flower-child50-blog · 7 years
Self Confidence.
self confidence is something i personally struggle with, as do many other people in the world. Working on ones self confidence deems to be difficult, But if you rethink your “flaws” in a positive way it actually helps a ton. I for one pride myself on my positivity. i always try to look on the bright side and think of the good in people first before directly judging a book by its cover. There are so many post about “how to get the perfect body” and “what ‘real’ men and women should look like” but i can tell you how to get the perfect body in in some simple ways. Go look in that mirror over there, look at yourself and think of what the perfect body looks like. it dose not take too much imagination to do this because if you keep starring at the mirror you will see the perfect body. Your own. your own body is the most beautiful thing in the world. and you SHOULD feel confident strutten’ that because your cute and you know it. So to help boost your self confidence goo look in that mirror and compliment yourself once a day and soon enough you wont see as much bad and hopefully it will all go away. remember to love yourself for who you are and not what others believe you should be.
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