florianbrandd · 8 days
"Ah can't beleive I've forgotten!" He rushed up to florian "I usually give a gift to the people who are new to the manor" the dragon gave him a bottle full of a glittery softly glowing substance that looked like water.
[A softly glowing glittery water like substance that provides the drinker with fire resistance for an hour.]
"Fire resistance, eh? It'll be easy to find a use for this once I'm out of here and back at work. I'll keep it safe for now!"
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florianbrandd · 8 days
Sends a billion fireworks at your exact location (theyre pretty) ☆…・.。~(・w・~)
Florian subsequently spends hours enthralled by the thought of fireworks
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florianbrandd · 8 days
Questions for the conservator....
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General info
Name: Adam van Harte
Faction: Survivor- "Painting Conservator"
Birthday: 31st of June
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
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Repair and Conserve- The Painting Conservator is able to repair and restore palettes that have been dropped by other survivors or broken by the hunter.
Duration (picking up dropped palettes): 4 seconds
Duration (repairing broken palettes): 10 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds.
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Adam van Harte grew up in a wealthy family well-known in the art world. His love for art was always encouraged by his family, his older brother and sister specifically, leading him to study art conservation during his time in education. Aided by his family's reputation he became a well-respected conservator. He continued to build a career for himself until the art museum his Father owned was exposed for being involved in money laundering. Adam was deemed guilty by proxy and his reputation took a hit, this only becoming worse when it came out that he knew but kept quiet due to not wanting to go against his Father.
[To be expanded]
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Ships are okay (both ocxoc and ocxcanon)
Magic anons, au's, crossovers and the like are all fine.
If you don't wanna see posts that aren't rps or in character asks/aren't important to the blog blacklist the tag #|| mun posts || (I forget to add it sometimes but it should be there most of the time).
Follows and likes come from @muralconservator
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Other ask blogs
Neville Linton (original character, hunter)- @h3smoremyselfthaniam
Florian Brand (canon character, survivor)- @florianbrandd
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florianbrandd · 10 days
are you gay!
"Thank you for your question! I will not be commenting on this matter at this time!"
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florianbrandd · 11 days
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Florian meets a new friend (and is also introduced to zippo lighters)
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florianbrandd · 12 days
Hey Florian, did you know that William Ellis , the Offenser had a costume called "Fireman " ? With you being the Fire investigater, no arson gonna happen here
The more the merrier as they say! The safer the better.
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florianbrandd · 14 days
Good Luck with exams man!! You got this!!
// thank you !!!! <333
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florianbrandd · 14 days
// I'm sorry for disappearing without announcing an official hiatus or anything.... I have exams and they're stressing me out, but I should be back soon
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florianbrandd · 27 days
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What's making him smile like that all the time?
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florianbrandd · 28 days
lil things to do because im bored and logged in here and can't log back into my main but if u rb/reply to this i'll make a stimboard of ur muse 👉👈 i just rlly like making stimboards and you little guys
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florianbrandd · 28 days
lil things to do because im bored and logged in here and can't log back into my main but if u rb/reply to this i'll make a stimboard of ur muse 👉👈 i just rlly like making stimboards and you little guys
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florianbrandd · 29 days
// looks at you 👁️👁️
lil things to do because im bored and logged in here and can't log back into my main but if u rb/reply to this i'll make a stimboard of ur muse 👉👈 i just rlly like making stimboards and you little guys
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florianbrandd · 1 month
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this with Florian but it says "Why I Like Arson"
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florianbrandd · 1 month
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more but ifirgured outhow to draw them right this tume
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florianbrandd · 1 month
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General info
Name: Florian Brand
Role: Survivor
Birthday: ????
Age: 21+
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
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Abilities (copy pasted from Otakusparkle)
External Trait: Inflatable Airbag
Florian carries 2 asbestos airbags and a utility box filled with chemical solutions.
Florian injects chemical solutions into his airbag and releases it. This creates a chemical reaction that generates a large amount of gas, rapidly inflating the airbag to expand according to its surroundings. When the airbag expands, it swiftly repels all characters within range.
Florian's airbags are highly elastic. When inflated to a certain degree and then squeezed by a Survivor, they can propel the survivor up to 9.6 meters.
Florian has designed an easy-to-operate exhaust method for his airbags. Survivors can deflate the inflated airbags, causing them to rapidly shrink and lose their size. The deflated airbags will remain in place, and only Florian, who is familiar with their structure, can pick them up again to replenish his airbag count.
By virtue of the special materials used in their creation,Florian's airbags have excellent resilience and can only be destroyed when struck with 1 charged Hunter attack. Their formidable repulsive properties will also cause the Hunter to recover more slowly after attacking. However, destroyed airbags cannot be recovered.
Florian's expertise allows him an airbag repulsion cooldown of 10 seconds,while ordinary Survivors have a cooldown of 15 seconds.
External Trait: Temporary Threshold Shift
Florian's hearing has been impaired dueto prolonged exposure to high-decibel noises, which makes it difficult for him to concentrate while decoding. His ability to focus is only restored when he is in environments without disruptive noise sources. Florian's Decoding Speed is reduced by 10%. When restraining Hunters, Florian's Decoding Speed gradually increases by up to 15%.
External Trait: Firefighting Training
Florian's dedication goes beyond post-incident investigations,as he has intentionally honed his skills to execute rescues during life-threatening fires. Florian's Interaction Speed increases by 10%. After using an airbag to repel a Hunter, Florian gains a 35% Speed Boost that lasts for 2 seconds.
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This blog is very headcanon-based, I'd say that's obvious since we don't know much about him yet. I'll add in canon bits here and there as we get them though.
Bringing Florian ships onto this blog is fine whether they're OC x canon or not. I headcanon Florian as mlm.
Magic anons, au's, crossovers and the like are all fine.
No TERFS or exclusionists.
If you don't wanna see posts that aren't rps or in character asks/aren't important to the blog blacklist the tag #|| mun posts || (I forget to add it sometimes but it should be there most of the time).
Follows and likes come from @muralconservator
Other ask blogs
Neville Linton (original character, hunter)- @h3smoremyselfthaniam
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(official concept art from NetEase)
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florianbrandd · 1 month
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hello florias nation sorry i haven't had much content but here are some crumbs
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florianbrandd · 1 month
Hey Florian, any "old friends " you met at the manor?
"Some of the people here seem so familiar, like I've met them before but can't remember where. Yet, no one seems to remember me in turn."
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