Bangtan Chat:  Yoontopian
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like bts.
You: hi
Stranger: hello :0
You: bias?
Stranger: yoonkook djfjd
Stranger: you?
You: Yoongi, wrecker is Jin
Stranger: OH a fellow yoontopian
Stranger: what a small world
You: i know
Stranger: <3 hope u have a good 2019 stranger
You: you too stranger
Stranger: <3
Stranger has disconnected.
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Bangtan Chat
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like BTS.
You: hi
Stranger: Celebrating the Grammy Nomination, The guys want to reward the most loyal hardcore fans. The boys want us to ask you 4 questions, then they are going to pick their favorite answers and reward the winners with different prizes like Special Editions of the new album, Personal video chats and phone calls, and Merch. If you're interested will need 3 things to start. Your first name, Your Age, and a way to contact you.
Stranger: Hello how are you.
Stranger: If you have any questions please ask will do my best to answer any questions you have.
Stranger: Oh crap she has the finger on the cheek thinking thing.
Stranger: :D
You: uwu
You: Uh my name's Mel, 13, my twitter is @namjinnominroll
Stranger: Hi mel my name is rob its very nice to meet you ok here come the questions the boys wrote these not us :D
You: ok
Stranger: First question: What's the craziest thing you have done being a BTS fan?
Stranger: btw love the twitter name
You: I haven't done anything crazy but I'd say probably completing the Love Yourself series
You: thanks
Stranger: ok next question
Stranger: Second question: What type of fan are you? (you can pick more than one) 1 The Bake Cookies type of fan. 2 I want to do them all type of fan 3. I want to kidnap them and put them in my basement type of fan. 4 I want to run around naked so they notice me type of fan.
Stranger: bonus point if you can figure out who wrote that question lol
Stranger: I just work here beautiful.. lol
You: The bake cookies type of fan
Stranger: LIes! lol kidding
Stranger: ok next question
Stranger: I saw the smirk i know your at least one more of those types lol
Stranger: Third question: How did you feel listening to the new album?
You: lol
You: Idk, I mean if freaking the fuck out when hearing IDOL Ft. Nicki Minaj play at my school dance says anything
Stranger: lol ok :D
Stranger: ok last question now this question is in fun do not take it too seriouly
Stranger: Forth Question: You know I have the guys Phone numbers, Skypes,Snapchats, and tickets and passes to get backstage, How would you bribe me to get me to give them to you? ( yes we have permission to give out the numbers, for those worried about invading their privacy, also this question is in fun not real life so have fun with your answers)
Stranger: Best answer so far a girl said she would bite of a dogs penis and feed it to trump
Stranger: I love that kid sick and twisted but brillant!
You: I'd probably train a duck to bite the dick of people who say BTS sucks but they haven't even heard anything from them and feed it to themselves
Stranger: ROFL nice
You: uwu
Stranger: ok give me a second to enter in all your info and send it off.
You: okay
Stranger: @namjinnominroll just double check spelling
You: yes
Stranger: and if you have any questions please ask
You: okay
Stranger: and OMG JIMIN!
You: how do you have their numbers?
Stranger: i swear that boy has some issues
You: How?
Stranger: I worked on the north american part of the tour, I work for livenation we have been helping big hit with the world tour
Stranger: next year its going to get bigger :D
You: ooh
Stranger: But you didn't see that
Stranger: it was all your imaganation
You: ?
Stranger: That the next tour is going to be bigger
You: oh
Stranger: we not spose to talk about whats hcoming
Stranger: coming
You: oh
Stranger: plus we are doing the contest so they guys are checking in
You: now I'm curious, is there going to be a new series?
Stranger: like Jimin but so not saying what he asked
You: oh
Stranger: New series not sure on that part, but I do happen to know there is a new ep coming in the new year
You: cool
Stranger: lol ok don't judge jimin when i tell you this tho
Stranger: its just funny as hell
Stranger: he's texting in english is done with an app so the translations can be interesting
Stranger: So he asked if anyone was entering the contest i said yes was talking to a very cute girl right now.
You: awe uwu
Stranger: His repsonse almost killed me
You: what did he say?
Stranger: "Does she have nice chest muscles"
Stranger: first off he is being a perv but CHEST MUSCLES i almost peed a little
You: Where's Eomma Jin
You: ?????
Stranger: I have no idea atm
You: Damn, he needs to watch over his child's language
Stranger: Lol yeah but have to admit is a pretty good pick up line
Stranger: "Hey baby do you have nice chest musles"
Stranger: rofl
You: no
You: lol
Stranger: I was being sarcastic
Stranger: and i wasn't asking you im sure yorus are lovely
Stranger: oH you asked about new music didn't really finish
Stranger: They are talking about doing a new EP with english
Stranger: with the english track blowing up
You: Wish the best of luck to Jin
Stranger: On the music or his serch for chest muscles lol
You: Music
You: lol
Stranger: BTW you are all entered do you have any more questions or want to harrass anyone
You: Jk
Stranger: ok what do you want to do
You: I'd rather bake cookies
You: lol
Stranger: im always up for harrassing him
Stranger: tour is like herding cats with them
You: how?
You: All over the place?
Stranger: oh they understand english pretty well until you need them to do somthing
Stranger: then its all we don't understand
Stranger: Wanted to murder RM lol
You: Why?
Stranger: he right threw me under a bus at a restaurant
You: He'd never
Stranger: they where all acting up and they all played the no english card so i had to calm down a manager there
Stranger: OH HE DID!
You: omg-
Stranger: But i got them back told the manager they were all from a mental hosiptial
You: Omg-
Stranger: and that rm peed the bed alot so it got him worked up when in public
You: oof
Stranger: and he couldn't defend himself lol
You: how? He's a smart boi
Stranger: cuase no english ya know :P
You: oof
You: but he knows english pretty well
Stranger: Yeah but he pulled the no english card so if he started talking in english the manager of the restaruant would have caught on
Stranger: Oh this i know lol
Stranger: but when they are in trouble they are like kids
You: I thought they were kids in their 20"s
Stranger: Pretty much
You: lol
Stranger: So any other questions
Stranger: and jimin just keeps saying "does she?"
Stranger: that boy needs a cold shower
You: harras Jimin in anyway possible
Stranger: ROFL
Stranger: Don't say that to me im evil
Stranger: lol
You: no kinky shit lol
Stranger: ROFL i wasn't even going there! pevert!
You: lol
Stranger: sadly tho when you said that it gave me an idea lol
You: omg-
Stranger: you behave!
You: okay
You: I will
You: I promise
Stranger: that smile is scary
You: lol
You: I destroyed my buttons on my jacket
You: Funny thingn it's RM's jacket
Stranger: No i was just going to joke with him.. have you pose like your showing off chest muscles, (not really tho) send him the picture and then blur it so he think its phone is messed up
Stranger: Off topic
Stranger: your jacket buttons are messed up ?
You: they fell off somehow
Stranger: like the snap?
You: yeah ig
Stranger: yeah it happend to a few of them take it to a talior they can put new one on for you for a couple of bucks really reasy
Stranger: easy
Stranger: the snaps are cheep on the jackets sadly
You: ik..
Stranger: or your just abusive to your clothes !
Stranger: lol
You: I'm not even that strong
Stranger: SO how should we mess with jimin
You: they just go flying off
You: idk
Stranger: Stop taking off your jacket like the hulk then!
You: I never fuck with anyone, Instead I feed them
Stranger: well you can help me mess with him then be all like poor baby and feed him
Stranger: lol
You: lol
Stranger: Don't worry i wont rat you out that you helped mess with him
You: lol
Stranger: So i need ideas who
Stranger: tho
Stranger: wow typo city today
Stranger: First give me a respone to his "DOes she texts" lol
You: "does she texts" bitch the fuck?
Stranger: yeah after eh asked about chest muscles i stopped repsonding so he keeps sending "Does SHe??"
You: bitch no lol, I don't got chest muscles
Stranger: I kinda want to say "yes they are amazing but her penis is bigger than mine and it hurts my feelings"
Stranger: But i think his translation app will explode
Stranger: and iam so sorry if that was way graphic
You: I thought that was funny lol
Stranger: and yest you have chest muscles and im sure there awesome!
Stranger: Thats why your buttons keep breaking it can't hold in the awesomeness of your chest muscles!
You: nah bruh, but don't ask or that probe would make you a pedo
You: I don't have any lol
Stranger: Im not a pedo
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 22
You: p e d o
Stranger: Listen we are joking around atm.
Stranger: nothing more
You: ik lol
Stranger: I just didn't want you to feel bad about yourself one thing on here is you girls are too hard on yourself
You: i know, but I honestly don't feel bad if anyone calls me anything negative
Stranger: Good it doesn't matter what people thing
Stranger: Think OMG
Stranger: You cute as hell own it and let them deal with it
You: if there's anything I learned from BTS, it's to love yourself no matter fuckin what
Stranger: thata girl
Stranger: and thats why guys will go all pedo for you :P
Stranger: BTW going with the penis line for jimin
You: okay lol
Stranger: "They are amazing, but her penis is bigger than mine"
You: lol okay
Stranger: Is it bad i want to send him a picture of you to just confuse the shit out of him
You: go for it lol
Stranger: Only with your permission
Stranger: ok so pose how ever you like
You: lol
Stranger: and i will delete the picture when its sent
You: okay
Stranger: ok so pose
Stranger: got it
You: okay, great lol
Stranger: he will be all confused (btw i will make sure he understands in the end you do not have a penis)
You: Lol okay
Stranger: unless you do then thats even more awesome!
You: I mean- who knows? maybe I do, maybe I don't
Stranger: Don't matter if ya did rock on with your bad self
Stranger: and that litel fucker!
Stranger: llittle
Stranger: OH HE IS SO DEAD
Stranger: lol
You: what'd he say lol
Stranger: "She is very cute girl, her penis is not bigger you just woman"
You: lol, he's a smart boi
Stranger: Well BTS Is now oing to be a 6 piece
Stranger: Little bugger its on now!
You: lmao
Stranger: and i know your on his side!
You: Jimin"s?
Stranger: "send more picture she very pretty"
Stranger: Oh yeah
Stranger: i know your on his
You: why?
Stranger: hmm who side is the die hard BTS going to be on? hmmmm band member or Road lacky
You: maybe none lol
Stranger: the send pictures is what he just texted
Stranger: ok fair enough
You: jk, dead ass BTS
Stranger: like i said i just work here
You: lol okay
Stranger: I lost a bet and got stuck on this gig, but thankfully you have renewed my hope in people
You: I have a snapchat, I could send better quality photos there lol
Stranger: pervert!
Stranger: OH DONT PLAY ALL INNOCENT your smile cracked so wide your head almost turned into a pez
Stranger: ROFL
You: Bruh I can't smile?
Stranger: You can smile as much as you want its a very nice bonus to this gig
You: I swear tho, I don't send anything inappropriate
Stranger: Im just picking on you its alll good
You: lol
Stranger: and you can do whatever you wanted to i don't judge people
You: I'm innocent although I do have a dirty mind
Stranger: everyone does and nothing wrong with that
Stranger: only one rule!
Stranger: Dont ever do something you don't want to do, or do it just to make someone like you
You: I won't, they should like me for who I am
Stranger: That a girl.
You: uwu
Stranger: then once they earn it show them the freaky side and you best to make them fear for there life!
Stranger: lol
Stranger: in the best way possible :D
Stranger: sorry lol so off topic
Stranger: bestowing my pevert wisdom!
You: lol, so exposing that I wanted to literally kill one of my best friends cause she dated my ex crush?
Stranger: Oh thats shitty, don't worry people liek that will get there come around
Stranger: Karma does exist!
Stranger: Just tell him that she was born a boy
You: lmao karma already got her\
Stranger: and the clap back for the boy who saids they did stuff with you
Stranger: "I don't know i couldn't feel anything it was so small"
Stranger: will ruin the boy
You: It ruins any boy lol
Stranger: pretty much
Stranger: and its fair if thats the type of loser they are
You: Like for instance, Jimin, except he's small himself
Stranger: yeah is kinda a pocket rock star
You: lol
Stranger: BTW what do i say about more pictures
Stranger: got to keep him on the leash lol
You: idk, just drop my snapchat lol @brendunyuri
Stranger: lol you send him pictures he would prob start saking for it
Stranger: I still say we should fake a chest shot and send it to him lol
Stranger: all fucked up blurred and digitaized
Stranger: get him all drooling and shit lol
You: I mean, if it's actually Jiminie then I'd send pics whenever, just nothing inappropriate lol
Stranger: Oh im not asking for any of that
You: lol ik
Stranger: I was just saying fake it then blur it so it looks like you are lo
You: lol
You: anyways, gtg, it was nice speaking to you
You have disconnected.
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