flippin--corduroy · 1 year
The last thing Wendy wanted was to overreact or make a thing out of a thing that didn’t need to be a thing. If she didn’t like Gaston’s tone, she didn’t have to be around him. But again, she could just be jumping to conclusions. He probably didn’t mean anything by totally lumping the entire female population together by harmful stereotypes that totally set feminism back in every possible way. Ignorance was nothing to be upset at, for sure. 
“Thanks.” She gave him a smile and took a sip from the whiskey. A little harder than she’d intended to go with her fish and chips, but she was kind of competitive when it came to being compared to men (or not being compared to even the same category as men). It’s why she’d entered in so many “lumberjane” competitions to prove she could be in the “lumberjack” ones. (Seriously, they needed a gender neutral term for lumberjack, or just to not coin lumberjane. Lumberjay, maybe? Lumberjoe? Lumberthem? After all, non-binary outdoorspeople existed too). 
Anyways, out of that internal monologue as she continued to sip, “Perfect.” She was just going to pick a neutral topic, “So is this place more or less crowded in the winters? I mean, the lodge vibe is very winter but there’s also those who don’t really want a night out in the winter as well.” Yes, seasonal business, great Wendy. “I mean, I know Oaken’s has its own ebb and flow with the seasons, but it’s not exactly in the hospitality industry.”
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More Beer? % [Wenston]
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flippin--corduroy · 1 year
More Beer? % [Wendy]
Gaston didn’t recognize this girl–though, she wasn’t really his type. (Yes, even Gaston had a type, though it was rather broad.) For one, she was far too lanky and tall, not the way a model was, but the way a gawky foal was. Nothing womanly about her at all. The way she dressed wasn’t flattering either. (Maybe because he would literally wear the same outfit.) It was a real shame, she could maybe save herself if she put a little more into her appearance. What a shame.
“Ah, well, depends on what kind of ale you like, generally. I’d maybe suggest the Citra Oakham. It’s light and tropical.” The girls usually liked it if they weren’t big into beer. “And our housebrew has peach.”
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Ah, there’s why she didn’t get on with Gaston. A vibe. A strange one that she felt in her gut. Listen, some people didn’t believe in gut feelings or like intuition, but there were definite vibes to people and Gaston had some ones that clashed a little with hers.
“On second thought, I think I’ll have a whiskey, neat.” She propped her head up on the bar and gave him her best attempt at a glazed over sort of dreamy smile he probably got before. Her head tilting a bit as she stared him down. Chill Wendy, chill. He probably didn’t even mean it. She was totally chill, vibes were frozen even.
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flippin--corduroy · 1 year
Wendy honestly preferred Pixie’s most days for her after work drinks, but these days she was trying to branch out her time. The Deer wasn’t exactly a place for her to pick up anyone (at least she thought). It was a lot tougher in a straight bar, especially one with so many trophies. But, the thing she did like about the Deer was well, the wood. The bar was a piece of art actually and she was surrounded by vibes that made her think about cabins back in Oregon. 
“Oh I was thinking fish and chips and one of the beers you’ve got on tap. Any recommendations? I’m not the most familiar with ale from across the pond as I am the American ones.” She’d been around the Deer before but she’d never really gotten much time with Gaston, maybe said something in passing to him, usually John was around during this shift, maybe he was out sick or something.
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More Beer? % [Open]
It was a quiet night at the Deer. Gaston was working the bar, as he did quite often. He preferred to be a hands on kind of owner. He wanted people to see his face, to know that he was involved in the going ons.
“What can I get you?” he asked, back to the new customer as he cleaned a glass, only turning around once he heard the stool pull out and someone sit down.
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flippin--corduroy · 1 year
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CorduroyCarpentry: After a holiday back in Gravity Falls, I learned that I needed more social media photos for the fam updates/newsletters. My brothers quickly snapped this one during our Christmas Day movie outing so they’d get at least one of me for 2022 😜
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flippin--corduroy · 1 year
Dating in the Daylight || Wendana​
“I could do tea,” Tiana said, glancing at the menu board again. She didn’t usually deliberate this with people, but she supposed first dates always had a level of awkwardness and icebreaking that needed to be done, But there was maybe something else to it, too. 
Tiana had always surrounded herself with… well, with workaholics, to be honest. Her closest friends were all business-owners— and that was how they had all become closer. Her roommate was a teacher and the mother of a toddler. And there had been Jessica, of course…
Anyway, not thinking about that. There was something refreshing about Wendy’s laid-back attitude, that was the point.
“Want to split a pot? Ever since they stopped carrying the Unbirthday Blend here, I never really know what to order,” Tiana said, chuckling self-consciously. Now that she and Hatter were working together, the topic was less of a sore spot. But it still bothered Tiana. Just a little bit.
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“Well sure, why not. Shared experience.” Wendy grinned a bit. “The Unbirthday blend was pretty nice, I gotta say. But I’m open in exploring teas depending on mood.” She stepped up again in line and tried to figure out which one to get. 
So far everything was going pretty well, staying on easy topics, no one had anything awkward going on, chill. Everything was chill. Wendy could date in the daylight and not just depend on Pixie’s hookups that she never really followed up with later. This was good. 
“So I could go with something kind of either Jasmine-y or Hibiscus-y probably. Jasmine is usually pretty good with like reducing tension and Hibiscus lowers blood pressure, also tastes pretty dope in my opinion.” Wendy chuckled a bit, “Just in case you’re in need of either of those things at this very moment.”
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flippin--corduroy · 1 year
Dating in the Daylight || Wendana​
Tiana was no fashion expert, but Wendy took off her hat and brushed her hair out of her face and Tiana thought she should probably be a model or something because wow. And then she felt kind of silly, but Wendy was asking her a question and thank god she hadn’t said any of that out loud.
“Honestly, I usually just get it plain ‘cause it’s quick?” Tiana admitted. “Disappointing answer, I know. Maybe I’ll branch out a little today. Since we’re here and all.” She gave a small smile. “What about you?”
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Wendy just grinned a bit, “Oh yeah? Well, I guess that sort of makes sense when you’re a lady on the go. Always have your work to get back to. Me? I’m a bit more chill, not that I don’t get in the zone, but I kind of need to wind up for it. So I usually get like a chai tea to begin and if I really need something to kick start me, I’ll get a latte. Nothing too fancy though.” 
She thought about it, brows knitting together, “Today might be more of a tea-type day though. Chill, no worries. Just getting to know a new person.” She gave a shrug as the line slowly moved up again.
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flippin--corduroy · 1 year
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@heart-of-dunbroch @boointhenight @flippin–corduroy @mischievousmarvelousmagical-blog
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flippin--corduroy · 1 year
Dating in the Daylight || Wendana​
The first thing Tiana noticed about Wendy was that she was tall. Which she probably should have realized, because she had seen Wendy around town before, and her Tinder bio even said how tall she was, but it was still jarring. In a good way, though. There was really no way around it: Wendy was hot. Even in that ridiculous hat.
She chuckled, jogging the last few steps over to the coffee shop and stomping her snow boots. “Weeeeell, I managed to squeeze it in,” she joked, making an exaggeratedly pensive face. It was sort of true, though. This was the rare hour Tiana had in the middle of the day before the team meeting that preceded dinner service. But she wasn’t going to lead with that— she really wanted to do better this time. No months-long phone tag (even if that wasn’t the real reason she and Jessica had stopped talking).
Tiana pulled the door open and gestured at the entrance. “After you.”
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The redhead just smiled and breathed out into the cold air, “Lucky me.” Wendy gave a slight bow at the gesture, “Thank you kindly, ma'am.” God that was cheesy--it was fine. Be cool, Corduroy. Chill. You’re super chill. 
She walked into the warm air of Hatter’s, chatter of little conversations overtaking her senses. She pulled her hat off her head and ran a hand through her hair, making sure she didn’t have hat head as they entered the line.
It was a little busy but not too bad, “So, what’s your usual? Are you a complicated drink sort of person or like one of those drip coffee, no cream, no sugar types? The restaurant vibe to me says you like a little extra flavor.” She made a mock thoughtful sort of face, pretending to think on it.
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flippin--corduroy · 2 years
Dating in the Daylight || Wendana
Wendy had a date. She had a date with a really cute business owner she’d met on Tinder. It had been a pretty long time since she gave the whole dating thing a shot after the heartbreak and yearning that had gone on for a while she’d been “working on herself” or whatever people said when they just wanted to be single for a bit. 
In any case, easiest way to figure out if you were compatible was an activity or a cup of coffee so when Tiana suggested Hatter’s, Wendy said why not. 
She didn’t want to order without her casual date so she just stood outside Hatter’s, her hands tucked into her jean pockets as she mimicked an eternal earnest shrug sort of look while the winter wind blew by. 
As she looked out towards the woody areas surrounding the town, she wondered, jokingly, if Tiana had a favorite tree. 
Luckily, being from Oregon she was used to a bit of cold, her snow hat flaps pulled down over her head as she looked like the image one would find in the dictionary of Lumberjane. 
As the face that had just been a photo on a screen came into view, Wendy waved one of her long arms (which came with the tall territory) with a grin, “Hey! Glad you made it.”
[outfit plus hat]
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flippin--corduroy · 2 years
Annie On The Street | Open
Annie jotted down economy, equality, small businesses. All good, buzzy points, Annie thought. She could work with that. 
“Are you associated with any small businesses in town? Or are you just someone who likes to support them?” Annie asked. “That’s also valid. We should all be concerned about the well-being of our neighbors!”
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“Oh, well, I’m a student at Pride U but I mostly spend my time at Oaken’s. I do a lot of wood working there, making custom furniture and that kind of stuff.” Wendy didn’t see any harm in giving out that info. It was a small town, she’d find out anyway just by asking around. “So I guess you could say I’m involved in Swynlake’s business.”
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flippin--corduroy · 2 years
Annie On The Street | Open
Annie expected people to be all suspicious and reticent like this when she asked them really hard-hitting, probing questions, but she thought this one was a softball. Didn’t everyone in this town have something to complain about? Annie thought she was giving Wendy the perfect opportunity here. 
But fine. She’d get more specific.
“What issues would you like to see people addressing this election season? You know— tourism, the economy, public safety, people’s rights— stuff like that. What’s important to you?”
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Huh. What was important to her? That was a good question. She had no idea anymore really. Her life had been flipped from one thing to another. Dipper was important to her but that wasn’t exactly a political statement. 
“I mean, I’m not exactly the most economically savvy kind of person so I can’t say economy is like at the front of my list. But, I mean, people’s rights is always nice. Striving for equality of Mundus and Magicks is never a bad thing in my book.” She crossed her arms, brow furrowing, “I mean, I always support small businesses, so anything the town can do to bolster that is always good in my book.” She still didn’t know if this is what she wanted, but she was hesitant to say more or make anything more specific.
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flippin--corduroy · 2 years
Annie On The Street | Open
Why her indeed? “Well, you’re sort of the everyman! Er— everywoman. You’re very… every-looking.” That was true enough. Mostly, Annie didn’t think Wendy was intimidating. She was like a taller, less well-dressed version of Annie. “Anyway, it’s nice to meet you, Wendy. What do you think? Got time to give your opinion? You can help shape the future of politics in Swynlake!”
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Wendy felt the vibes on this one were off, and she thought she was a pretty good judge of vibe. Right now this lady was radiating some weird shit. She crossed her arms and quirked a brow at being called basically ‘average’ in a sort of less than great way. Really, she was kind of the most eligible bachelor in this town according to the queer community and at times, it did go a bit to her head.
“My opinion on what exactly? Got a topic in mind you’re itching to hear about other than a broad sweep of politics?” She was just going to fire back questions til she got what this lady wanted. She was fishing for something which ultimately felt like she was trying to hook her into something less than ideal. 
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flippin--corduroy · 2 years
Annie On The Street | Open
Annie’s only job at the Squire right now was still her column. And she didn’t really need interviews for that— usually, she just wrote from the heart, as she told her editor. But ever since that exposé had been published, Annie had been itching to expand her reach. Maybe she could get some real stories, stories of her own, if she proved that she could do it! And since Annie believed very strongly in working with what she already had, she was going to beef up her column with some interviews.
Election season was the perfect opportunity for that!
“Excuse me!” Annie said, approaching someone passing by. “Annie Tremaine, Swynlake Squire. I’d love to chat with you about the issues that matter to you in this election!” No, she was not going to ask if they had a minute. If you wanted something, you had to demand it.
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Wendy was kind of contemplating what she was really doing in Swynlake these days. She wasn’t any closer to what her original goal was, her degree was coming along, she guessed and Oaken’s was nice. But she felt like she needed more things going on, a project or something. Whatever, she’d figure it out eventually. She was heading towards Oaken’s to work on a custom piece when she was stopped by a... journalist? Huh, okay.
She blinked at the very quick and demanding inquiry, wasn’t really her style of conversation, “Wendy Corduroy, Oaken’s Trading Post.” She stated back at her in the same kind of way she’d introduced herself. She crossed her arms a bit, “Why me?”
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flippin--corduroy · 2 years
Shattered Hopes {Wendy & Dolores}
Wendy glanced over to Mocha who wasn’t even looking over here again. Everything seemed just fine, so she was cool, calm and relaxed as she talked to this new person she’d never seen before. 
“Lo, nice to meet you. And eh, I work with wood, splinters, nails and glue all day. You might be less interested in taking my hand.” She chuckled and showed off her slightly rough and slightly bruised hands. “Coffee isn’t so bad in comparison.”
“Just means there’s a lot of life your hands see.” Dolores mused with a smile therefore offering her hand to the other with a shake.
“Did you get your drink already? Since I have to get back in line maybe I can treat you?” Least she could do for making such a spectacle of herself.
“Yeah, I guess that’s one way of looking at it.” She chuckled. She’d never really thought about that. The things her hands had touched or seen. She just had always thought about the roughness of them due to her handiness and the various scars she endured. Hands really saw a lot, told you a lot about a person. 
“Oh, I mean, I could do with a refill but that’s totally not necessary. I can wait in line with you. No worries.” She gave a friendly smile to the girl she’d only met a few moments ago.
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flippin--corduroy · 2 years
Shattered Hopes {Wendy & Dolores}
Dolores managed a smile and nodded. She would have to worry about reputation building after and maybe a good tip would help later.
“Dolores Madrigal. Everyone calls me Lo.” Glancing at her coffee stained hands she instead offered the girl a smile. “I’d offer my hand but I don’t know if you want to smell more like coffee then this place already does.”
Wendy glanced over to Mocha who wasn’t even looking over here again. Everything seemed just fine, so she was cool, calm and relaxed as she talked to this new person she’d never seen before. 
“Lo, nice to meet you. And eh, I work with wood, splinters, nails and glue all day. You might be less interested in taking my hand.” She chuckled and showed off her slightly rough and slightly bruised hands. “Coffee isn’t so bad in comparison.”
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flippin--corduroy · 2 years
Shattered Hopes {Wendy & Dolores}
Dolores apologized to anyone that came to help her, grimacing at the look at anyone behind the counter and before she had to hear anyone back there bad talking her, Dolores was quick to turn down her aids.
Something she should have done before she even got here.
Looking up at the other sheepishly, Dolores shrugged. “I can never tell if Mocha is annoyed and if I should run now before I might it worse.”
Wendy gave a shrug and casually glanced at Mocha, “I bet she hardly noticed.” She gave her a reassuring smile and turned a bit more in her chair to face the other customer. She knew she was part of the Madrigals but she’d never really crossed paths with most of them.
“I’m Wendy by the way. And honestly, Mocha’s not so tough once you see through her moody shell. Think she’s a bit busy with the line so you’re safe if she feels the need to talk to you about anything.” Wendy was trying to lighten the mood, the last thing anyone wanted was to feel bad over breaking something that hatter’s probably had at least 50 of in stock. These things happened all the time.
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flippin--corduroy · 2 years
Shattered Hopes {Open}
Dolores hadn’t been listening for it, she was still getting used to having her full hearing back and was adjusting her aids throughout the day. Add the fact she was planning back to school programs she wasn’t focused on anything but her own mind.
But the mention of Aurora’s name had Lo tuning in.
It only took a couple words for her to register her friend was missing when the mug of coffee slipped from her finger tips. Shattering and spilling over the floor.
But still Dolores stood there with wide eyes for a moment before cluing back in and focusing on the broken mug and trying to pick it up all while apologizing to the person helping her.
“I totally zoned out and I’ve got this I promise. I don’t mean to ruin your day or start it off on a bad note.”
Wendy had been grabbing a quick bite for lunch in the middle of the final bit of prep work for the sets. A lot of it was making sure the sanding was done properly and that everything was supporting the weight and bolted down so she had a little time to spare while Lou barked his orders at people to retouch paint in certain spots. 
She wasn’t expecting a mug to crash at her feet from a neighboring table though, check that off the list of things to happen at Hatter’s. One of the baristas came over quickly to fix things as Mocha glanced over for just a moment before continuing her position at the register. 
Wendy just leaned against the back of her chair, “Days are like that sometimes, I wouldn’t worry about it.”
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