flippin-fins · 4 months
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flippin-fins · 6 months
Everyone please behold this baby tree:
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It's so much smaller than the support posts, they had to secure it with caution tape.
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flippin-fins · 7 months
I miss when library books used to have little paper pockets inside with a list of all the people who borrowed it and when... I hate that this is now exclusive knowledge of librarians. I do care that a miss Mariana borrowed this book in 1985 and then Dario in 1997. They're my brothers and sisters
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flippin-fins · 7 months
not to be on my debut shit but if you weren’t there (watching cmt in 2007) you don’t remember how debut should not have worked that’s not what country music WAS then. it was just post-9/11 so new artists were all patriotism and country boys in trucks drinking and idolizing their fathers and war and occasionally being sad about a lost love and girls in short shorts looking wife-eyed and loving Jesus and occasionally being sad about a dead love. like taylor in her sparkly dresses with her big hair singing about high school and unrequited puppy love wasn’t designed to work but it DID because young women went absolutely feral over this gangly blond in prom dresses who sang about things they understood, things they felt and taylor was such a risk but she proved her mettle and then everyone proceeded to make her keep doing it for another sixteen years even though as a literal teenager she made a genre fit her not the other way around and i have to chew glass every time i think about it
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flippin-fins · 8 months
owww. owwwuh. fuck. wait. *pulls out* theres a damn rock in your pussy man.
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flippin-fins · 8 months
i think as adults it’s our responsibility to be nice to kids and treat them with the respect we wish we got at that age and im not kidding or exaggerating in the least
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flippin-fins · 8 months
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he's very excited about his first night as a jack o lantern
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flippin-fins · 8 months
I, a hearing person who likes subtitles just as a preference, shouldn't have to read a subtitle that's obvious nonsense, go back a couple seconds, and listen again in order to figure out what's going on. An accessibility feature should not be the most half-assed part of a professionally made production. Scripted media has absolutely no excuse for not having subtitles or having subtitles that aren't perfectly verbatim. Professional captioning services should be ashamed of the shoddy work that they put out. Captions should be treated as a part of the production, just like filming, editing, audio balancing, etc - and anything that releases with missing or bad captions should be seen as unfinished
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flippin-fins · 8 months
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flippin-fins · 9 months
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flippin-fins · 9 months
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happy autumn equinox!! 🌓 🍂
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flippin-fins · 9 months
this j*e j*nas news is making taylor and sophie's dinner the other night a lot less of a "should we do something funny" and more of taylor being like helping out a friend in crisis by making sure the world knows she has very powerful allies in this nonsense. good for her but also so sad for pretty much all involved.
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flippin-fins · 9 months
People who don’t do or create shit are always the most critical because they have no frame of reference. They severely underestimate how much energy it takes, how much fear and other psychic burdens need to be overcome, the sheer amount of relentless persistence, faith and self-belief it takes to put something, no matter how feeble and shitty, out in to the world.
It seems so easy just looking. “I could do that”. “I could’ve made that”. Well then do it. Look at the most feeble and easy looking creative work and then replicate it in your own way. And with no irony or hiding or joking- in all sincerity put your name on it - and show it to others. People you know in real life. As a representation of yourself. See how it feels. You’ll have a new appreciation and softness towards creative friends and strangers.
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flippin-fins · 9 months
i hope they find a stupid tiny fish or something on mars and make mining illegal, just like the devil’s hole in california
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these endangered bastards and their bathtub-sized habitat (just the surface shelf of a giant cave structure thanks) singlehandedly pissed off SO many businessmen lol
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flippin-fins · 9 months
"ai is making it so everyone can make art" Everyone can make art dipshit it came free with your fucking humanity
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flippin-fins · 9 months
“aren’t you tired of being nice” no!!!! i’m tired of everyone else being mean!!!!!!!!
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flippin-fins · 9 months
I'm starting to get smile lines.
How lovely to have smiled so often that happiness permanently etches itself into your face
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