Mike. Leaning over, she pressed a kiss to his lips before smiling against his mouth. "You're going to be so successful. I can't wait to see you perform again."
Mike cringed internally listening to Rachel talk, especially when she voiced her frustrations over her financial situation. It wasn't an ideal situation, her working as a waitress, but he was confident that it was only a matter of time before she landed a break. "It's not. They should have to at least adjust minimum wages with cost of living increases, but I'm not sure that's a change that's ever going to happen. Other than that, though, how was it?" He wrapped his arm around her shoulders as she moved closer, happily returning the kiss. "It's going to be a while, you know. I don't know if they make a habit of casting freshmen in performances."
Rachel: snuggled into Mike's side as she felt herself relax for the first time in hours. "It was okay. Santana called me during my lunch. She fucking hates OSU. I'm glad I didn't go there." She admitted casually before smiling softly. "You're too good for them not to cast... But if they don't see that, I'm more than willing to wait. Or force you to perform a private show for me." She laughed.
Mike wasn't surprised in the least to hear that Santana wasn't loving OSU. Like Rachel, she had always seemed destined for better things than Lima had to offer. "I'm still surprised she's actually going there. Think she'll stick it out long term?" He pressed a quick kiss against the top of her head before speaking again. "I'm glad you didn't, too. I know it's not always going to be easy, but I really think New York is where you're meant to be." Laughing softly, he nodded. "You know you can have a private show any time."
Rachel: shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure. Maybe? Santana wants to prove something to everyone so she'll probably stick it out and be miserable only to say she has a college degree." She explained lowly. "I miss her."
Mike held back an amused snort at the characterization of Santana. "Yeah, that sounds like something she'd do." He nodded a bit wordlessly. "I'm sorry, Rach. Maybe we can figure out a way for you to go back to Ohio to visit her soon."
Rachel: shook her head. "I don't want to go back to Ohio." She replied sincerely. "I want her to come here and maybe she'll realize how much potential she has... I mean... We do have a two bedroom apartment. I wouldn't ask her without discussing things with you but maybe she could live with us? It would help money wise and I'd have my best friend."
Mike hadn't been expecting that response from Rachel and he was momentarily glad that he'd had as much practice keeping his thoughts hidden as he did, since it let him keep his face carefully neutral. "Do you think she'd want to move here?" He finally settled on asking.
Rachel: shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure... Maybe? She's wanted New York for as long as I have. I just feel bad that I get it and she doesn't."
Mike nodded slightly. It was easy to understand where she was coming from, in spite of the fact that it had caught him off guard and he'd never been completely sure where he stood with Santana. "We'd need to figure out whether or not it would really be feasible, but," he shrugged, "I don't have a problem with the idea of it."
Rachel: smiled softly. "Are you sure? We're a team and if this is something you don't want, I'm not going to get mad. Your voice matters just as much as mime." She reassured sincerely.
Mike heard her words, and he didn't doubt the sincerity behind them, but it was still hard to get past years of feeling like he didn't have a voice of his own. Or, if he was honest with himself, to admit that part of him was jealous that Rachel could bring along the parts of her life from Ohio that she missed while it felt like he'd left nothing but fractured relationships behind. Shrugging again, he nodded. "Yeah, it's fine. It's not like I hate Santana or anything. But I'm not sure she'd be all that thrilled about living with me."
Rachel: frowned. "What makes you think that? She likes you." She replied honestly. "She likes you more than she's ever liked Puck or anyone else I've somewhat dated. She thinks we're good for each other. I promise. If she disliked you, trust me, you'd know."
Mike huffed out a soft laugh. "I don't even know, actually. Just a feeling I've always gotten from her."
Rachel: shook her head. "Well don't okay? Besides, if she ever treated you badly I'd force her back into line." She added before kissing his lips. "Enough talk about Lima. Did you want to go and have a shower together and totally not get clean?"
Mike nodded, relieved for the opportunity to drop the conversation there. "Sometimes I swear you can read my mind," he grinned, getting up from the couch and reaching back to offer her his hand as they moved toward the bathroom, a trail of clothing littering the floor behind them.
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fleetfootedchangx · 7 years
Waiting for My Time to Come || Cherry
TAGGING: Mike Chang and @theskankberry
WHEN: 16th of June 
WHERE: Rachel’s apartment
GENERAL NOTES: Mike gets some good news. Rachel does not. 
Mike felt like he was dreaming. The college acceptance letters lie in front of him, fanned out across his bed - some of them had been almost guaranteed, and there were more from programs that he'd only applied to in order to appease his father than he cared to admit, but somehow he'd also managed to get into the dance program at NYU Tisch. He knew he needed to work up the courage to tell either of his parents, but that was a fight he was willing to put off for as long as he possibly could. Instead, he typed out a quick text to Rachel letting her know he was coming over before gathering the letters together, tucking them into his back pocket as he jogged down the stairs on his way to his car.
Rachel: was thankful her daddy wasn't home because she wasn't sure she'd be able to make contact with him. Out of the twenty colleges the brunette had applied to, Rachel had only been accepted into one. OSU. Which she had only submitted an application to to appease her daddy who wanted her to remain in the state. Shaking her head as she tried to process the news regarding her future, Rachel jumped slightly as her phone chimed. Knowing Mike would be over any minute, the brunette pushed her emotions down as she quickly hid the letter in the last draw of her bedside table.
Mike 's fingers tapped anxiously against the steering wheel as he drove, eager to get to Rachel's apartment so they could celebrate. He wasn't sure exactly which schools she had applied to, but there was no doubt in his mind that, as talented as she was, she must have been accepted to some of the better performing arts schools. Pulling up to the familiar apartment, he turned off the car and made his way to the front door. His phone had been noticeably silent since he texted her, so he wasn't sure whether to expect her or her daddy to answer the door as he knocked.
Rachel: walked out of her room when she heard a knock at the front door. Preparing her best show face, the brunette quickly opened it and offered her boyfriend a smile before stepping aside to allow him entry. "Hey baby." She greeted, leaning up to kiss Mike on the lips.
Mike could barely contain his excitement as the door swung open. If he hadn't had Rachel in his life, Mike knew he would have been looking at a very different future after high school. Her encouragement had been the only thing that had pushed him to apply to schools outside of the approved list his parents had made. "Hey," he replied, wrapping an arm around her waist as he leaned down to kiss her.
Rachel: relaxed into Mike's embrace, feeling some of her negative energy disappearing by the second. "How are you? My daddy isn't home so feel free to grope me whenever." She teased.
Mike grinned at Rachel's comment. "Noted for later," he laughed. "I'm amazing, actually. I got a lot of good news today. How are you?"
Rachel: smiled at the happiness that was gracing Mike's face. "I'm okay... Tell me your news!"
Mike noted that she didn't say much beyond that she was ok, but he knew better than to try to push her on it. Rather than saying anything, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the folded letters he'd stashed there, handing them over to Rachel.
Rachel: watched curiously as Mike handed her a stack of letters. Opening the first one up, her smile dropped slightly as she began reading over each letter in the pile. Biting down on her bottom lip, the brunette handed the acceptance letters back to her boyfriend before smiling softly. "I'm so proud of you." She replied sincerely, moving to hug Mike tightly. "Especially the NYU one. You deserve it."
Mike watched Rachel's face as she read over the letters, his eyebrows furrowing as the brightness of her smile seemed to dim. By the time she handed the papers back to him he couldn't deny that something was going on. "I wouldn't have even applied if it wasn't for you," he replied, returning the hug. As he let go and stepped back, though, his eyes scanned over her face once more. "Are you really ok?"
Rachel: nodded her head as she let out a soft hum. "I'm fine." She lied. "I'm serious, this is amazing news." She added honestly. "We should celebrate!"
Mike wasn't entirely convinced by Rachel's words. Something about her reaction still felt off to him. "If you're sure," he nodded hesitantly. "What do you want to do?"
Rachel: let out a puff of air when she saw the expression on Mike's face. They needed to be honest with one another and she knew this was no exception. "I didn't get into college." She whispered before shrugging her shoulders. "Well, except for OSU but fuck that. I can't spend another year in Ohio."
Mike felt like a complete jerk the second he heard Rachel's explanation. He hadn't known, but he couldn't help but feel like he'd been rubbing the difference in their situations in her face. "I'm so sorry, Rach. Those admissions boards are idiots."
Rachel: shook her head quickly and almost instantly. "You have nothing to say sorry about." She replied sincerely. "It's my fault. Yeah, my voice is one in a million but I've only recently been putting in effort with my grades. The admission boards just don't think I'm worth the gamble and I can't blame them."
Mike bit his tongue. Offering her meaningless platitudes wasn't going to change the reality of the situation, and he wasn't sure Rachel was in the mood to humor him on it, anyway. "It still sucks, though." For months he'd been assuming that they'd at least end up in the same city next year, if not the same school, and now that that future was so much less certain he wasn't sure what to say. "There's always Spring admissions if you want to try again in a semester."
Rachel: shook her head. "I don't want them if they don't want me." She replied stubbornly before biting down on her bottom lip. "Are you going to go to New York?" She asked lowly. "Have you spoken to your parents? You have to go to NYU, Mike. You're too talented and amazing to just pass this up for whatever they want."
Mike wanted to argue with Rachel that she shouldn't throw the idea of college away over a few rejections, but the stubborn tone of her voice told him it wouldn't be his smartest move. He shook his head at the mention of his parents. "I didn't even tell them I was applying to NYU. I don't know how to tell them I got in after all that."
Rachel: reached out to interlace one of her hands with one of Mike's. "But you are going there, right? You're not knocking it back?"
Mike shrugged, looking down for a second. "I don't know," he replied honestly. "I hadn't really thought about it before I came over here." Now that he had a chance to think when he wasn't riding the high of the acceptance letter, he wasn't sure what he was going to do.
Rachel: shook her head before squeezing his hand gently. "You need to accept this, Mike." She whispered seriously. "You are so talented and NYU want you. That isn't something that just happens. You have to be the best of the best and baby, that's what you are." She added confidently before pausing. "I would go with you." Rachel confessed lowly. "No matter what your parents say, you'll have me by your side. We'll get a crappy apartment together and I'll start working as a waitress and go to auditions during the day. We'll make New York home. Our home. You have other options besides what your dad wants for you."
Mike smiled slightly. Somehow Rachel had always been good at cutting through the doubts in his mind. "They're going to kill me," he shook his head, shrugging one shoulder. "But you're right, it would be stupid to throw this away." He looked up at her in surprise at her confession. "Really? Are you serious? There's a lot to consider, and it wouldn't be an easy move..." he trailed off. "But I can't imagine New York without you there."
Rachel: smiled softly as she shrugged. "I want New York and I want you. If a college won't give that to me, then I'll take it myself. I'm a Berry and I'm tough as nails. It's going to take more than a few rejection letters to ruin this for me."
Mike grinned in response. There was still a lot to work out, and several conversations with his parents that he didn't want to have, but knowing Rachel was in it with him made it a lot easier to think about. "You're amazing," he laughed, leaning down to press a quick kiss to her lips. "And you're going to kick all the asses in New York."
Rachel: offered her boyfriend an unsure smile. "I hope so. I deserve it." She replied honestly. "The only negative is my dad will probably expect me to visit him in prison since I'll be closer. I think he's a little annoyed and a lot upset that I haven't done so yet."
Mike chewed on his lower lip. "Do you want to visit him?" He knew months ago - the last time the subject had come up between the two of them - she had said she didn't, but it was possible that things had changed. "I'm not saying you should, even if it pisses him off, I just wondered."
Rachel: let out a sigh before shaking her head. "No." She whispered sadly. "It hurts too much." She confessed before looking up to lock eyes with Mike. "But this isn't about me or him, it's about you. When need a game plan on how to break everything to your parents."
Mike nodded, squeezing her hand lightly in reassurance. At the mention of figuring out how to break the news to his parents, he couldn't help but cringe. "That's...not going to be fun. But I think if we have a solid plan worked out for how we're going to make it in New York, they'd be more receptive."
Rachel: nodded her head. "I completely agree. We have so much to do. We'll need to find an apartment, locate a dance studio for you to practice outside of campus hours, I'll need to find a job and if possible, land an agent."
Mike exhaled slowly. Hearing it all laid out in plain detail sounded like a lot, but nothing that they couldn't do. "Where do you want to live? If we can narrow down an area, it would be easier to focus on studios and jobs near there."
Rachel: smiled softly. "Well, yeah. I've been dreaming of moving to New York ever since I was five years old." She admitted, her smile slipping from her lips only for a moment before returning. "I think Brooklyn is our best bet. You've have to use the subway a lot but until we can afford something closer to NYU, it's our cheapest option. I can live in the dorms with you so living near your campus is ruled out." She explained.
Mike didn't miss the way Rachel's expression seemed to dim for a moment. None of this was ideal, and he wished there was something he could do to actually change the situation. "I don't mind the subway. And considering how expensive everything in New York is, I'll take whatever the cheapest option is." He paused. "I have some money saved up that we could use for a deposit on an apartment if we need it."
Rachel: bit down on the inside of her cheek. "I've only managed to save around $750. It's not much but maybe that will be enough to last us a month or two if we're conservative."
Mike really hated having to address the reality of just how different their financial situations were, even if it wasn't spoken out loud. "We...probably don't have to worry about the money as much as you think we will." He looked down. "My wàigōng and wàipó set up a college fund when I was little. No matter how pissed they end up being, my parents wouldn't be able to cut me off from that. It's not a ton of money, but it's enough to help take the pressure off."
Rachel: bit down on her bottom lip before shaking her head. "That's your money, Mike. I'm not going to expect you to pay my way." She replied before letting out a humorless laugh. "My parents had a college fund for me too. I had enough for four whole years in New York. The government took that when my dad was arrested. Apparently, it was taken from the stolen money... Even though I know for a fact my daddies were working hard to put money aside from the second I was born. Before my dad became the crime boss most people know him as."
Mike shook his head slightly. "I'm not offering to pay your way, and I know you wouldn't expect me to in the first place. But it's still there either way if we ever need it." He chewed on the inside of his lip for a moment, unsure what he could really say in response. "I'm sorry, Rach. It's completely unfair that you get punished for something he did in the first place, but even more so when it's unrelated to any of the actual crime."
Rachel: shrugged. "It's fine... I mean, it's not but it has to be. I can't change anything and mopping around isn't going to make things better. I just need to prove myself. Prove that the Berry name isn't filled with liars and criminals. That successful people can come from there too."
Mike couldn't help but smile despite the serious tone of her words. It wasn't a surprise that she took on the attitude as a challenge - if there was one thing he'd always known about her it was that when she put her mind to fighting for something, she rarely lost. "You know, I think this is what I love most about you."
Rachel: smiled softly and moved closer to her boyfriend. "I'm glad you find my most annoying trait lovable." She replied sincerely. "Most people can't stand it."
Mike laughed, wrapping his arm loosely around Rachel's waist. "Their loss." He quickly sobered. "We'll figure everything out eventually. We don't have to put together a complete plan for moving right now." It was edging on sensitive territory, and as much as Mike would have liked to come up with a more concrete plan, part of him worried that it was only reminding Rachel of how much more difficult a path she was taking by going with him.
Rachel: liked that they didn't have to figure everything out straight away. They still had time to process things which was something the brunette felt she would need. "Okay. Did you want me there when you tell your parents, though?" She asked softly.
Mike thought about it for a moment, worrying his lower lip between his teeth as he did. On one hand, he wasn't sure he wanted to expose her to what he knew was going to be a volatile situation, but on the other, it would be nice to have at least one person on his side when he told them. His mother's reaction was a wild card, still, and he didn't want to count on having her support. "Would you want to be there?" He finally asked. "I don't want them to blame you or take anything out on you, but it'd be cool if you could at least be around for the aftermath?"
Rachel: leaned into Mike's side before leaning up to press a kiss to his jawline. "I want to support you. I have your back no matter what so if you want me there, I'm going to be there."
Mike shot Rachel a grateful smile. "You're the best. I'll let you know when I decide I'm going to tell them and we can figure it out from there." He was already running through the worst case scenarios in his mind, trying to figure out how to mitigate the damage from the conversation.
Rachel: squeezed Mike's hand in an effort to comfort her boyfriend. "It will be okay. No matter what happens, you'll be okay. I promise."
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fleetfootedchangx · 7 years
The First Time || Cherry
TAGGING: Mike Chang and Rachel Berry WHEN: 1st of April WHERE: The Chang Household GENERAL NOTES: Rachel loses her virginity to Mike. WARNINGS: Smut.
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fleetfootedchangx · 7 years
Three Little Words || Cherry
TAGGING: Mike Chang and Rachel Berry
WHEN: 31st of March
WHERE: Lima Heights Dance Studio
GENERAL NOTES: Mike and Rachel share an important revelation 
Rachel: walked into the dance studio she and Mike had rented out for them to practice in. It had been almost a month since the brunette had left the Skanks and while things were tense at school, she and Mike were closer than ever. She loved him and while she hadn't told him directly, the brunette was pretty sure she was doing a terrible job at hiding how much she adored him. Smiling as he walked into the room a few steps behind her, Rachel turned to face him directly and clapped her hands. "Hey baby." She greeted, taking a few steps closer to him. "Ready to spin me around?" Rachel laughed.
Mike tried to fight back a smile as he saw Rachel walking into the dance studio just a few steps ahead of him to keep from looking too manic. He was aware that he probably came across as a love struck idiot when she was around, which had been a lot more frequently in the month since she had quit the Skanks. Closing the gap between them, he stepped through the doorway of the studio, warm smile finally breaking out as she turned to greet him. "Hey," he answered, stepping closer to kiss her. It hadn't even been that long since he'd seen her earlier in the day, but he missed her in the classes they didn't have together. "Always," he laughed. "The question is, are you ready to be spun around?"
Rachel: smiled against Mike's lips as she kissed him back. Humming softly, she bit down on her bottom lip before swaying slightly from side to side. "Of course I am. Regionals is in a month and we have to be perfect and since Mercedes is gunning for the solo, my dancing needs to be perfection."
Mike nodded. "You'll be great. Mercedes has an amazing voice, but we all know she doesn't come close to matching you. You're the most talented person I've ever met." He moved further into the room, taking hold of Rachel's hand to get her to move with him. "But anyway, what are we working on today?"
Rachel: squeezed his hand back gently. "Well, thank you." She replied before smiling. "You are the dance master so I was kind of hoping you'd have an idea?"
Mike hummed softly as he thought. "I've been working on a few ideas, but I haven't shown anything to Britt or Shelby yet...want to go through it and tell me if you think it's even worth going to them with?"
Rachel: smiled. "I would be honored." She replied sincerely before taking a few steps towards her boyfriend. "Show me the way."
Mike moved over to the corner of the room where the speaker system was and plugged his phone in, already set to a playlist of the songs they were using for Regionals. Part of him was nervous about showing her what he'd been working on since Brittany was the person he usually bounced choreography ideas off of, but Rachel had always been supportive, even when they were middle schoolers in a local dance class. As the music began filtering through the speakers, he made his way back over to Rachel to begin leading her through the steps.
Rachel: followed Mike's lead as her boyfriend began taking charge of the situation. Whenever they danced, he was so confident and sure of himself. It was sexy. The amount of talent he had coursing through his body was admirable and she hoped his father didn't ruin that for him. As the number came to an end, Rachel cupped Mike's face with her hands before pressing a kiss to his lips. "That was perfect." She exclaimed before adding. "It's complicated but simple enough that Finn should be able to pick it up within a few weeks. The dance highlights our strengths as a group while not taking away the attention of whoever is singing. Though let's be honest, if I'm on lead nobody will be able to look away." She grinned confidently, her old McKinley High self shining through.
Mike smiled against Rachel's lips, still on a high of exhilaration. "You think so?" he asked excitedly. Coming up with routines that everyone in glee club would be able to do was always a challenge, but seeing Rachel able to follow his lead with relative ease was reassuring. Granted, he wasn't sure he'd ever seen her do anything less than perfectly, but still. "I mean, you have a point. Ability to do so aside, who would even want to look at the rest of us when you're on stage?”
Rachel: blushed slightly. "Charmer." She teased before biting down on the inside of her cheek. "You do realize you are amazing, right?" She asked softly. "You are so talented Mike and I know we haven't really talked about the future and that we're only in junior year but... I really hope you move to New York or to LA or even Chicago and pursue dancing. You're so talented."
Mike looked down. Despite Rachel's words and encouragement, he doubted he'd be able to so openly defy his father's plans for him after they graduated. No matter how much he loved dancing, his parents had never taken him seriously when he talked about dance schools, instead encouraging him to seek out universities with good pre-med programs. "I want to," he answered after a moment. "But I don't know. It's...complicated."
Rachel: moved closer to her boyfriend and wrapped her arms around his neck, her front pressing against his. "I don't get what it's like to not have supportive parents. Even though my daddies have made mistakes, they have always encouraged me to follow my dreams but I do know what it's like to be forced into being or doing something that you're not. I wasn't meant to be a Skank. That wasn't me but I did it for survival. Don't spend your life trying to please your dad." She whispered, her thumbs rubbing soothingly up and down the back of his neck. "Don't let them take your dream from you."
Mike leaned into her touch, letting her words and her hands soothe the frayed nerves that she always seemed to be the only one to pick up on. Family issues were hard to explain, especially when the relationship was as complicated as Mike's had always been with his father, and he'd found that it was usually easier not to get into the details. Somehow her words carried more weight, though. It was harder to push the thought of dance school aside the way he usually did when someone brought it up, Rachel's encouragement making it stick in his head. "You're seriously the best girlfriend ever," he answered softly. "I love you."
Rachel: pressed her forehead against his before sucking in a breath sharply at his confession. "You love me?" She asked softly before smiling and kissing him gently. "I love you too."
Mike felt like he was holding his breath as soon as the words were out of his mouth. They'd been dating for a while, but part of him was still worried about how she would react and if admitting how he felt this early in their relationship would freak her out. Apparently they were on the same page, though, and he smiled as she pulled back from the kiss. "Still not sure how I got so lucky," he laughed.
Rachel: had never thought in her life that someone other than her fathers, or Santana, could ever really love her. Especially not in a romantic sense. It seemed every person she had liked before Mike, wanted nothing to do with her and she thanked her lucky stars everyday that the previous people never worked out. She was meant to be his. "Neither do I... I don't deserve such an amazing guy like you." She admitted lowly.
Mike shook his head. "You shouldn't think like that. Underneath all the badassery and talent, you're one of the most caring people I know toward the people that matter to you. You deserve all the best things."
Rachel: smiled softly before kissing Mike. "Thank you." She replied sincerely. "I don't know about you but, I'm kind of not in the dancing mood. My boyfriend just told me he loves me and I kind of want to celebrate." She teased.
Mike pretended to pout slightly when she pulled away, but the expression was quickly replaced with a warm smile. "I mean, I'm pretty much always in a dancing mood, but you're right, we should celebrate. What did you have in mind?"
Rachel: bit down on her bottom lip. "Maybe we could go out for lunch and then maybe you could come back to my place? My daddy isn't home. He's visiting my dad for the weekend so I'm home all alone." She grinned.
Mike nodded. "Let me grab my phone and we can go," he agreed, crossing the short distance to the corner of the room where music was still softly playing from his phone. Slipping it into his pocket, he stepped back over to Rachel, still somewhat unable to believe the conversation that had just happened.
Rachel: watched as Mike collected his phone and she couldn't stop herself from smiling as brightly as she was. He loved her. He felt the same way she felt about him and the thought was intoxicating.
Mike 's smile matched Rachel's as he walked closer to her. His steps felt lighter than usual, almost euphoric, as he slipped his arm around her waist. There had been girlfriends in his past who he thought he might have loved - or at least come close - but none of those relationships compared to how he felt in that moment. "Ready to go?"
Rachel: hummed and nodded her head at her boyfriend's question. "More than ready." She grinned, unable to hide her excitement. "So I'm thinking sushi? I haven't had it in months, thoughts?"
Mike laughed. "If I didn't know better, I'd swear you could read my mind." He sobered as they walked out into the hall, turning to look at her as he spoke. "It's weird to think that just a few months ago we were basically pretending to be strangers who didn't know each other."
Rachel: leaned into Mike's side as the couple made their way out of the dance studio. "I'm so glad I asked you for those dance lessons." She replied sincerely.
Mike laughed, wrapping his arm more securely around her waist. "Not that you really needed them, but I'm glad, too." A lot had changed in the months since they'd started dating, and even though Mike would never have thought they'd end up in love when he'd first been transferred to Lima Heights, he wouldn't have changed any of it.
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fleetfootedchangx · 8 years
A New Path|| Cherry
TAGGING: Mike Chang and Rachel Berry
WHEN: 1st of March
WHERE: Rachel’s Apartment
GENERAL NOTES: Rachel leaves the Skanks, resulting in a physical confrontation, and she and Mike have a talk afterwards. 
Rachel: winced as she gently ran her fingertips along her busted lip and tensed as her eye continued to throb in pain. The brunette had finally managed to quit the Skanks, something she had wanted to do every since landing herself in jail for 24 hours, but it didn't come without consequence. As she tended to her wounds from the beating she and Santana desperately tried to prevent, Rachel knew it had all been worth it. As with anyone who quits the Skanks, they must survive a finally beat down... Most people chickened out and remained in the group but Rachel had stood her ground. The busted lip and bruised eye was well worth never having to do anything illegal again. The downside of it was she knew word of her beating had spread throughout the school. Her reputation had taken a major hit and she was well aware she was no longer powerful. She was the Glee Loser who liked to dance and while Rachel used to hate being referred to as the Broadway freak; since dating Mike she had learned to love the parts of herself everyone else seemed to loath. Tensing from her bathroom adjoined to her bedroom as a knock rang out through the house, she knew it was Mike. Letting her daddy answer the door, Rachel made her way back into her bedroom and sat on her bed as she waited for her boyfriend to see the damage for himself.
Mike had heard rumors about what he could only describe as an all out brawl within the Skanks, and as soon as he heard from Santana that it had involved Rachel he headed for her apartment. He barely said two words to her dad as he opened the door, instead opting to move past him with a quick "hi" as he made his way toward his girlfriend's room where he assumed she would be. Knowing what had happened didn't prepare him for actually seeing the damage, and as he stopped in the doorway to take in the bruises and cuts on her face he winced. "Hey," he greeted, moving to sit next to her on the bed. "Stupid question, but are you ok?"
Rachel: offered Mike a small smile before wincing at the pain that shot through her lip. "I'm okay." She replied honestly. "I'm not great but it could have been worse... They might have busted my lip and given me a black eye but they didn't walk away without injury." She smirked.
Mike had a hard time focusing on what Rachel was saying, the mottled bruising on her face still drawing most of his attention. He didn't know much about the skanks - for as long as he'd been at Lima Heights, he'd tended to keep his head down and avoid people he wasn't immediately associated, and while he knew about Rachel's position within the group and had talked to Santana on several occasions, the rest of them were still a mystery to him - but the fact that  this was apparently one of their rituals didn't sit right with him. "Jesus christ that's..." he trailed off, shaking his head slightly. "Do you need anything? An ice pack? Medicine?"
Rachel: shook her head at Mike's range of suggestions. "No, I'm fine. My daddy gave me some pain relief earlier and I've been icing my lip to get the swelling down. I'll be okay. Honestly."
Mike chewed on the inside of his lip, trying to will himself to believe her without needing to ask more questions. "If you're sure," he answered tentatively. "Santana kind of told me what happened, but she didn't say what started the whole thing."
Rachel: nodded. "I am sure." She replied, before letting out a puff of air. "I quit the Skanks." She explained lowly, her eyes not making contact with Mike's. "It just... It wasn't for me anymore.”
Mike 's eyebrows knit together in surprise. Rachel's involvement with the Skanks had never really made sense to him - it seemed so different from the person he'd known just a few years before - but her suddenly stepping away from the group caught him off guard. "I can't say I'm not happy you quit if it's what you want," he answered, trying to get her to look at him. "But I also can't say I'm not really surprised. What changed?"
Rachel: kept her eyes focusing on a spot on the floor as she began to speak. "It's not who I really am." She replied softly. "I thought it was at one stage but then I was arrested and it terrified me. I want Broadway and New York and to get away from this crappy town... I couldn't have done that if I remained the leader of the Skanks. I deserved better than them... So does Santana, even if she's staying."
Mike nodded in silent agreement, still wondering why the brunette refused to meet his eyes. "You're right, you do deserve a hell of a lot better than people that leave you with a black eye and a busted lip for wanting something else from life. How is Santana staying with them after all of that?"
Rachel: was ashamed of the person she had become. A part of her still questioned what an amazing guy like Mike saw in her, she hated the choices she had made since arriving at Lima Heights. "She thinks she isn't worth much." She replied softly, her eyes finally meeting with her boyfriend's. "I have to convince her that she's worth more than she knows."
Mike wasn't sure what to say. He didn't feel like he knew Santana well enough to comment but with as important as the other girl was to Rachel he figured she had to be a good person underneath the attitude and high school clique. "That seems to be pretty true for a lot of people at Lima Heights. I don't miss the superficial drama of McKinley, but it's hard to watch people undervalue themselves."
Rachel: hummed in agreement. "Don't get me wrong, I hate McKinley... It was a place filled with nothing but hate directed towards me but doing the bullying isn't much better."
Mike reached out to take hold of one of Rachel's hands, loosely twining their fingers together. Thinking about the way that the football players and the Cheerios - people who were arguably his friends as a result of his position on the football team - had treated her at McKinley still bothered him. "Sitting by and passively letting it happen isn't so great, either."
Rachel: shook her head. "You don't get it." She replied softly. "I was powerless when I attended McKinley. I hate that place and the people are... Also untrustworthy. Except for you, of course." She replied lowly. "I just don't know how to find a happy medium."
Mike knew they'd had very different high school experiences to that point and he shrugged somewhat helplessly at her words. "I guess the first step would be to figure out what a happy medium would even look like...where you feel like the balance would be."
Rachel: smiled softly. "Being able to sing but still maintaining a reputation of not to be messed with. I doubt that's going to last given my face is basically split open." She laughed softly.
Mike gave a sympathetic half-smile. "I don't know, it's a pretty well developed reputation. A few cuts and bruises aren't enough to erase that completely." Still, he could understand where her concern was coming from given her past at McKinley. "It would be so much easier if everyone could just co-exist without worrying about what everyone else is doing."
Rachel: hummed in agreement. "Tell me about it." She mumbled. "High school isn't as big of a deal as people think it is. The only really good thing that has ever come out of it was meeting you." She confessed softly.
Mike leaned forward to kiss the edge of her lips, careful to avoid the cut. The words on the tip of his tongue were swallowed back as he decided this wasn't the best time to bring the subject up. "You definitely made this whole Lima Heights experiment worth it." He looked down. "Are you coming back to school tomorrow?"
Rachel: smiled at Mike's confession before nodding her head. "I have to. I can't let them think they've gotten to me." She replied seriously. "I... I'm a little nervous but I'll have you by my side and that's all I need."
Mike nodded, accepting her assessment of the situation. It was just another one of the ways he had to concede that she was stronger than he was; if it had been him, he would have at least been tempted to avoid going back for a few days. "You'll be fine. I'll be there, and even if I wasn't, you're kind of a badass if you hadn't noticed."
Rachel: couldn't stop the small smirk that graced her lips. "I kind of am, aren't I?" She replied. That was one aspect of her personality she was proud of developing and gaining confidence in. No longer was she the bullied girl from McKinley but the girl who set all of the rules. Well, she used to be.
Mike laughed softly at her response. "That you are." He paused for a moment before continuing. "It'll all work itself out one way or another, though. This whole high school hierarchy thing, I mean."
Rachel: pressed her forehead against his for a moment before offering him a small smile. "I know it will. I'm just ready for high school to be over. It fucking sucks."
Mike "That it does," he answered. "It really makes me wonder about those adults who talk about how great high school was and how much they wish they could go back. What sort of magical high school did they even go to?"
Rachel: laughed. "It was their Glory Days. Jocks and cheerleaders who couldn't maintain a relationship for the life of them unless it's by putting people down."
Mike schooled his expression into one of faux offense as she mentioned jocks, but he couldn't hold on to it once she finished her thought. "Sad but true," he laughed. "But since we're  here and not at high school right now, what do you say to some distraction from all the high school talk?"
Rachel: ran her fingers through Mike's hair before pressing her forehead against his. "You are the exception to the jock rule. I don't think I've heard you insult one person a day in your life." She added before humming in agreement. "Distraction sounds so good. Any ideas?"
Mike couldn't help the half-smile that tugged at one corner of his lips at her reassurance that she wasn't counting him as one of 'those' jocks. "There are a few options. We could watch a movie, go out and do something..." he paused before adding, "and since your dad's home, I'm going to not mention the other possibility."
Rachel: offered Mike a shy smirk at his suggestions. "Well a movie could lead to the something else that my daddy would not want to hear so how about we go to the Lake or the park or something? Besides, we can't really kiss and if you are going to make me cum, I'm going to want to make out for a little beforehand." She laughed.
Mike laughed. "Alright, fair point. How does the park sound?" he kissed her cheek softly. "I don't remember the last time I went there just to hang out."
Rachel: smiled softly. "The park sounds great. Lead the way."
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fleetfootedchangx · 8 years
Forever On Your Side || Cherry
TAGGING: Mike Chang and Rachel Berry WHEN: 1st of February  WHERE: WMHS and Rachel’s Apartment GENERAL NOTES: After a massive fight with his best friend Sugar, Mike is comforted by Rachel. WARNINGS: None.
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fleetfootedchangx · 8 years
Meet the Parents || Cherry
TAGGING: Mike Chang & Rachel Berry
WHEN: January 30th; Evening
WHERE: Mike’s house
GENERAL NOTES: Rachel officially meets Mike’s parents. Awkwardness ensues.  
Rachel was nervous. More nervous than she had been in a very long time. Tonight, she would be meeting Mike's parents and she knew she had to make a great first impression; she just hoped they'd give her a chance. Removing any and all "skank" like items from her person, the brunette dressed in a simple little, black dress with heels and her hair in soft curls. With her make-up light, not a smokey eye in sight, Rachel parked her car in the Chang's driveway before she slowly approached the front door. Ringing the doorbell, the nervous teenager took a step back as she waited for someone to answer, hoping like hell that someone was Mike.
Mike didn't know what to expect from the evening. His mom had promised to try to rein in the more difficult parts of his father's personality, but they both knew that was a more difficult task than it sounded. The older man had a prickly personality on his best days and Mike wasn't looking forward to subjecting Rachel to it, but it was important to him that they at least give it a shot. He wanted his parents to recognize that she was important to him and not just a high school distraction from studying like his father was quick to assume. As the minutes ticked closer to the time Rachel had agreed to come by, Mike made his way downstairs so that he would be able to circumvent anyone else getting to the door before he did; just as he reached the last step, the doorbell rang out and he all but launched himself at the door, ignoring his mom's stifled laugh from the next room. "Hey," he greeted, fixing a warm and reassuring smile that he didn't entirely feel to his face as he opened the door. Rachel relaxed somewhat when she locked eyes with Mike before returning the smile. "Hey, yourself." She greeted, not knowing whether she could kiss him so instead she opted to hug him. Allowing her boyfriend to lead her inside, the brunette bit down on her bottom lip nervously as she gripped onto Mike's forearm as she waited to see who would greet her next
Mike picked up on her nervousness almost as soon as the door swung open; the way she clung to his arm once she was inside the house only made it clearer, and he wished there was some way he could telegraph to her that there was nothing to worry about. A platitude he didn't quite believe himself, if the knot in his stomach was anything to go by. For all the times Rachel had been at the house, it had always been when his parents were gone and he couldn't imagine that this was a fun experience for her. Thankfully, his mom was the one they ran into next. " Your father is in his office," she informed him before turning her attention to Rachel, and Mike shot her a grateful look at the warm greeting she extended to his girlfriend.
Rachel relaxed a little bit more as Mike's mother greeted her in a way that could only be described as warm and welcoming. "It's so nice to meet you." Rachel smiled. "You have a lovely home." She added, repeating what she had seen on so many movies and TV shows.
Mike was tempted to stare at Rachel out of the corner of his eye as she seemed to shift into a different personality, making light small talk with the older woman. This definitely wasn't how he had pictured the evening going, but it was a welcome surprise. He removed himself slightly from the conversation, letting the two of them talk more in hopes that it would help put Rachel at ease.
Rachel kept her grip on Mike tight as she and his mother continued talking. After ten or so minutes, the brunette was beginning to relax when I footsteps began to approach the three of them.
Mike stiffened at the sound of the approaching footsteps. His father barely approved of him on a good day, and he was his father's only child. There was no telling how he would react to Rachel. Still, he didn't want to stress her out or anything, so he tried to disregard the feeling of needing to walk on eggshells around the older man. When Michael Sr. stepped closer, Mike had to resist the urge to shrink back under the weight of his cold gaze. "Dad," he nodded, "this is my girlfriend, Rachel."
Rachel offered Mike's dad a smile before reaching out her hand for him to take, which never happened. Dropping it back at her side, she bit down on the inside of her cheek and forced another smile. "It's nice to meet you."
Mike cringed at his father's lack of response, noting the embarrassed look that flashed across his mom's face as she took in the scene as well. "Nǐ bǎozhèngguò," he muttered under his breath, trying to save face as much as he could while reminding his father that he had, at least at one point, agreed to meet Rachel and to give her a chance. Slipping his arm out of Rachel's grip, he wrapped it around her waist instead, trying to ease the awkward sting of his father's attitude.
Rachel had no idea what was happening besides the fact Mike's dad clearly did not like her. With her boyfriend's arm wrapped around her waist, the brunette tried to relax into his embrace but found herself as stiff as a board.
Mike hated this feeling. Confrontation was something he avoided at all costs and being in a position to directly confront his father made him want to turn around and leave the house immediately. It wasn't fair to Rachel, though, not to at least say something. "You could say 'hi'," he spoke up pointedly, staring the older man down until he stretched a hand forward toward Rachel.
Rachel was having trouble biting her tongue. She knew she wasn't every parents dream girl for their child but Mike could certainly do a hell of a lot worse. The brunette cared about their son and Rachel just wished the Chang's could know and see that. Accepting the delayed greeting, the brunette decided to do what she does best; talk. "I'm so excited to meet the people who raised such an amazing and talented man. Your son is rather remarkable, I bet you are so proud!"
Mike felt the tips of his ears flush as Rachel began speaking. It was strange to hear someone talk about him that way, he was more used to hearing about the times he failed to live up to expectations. But this was why he couldn't understand how anyone saw Rachel as anything other than generous and supportive when she was the first person who had ever made him feel like he wasn't invisible. Before his father had time to do more than nod, his mom jumped back into the conversation. "That's very sweet of you," she enthused. "And I hear you're quite talented yourself."
Rachel blushed as Julia compliment her back before shrugging. "I can sing a little. Mike taught me everything I know about dancing though. He's kind of amazing." She smiled, locking eyes with her boyfriend before leaning into his side.
Mike snorted. "Saying you can sing a little is the biggest understatement I've ever heard." His father's face darkened at the explicit mention of dancing; there had never been a problem with it when he was younger, but as Mike got older and it became increasingly clear that dance wasn't something he was going to outgrow on his own, his father's attitude had become more outwardly disapproving of the hobby.
Rachel nudged him gently with her shoulder. "Okay, okay maybe it's a slight understatement but I don't know how far it will get me." She laughed.
Mike relaxed a little as he let out a slight laugh along with her. The banter was familiar and light enough that the strange pressure of the situation slipped his mind for a second. But only for a second, as his father took that opportunity to remind them of his presence. "There's too much instability in the arts to be a feasible career choice," Michael Sr. weighed in. "It would not be wise to count on singing as a path to the future. Just like Michael and his dancing."
Rachel stopped laughing when Michael Sr. weighed in on the situation. "I would agree." She replied before adding. "But Mike's talents are anything but subpar. If he was just a mediocre dancer than he'd have trouble making a career out of dancing but have you actually seen your son perform? He's amazing and incredibly talented to a point where he could easily teach the craft if nothing else though I highly doubt he'd be a teacher should he pursue it. He's gifted and I just think maybe you should know that." Rachel rambled before her eyes widened when she realized what she had just said. "I'm sorry."
Mike made a mental note to thank Rachel for the support sometime when they were alone. He had been trying to convince himself that dancing wasn't what he really wanted to do for months so that it wouldn't sting so bad when his father eventually shut that plan down, but her willingness to defend him without even seeming to think about it meant a lot. Before his father could argue any further, Mike spoke up, directing his comment toward his mom. "Is dinner ready?" He asked, knowing she would pick up on the pointedness behind the question. As the woman nodded and began leading them toward the table, Mike took a step back, guiding Rachel away for a moment for a quick kiss to try to express his gratitude.
Rachel was about to follow Mike's parents to the dining room table when her boyfriend stepped back and guided her away from his parents. Turning to face Mike, the brunette looked up at her taller boyfriend before biting her bottom lip. "I'm sorry for speaking to your dad like that."
Mike bit down on the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. "Don't be," he tried to reassure her. "I'd never have the guts to stand up to him myself, but I might have enjoyed hearing someone finally do it more than I should admit. That was amazing. You're amazing."
Rachel relaxed when she realized he wasn't mad. "Well, it's true. You could be a professional dancer with ease. You are so talented." She whispered, leaning up to press a quick kiss to Mike's lips. "We should probably join your parents, I wouldn't want them thinking any badly of me."
Mike was reluctant to pull away, the idea of hiding out with Rachel sounding better to him than joining his parents. Still, he knew she had a point, so with one last quick kiss they moved into the other room. "Sorry," he stated sheepishly as his mom shot him a knowing look.
Rachel hummed in agreement. "Yeah, sorry." She replied sincerely before taking her seat at the table.
Mike sat down across the table from Rachel. The restless feeling was back as he eyed his father nervously out of the corner of his eye, but it was his mom who surprised him by speaking up first as she brought the last of the food to the table. "So, Rachel, you mentioned that you sing a bit. What else do you enjoy doing?"
Rachel cringed at Julia's question. She didn't really do anything else beside singing and smoking weed but she hardly doubted they'd be pleased about that. "Um... Not much, really. I mostly spend time with my friends and do homework."
Mike held back a laugh as Rachel answered the question. It wasn't surprising that she didn't want to get into the details of how she spent her free time; Mike doubted his parents would have appreciated hearing about the skanks and Rachel's position within the group. Luckily Julia seemed to pick up on Rachel's disinterest in discussing the subject, simply responding with a "Well, friends and homework are important at your age."
Rachel nodded her head in agreement. "Totally." She replied before biting down on the inside of her cheek. The brunette was usually so good at reading situations but she wasn't sure if Mike's mother liked her or was merely tolerating her because of Mike.
Mike tried to keep quiet through the rest of the awkward dinner, only cutting in to interject when he felt he needed to. For the most part, the conversation kind of died down, with his mom occasionally making small talk and his dad talking about how things were going at the office, so both he and Rachel were spared the interrogation he had been half expecting all night. Once they'd all finished eating and Mike had helped his mom clear the table, he moved back to where Rachel was sitting. "Now that you've survived the awkward dinner, want to get out of here for a while?"
Rachel remained pretty quiet throughout the rest of dinner with Mike's family. She answered questions when prompted but for the most part, she just kept to herself. With dinner finished and Mike's father excusing himself from the table, Rachel remained in her seat as Mike and his mother cleaned up. "I would love that." She whispered before standing from her seat. "Would you like us to help you with the washing up first?" Rachel offered out to Julia who quickly thanked Rachel but declined.
Mike breathed a sigh of relief when his mom declined Rachel's offer of help. He wouldn't have minded helping out a little, but the idea of the chance to get away from the awkward, stifling atmosphere was appealing. "Awesome," he replied, flashing his girlfriend what was probably the first real smile that had crossed his face all evening. "What do you feel like doing?"
Rachel said one last goodbye to Mike's mother as the young couple made their way towards the front door. "Maybe we could spend time by the lake?" She suggested, knowing the fresh air would be a good change compared to the cramped style that was dinner.
Mike nodded, taking ahold of Rachel's hand as they slipped through the front door. It was a short walk to his car, and he only let go of her hand once they reached the passenger door to open it for her. "Sorry that was kind of...awkward," he told her as he climbed into the car. "My mom's pretty cool, but my dad isn't exactly the warmest person."
Rachel buckled her seatbelt before turning to face Mike as he made himself comfortable in the driver's seat. "It's okay." She replied sincerely. "My dad isn't exactly a stand up guy so I get it. No judgement."
Mike hadn't heard Rachel say much about her other dad before. It wasn't like the reason he wasn't around was a secret around Lima Heights, but Mike had never felt like pushing her on the subject to find out the exact story. As he started the car and shifted into reverse to back out of the driveway, though, he glanced over at her. "Do you miss him?"
Rachel wasn't expecting Mike's question so the brunette had to pause for a moment. "Yes." She finally admitted once they were out of the Chang's street. "I haven't seen him since he was sentenced. It's too hard. My daddy doesn't understand it but I just... Can't see him locked up."
Mike kept his gaze focused on the road in front of him, aware that the conversation had the potential to blow up in his face. "I wouldn't be able to either," he finally replied. "There've been studies showing that exposure to situations like that can be just as hurtful to kids as the act of the parent being in prison in the first place. That being said, if it were my dad, I'm not sure I would even want to see him."
Rachel smiled sadly. "I love my dad." She replied honestly, her voice barely above a whisper. "He was my hero. He was such an amazing man but I'm angry that he did the things he did. That he's not here anymore. Just like I'm angry that Puck's dad who was super involved in all the shady shit, didn't get a single day in jail. My dad, the black guy, was the only person who was sentenced. It's not fair."
Mike stayed silent for a moment as he navigated the streets toward the lake. The truth was, he wasn't entirely sure what to say, knowing that none of the thoughts running through his head came close to being effective. The fact that Puck's dad had been involved came as a shock, making Mike wonder how she had managed to stay friends with the other male throughout everything. "The criminal justice system is screwed," he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Rach. I can't even imagine what that must be like."
Rachel shrugged her shoulders. "It is what it is." She replied quietly before reaching out her hand to rest on her boyfriend's arm. "Just listening to me helps... Nobody really does that besides you."
Mike nodded. "Anytime," he answered sincerely. A few moments later they reached the lake and he pulled the car into a spot in the deserted parking lot.
Rachel smiled softly at Mike. She knew he was being sincere and honest. He was always there for her and willing to be by her side. Unbuckling her seat belt, Rachel opened the car door and stepped out into the cool breeze. Stretching slightly, she walked around the front of the car to greet Mike who was now standing and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Tonight was good." She whispered, wanting to reassure her boyfriend that she had enjoyed herself.
Mike pocketed his keys as he got out of the car. The only sound that greeted them was the soft sound of the water lapping against the shore; it was peaceful and calming to the frayed edges of his nerves. He wrapped his arms around Rachel's waist when she approached, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as she spoke. "Thank you for being there," he replied before leaning in and capturing her lips against his.
Rachel smiled against his lips before kissing him back and moving her body closer to his. "My pleasure." She whispered, running her fingers through the hair at the back of his head.
Mike moaned against her lips softly as her fingers played with his hair, a shiver going across the sensitive skin at the back of his neck. It was hard to believe that she had actually had anything even remotely resembling fun at the dinner, but even if she was just pretending, he appreciated the effort.
Rachel smirked softly as the sound of Mike's moan filled her ears. "Next up is meeting my daddy... I know you too have met in passing but I know he wants to meet you officially."
Mike shrugged one shoulder lightly. "That's only fair." He paused, looking down as he scuffed his shoe against the gravel of the parking lot. "He's not going to hate me for that time I drove you to the point of disappearing for a weekend, is he?"
Rachel bit down on her bottom lip. "No and like I said, it wasn't you. It was everything... He doesn't hate you."
Mike nodded, but he wasn't entirely convinced. Despite what Rachel said, he couldn't help but feel like their fight had been a major part of the reason she had left. "I know, but still. I feel bad. But I'd love to officially meet him whenever you want."
Rachel shook her head. "Don't feel bad." She whispered before kissing him again. "Now, I have a few hours before curfew... Want to spend it making out in your car?" She grinned
Mike didn't need to be asked twice. "I like the way you think," he laughed. Using the arm that was slung around her waist to guide them back a few steps to the backseat of the car.
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fleetfootedchangx · 8 years
TAGGING: Mike Chang & Rachel Berry
WHEN: January 11th; Evening
WHERE: Mike’s house
GENERAL NOTES: Rachel comes over to talk, and Mike and Rachel decide to make things official. 
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The Start of Something New || Cherry
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fleetfootedchangx · 8 years
TAGGING: Mike Chang & Rachel Berry
WHEN: January 21th; Evening
WHERE: Rachel’s apartment
GENERAL NOTES: Rachel and Mike catch up after her impromptu trip to Columbus. 
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Landed || Cherry
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fleetfootedchangx · 8 years
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Happy Lunar New Year! 
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