fleetsfleece · 11 years
chancytrolls started following you
~~~A New Follower.~~~
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
Code Yellow: I May Not Be Able To, I Could Nuke The Area You Are In.
Code Yellow: Considering Your File, That May Not Kill You, So Then I Could Report Your Location To The, As You Put It, "Big Fish".
azurewarlord started following you
Beats the hell outta me
Maybe I’m feeling reminiscent 
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
Code Green: What A Silly Reason.
Code Yellow: Oddly Risky For Such Little Motivation, But Maybe You Have Grown Tired Of Living.
Code Yellow: How Should I Know?
azurewarlord started following you
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
Code Yellow: So, What Is A Famous Criminal Doing Talking To A Random Fleet Officer Like This?
azurewarlord started following you
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
Code Green: Oh Now You Are Just Forcing Me To Keep Talking.
Code Yellow: I Am No Coward.
azurewarlord started following you
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
Code Green: You Toot Your Own Horn Far Too Much.
Code Yellow: I Am Not One To Stay Uninformed Just Because Information Is Dangerous.
azurewarlord started following you
Code Yellow: Oh, I Have Heard Of You.
Code Green: Scarface, Correct?
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
Code Green: Even If They Erase The Paper Work, I Would Not Forget.
Code Green: Actually, The Fact There Is No Trace Of You Is Why I Remember.
azurewarlord started following you
Code Yellow: Oh, I Have Heard Of You.
Code Green: Scarface, Correct?
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
azurewarlord started following you
Code Yellow: Oh, I Have Heard Of You.
Code Green: Scarface, Correct?
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
The Loyalist Fleet
Once the captain returned from the ship, stinking of liquor and some troll’s perfume, the crew could head to the Leviathan. It was far grander ship then the one they normally occupied, but it was a good one to use for an important meeting. Or, it would be, if there were not so many people here. Eight ships worth had been crammed in one, though only the higher ranking officers of most of them were invited. It was quite a surprised that the Peregrine Falcon, one of the worst ships in the fleet, was invited to the meeting as well.
Ovidia, like the Falcon, would never normally be invited to a situation like this, considering her rank, but she was covering for one of the higher ups on the ship. Since the Captain was clearly drunk, the Executive Officer was covering for him. That meant that everyone was ranked up one position, and Ovidia was lucky enough to be covering for one of the higher ups. Otherwise, she would never be here, in this situation.
The person leading the meeting was a woman. She was a sea dweller, of course, and it was quite surprising to Ovidia that it was in fact the same woman who had told her to come to the meeting. The blue blood would have expected her to ask one of her officer’s to do it for her. It was something that caused Ovidia to respect the woman more then she normally would have.
“You’re the one who met with her.” The sudden whisper in her ear snapped Ovidia out of her trance. The troll who spoke to her was Kwalie. She was a nice enough girl, and ranked a few places above Ovidia, which was why she was permitted to be present for the meeting. “Do you have any idea what’s going on?”
“Not in the least,” Ovidia responded, making sure her voice was hushed. That didn’t exactly work out, though, as once she was done whispering, one of the other troll’s elbowed her. Ah, Rigald. He was one of the most serious trolls on the whole ship. If he was the captain, she would have been sure to respect him. He gestured to the front of the room, where the female sea dweller was preparing to speak.
“By this point,” the woman began. “You all should know that The Condesce, our Emperor, has been taken.” There was so sound in the crowd, but she silenced it quickly. “Most of the ships in the fleet have surrendered to the man who ceased the throne. Those here, are the few that remain loyal to our true ruler.”
“Only this many!” piped up a man from another ship. Ovidia could not see him, but she assumed he was a weakling. Maybe a teal bloodm those bastards barely even counted as high bloods…  “How can we do anything with just this many trolls?”
“Quiet!” snapped someone from around the same area as the man. Considering there was no more protest, it was assumed the first troll had quieted down.
“No, there are a few others no present, who will be assisting us, though not that many. I won’t lie to you and tell you there are more then there are. However, all of us all skilled, and those who are already in the field, are the top of their class. Already, some have begun their assault on the impostor. But, there is still more to do. And that is where we are to be involved.”
The sea dweller woman took a deep breathe. “This is all of us, plus those you left on your own ships to guard them. For this mission, I am going to need your absolute loyalty. There can be no traitors, deserters, or anyone who may hesitate in the field. If you think you cannot go through with this mission, speak up now.”
It was quiet for a few minutes, when suddenly a few trolls began to stand up. Ovidia felt shifting from beside her, and a nervous Kwalie stood up.
“Oh Kwa…” whispered Rigald. It was a disappointment to Ovidia as well. Kwalie was a good girl, but she wasn’t very brave. They both knew that.
“For the time being, you will be treated as prisoners, then,” the leader explained. “I can’t have you reporting us. You will stay off the ships though, as you have shown you are not willing to do this mission. Your positions, depending on your captain, may still be waiting for you after this battle is finished.”
The trolls who has stood were shuffled out of the room, costing the group about one fifth of it’s total mass.
“With that done, we can begin discussing the plan.”
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
~~~My Name Is Ovidia.~~~
~~~And You Are?~~~
nopetrolls,emyfantrolls,fleetfleece,and kronnoandfriends started following you.
Tumblr media
)I(ello there,sweets!
)I(ow are y’all doin’?
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
✉ Text Messages ✉
∞ - For an altered state of mind text. (Drunk, drugged.) # - For an angry text. ♦ - For a rushed text. x - For a secret text. ♥ - For a regular text. * - For an early morning text.
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
~~~Hello Miss.~~~
nopetrolls,emyfantrolls,fleetfleece,and kronnoandfriends started following you.
Tumblr media
)I(ello there,sweets!
)I(ow are y’all doin’?
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
~~~Hello Ma'am.~~~
~~~The Captain Is Off Ship At The Moment.~~~
~~~He Will Not B Back For A Few Hours.
~~~I Am Sorry.~~~
fleetsfleece started following you
Ah good, just in time for an important mission. Come child wwe’vve much to discuss and not much time to do so.
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
Ovidia removes the ribbon around the neck of her outfit.
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
For each ♡ I receive, I will remove an article of clothing
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
!!!Is The Heir Of Age Already?!!!
!!!Are You Him?!!!!
Greetings good citizens
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fleetsfleece · 11 years
~~~I Am Sorry For Being Rude, But That Goes Against What I Was Taught During The Training I Received.~~~
~~~Did Something Happen While My Ships Communication Were Down?~~~
Greetings good citizens
)(ow do you all fare t)(is fine morning?
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