floremfortunae · 10 years
┈        •⊱✿❀❁❀‘゚sᴜᴍɪᴀ❀✿۰❁⊰•                                                   ┈
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floremfortunae · 10 years
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Sumia| Favorite Characters 3/??
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floremfortunae · 10 years
┈        •⊱✿❀❁❀‘゚sᴜᴍɪᴀ❀✿۰❁⊰•                                                   ┈
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          ❝ Hmm. I don't think that these latches are put together right...❞
┈       ۰  S umia notes the leather straps upon one of the horses had seemed to be improperly put on. She fiddles with it some more, only to find not only had it forcibly been placed on it, but that it was also broken as well.           ❝Oh no!! Who would do this to you? Sweety, look its tearing up your skin.               Lets get this off you and fix up that sore spot okay?❞
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floremfortunae · 10 years
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                •⊱ OOℭI should be back now, if you'd like to thread please                                        inform me and we can set something up. Otherwise                                        i will be just attending to the replies i do have.
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floremfortunae · 10 years
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floremfortunae · 10 years
•⊱ tacticixn ⊰•
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     ” I trust that you will but you need not strain yourself over me, Sumia. “ For Robin would truly be content with anything her friend offered to her. She was hardly picky, didn’t really think she reserved the right to be, and was more than happy for Sumia’s company and kindness.
     " This should be a relaxing outing for the two of us. I require little to be content. ” Seeing the world from the sky with one who was dear to her was plenty.
┈        •⊱✿❀❁❀‘゚sᴜᴍɪᴀ❀✿۰❁⊰•                                                   ┈
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┈       ۰Her face lights up, rosy at the cheeks as she finds herself openly enthralled and happy that someone she admires would admittedly part take in outings with her willingly. The Pegasus finds her hands clasping together, energetic as always which is fruitful to her enthusiastic personality. The thought of impressing her as well as imparting to her friend on beautiful sights to see that they both could go on about--had been a memorable thought indeed.           ❝Then it's settled! I'll bake the best pie you've yet to have and get together                       some other things for us to snack as we go along with our time                                  there!❞
┈       ۰Eyes blinked once before opening in a widen manner, she had a sudden thought come across her.           ❝OH! And then I can read your flower fortune!! OhOH! And make you a flower                       crown!!! Oh there are so many cute flowers at the meadow--OH Robin                                     Just you wait!!❞
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floremfortunae · 10 years
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floremfortunae · 10 years
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my contribution to this fucking meme
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floremfortunae · 10 years
•⊱ fiduspatronus ⊰•
                 ——————- [ ♞ ] ——————-        A soft, helpless voice was calling him several times just as Frederick had entered the training grounds. 
       The voice was familiar to his ears; and even before he had turned his head to her direction, he already knew that it was Sumia. Usually he kept a careful eye on her – not because she was extraordinary dangerous but always in the danger to hurt herself by doing the smallest things. He couldn’t afford it to let her get to any harm; not only for her healthy sake but also for everyone else who would be certainly troubled to find her with bruises all over her skin.        It was irresponsible if he simply ignored this matter of fact – and it was his obvious task to keep an eye on simply everything that occurred in this place. Naturally, however, the knight was no ghost who was capable of seeing through thick walls even though some members of the shepherds surely suspected him for being able to do so. His duties for prince Chrom kept him mostly busy, so unfortunately he was on the brink of failing his very first task for today.
                                     —- Yet he was still in time.         With haste he closed their distance, seeing in which quite invidious situation she currently was in. Maybe it was his fault to begin with that this unfortunate incident even occurred – maybe the display of the practice spears was broken.                                             It was his fault for not seeing such little details.
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                     —„Pardon me, milady.“
        Skilled hands were grabbing the weapons cautiously, giving her the opportunity to release herself out of her rather awkward position. Since Frederick was not only taller but his overall body also much bigger than Sumia’s, the brown-haired had no difficulty in holding them properly. Fortunately the display still seemed to be useable and he immediately began to sort them back into it.
         His deed was easily done; and once Frederick was satisfies with his work, his eyes fell on Sumia once again.
                     —„I do hope you’re not hurt, Sumia.                          Even if you don’t feel any pain                          little wounds can be still treacherous.”
        The knight was keeping his friendly face, not even being angry about what had happened before. Even if the display was not broken to begin with, he could hardly blame her for the incident since he had been the one who placed it there to begin with.
                 ——————- [ ♞ ] ——————-
┈        •⊱✿❀❁❀‘゚sᴜᴍɪᴀ❀✿۰❁⊰•                                                   ┈
┈       ۰ Eyes would shut tightly as she continued to grimace against the crushing weight upon her tiny stature. Fredericks voice had reached her ears and she was thankful that he responded in his usual manner, proper, formal, kindly, and yet without the slightest hint of change. His disposition hardy and stern, but still managed to be warm. Something welcoming to the Pegasus Knight, because Frederick was the full embodiment of someone you could count on.
┈       ۰  The weight had been lifted from upon her and with a thankful sigh, Sumia relaxed her tensed muscles. All of which had caused her body to feel stiff from head to toe, she'd probably need to drink some tea later on the day. Something to soothe her senses after all, she had nearly had a bit of a fright on top of it all. With the spears withheld from her and sturdy in his arms. Sumia decided to quickly resume what she originally came for. With a sudden, 'oh!' and a quick twist of her frame. Bent down, nearly bumping her waist against the Knight trying to place the weapons back once more.            ❝It was my fault, I'm really sorry I had only wanted to take hold of                      this.❞
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┈       ۰  Rising back upon her legs, full weight of her body and armor placed upon them. She'd turn slowly, staring merrily at the prize within her hands. Several daffodils held into her grasp, they were rather large for their placement. Something of a miracle to Sumia who wanted nothing more than to pluck them and take them for herself.           ❝As a thank you, would you please take one Frederick? It was my                       fault for not paying attention after all... And to have you saving me                             was more trouble than it was worth... So please! And                      musn't worry yourself!! I'm certain I am fine.❞
┈       ۰  The Pegasus Knight hadn't known she'd procure a few small scratches upon her face. In fact her well being was a small thought that had been tossed aside for thanks to be bestowed upon her fellow comrade. Afterall, without him she could have gotten so much more hurt! Thanking him for his troubles was a far more important notion than anything else.
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floremfortunae · 10 years
•⊱ tacticixn ⊰•
     " You are a good friend to even offer as much, I assure you. Do not fret so much, Sumia. “
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     The pegasus knight need not berate herself, belittle herself, as she so often did. Robin wished Sumia could see the goodness that she offered to all of Ylisse, her friends most of all. Goodness did not require her to be as on top of things as Frederick or Coredlia. She was kind hearted and amicable and Robin felt safe around her. It was more than enough.
     ” What you offer now, even, it is not something Frederick could offer, nor half of camp. It would be a pleasure to visit the meadow with you. Perhaps we could enjoy a light lunch while there too. “
  ┈        •⊱✿❀❁❀‘゚sᴜᴍɪᴀ❀✿۰❁⊰•                                                   ┈
          ❝I will try not to, Robin. You are always so kindly to me.❞
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┈       ۰Sumia felt a bit of pride, being able to hear such words upon her. Even if a part of her felt it was wasted--and yet as she continued to speak. Such truths connected into her mind and made sense of it. Robin had been right, this was something she could offer that many couldn't? No? The earnesty in her friend and comrade had give her a sense of importance and finding comfort in that she relaxed.           ❝I guess you are right! I feel so foolish for not seeing it that way.                       Ah... A light lunch?! You can leave that to me! I assure you I'll                             come to bake something well suited for your tastes!❞
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floremfortunae · 10 years
•⊱ ienjoykilling ⊰•
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[✥]- [         Harming was just part of his everyday persona. The spells he cast were meant to bring about harm to individuals that had to unfortunately be in the way of when he’d been firing.       Allies or enemies, it didn’t seem to play a part with the Mage, but he did attempt to keep those whom he sided with alive, least with what he could conjurer up that wouldn’t intentionally leave them agonizing in sheer pain. 
                        ”   Well       Most spells cast are meant to do harm.”
                  Even white magic could be very troublesome. 
 ”   Hehe     Well, being a mage and a dark one at that, hexes are what I do best. ”  ]
┈        •⊱✿❀❁❀‘゚sᴜᴍɪᴀ❀✿۰❁⊰•                                                   ┈
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┈       ۰ Her eyes would blink along to the tilt of her head, locks of curls would shuffle about on top her hard armor. Henry always wore a bright cheery smile upon his face, something that never wrought peculiarity to it. Rather, Sumia thought it was lovely! Henry was always smiling, cheery despite everything they went through.           ❝What about ones you cast that dont cause harm? Wouldn't that                     be a challenge don't you think! Or is that what a Hex is? Hmm...                            I know I see Tharja hexing things a lot..❞
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floremfortunae · 10 years
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floremfortunae · 10 years
•⊱ ienjoykilling ⊰•
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[✥]- [               Magical casting had been ceased before it was cast.
   ” Ahhh, In order for me to cast a spell, ��it’s got to be on something otherwise where’s the fun in it? ”
   His magic was after all intent to inflict pain to his foe’s and on the very rare occasion help them out.                                                                                               ]
┈        •⊱✿❀❁❀‘゚sᴜᴍɪᴀ❀✿۰❁⊰•                                                   ┈
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┈       ۰ Pleased to see that the magician ceased his casting, Sumia felt a sigh of relief escape her lips unintentionally and almost all too eagerly. Though the question did beg for truth, and there was nothing here to fix or harm--not that she'd ever wish harm upon anyone.           ❝Well I mean... What kind of spells can you cast Henry? I've oft seen you                     cast a few on several occasions but they were all to harm our                            enemies.❞
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floremfortunae · 10 years
•⊱ tacticixn ⊰•
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     ” Do not worry yourself, Sumia. You are free to speak with me as you wish. "
     For she was a dear friend to the tactician, sharing stories and company. No, Robin could never be bothered by the pegasus knight. She closed her tome, held it to her chest, and smiled.
     ” It is just historic scripture, Sumia. Information on Plegia passed to me by Frederick. What is it, may I ask, that you sought after me for? “
┈        •⊱✿❀❁❀‘゚sᴜᴍɪᴀ❀✿۰❁⊰•                                                   ┈
          ❝Scripture? You always were an adversary to such hard to                       read literature... I will remember this though, perhaps if I come                             across something such as that I will pass it along to you.                        Though... I'm certain I can't top no feat as the great knight                 Frederick has to offer.❞
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┈       ۰She'd carry a light smile upon her face despite speaking low of herself again. It wasn't a matter of that and in fact, it was a matter of truth. She knew of the knight to be so capable and grand. How in heavens could she compare to a man who could offer so much to the world. Sumia was anything but that.            ❝Oh, but back to what I had initially wanted to say!! That's right--                       Robin would you like to come with me to the meadow past the                              mountains. It's a short flight from the camp to there! I assure you.❞
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floremfortunae · 10 years
•⊱ fiduspatronus ⊰•
                 ——————- [ ♞ ] ——————-         It was tuly a magnificent day.                      ….And only for once everything seemed to be in order.  The shepherds were never particular in a mess, yet Frederick was careful enough not to let the unexpected happen. 
        On his daily patrol through the camp the observant man had seen several weak spots which needed  improvement. Yet it was nothing which needed immediate actions; and he certainly would inform prince Chrom as soon as possible about it.          After all they couldn’t afford it to lose the protective walls around them or any soldiers.
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          —“…Very well then.                It’s urgently needed to inspect the training grounds.”
       The knight was mumbling to himself, treating his duties and responsibilities like his own life – honest and careful.                  ——————- [ ♞ ] ——————-
┈        •⊱✿❀❁❀‘゚sᴜᴍɪᴀ❀✿۰❁⊰•                                                   ┈
┈       ۰ An adversary of reluctancy with a mock aptitude to find herself so inept at absolutely everything. Came the Pegsus Knight, Sumia nestled between an array of spears. All of which she was desperately grabbing hold of in hopes to not let any of them fall. To think this all started because she had spotted a few flowers behind them--which was rare as the training grounds themselves had a marginal adherence to be flat and nearly run into a dirt ground. Thanks to all the soldiers constantly using the terrain. It wasn't bad, rather she just thought the fact that a small flower hidden behind the display of wooden spears had been a sight to see. Thinking that it was her destiny to pluck them and tell her fortune.
┈       ۰  That is until she managed to bump the display and each spear began tumbling onto her. Leaning against her chest as she tried to hold them all steady--she was fine of course. Her face might of been scratched up on the sides a bit. What was of importance was how miserably stuck in the situation she was. Sumia could let them fall, to the floor.... But that would cause such a ruckus and they might just break. She could stand there and wait til someone came.... The second option seemed best for her at the moment, though luck would have it as she'd spot a certain knight making his rounds. Eagerly she called to him.           ❝Frederick!! Sir Frederick!! Oh!! Frederick!!! Sir Frederick!!❞
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floremfortunae · 10 years
•⊱ exudigious ⊰•
       [ ♞ ] - - So, where was it that she was supposed to meet up with Mother? She’d thought about it the moment she woke up this morning, lucky to get a full day of rest, as Chrom and Robin had allowed her for the day since her recruitment. But really, it was a day for shopping! And lucky she was to have this day to pick the parts and finally create the unfinished spear. Skipping about in her steps of exuberance her head scans the area for their supposed meet-up place. She was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe… Nah, she can’t have gotten the place wrong again, could she?
        Buuut she’s also quick to realize, upon hearing her mother’s voice yet again, for the first time ever in years there came that voice that had made her tear up just the other day, being in her arms again. It’s almost enough to bring her to tears again, in truth. Happiness raised to the highest levels seeing her here and alive again. The cheer is raised in her expression, eliciting a grin upon her features even before she calls back,
        “Mother!! There you are! Phew, what a relief! I was beginning to think this wasn’t where we were supposed to…” 
        And there it was, words left unfinished, if only because her mother waving her arms about excessively that hit the pillar had also torn down the shop’s structure. Drape falling over the shopkeeper and his goods. Oops. In a bit of a shock she halts in her steps, though that did look like a mistake of something she might commit. Accidentally (and hopefully not too much) of course. 
         "You got it, ma’am! Always here to help!" Determination set upon her features, a proudness about her expression she walks up to the man, "Sorry about that! Here, you can just let me do that and I’ll— Whoa!" But this is when her steps are interrupted, foot somehow tripping over a trolley of goods that had been unfortunately in the way of her strides. And while soon she might just think Gods, how could she not have seen that—said goods would clatter and roll onto the floor, creating a full mess of what was once a neat stand of goods that the poor merchant must have worked really hard to set up. Even worse was Cynthia falling over and pushing another pillar nearby, causing one, and two more to crash against the floor. ‘Course at this point the stand is just completely ruined, isn’t it? The moment she’s able to get up she just winces, hand over her head and looking around as if to check what had just happened, and what she did—
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        “Oww… That hurt. What was I— Uh oh.” Raising her head to the fumed merchant giving her a total death glare as soon as she’d caught his eyes. "Ummm… Ehehe… S-Sorry! I promise I’ll fix this!" Head turning round to find her mother, and… Wait. No, she had to settle this herself—Sumia was counting on her, after all! "Alright, let me try again!" 
┈        •⊱✿❀❁❀‘゚sᴜᴍɪᴀ❀✿۰❁⊰•                                                   ┈
┈       ۰  Sumia hadn't the slightest thought as to what could happen, but upon watching the whole stall fall through with the merchant frantically bustling about. It was obvious that of the worst things could occur, immediately this brought her to focus on the situation at hand. Concern for the product they were possibly destroying and her feeling responsible for Cynthia--she immediately tried to speak with the tendor.           ❝Sir, if you can hear me I apologize profusely for everything that has               occurred... If you--Ah stop moving I'll try to pill the drape over you               just give me a moment--❞                                                                                             ❝DON'T DO ANY--❞                                                                                               Came the sounds from                                                                                              the now wrecked store.                ❝Wait--See if I just-----❞
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┈       ۰  Hands reached over to the ends of the drape where Cynthia seemed to be settled upon. Giving her a soft smile despite the contorted expression of concern she held upon her face.           ❝Cynthia just grab this end... And pull it... By doing that we should be               Able to uncover him and the shop.❞
┈       ۰  The Pegasus Knight had hoped by tugging upon the drape that this would relieve the man from his caught state. Unfortunately, what would occur would be the opposite. By tugging the cloth that casted a shadow for him to stay under, they would only inevitably drag him along with his product into the middle of the road. Scattered; everything would become. Perhaps broken, and his anger would only sky rocket from there. Again, she did not know this. Just that she thought she would be able to free the merchant and the drape from being stuck upon everything it was.                                ❝Are you ready Cynthia?❞  
┈       ۰  Her eyes are sparkling, Sumia is a bit too excited for what is to become of this. With the drape held firmly within her hands, she gave a nod to Cynthia the moment they would need to pull. From which, more trouble would occur.
•⊱ Double Trouble.
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floremfortunae · 10 years
•⊱ epitomizingperfection ⊰•
"Dear Naga.." She sighed, helping the girl up. This marked the third time, at minimum, that she had tripped. Shouldn’t her face be bruised at this point?
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"Perhaps you should get those boots checked. Shoes that run too large often lead to tripping over your own foot.." 
┈        •⊱✿❀❁❀‘゚sᴜᴍɪᴀ❀✿۰❁⊰•                                                   ┈
┈       ۰ Cordelia's words had reached her and to much surprise Sumia began to wonder upon the ground. Hand placed firmly beneath her chin. The straps of her boots had recently gotten fixed--had they not? The peculiarity of tripping wasn't a thought or problem--just the simple fact that 'Oh did I get my boots fixed?'' From which Sumia felt satisfied with her answer to herself, rising from the floor onto her knees. Where she sat upon her feet. Dusting her pants off.           ❝I don't think that is the problem--I did get them fixed not too long                   ago! Ah--but more importantly I had wanted to ask you something.❞
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