florentium · 4 days
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Happy Pride
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florentium · 1 month
happy black sails on netflix to all who celebrate
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florentium · 1 month
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Daily News, New York, September 7, 1925
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florentium · 1 month
This post is about antisemitism. I'm going to put my cards on the table here. I am not Jewish, I am a Muslim. I have been spending a lot of time in predominantly left and leftist spaces for some years. I've been paying attention to what's being going on on this site too. I think the left, the right no matter what your politics are has a big problem with antisemitism. I've seen people constantly dismiss it, claim it isn't a priority, claim the effects aren't that bad.
Within the last 4 months, I have seen many Jewish people on the Internet , on this site and others leave or take down anything relating to being Jewish because of constant harrasment. This harrasment has had an upsurge but it is not new, I remember hearing the same canards and same false claims years and years ago. I keep seeing people betray a callousness to effects this political enviroment and hostility has on Jewish people.
They refuse to even push back against statements like 'they care more about the jews' or 'being a member of the chosen people means your better than everyone else and they're your slaves', 'there are too many jews in the government', 'there are no palestinians who are of jewish descent, have jewish family members or are jewish and this is propaganda''. I've seen people unable to speak about grief about those they trusted and respected turning out to be antisemites without being harrased over the i/p war.
I've seen a lot of antisemitism in Muslim spaces too, ranging from 'we're tolerant and this is how they repay us', to condenscension to 'some aren't bad but others are bloodthirsty and vengeful', and denial of any antisemitic attacks or crimes done by Muslims. I have also seen attempts to put a stop to this and defend against this and correct misinformation.
But the biggest problem I've seen is that their are a lot of people, who see this is wrong but don't do much about it, or think that it will somehow take away from calling for Palestinian liberation some who have saying this line for years others who have only just started saying it recently. In my experience it is generally not Palestinians saying this who are far more likely to push back against dehumanzing rhetoric than those who say , 'Oh we can't focus it now, Palestinians are dying.' In fact I seen anger against using phrases like 'free palestine' to hurt Jewish people as using the oppression of a people to be antisemities.'
People [in general] keep adding all kinds of caveats 'oh some are good', 'oh some are kids', like acknowledging the humanity of the Jewish people takes the lifeblood away from a Palestinian. In my experience openly saying one should listen to and defend Jewish people and Jewish communities from antisemitism without question is getting increasingly a volatile response. Simply saying that 'Oh what if they're a Zionist?' to just horrific biogtry is antisemitic and you should never deny what's happened to them is bad on that basis. Its used a dogwhistle to justify anything.
And here's the thing, I've spent the last 5 or so years trying to learn all I can about Judaism and Jewish culture, and the dissonance between what I now know and what I see around me has grown very wide. I don't know that much, but I keep seeing the same misinformation and lack of care as to how destructive it is. I keep seeing people assuming that antisemitism is someone else's problem to deal with. I keep seeing all kinds of monolithic, flattening and caricatures that bear no resemblance to the reality.
The most jarring thing was that there are people on this very site that if you had one should support and stand with Jewish people against antisemitism to make a fairer world that had learned a lot about why it is so rampant are now shying away from these statements. Jewish people are spoken about as if one event has obliterated any past or present of discrimination. As if their lives they have led have ceased to exist. The things that caused that atrocity and the current horrors were still around 5, 10 years ago. It wasn't out of nowhere.
I have seen those who have no issue with agreeing with neo-nazis and just violent hate and doxxing and shootings and so on and simply unpersoning Jews in their mind. This has happened many times before and unless there is a big change will happen many times again.
More and more Jewish people are ailenated and leaving places there otherwise went, changing how they live their lives and so on. To all those who are suffering from this. I'm sorry that this happening you shouldn't be treated in such a cruel way.
And to those of us who seen or noticed this withdrawal, we should try to prevent it. Its not enough to say that's wrong to some hateful statements we have work against a hostile and suspicious enviroment this hate flourishes in and give it no air to breathe and to water to drink from.
Antisemitism is not someone else's problem, its all of our problem. We should be vigilant in spotting it and then doing something about it. Many say this but there is a great need for action. Everywhere, on the social media, on the schools and workplaces in the place sof worship in the businesses, in the politics, in the media and so on.
I'm going to say this again, as because I am not Jewish I cannot be claimed to be priveleged and looking for attention by those denying the case. When I say volatile reaction, I mean there are people who viewed me talking about differences in theology between Judaism and Islam and the work of David Bar-Tzur in sign lanaguage interepretation Jewish settings and writings and community work with the Jewish Deaf community and how Judeo-Christian does not exist and is antisemitic and so on.
As first distaste as I spoke to them about it over multiple conversations and was met with increasing hostility and eventually claims that I was following 'degenarates' and that I was too 'kindhearted' and had become 'brainwashed' by 'Zionist media'. Which quickly changed form condescending pity to cold anger when I protested against this. When said I wasn't going to get disclaimers that some 'Jews are bad' all the time whenever I said anything about them and deemed what they were saying to be antisemitic, the conversation devolved from there.
In their eyes I'm object of suspicon for essentially sympathising too much with Jewish people and knowing 'too much'. Yes the considering the amount I knew to be a sign I was brainwashed. It was even insinuated that I lack faith in my own religion and so on. If I didn't like this, I could just walk away and ditch everything I have said and done then keep my head down. But those suffering from antisemitism can't do this as they are being targeted.
That's all I have to say. Please respond if you have anything you'd want to say to me.
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florentium · 1 month
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some of my favorite replies to this tweet. happy lesbian visibility week!
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florentium · 1 month
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florentium · 1 month
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florentium · 1 month
The majority of people are horny. People are always going to be horny. You cannot stop people from being horny. Throughout history there have been extensive attempts to suppress horniness and they haven’t worked. You can be mad about it all you want but horniness will prevail against any adversity. There will always be an aspect of horniness within society. Sexuality cannot be contained by having missionary sex with your spouse alone in the privacy of a dark bedroom.
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florentium · 2 months
i don't understand how i am supposed to live with this profound sadness. to be honest
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florentium · 2 months
Reblog for a larger sample size!
No "show results", if you're not a fanfic writer just be patient.
I saw a post about an anon saying it was embarrasing to have an ao3 account in your 30s (it's absolutely not), so I want to do a poll and see what the age range actually is.
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florentium · 2 months
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florentium · 2 months
School: Teaches you something for a week with historical background, context, effects, and outcomes.
One TikToker: Tells you it's fake while doing a bad contour.
Some of y'all: SCHOOL LIED?!
#: )#case and point discussing the pronouns of long-dead historical figures who lived before the english language#and claiming that it's due to some heteronormative conspiracy in academia#Firstly you're source is bad and applying modern day social constructions of gender and sexuality to historical people is never accurate#And secondly heteronormative bias both in academia and the larger world is commonly an UNCONSCIOUS bias#meaning that there isn't actually some grand malicious conspiracy to erase queer history headed by the Hetero Illuminati.#rather queer history has been disproportionately ignored and overlooked#often because secondhand historical accounts of a person's queer behaviours are often meant to be SLANDER#and must be heavily scrutinized#it's like if archeologists a thousand years from now unearthed a middle school yearbook that someone had written ''ur gay'' in#and the archeologists took that uncritically to mean the owner of the textbook in fact self-indentified as gay#maybe they did! but the context of your source is HIGHLY questionable especially if none of the subjects own words survive#i think people don't realize that like.... there was no facebook for all of history???#like people were not socializing via the written word very often#most people were not leaving detailed firsthand accounts of their own lives and thoughts#people were not causally documenting their lives in photos and videos#there was no agreed upon record of consensus that you could go back and consult for what happened and when and what people thought about it#a lot of writing that survives is boring lists of crops and tax records census data#it's useful#but it doesn't tell us about people's internal thoughts and feelings for the most part#which is why examples of personal diaries are so valuable to history!#celebrate underrepresented history#just please stop uncritically believing everything tiktoks tells you#it's usually wrong
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florentium · 2 months
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THE BEAR 1.05 Sheridan
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florentium · 2 months
what's so striking to me about younger queer generations rn isn't the lack of knowledge about queer history, but the complete unwillingness to engage with it, when confronted with an identity or history they haven't heard of before they react with disgust rather than curiosity. (for example) instead of asking where the leather pride flag came from and what the leather community is and represents they immediately question the need for something like that to exist, not even willing to listen and learn from both elders and peers. this is also more broadly a problem in leftist spaces in general, being reactionary is somehow the default now, and anything that's different or unknown must be an attack and bad. really hoping y'all manage to grow out of this deeply conservative way of interacting with the world.
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florentium · 3 months
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It’s true and you should say it.
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florentium · 3 months
i hate to be that guy, but the idea that gender, sex, and sexuality are ontologically pure concepts that can be rigidly defined if we simply police our language enough (our english language, because of course) is—i cannot stress this enough—a total waste of time. you may as well spend your afternoons teaching a brick how to swim
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florentium · 3 months
Trying to keep my history thoughts on the matter to myself online so that I don't get turbo cancelled but I just have to point out that there is a huge difference between THE British Museum and A British museum.
For Christ's sake.
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