flippinwhippen · 5 months
Another day another moment in which I just want to die. Nowhere is safe. Not home, not work - I am so, so alone it's not even funny. And the worst part is I'm probably self isolating but if you just go the ever so fun kick in the teeth call 'oh wow you really are the most pathetic piece of garbage on this planet and deserve everything you've gotten and will get over the next however many somethings you stay alive until you finally get the fucking balls to just end it' you might be a bit less then keen on letting anyone get too close. I'm tired and as close to the edge as I've ever been. Yet I'm still here, rotting from the inside out.
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flippinwhippen · 5 months
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flippinwhippen · 5 months
So I was right, you aren't sorry and never will be. I am, very literally, a monster to you. Every last emotion I had is worthless, just like me. I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I wanto to die, I wanto to die, I wanto to die, i wanto die
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flippinwhippen · 5 months
I'm currently playing at being two different people and the whiplash is one hell of a ride. One person says it's all going to be okay, and he really believes it when he says it. The other person is me, who knows that things have changed so fundamentally that nothing can ever go back to normal, let alone be okay. I'm at that stage where k*lling myself seems nice, and easy, but is actually a bit too complicated to fuck with right now. I'm self sabotaging, cutting off any sense of connection because it hurts less than what happened the last time. Pruning my own social outlets and connections to make sure that no one ever gets that close to me again. I cannot afford to be known, because if this ever happens again there will be nothing that can stop me from taking the easy way out.
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flippinwhippen · 6 months
Sometimes the world is too cold.
The snowdrifts are too high, the mountains are too tall – and everything is suffocating. As I lay, curled up in a layer of frost, I wonder when I will once again have the urge too move. It is so easy to be dead and forgotten – a corpse internally as my world withers.
The leaves die and rot, the grass is buried by white powder and the sun is gone – replaced by a never-ending night. It is beautiful here – it is terrible here. I have learned to tolerate the cold… learned to accept the cold frigid waste as it slowly sears me.
There is even beauty in it, something magical in that cold cutting ice. It makes me want to write about darkness, and the void, and emptiness – about people who will never get what they want, and people who will never receive what they deserve, good or bad.
There is so much swallowing of sadness, a dead body shouldn’t be so sad. My skin is blue and I am frozen to the ground, any effort to move will result in bits of me being sheared away. Behind me, a blood trail from where I once struggled – slowly being buried by the blizzard once more.
I don’t understand what I did to deserve this, any of this. It feels sometimes, to the frail dead body on the ground that I must have upset a higher being – one that lurks even now in the heavens above me wishing to flay me for all my wrongs.
Happiness is like a tide, ebbing and flowing, but I have been unhappy for so long now. The void inside of me where I put my misery is filling up, is full of a black sloshing liquid that won’t ever fully settle. I wonder, sometimes, if anyone could find the corpse of me, black and bruised and dead out in the ice.
I wandered out of sight of those who might care, and even if I could call out, I might be too far away to be heard. Besides, I only feel the pain of what I am when I remember my reality. Usually, the blissful ignorance of death carries me along a strange and unnoble path.
I am dark inside, twisted up, and broken. I don’t know if I am worse or better than I was before, perhaps in an odd way I am both. There is so much anger inside of me, so many broken promises that have been left to rot and wither and die.
Both mine and others – forgotten and left by the wayside.
My bones are frozen to my insides, my blood that once flowed still and silent. A resurrection would be in order to bring me back to life – but there is no one who would care to preform it. I am an object in other people’s lives – a nonplayer in my own. Even though I’ve known of this all my life, it still hurts to see it play out.
Yet I suppose, less than it would if I were still alive. I used to not sleep, though I realize now that this was not the desire to live but merely death throes. That last burst of energy before the body falls still and silent – those firing synapsis that make you sprint towards a goal that you could never actually obtain.
Then they stop, and you stop, and you collapse onto whatever surface you’ve been led to.
I want to be alive again, I think, but it is hard to think right now. Everything is a sluggish haze, inspiration striking rarely and only with sharp aches of pains. So much of who I was has been corrupted – the only way to remove it would be to take blade to frozen flesh and carve out the rotted bits. But if I cut them out, there would simply not be enough left to form a person. Maybe one day, when all this settles – when all those around me have healed from what ails them, or wander out in an effort to find a place to die as well they’ll find me.
They’ll sit by my corpse, and they’ll reminisce about what we both used to be, and what that meant to us. I’ll be dead already, but I’ll talk as though I’m not, for the dead are not as quiet as people seem to think. I’ll be dead already, but I will offer my two cents, though it is likely not an opinion worth listening to.
And it is my opinion regardless, so they will not listen to it.
I want to go back to sleep, to sleep for another ten, twelve, twenty-four hours – to sleep for the rest of my limited life. I want to go to sleep and let someone better take my body, let someone smarter and braver take this corpse as their own and leave me to my snow.
Death is for the weak, and I am so very weak. I live alone in a full house – unable and unwilling to tell anyone anything. Everyone is either my undoing or I would be there’s. It is a good thing then, I suppose, that dead bodies don’t talk.
I am nothing more then broken glass, smashed and left by those who I thought I could trust, cutting myself on my own edges again and again.
I am so very cold, and I wish I knew what it felt like to be warm.
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flippinwhippen · 8 months
It would just be so much easier to die wouldn't it? I wouldn't have to deal with any of this, I could literally just die. Why don't I? It feels like there's no point - every time I try to make a move forward I feel like I've got a damn spike through my chest dragging me back. Honestly, I'm such a fucking coward. I know full well what I have to do and I'm just dragging it out, because I know how much it's going to hurt.
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flippinwhippen · 9 months
My favorite part of counseling is finding something I thought I was clear on, was in fact an unstated issue and I had every right to worry. I. Live. In. A. State. Of. Anxiety. It's like there's little pitfalls and traps everywhere, and it's always been this way. This is just the first time I've been able to remember enough to realize what's happening. Worst of all, she won't talk about it. She won't talk about anything with me, shuts down the subjects before they can even open. And then has the audacity to fucking talk like this will be a forever thing, like I won't be gone by the end of this year. A relationship cannot subsist on silence, and silence is all I'm getting.
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flippinwhippen · 9 months
My favorite part about being in personal therapy against my will is that when my therapist asks me what I want to work on, I don't got shit. Do you want to touch your trauma, no, no I don't. Do you want to talk about your life? Not really. What I want are my fucking meds and silence. I just want to quit, but if I do I'll take flack for it. Probably should just do it anyways
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flippinwhippen · 9 months
You ever just want to run? To go away forever, so that no one could ever find you, or better yet scrub yourself from existence. Wipe yourself from the minds of the people around you so that no one would even have to miss you? I want to do that all the time, to vanish out of everyone’s lives and have them forget me.
Then they could go about without me, and be happy without me and it would be so easy for them. And it would be easier for me too. I can’t just die, that would be too damaging, but if I could just pluck out the thread that was me from the universe, I know I wouldn’t be missed.
If I could just get rid of those couple memories of me that people have – I’m a hermit anyways.
But I can’t, because I don’t have that sort of power. So the only option is to live, and live, and live and want to run so so badly, and never be able to run. Keep up your performance, keep your dance, act as though you don’t want to get in your car and drive until no one can find you.
Go somewhere new where no one will know you, go somewhere safe where no one can get me. Be someone without a history or home to go back to. I somedays I just want to go, I really just want to go.
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flippinwhippen · 9 months
If you’re reading this, and you know who I am and you know who I’m talking about – do not. You don’t want to know
Maybe it’s not even her I’m really angry at anymore – she was a bad friend who did shitty things, made my worst nightmares come to life. Sucks, but hey, that’s the internet. Maybe it’s the fact that I saw my spouse’s true colors in this as well.
I saw her betray me in the only way that mattered, and saw her turn on me so easily. They’re forever linked now in my head, one to the other, and I don’t know if I’ll ever get over that. I don’t know if all the marriage counseling in the world can fix that, all the talking, and conversation.
I can’t unsee what she did, I don’t know if I can ever unsee what she did.
I don’t know if I can ever forgive the fact that as I stood alone in a room, tired, and sick and considering killing myself, she couldn’t be bothered to talk to me. I won’t forget that the first time I self-harmed, I cleaned those wounds by myself when I’ve never in my life made her do the same thing.
There is what she does, and then there is what I do. She can get upset, she can cry, and if I don’t respond right I hurt her. I’ve tried hard to fix that, to be better for her, because I know in the past I’ve been terrible at it. I’ve tried to simply listen and not talk, let her express.
But when I have to talk, it also hurts her. My language must be so carefully curated around her – my actions controlled. Sometimes I wonder why she ever decided to date me when she already knew all the things, she didn’t like about me.
My hair, my tattoos, my clothing, my writing – all things she seems to think she has a say in. We understood thing differently when we got married, she thought I would become a part of her – I thought she would become more of herself.
Now she’s found a friend, one far more like her. That in itself is fine, I am not a jealous person when it comes to friendship. But I thought, though it was never stated granted, there was one unspoken rule between us.
We had each others back. If the world turned on us, if someone was actively hurting us, we would come to each others aid. She says she defends me where I can’t see, but there’s the clincher, I can’t see it. All I see was what happened when all of this originally went down.
All I know is what she said to me then, and no matter how much she argues with me – I find I can’t unhear any of it. I don’t know if I can forgive. What makes me all the angrier, is she’s so sure this marriage will continue.
As though I have no fucking say in it.
As though she’s already decided for the both of us that we’ll work this out. But I don’t know if I do want to work it out, not after everything that’s happened. Not after being accused of cheating, not after having to caretake her for so many fucking years, not after having her side against me and scream me down when her friend was actively doing me harm.
I have so many conflicting emotions about all of it, but this is not about conflicting emotions. This rant is simply about anger, and how angry I am. I shouldn’t put it here, and I know it – this is a terrible idea. But I feel… petty. Angry, petty and tired.
And I feel so fucking alone because of it all. Because the people around me are reactive – or the people around me don’t deserve to have to listen to me bitch, and whine, and moan. I don’t want any more people involved… I don’t even want to be involved.
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flippinwhippen · 9 months
She was my nightmare incarnate, a self-righteous shithead who didn’t care about my intentions, didn’t care about my feelings – only saw herself with her fucking victim complex. Every time I come close to forgiving her, even say that maybe I will, all I have to do is think. Because regardless of how forgiving I am, there are some things that even I cannot overlook.
Drew my characters in ways that upset me
Asked nonstop questions about world building details that didn’t matter to me, and often times only related to her own character she’d built to put in my world
Actively argued with me about my own world/character motivations – argued with me about my own creative works
Sulked when I wasn’t responding – didn’t ask me what was wrong privately, but instead ghosted me in an effort to punish me
Acted like I owed her something
Actively provoked me when I was unmedicated, even when my spouse said it would be a bad idea
Turned hostile quickly, tried to pin the entire situation on me – taking no blame for any of her actions.
Tried to diagnose me as a monster, tried to make me feel like a monster
Continued to post about my characters, even after we’d had are blow up. Posted about them in a way that all but indicated that they were hers, underlining even more that she never respected me as a content creator.
Continuously shit talked me online, tagging my username in posts repeatedly
Actively played a role in the destruction of my relationship, continues to play a role in the destruction of my relationship.
Nearly caused me to kill myself by throwing myself out a window
Did cause me to self-harm repeatedly, which is probably good cause every time my forgiving nature pops all I have to do is look down
Posted a fucking google file of shit directly onto my page – harassing my users to the point that I had to turn on moderated comments.
The funniest part of all of this, is she accuses me of being a narcissist. This bitch needs a fucking mirror.
I left her alone, I did, I was the bigger fucking person for months while she attacked me and attacked me – and I was told I had to be okay with it. Because she’s my partners best friend, because my partner has never had a friend like her.
Maybe she can keep her damn friend and leave me, maybe I’d prefer that.
Maybe I’m sick and tired of trying to not stir the shit pot because of how it might blow up. I hear excuse after excuse for her. Poor thing, she’s unmedicated, she doesn’t mean it, she’s just trying to understand herself. I’m not here for goddamn target practice, I’m not here to be her damn victim.
And I’m told that she’s allowed to vent her feelings on private blogs. No one even looks at her tumblr, why would you care that she’s saying horrible things and tagging you? But you, you can’t retaliate ever. You have to be nice even if she hurts you.
You have to behave yourself, even while she screams. Don’t get angry, you’ll scare people – don’t get upset, you’ll hurt people’s feelings.
It’s well past the point of course, that any of this matters – as far as I’m aware. I have no idea what the fucker does in her spare time, I try not to think about her. But then I’ll remember, and I’ll remember everything that was said and done and I’ll be so, so angry again.
I’ve never been in a situation like this before, never thought I would be. I’m so careful about who I’m friends with, about who I bare those bits of my soul to. But I gave her bits of me I can’t get back now, and some days it still just makes me want to quit.
To throw all that creative energy in the garbage, just to rid myself of her.
There’s no real ending to this, just a rant, thrown on the internet to clear my head. If she gets to rant on tumblr, then so do I. Will she go back to doing what she was doing, who knows. I don’t even know if she ever stopped, I know better than to look.
Take my words abyss, and give me nothing in return – I have no intention of ever looking at any of it anyways. If you find it, if you read it, then that’s your own damn fault isn’t it?
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flippinwhippen · 10 months
You already know who this is, so I’m not going to bother and introduce myself.
I’m going to say this one more time and see if it gets through to you, because honestly the spectacle of this last stunt was… well. I always thought the username clownattack was a joke, but you do seem very determined to prove me wrong.
Also you and NJ need to have a genuine conversation, because, might I remind you, she doesn’t like her conversations being posted in public areas. This was a whole conversation that the two of you had, I should know I facilitated it and helped her gather up the courage to tell you her damn feelings on it.
I really don’t give a shit about the rest of what was in that folder. I looked through it, and I’m not sure it’s nearly as damning as you think it is. It’s also, as K would say, cherry picked to hell but that at least I expected.
That is what I’ve come to expect from you.
 I mostly just care that you put NJ’s words up somewhere were she doesn’t want them, so take them down. The rest, fine, do what you will. It’s a shitty thing to do, but once again, it would be very onbrand for you to take an argument taken out of context and pass it around for outside parties to look at so… I won’t lie to you and say I’m surprised.
But that’s not what I’ve come here to say.
Here it is, one more time – the thing that I have already said repeatedly to you, the thing you have made sure didn’t surface in any of those DM’s that you have tucked away nice and tidy in your Google Drive Doc.
I never said I was innocent in this, I just said I was hurt, and there is a difference.
So let’s start with what I did, because yes, yes I did do things that I shouldn’t have and I have already made abundantly clear to you I regret.
Yes, I got passive aggressive with you and yes, it wasn’t fair and I should have told you from the beginning you were making me uncomfortable. This was, and remains, my biggest mistake – failing to communicate my feelings in a timely manner before I found myself trapped by circumstance and general anxiety about how everything might crumble if I said something.
Believe it or not, I subscribe pretty heavily to the motto, just let people have fun. The trouble is, when it’s my things they’re having fun with that no longer fully stands. I made a bad assumption here, I assumed that you would know when you’d taken it too far.
I was wrong, because you took it too far so many times. My normal tricks to try and shift the conversation never worked with you, and we’d always end up back where we started and right back in my discomfort zone no matter how many times I did this. Normally, I would have ghosted you a lot earlier, as I tend to do when I am no longer vibing with a conversation, but this wasn’t just a simple one on one chat, this was a server.
A server that you’d built for me… kinda.
And I felt bad, I felt like I owed you for that, cause it was such a nice gesture and so sweet – and so I just kept letting myself get pushed further and further back into discomfort, attempting to keep the conversations civil as my own mental state degraded.
When this finally all blew up, I was not at my best. I was unmedicated, and already stressed due to other circumstances, and all I’d known was you’d been gone from the server for a long time, and when I’d asked N about you were staying away from it to ‘discipline me’, something I took exception to considering the reason I’d wanted to check up on you was because I was worried.
At that point, for all my frustrations with you, I still very much considered you a friend.
Then everything hit the roof. The first conversation we had, me unmedicated, you fresh off the hurt train – it was nothing more than a whole lot of furious words tossed back and forth. Everyone was angry, everyone was stressed, and everyone felt like they had been wronged. I, at that point, was in my full defensive curl, and mostly just needed people to get away from me so I could properly blow up on my own time.
Also, I feel it pertinent to note, that regardless of what you think happened between me and K, K was dedicated to peace on the server. They do not simp for me, they rightfully called out some of my actions as being explosive and my language instigatory.
And on top of the months of stress, and the angry, and the lack of medicine there was so, so much more going on behind the scenes in my own personal life at that point. I don’t know how much N has told you about this year, but I suppose, as you would say, iykyk.
All and all, I could have handled this better and I know that, I never said I handled this perfectly, or hell, even well. This is not something I have a lot of experience in, my writing especially was something that used to be only for myself.
I have years of built up feelings about this, and they are temperamental and unpredictable, and I know that on average I can be a lot more sensitive then some people. It is something that I have had to work through over the years, and will continue to have to work through over the coming ones. I have a lot of attachment to what I make, as do a lot of creators – and it can be hard seeing said characters taken and used in ways I don’t necessarily vibe with.
However, I’ve gotten better about it, even find it amusing and kinda fun – when it’s fans who are doing it. But you were never a fan, and that’s were the main problem lies. You were supposed to be a friend.
Now let’s examine you for a second here. You claim your innocent in all of this, you’re very much not. Obvious, yes – tending towards misunderstanding, very much so. I can safely say that before this argument spiraled into something so pathetically public, you probably were genuinely unaware of your actions and how they affected others.
You were unaware you were hurting me.
Except no, you weren’t were you?
First thing I want to establish out of the gate, we were never best friends. I don’t know why you think this, or where you got this from, but you were always NJ’s best friend, not mine. You were a friend, sure, but you and I had a more casual relationship before you took an ‘interest’ in my fic.
We barely talked, and I mostly just got involved when one drama or another in your life reared it’s ugly head and you needed comforting, and potentially retribution in the form of silly fics featuring your OCs. Sidenote, I have written you a lot of a free work and honesty it is staggering to look back on all the little things I made for you, some of it requested some of it not. It was a fine relationship – you were always a bit much for me. You infodump pretty hard, and I never really felt a spark with you as an online friend. We didn’t vibe, but that was fine, because you and NJ vibed and that’s what I cared about.
You and her had a good relationship, kinda. I’m not going to get into E, that entire thing is on yours and NJ’s plate now – I will not associate myself with that. Needless to say though, I’d known for a long time that E was a bad influence on you, but figured it was your right to pick who you were friends with. So I let it go, and let you live your life.
The K drew a picture, and you were very into it. You started reading my fics, first from the middle, then eventually looping back to the beginning. You were very confused for awhile because you read ahead and you didn’t quite get what was going on. You told me that you wanted to avoid the Dead Dove stuff, and I respected that.
My work is not everyone’s cup of fetid tea.
You did read through them eventually though, and oddly enough you latched onto a rather disgusting example of humanity from them. I was confused, but figured hey, N likes questionable characters, so why not? Along with that, there was a certain understanding that even though it made me uncomfortable to a degree, you were having fun and so I decided that’s okay – N can have fun. She’s not hurting anyone.
And that’s where the real trouble began, right there. Boundaries, and your lack of understanding of them. There are no invisible lines in the sand, but there are instances when someone has been repeatedly made uncomfortable, and the other person just keeps pushing.
For an example, let me bring up the fish videos you have sent me or posted in chats with me on more then one occasion. You have expressed remorse for this, and I’m sure you did feel it, but the fact that it happened more then once after I made it clear that fish hurting was something that I can’t handle due to certain things I saw when I was young makes me think that you did not really register that boundary.
Your drawings made me uncomfortable from the get go, but they were also pretty funny sometimes, and also I saw no real reason to start snipping at you for something like that. I figured I was being petty, and had this notion that if it just stayed at this level, everything would be fine. I could live with a little discomfort, that was fine, it wasn’t as though you knew what you were doing.
I even made you a couple AU fics, just because I saw how much you were enjoying all of it. I was happy that you were having fun, which is why in the beginning I encouraged it. However as time went on, things began to get harder.
You claim I don’t like Rowan because I’m biphobic, which would be a very weird thing to be because I do happen to be bi as you well know. I didn’t like your OC for a multitude of reasons, but in the end the plain in simple fact is I was never obligated to like your OC. You flung her into the chat, and then you never stopped talking about her – inserting her places where she wasn’t wanted.
And in the beginning, I did try to be encouraging, I did. I never liked her, but you were having fun with her so once more I gritted me teeth and went along with it. It was around now though that I began to bitch a little bit to NJ. Trouble was, I fake bitch all the time, and she didn’t realize I was actually growing upset until it was far too late.
This is the part where you failed to understand boundaries. You’d hit me with text wall after text wall of questions, most of them about world building, or characters that I didn’t care about. You were curious in a bunch of elements of the world that I hadn’t really bothered to think about and for a time I tried to keep up with you.
But as your character began to expand, her backstory actively colliding with several parts of my world, it felt more like you wanted to do your own thing then actually build something within the story I’d created. Which would have been fine, had you not been a friend, and actively in my DM’s both day and night.
It was not something I wanted to see.
I was always more friendly with K, you are correct about that. It’s plain and simple, I liked K more. I liked K’s ideas more, I liked their stories more, I liked their characters more. K made and effort to fit into my worlds boundaries and when they broke one there was always a reason for it.
They let loose their own established characters whose world building directly conflicted with mine, and it was funny to watch the sparks fly off of it. We were having fun with one another, and I enjoyed conversations with them.
I did not enjoy conversations with you, a delude of questions, songs and memes that always made me wonder just what fic you were reading. Because whatever it was you were reading, it couldn’t have been mine. The ideas you were taking away from it were so alien to me, I didn’t recognize them as my own half the time.
I began to pull away from you, to ghost you. I spent more and more time with K because talking to them was actually enjoyable, and from my perspective I figured there was no real harm in it. After all, you were NJ’s friend, not mine. You and her had had a dialogue going for over two years, you were buddies.
I was just a supplemental friend, and was comfortable in that position. For me, the server was broken up into two groups – Me and K, and you and NJ. We were all friends, but we were mostly friends with one another, and that only became truer as your fanart became more and more based strictly around your OC and her actions, and less around anything that really related to me.
So I started to simply interact with K, because I wanted to enjoy my life. We were having fun, a fun that would end up later causing drama of a different sort, but something that I will firmly state here has nothing to do with you. It has to do with me and NJ, it is our relationship after all – and on a side note, I do not appreciate the fact you seem to think it is okay to insert yourself into it the way you have.
I understand that friends complain to one another, that is what friends are for – but you need to keep that shit to yourself. Those were NJ’s thoughts that were meant to be shared with just you, and you don’t have any right to go parading them around like you did earlier.
You were getting quieter, which quite frankly was a relief to me. I wasn’t so stressed out anymore, I figured you and NJ were off doing your own things, or you’d gotten distracted by something else. I checked up sometimes, answered when I could stomach it, but at that point the discomfort had grown to a boiling point.
I was unhappy, uncomfortable, and felt that my boundaries had been very thoroughly violated. However, I didn’t have the words then to say that – wasn’t even fully sure what I should be feeling. It was simply too much. You had continued on for ages, even as my responses grew more scattered, even as you saw me pulling away.
And here’s where I really begin to take issue with some of your actions. You clearly knew that I was pulling away, trying to get away, but you never asked me why. You simply asked to see K and my Rp logs – you expressed curiosity in them that I in no way wanted to entertain at that point and would find out later you had no real interest in.
Just another way to try and grab my attention.
I was anxious, sickeningly anxious actually about what you might do with those logs, as it turned out I should have been though that came later. I didn’t want K to upload them, but that’s not what I told them.
I told them to go ahead and decide, and they, oblivious to the situation happily uploaded them. It was somewhat of a relief when you didn’t seem to have any real interest in the rp logs, though left me confused as to why you’d want to see them anyways.
 Back and forth and back and forth, answers slowly petering out to questions posed to me. I mostly just popped on to upload new chapters, chapters I feel the need to say that I was giving you, NJ and K exclusive access to. I didn’t have to do that, but I was sharing it with the group of you for fun – so we could go over them before they were released to the public.
So you could all go wild in the Thunderdome
At this point, there were many things that could have happened. An earnest conversation maybe about boundaries and how I was feeling, or just a dialogue opened between the pair of us. I felt my hands were tied, and I couldn’t open said dialogue, so regardless of whether it was fair or not, it would have fallen on you to open it.
Not that I necessarily think an open dialogue would have saved any of this, not after everything you’ve said and done now.
Finally, after a long span of silence, we got into it on the server. You changed the name to something that directly insulted something of mine and I left. It hadn’t been a good time, N and I were I believe fighting at that point – though I can’t quite remember. No one was happy, K had been in a bad way, and everyone was just trying to get things back on the up and steady.
I left the server, and I genuinely had no intention of ever coming back to it. It had become such a toxic brew of emotions for me at that point that I couldn’t stand it. And still, even at this point, as frustrated as I had assumed somewhere deep down that this was all something as simple as a little misunderstanding.
Then we talked, and I learned that was not the case.
I still don’t fully understand your view on creative freedom I guess. It seems you firmly back the stance of creativity is good, and freedom is good, no matter what it creates and who it hurts when it’s created? That was all I ever got from our conversations at least. The funny part was, that even during that first, off the rails, unmedicated conversation I was still worried about you.
I didn’t want you to feel like your headcannons or Au’s were something you had to hide from the world at large, but I needed to communicate they were something you couldn’t share with me. I didn’t like them, and they were stressing me out.
But I was also so mad, and so tired, and felt so backed into a corner at this point. All I wanted to do was run, and not just from you, but from everything. I did run, a pathetic little trot outside into the blazing heat without shoes so I could hide without my phone away from everyone. It felt wretched and exhausting, and far worse was that people eventually came to find me.
After the first freakout, our conversation ended a bit more smoothly, though there was no real resolution that was reached. Neither of us were happy with the other, though there was the hope, at least for me, that maybe after I’d had some time to cool off and things didn’t hurt quite as much I could possibly try this all again.
A month later, I got my answer. I case you missed it, that message I sent you when I got back wasn’t supposed to be inciting a war. It was supposed to be ending one. I had thought it over, and decided that I simply wasn’t ever going to be comfortable seeing your interpretations of my world again, and figured that it was easier if I just stayed back from the server for the rest of its existence. This here, was my attempt at getting things back to normal.
Bury it was my recommendation. You got hurt, I got hurt so we should just leave it and not speak on it. We could be more hands off, I even sent you a gift, in an effort to try and smooth things over a little bit. A sort of, I’m still upset, but let’s try and make things work.
It was then that you went nuclear. I do not have the conversation anymore, and I do not feel like unblocking you on discord to find it. It was a little like being back with you on the server, you called me all the names under the sun, insisted I was a narssict and furiously rebuffed any efforts I made to rebuild the bridge.
And eventually, I gave up and just started shouting back. At a certain point I realized that this should be the last conversation the pair of us ever had, and realistically it should have been. A lot of nasty words were exchanged, though you had an amazing amount of venom to spew. You have some of these words in your text document that you published – but you’ve chopped it up.
You’ve left only the ending notes, and you’ve stripped it of all meaning and repurposed it kind of like what you did with my characters. It seems that that’s just how you do things, and once more I find that it is kind of hard to be surprised.
That fight caused a lot of things to happen, things that I will not put here on a public site. You do not have the right to know, and I refuse to arm you with the knowledge of just how much power you had over me with those last few barbs, even if I have shaken off the worst of it by now.
I have never, after all, had a friend turn on me quite the way you turned on me. Arguments, disagreements, petty fights, yes… but this was something else. NJ and I continued to fight, as you are aware, our relationship is less stable than it could be. That is neither here nor there, and I will repeat in case you missed it the first time.
Stop trying to insert yourself into our relationship, maybe focus on your own.
I blocked you on discord, but the damage was thoroughly done. Because, NJ still decided you were her best friend, and I didn’t feel like I had any right to say otherwise. This conflict was between you and me after all, and who was I to tell her who she could and couldn’t be friends with?
Along with that, her and I were already fighting as you are aware – boundaries had been crossed without being recognized, and in doing so a whole stewpot of problems had been uncovered. Our relationship was on the rocks, and it still is if I’m fully honest. I was angry with her, she was angry with me.
The point here, is I left you alone. I did not drag you publicly, kept my frustration locked within the circle that it had spawned in. I considered it classless to have a meltdown in front of the internet, and also possibly damaging to both our reputations.
You are, after all, a highly talented artist who I have no doubt will go on to do some amazing things once you graduate, and I am an author with a small internet fanbase. I figured that at least we both had the understanding that we’d leave each other alone and simply complain about one another to the respective parties.
Then I saw your edit.
 I forgot what compelled me to look it up – I’ve never been all that good at letting go though. My mind still saw you as a friend somewhat, and as stupid as that was I was curious to look back on memories, see what you were up to.
That incredibly stupid thought was quickly removed simply by going to your main account. The gripe that I owed you money, that was fair. I did not deliver you the commission you paid for, and I did need to give you that money back. I’d actually tried before, but I still maintain that the link was broken, or maybe my phone and computer just didn’t like it.
Needless to say, at this point you were no longer a friend. I snapped back at you, not bothering to be nice now and demanded your KoFi. You told me you’d never taken it down, and it turns out you hadn’t. I left a salty little note for you, and sent you your money back both extra for all money sent before, and then we spat venom at each other for a little bit.
Then I realized that you’d been vagueposting about me more then I thought, accept the vagueposting wasn’t vague at all. My username was in it. I didn’t really know what to feel at that point, just tired as I scrolled through rambling assumptions about who I was as a person. It felt bad of course, seeing all these horrible things you thought about me, but honestly what could I do?
I complained to NJ and she told you to take the username off, and stop posting on tumblr. She did this several times, which is very telling as far as I’m concerned. You get presented with a boundary, and you heed it for a while, before you decide it is once more time to cross it. You have, after all, posted more stuff up on tumblr, though at this point you’ve done far worse then that.
For my own sanity, I forced myself not to go and lurk. I knew what I’d see would upset me, and while comparing a trans person to JK Rowling is quite tasteless, it was the fact that you were still using my characters while you were doing this that really got me.
On one hand, you describe the author as emotionally disturbed, and horrible, and a narssict. On the other hand, you still tag my characters in your posts. You willfully interacted with my content, but at the same time smeared my character.
So I just left, and K should have done the same though they were deeply affronted by all the things they’d witnessed. They were never lurking on you tumblr you see, they still followed you – that’s why it kept popping up in their feed. Because before you started going ballistic on them, they were under the assumption this fight was between you and me.
K had after all attempted to play peacemaker while in the chat, had attempted to mend bridges and salvage a friendship they thought was salvageable. They were hurt and furious when they saw that now that NJ had told you not to aim your venom at me, you were aiming it at them.
In the end, instead of responding, they did the right thing and just blocked you. I figured that finally, finally we’d come to the end of it. Both K and I were prepared in case we got any random commenters wandering him with misinformation you’d given them, but we figured we’d cross that bridge when we came to it.
And then E, your very own E showed up on my user page, harassing one of my commentors with this long winded ill informed bullshit. I wasn’t that stunned to see them, I’d recently restricted all of my posts, wondering if they are you would turn up there eventually. I didn’t want to write for you after all, didn’t want you seeing my creative works.
At this point, I didn’t want you near anything I’d made – even though realistically I knew that this was an unreasonable expectation seeing as how the internet was. K also came to snap, and then I left it there, not caring to touch it anymore.
Then you showed up, and so went any last shred of respect I had for you. I woke up to a message from K, telling me that I better get over to my page. I did, what do you know, N has made a new account, and also linked to a google drive, all smack dab in the middle of my public page.
I of course delete all of it and turn on comment moderation – I had no desire for that drama to go any more public than it already has gotten on that site. I also blocked you, though no surprise there, you no doubt saw that coming.
So let’s review the facts:
We had a fight in which neither of us were fully innocent, and both of us did damage. I hurt you, you hurt me, we were both angry.
We split ways under fiery circumstances, nobody left the conversation satisfied with how it ended but that’s life.
You continued to post about me on tumblr, continued to wrap my user name up in things along with threats to spill the beans on me, to spill the receipts on a server that only you have access to now. A server you can very easily cherry pick from.
When NJ tells you to knock it off, you switch your posting over to K, the other person in the situation.
When K blocks you, you send E to my page and have them post a long-winded vague post about how I am petty, and shallow and essentially the worst.
When I block E, you come yourself, along with a Google Drive of carefully curated conversations that you’d been creating since October, long past when this conflict was supposed to have boiled out and grown tepid.
Summary: No one is attacking you N, you are attacking me and K, repeatedly. You are not some poor sad victim here, at this point you are truly and fully the instigator. Everyone else doesn’t want anything more to do with this, we did the adult thing and left – we accepted that some situations cannot be saved and just walked away.
Ask yourself this, what do you hope to gain from this? Do you want the world to see that me as the horrible person you see me as? Is that your end goal? Or is your goal just to continuously to scream at me till the end of days? Because I’ve already said my peace here, I really have. I hate you at this point, and I’ll never not hate you – you’ve just done too much damage.
And even with all this, and honestly I hate myself for it but I feel the need to repeat it one more time just so you hear it.
I am sorry for my part in this, and for what I did that hurt you. I never meant to make you feel horrible about yourself, or your work, or any of that – I never meant to make you feel abandoned. I figured we had an understanding that we did not. You are a talented artist N, I’ve always maintained that.
But as a person N, you have proven to be a real piece of fucking work.
So just fuck off already.
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