flickpitch-blog · 6 years
Where is my Flickpitch?
Some of you have been asking, “Where is my flickpitch?” after you upload it; expecting it to display in your feed after publishing. We will explain what happens. Basically what occurs when you publish your flickpitch is that it is put into the feeds of everyone in which your profile matches what they are looking for. So say for instance, you are a male, and you have female only selected in your preferences, your feed would not display your flickpitch, because you yourself are a male. The only way your would see your flicks in your own feed, your profile settings would have to align with your desired preferences. If you do not see an error when you publish your flick, it was published successfully. To see your flickpitches, follow the steps listed below:
1. Tap your profile photo at the top of your app.
2. Tap “My Pitches”.
It’s that simple. If you wish to delete any pitches you have second thoughts about, simply tap the “X”.
If you have any questions, simply contact support at [email protected].
Flickpitch Engineering
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flickpitch-blog · 6 years
Introducing Flickpitch
Flickpitch is a real time dating app. It’s initially available on the IOS mobile platform. The purpose of the application is to allow individuals to build rapport in real time, by sharing ephemeral photos of their life with others who match their social objectives. Social objectives consist of dating, making new friends and networking. When users sign up, you have the option of selecting any or all objectives. The overall sign up process is very similar to signing up for a dating application. You provide information about your education, physical appearance, political beliefs, age, as well as what your preferences are for others who will appear in your real time feed.
Once you complete the sign up process, you will be directed to your personal profile where you can add a profile photo and permanent photos for members who match your criteria to browse. You can add captions to the photos you upload to give visitors context of what’s happening in your photos. Within your profile, you can also add a short bio blurb. When matches come to your profile page, they will instantly see the things you have in common, which helps spark the conversation and leads us to our next feature....messaging.
Messaging is a powerful feature within in social networking application. The only people you can message is those who match your customized preferences. You can share text only messages, or attach photos, to add a more rich communicative experience. Messages only last for 24 hours. This is to mimic a more of real life rapport building experience. When you meet someone in public, you talk, they tell you things, you take mental notes, and use that information to further a richer discovery experience. It made more sense to not let content last forever, but not delete it as soon as you leave the message. Building rapport takes time, and it’s good to be able to reference dialog, but without it lasting forever.
*Note: When sending emojis, currently emojis only work when they are populated via your keyboard’s auto complete. Emojis selected directly from your emoji library will not display. We are working to correct this issue. You can also create a shortcut list of emojis for IOS by using this link.
The Pitchdeck is the core of Flickpitch and where the true magic happens. The reward for all of your hard sign up work is witnessed here. Everyone in your area, based on all of your physical, educational, political, ethnic and distance selections are displayed here. You can always re-adjust any of your settings as desires can change over time. 
Flickpitch Origins 
Flickpitch comes from the concept of a ‘Flick’ meaning taking a photo, and ‘Pitch’, which is making a presentation to someone. And every time you share content, it’s naturally going to be photo oriented, but you in essence, are pitching who you are as a person to your preference matches.
Pitchdeck Concept
In investment terms, a pitchdeck is a series of slides you use to make a presentation to someone. Since the Flickpitch feed is a series of photo content, it made sense to call it the Pitchdeck; as everyone is making their pitches to each other about why they are interesting, and worth connecting with. 
Ephemeral Content
Pitchdeck content only last 24 hours, just like messages, All content uploaded is deleted permanently from our system. We do not maintain any backups of Pitchdeck or Messaging data, including photos.
See who’s checking you out
You can always check to see who has viewed your content and link right to their profiles and checkout the people who are checking you out.
Swiping right or swiping left is essential once you click on someone's flickpitch. This action allows you to see other flickpitches a person has shared.
If you want to exit someones’ flickpitches, simply swipe down and you will be taken back to your pitchdeck.
You always have easy access to your settings by clicking your profile photo at the top of the page. There you can edit any of your sign up data including your personal data, photo library, profile photo, as well as your preference data.
What makes Flickpitch different
What makes Flickpitch different is the fact we are a unique hybrid of social networking, dating and befriending within a ephemeral eco system. Existing dating apps are antiquated with the stale old photos that are uploaded and left forever. You don’t know if these people are real, or if they are still looking. Since users on Flickpitch post real time content, you will always know people are active. You also don’t have to be looking to date anyone, as you can select just the friend objective, or if you are business oriented, you can select the networking objective. 
Because of the precise information we collect in the beginning, you will always know you are speaking with people who are on the same page as you. That’s really important.
Evanescent content is one of the crucial benefits of Flickpitch. In this era of online social, we now appeal more to a default of temporary, with an opt in of permanence. The more mature social networks were build around permanence, but moving forward, ephemeral is the new guard. This new paradigm allows us to share, and network more freely without worrying about content living forever.
Sandbox Environment
Because the visibility of your content is based on your specified selections, not just anyone will see your content; just those who fit the criteria of who you want to see your content. Granted, you won’t know the people, but that’s sort of the purpose, which is to expand social circles for whatever your purposes are. But you can still rest assured that the people who see your content are “the kind of people” you would want to see your content: from age, to ethnicity, to education, or any preferences you choose to have or not have.
There are a million things that still need to be built to allow Flickpitch to reach it’s full potential, but it will get there. Your feedback is welcomed and encouraged. I thank you for downloading the app and giving it a shot, and I hope it can be a prominent utility in your daily lives.
Stay in touch with what we’re doing on a various social media properties:
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Flickpitch
Chris Weathers, CEO
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