floki-rp · 8 years
❝Why do you put coal on your face?❞
“It makes us more frightening, don’t you think?” He narrowed his eyes. “Though…perhaps not. You don’t look scared. Huh.” Floki chuckled, tilting his head slightly.
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floki-rp · 8 years
Odin bless!
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Thank you, my friend!
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floki-rp · 8 years
Bjorn: Don't do anything stupid, Floki.
Floki: I have never done anything stupid in my life.
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floki-rp · 8 years
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floki-rp · 8 years
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    ❝ I felt like kissing the swords                  because their glimmer          reminded me of your smile ❞
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floki-rp · 8 years
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floki-rp · 8 years
"You're bleeding... You're bleeding bad..." A figure said kneeling beside the individual. Careful not to make any sudden movements. Her face hooded by a cloak.
Floki was trembling, trying to press his hand to the wound to stop the blood. “Th-This is how is has to be. The Gods don’t make mistakes.” He stared up at the stranger, unable to make out her features.
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floki-rp · 8 years
🍗 It’s Time to Feast! 🍗
Send an icon to find out:
🍹My muse’s drink order
🍺 What happened the first time my muse got drunk
🍕 My muse’s go-to comfort food
🍪 My muse’s favorite dessert
🍯 If my muse is health-conscious
🍳 My muse’s favorite breakfast
🍱 My muse’s favorite international cuisine
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floki-rp · 8 years
Hurt rp Starters
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down! You don't want to get even more hurt, do you?"
"Tell me where it hurts."
"Whoa, that's purple... It looks like your shoulder is dislocated."
"Oh my god. Are you okay?"
"You're bleeding... You're bleeding bad..."
"This is gonna hurt..."
"Holy crap! I may not know much about human anatomy, but legs don't bend that way!"
"It's all swollen up..."
"You have a black eye. Were you fighting with someone?"
"Okay... Okay, hospital. Hospital, now."
"I think you have a concussion."
"Calm down! Calm down! Your ankle is sprained, okay?"
"Here, lean on me."
"I'm gonna need more bandaids..."
"What the hell happened to you!?"
"Here, I need to clean you up. This might sting a bit..."
"We need to get the bullet out..."
"Oh my god, you've been shot!"
"Did... did you get beat up!?"
"Just hold on. You're gonna be fine..."
"Look out for that car!"
"Wake up! Oh god, please wake up!"
"You're alive! Oh, thank god!"
"I'm no doctor, but you should have that looked at. It's bleeding a lot..."
"What is that? Are there bandages under your shirt?"
"Why is your arm wrapped up like that? And are those blood stains!?"
"You must have hit the back of your head really hard."
"Look at me. Just look at me and stay awake. Can you do that?"
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floki-rp · 8 years
Floki took half a step backwards. “When you appear as if out of nowhere...then yes, you scare the shit out of me. You know I am a quiet person, I like my privacy. What is it that you want really?”
“Well…because whenever you show up here you seem to want something. Whether it’s an errand or just to scare the shit out of me.” He giggled nervously, slowly turning to face her, his anxiety not yet reaching its peak.
Hel tilted her head slowly towards her shoulder. Her eyes didn’t seem to move with her face. Fixed on him in a peculiar stare. She looked as though he were a riddle she couldn’t figure out. “Do I ‘scare the shit out of you’, Floki?” 
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floki-rp · 8 years
“Somehow I don’t see myself with a bald…er head, following around a bunch of strange men who spend too much time together, praying to a dead God.” Floki scoffed, but he was smiling. “But maybe just to piss you off, Hvitserk, I will give it a try.”
A bible...lmao
Don’t you dare, Hvitserk.
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floki-rp · 8 years
Come let me hold you love. You need rest. I want to go home with you. Our home in the forest.
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“Please...Please take me home. I cannot think straight here.”
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floki-rp · 8 years
confession time love
Send me (confession) and i’ll randomly generate a number for my character to confess:
17. to having been in love with your muse through childhood
“I’m in love with you, Helga. I have been since we were children. You’re the only one I’ve ever thought about, the only one I will ever think about. I-I’m sorry if that’s not what you want to hear…”
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floki-rp · 8 years
“Is it my fault I want to kiss you in every room?” Floki chuckled, his cheeks rosy from alcohol and the headiness of the kiss. “Or that I’m the cheesiest human being on the planet when it comes to this stuff?”
*Mistletoe Kiss*
Aliisa giggled returning the kiss and then glanced up at the mistletoe rolling her eyes.“You get worse everywhere with hiding the mistle toe love”
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floki-rp · 8 years
“Well...because whenever you show up here you seem to want something. Whether it’s an errand or just to scare the shit out of me.” He giggled nervously, slowly turning to face her, his anxiety not yet reaching its peak.
“What’s that? Cat got your tongue?”
Floki could feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing to attention. He swallowed hard. “No, you just…caught me off-guard. What do you want from me?”
Laughter resounded, sweet and soft but undeniably inhuman. It sounded close and distant all at once.  “Why would I want something from you?” 
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floki-rp · 8 years
@hviitserk you lil shit Don’t throw this sacrilege at me and then run away! Did your brothers put you up to this?
A bible...lmao
Don’t you dare, Hvitserk.
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floki-rp · 8 years
Worst gift ever.....a cross necklace. Maybe one from a priest. Or even better Athelstan's.
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You people are so cruel. Yeah...Floki would lose his shit. That cross would be tossed into the Fjord, that’s for sure.
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