fliippedcoiin · 9 years
Atlantis: The Lost Empire  {Sentence Starters}
"Do not be such a crybaby. Hold still."
"You have disturbed the dirt."
"There you are. Now tell me your story, my little friend."
"It only took me like, what? Ten seconds? Eleven, tops."
"Who are you? Who sent you? Speak up!"
"Someone needs to talk to that girl."
"But, nobody got hurt. Well, maybe somebody got hurt, but nobody we knew."
"Well, as far as me goes, I just like to blow things up."
"Anyway, I guess there was this leak next door of gas or what. BOOM! No more Chinese laundry."
"You didn't just drink that, did you?"
"Will you look at the size of this? It's gotta be half a mile high, at least."
"What, something wrong with your neck?"
"I got your four basic food groups! Beans, bacon, whisky and lard."
"I didn't say it was the smart thing, but it is the right thing."
"Get back! I've got soap, and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"Well, you did set the camp on fire and drop us down that big hole."
"Thank God I lost my sense of taste years ago."
"Yeah, I really wish I had a better idea than this."
"'Bout time someone hit him. I'm just sorry it wasn't me."
"I know, why don't you translate, and I'll wave the gun around!"
"Looks like all our chances for survival rest with you."
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
Christmas ||Starter Sentences||
"Oh, my gosh, it's snowing!"
"Don't hang that there! Are you crazy?!"
"It's Christmas, don't be so down. Have fun!"
"Are you sure you have enough to buy that for him/her? It is pretty expensive, and you don't get your next paycheck til the week after Christmas."
"Care for a little bit of Christmas songs? No? Well, too bad!"
"Okay, who spiked the eggnog?!"
"Please don't act crazy like you did last Christmas... that was a disaster."
"Hey, in my defense, I had too much sugar, alright?!"
"What are you doing? Get down from there before you tangle yourself in the lights!"
"Maybe having an inflatable snowman next to our spiked fence wasn't such a good idea."
"We're out of cookies, but do you think Santa will settle for a salad?"
"No, no, no, you're supposed to put the lights on BEFORE the ornaments!"
"I did the star last time, it's your turn now."
"Your present's going to be a bit late... 9 months late, so to speak."
"Worst. Christmas. EVER."
"Y'know how you get a bit crazy on Christmas Eve? Yeah, don't do that this year."
"This is the best Christmas I've ever had in my entire life.."
"You missed the present-opening!"
"Time to open up the gifts!"
"You know what would be a great way to end this night? You and me, our clothes on the bedroom floor... get what I'm hinting at?"
"This is the ugliest sweater I've ever worn... I love it!"
"I just want to make someone else have a good Christmas."
"We can't really afford anything good this Christmas..."
"No, you're dressing up as Santa this year for the kids."
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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❝  we both know our child is perfect. ❞ ( teasing ever so lightly, his hand running through her brown tresses before he took her in his arms again. a baby.. he couldn’t think of anything else. for a moment, he felt a pang of an odd jealousy. she had people to tell-- her family, possibly annie. she had people. alberic had noone, besides her. without her, he was truly all alone in this world. he would probably be DEAD. but instead he lives, and is starting a different life than he ever imagined. he never wanted another child, but with katniss, he would have as many as she desired. )
                                                           “i trust you… i always have. and i always will,” katniss whispered and pecked his lips, then managed to chuckle to herself, still in DISBELIEF. “we’re having a baby…” she repeated to herself, smiling excitedly as she met his gaze again. then the ( worry ) came. “we really do need to go to the doctor though, as much as i hate to admit it. i’d die if anything was wrong with our child.”
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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❝ then we don’t tell anyone. outside of your little family, noone else needs to know right now. and when you get further along, that they just plainly see, i will personally make sure not one photo of you or our baby is taken. ❞ ( bold words, protective-- her point was valid, they all were. he was under pressure, but he wasn’t about to say no to this new challenge-- fatherhood. )  ❝  if i have to, i’ll take some time off, let paylor take the reins and help y o u. ❞
                                                        katniss shyly glanced up at him again and swallowed thickly, afraid for the look on his face. but no… it was a smile. albeit, an e x h a u s t e d one, but that was to be expected. “of-of course i am. of course i am. i-i’m just AFRAID… you’re already under so much pressure with running a new nation. we-we can’t have ( photographers ) hounding us every five minutes to get a picture of my belly, or later on, our child.”
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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❝ i promise. i’m not mad, katniss, don’t be so meek. ❞   ( he felt oddly calm- having never heard the news of fatherhood, he wasn’t sure to react. of course, he was happy. his hand cupped her pale cheek, lifting her gaze up to him. those pretty eyes of hers always showed the bare depths of her inebriated soul.  alberic smiled, though tiredly. )  ❝ i’m-- happy. we are going to be parents. are you happy? ❞
                                                      katniss’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. he wasn’t mad? it sure didn’t S E E M like it. she wanted to hug him, to wrap her arms tightly around him, but it didn’t seem like the best idea at the moment. in fact, she stepped back slowly and glanced up at him worriedly, afraid he was holding in his real ( emotions ) about it all. “okay…” she whispered and nodded her head, glancing down at the floor and playing with her fingers. was he truly ( HAPPY ) about this all? she never knew with him.
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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The blue shadows under his eyes. I wonder if he slept at all. Couldn’t have been long.
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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98/? ’The Hunger Games’ close-ups
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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❝ i’m not mad at you. ❞   ( that was, a bit of a lie. he was a bit angry that she kept it from him, but he knew her. she had to process this herself, to be so sure of this before she could even dream about telling him. he could see that-- an dhe knew his anger was childish. she was pregnant, with his child. )   ❝ you’re pregnant. that’s wonderful. i-- we need to make an appointment, immediately. ❞
                                                     as he realized what was happening, katniss cried a bit harder but inhaled and wiped at her eyes, looking up at him. “i-i needed to be sure… i haven’t been to the ( DOCTOR ) yet, though,” she whispered, her voice as s h a k y as her hands. she stepped back quickly, her eyes afraid. “p-please don’t be mad at me… please,” she pleaded, even before he could fully react. she just had to beg that before, just in case.
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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❝ i know you have, katniss. i rule panem, i can tell when my girlfriend keeps a secret--. ❞  ( a soft sigh gave way as his hand was held by hers. the moment the light flicked on- his eyes made their way to the sight of the tests. he could see them already- all four little plus signs. his mind wandered, thinking to all the times she had to rush off to the restroom, or how queasy she looked at the sight of certain foods. alberic’s breath hitched- his hand squeezing her own. )   ❝ you took four? three wasn’t enough?~ ❞
                                                          as soon as he put his hands on her shoulders, katniss moved into his arms and leaned her head up against his chest, crying even HARDER than before. “i-it’s not anything like that… i’ve-i’ve been ( keeping ) things from you,” she finally admitted, stepping back and burying her face in her hands for a moment. she knew she couldn’t say the words out l o u d; she needed to show him. “follow me…”
                                                          she took his hand and began leading him to the BATHROOM, taking a deep breath and flipping on the light. “look…” she breathed out, moving him in ( front ) of her so that he could see the four tests.
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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❝ katniss! ❞
( confusion elated immediately, his hands grasping the frail shoulders of his lover. she had hardly even spoken-- and tears fell within moments. lately- she had been strange, as if a big secret clouded over her, her actions were awkward, she could never look him in the eyes. he knew she wasn’t conspiring infidelity-- no, it was something else. )  
❝ would you tell me what’s wrong? before i force an army to S T O R M  panem to find the person who made you cry? ❞  )
                                                                no such smile was returned. she knew if she tried right now, then it would come out as more of a grimace than anything. she was simply n e r v o u s for his reaction, even though excitement about everything was building up inside her. slowly, she rose to her feet as he hung his ( coat ) over a chair, and parted her lips to say what she NEEDED to say before just stopping, unable to get the words out. instead, tears filled her eyes as she squeezed her eyes shut, clasping her hands over her m o u t h. now she was afraid; what if he would be mad? she didn’t know how she’d ( handle ) that. 
                                                                she attempted to still say something even as the tears began to ( F A L L  ), but ended up just letting out a soft sob and burying her face in her hands, staying in place by her chair, as her legs began to tremble.
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
disgustingly cute domestic scenes to imagine your otp in:
getting slightly too drunk in the middle of the afternoon and slow dancing to dumb cheesy old music and kissing in a way that’s more laughter than actual kissing, mouths clumsy and hands gripping tight and sunlight slanting over them as they move lazily together 
curling up on the sofa together, feet tucked under thighs and arms around shoulders, watch the kind of crap tv that only airs at 3am because they don’t want to go to untangle themselves to go to bed
hectic mornings when they each need to be somewhere and they’re rushing around each other, ducking into bathrooms and bedrooms and kitchen cupboards, pausing to straighten tops and press kisses to cheeks
going through old photos together and collapsing into laughter every three pictures, and zooming in on ones where they’re pulling awful faces or ones that were taken at just the wrong moment
getting ready for nights out together, standing shoulder to shoulder as they brush their teeth or get their faces ready or style their hair, knocking elbows and hips as they try and hog more space
standing quietly together in the kitchen after long, exhausting days, leaning into each other for support, breathing in the smell of home, fingers carding through hair and stroking down spines, until they feel like they can relax and smile properly again
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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❝ katniss? what did you need?-- ❞ ( a long day, pushed further by meetings, handshaking, even a trip to the opposite side of the capitol for a greet. he never imagined it like this, his plans were so different, far darker. until the GIRL ON FIRE had set him alight. now he was president of panem in a new light. and with that same girl at his side. )  ( now entering the mansion, hearing his name from katniss is a tone that only called for serious measures. if it wasn’t important, she would have just stated it out loud. he smiled towards her, removing his coat jacket and hanging it over a chair. )
                                                  positive. the fourth one. katniss laid it next to the other tests with a trembling hand. all of them had the tiny little plus on the result screen. she’d requested the most high tech TESTS available, and all had given her the same ( reading ). she was carrying a baby. overjoyed she was, but scared all at the same time. running the country had been s t r e s s f u l for alberic; he’d be short with her on occasion, though she didn’t blame him. there was a ton of pressure on his shoulders. all she could do was be there for him. but now… who knew how he’d react to having another thing to WORRY about in his life?
                                                  she sat in their ( extravagant ) parlor as she waited for him to come home, skirt of her dress curtaining elegantly over her legs as she sat in the grand CHAIR in front of the fireplace. to approach this calmly and gently was the best option; who knew? maybe he’d be overjoyed as she was. she smiled to herself then placed her hand over her flat abdomen, then gasped and glanced up quickly as she heard the front door open. she moved her hands to fold them together over her lap, taking a deep breath and softly calling, “alberic…? i need to s p e a k with you.”
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
Keep reading
( a small chuckle, d a r k , erotic, pulling from the deepest depths of his chest. watching her so desperately plead for him, was wonderful. alberic smacked her bottom, hard, removing his hand from between those cute, pale thighs. ) 
❝ mockingjay.. i really do love to watch you BEG. ❞
( another smack, the sting of his hand buzzing for just a second, before he swatted his palm upon her again. every smack earned a twitch from his hard member, so eager, as she was. )
trouble || closed
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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Jon Hamm for Emmy Magazine February 2015.
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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Happy Birthday Jonathan Daniel Hamm  (March 10th, 1971)
I’ve gotten away with a lot in my life. The older you get the more you realize you’re not getting away with it, it’s taking its toll somewhere. So you try not to put yourself in those situations. Part of the mysterious process called growing up. Some people do that better than others. 
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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GQ April 2015 scan.
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fliippedcoiin · 9 years
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GQ April 2015 scan.
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