flowerrpetaled · 5 years
— * . apollo
            and  it  really  is  disaster   after disaster , isn’t it ?  apollo even watched her spill the perfume and then continue to just keep on tripping up over her actions … he feels a bit of secondhand embarrassment watching her but also feels absolute pity . as soon as she notices him staring he realizes he should have intervened sooner — why did he just stand around watching the poor girl do the most to embarrass herself ?  he sends her a smile , though a nervous and worried one , before setting down the bottle of cologne he bought for certain circumstances and then peeks around to see if she is truly okay . instead of asking if she is okay , he asks , ❝ do you want me to run to get you something to clean that up with ?  ❞ which draws more attention to what she did and therefore was probably not a good thing to ask . he then hums and says ,, i mean , are you okay ?  like that looked like a pretty bad spill — oh , i mean , ❞ he stumbles , finding himself tripping over his own words . jeez , is tripping around a sentence really contagious like that ?  ❝ don’t worry about checking me out , i’m really in no rush … ?  ❞
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   — HER SIGHTS SET ON HE IN FRONT OF HER FURTHER , and immediately all the former dancer would like to do is curl up into a ball and hide. Her fingers dig into the fabric of the clothes she’s attempting to dress the mannequin in before she makes her peace with putting them to the side ( though she was holding onto them for dear life , such as a safety blanket ) and tries to compose herself. She’s at work , she needs to be professional. BUT OF COURSE , the world’s quite scary , and although he in front of her doesn’t exactly exemplify the jaws of the public that Olivia grows horrified of on the daily , she’s still nervous. Still scared. ❝ I-I’m fine , this is just my job !! Just me . . . doing my job. ❞ She nods , averting eye contact to look around the area. Catch her breath , try to decompress and tell herself it’s going to be alright. ❝ But you don’t - you don’t have to help , it’s okay. It . . . might mean that I may get in trouble ; customers assisting employees with work might not look well. ❞
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flowerrpetaled · 5 years
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   — SHE DOESN’T SEEM TO PROCESS THAT MISTAKES . . . are entirely human. That accidents happen , and when they escalate , there’s normally an easy fix no matter how much it seems like the end of the world is on the reason. It started with her innocently doodling to herself - standing alone at the makeup counter , the slow hours near excessive with the New Year recuperation in order , and then innocently leaning over and spilling a sample bottle of perfume with a name she couldn’t recount off the top her her hair. But they have SPARES , they have spares in the back when these things happen - however , in a frazzled state would be bump into a mannequin display , further spilling the bottle ( thankfully not dropping it to render glass shattered all over the floor ) over a dress on display. So she’d have to CHANGE the mannequin , clean the perfume , switch out the bottles , and . . . yes , all while avoiding the stares of customers passing by. With a new dress on her arm and a new sample bottle of perfume on the counter nearby , she keeps glancing around - and of course is that eye contact made , and Ori finds herself suddenly rendered frozen. And - oh. Oh , there’s now a conversation , oh no - ❝ I-I don’t work here , ❞ she blurts out with IMMEDIATE regret. ❝ Wait - n-no !! Yes I do , yes I do - ❞ And now they think you’re not at all qualified for your position , Olivia. ❝ . . . Can I . . . um , can I help . . . you ?? ❞
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flowerrpetaled · 5 years
— * . lissa
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                    SHE  SPEEDS  DOWN  the  street  as  fast  as  her  legs  can  carry  her,  weaving  in  and  out  of  the  crowd  as  her  gaze  remains  fixated  on  the  animal  escaping  her  at  this  very  moment.  ❝  quick  !!  someone  catch  that  frog  !!  ❞  she  doesn’t  actually  expect  anyone  to  help  her,  but  it’s  worth  a  shot,  she  thinks,  especially  as  the  frog  hops  between  spaces  that  she  can’t  get  through.  she  lets  out  a  loud  groan  as  the  frog  leaps  into  the  park,  making  a  sharp  turn  to  get  through  the  entrance.  she’s  barely  gone  two  steps  before  she’s  tripping  over  litter  someone  left  lying  on  the  grass,  and  she  falls  face-first  on  the  ground  with  a  screech.  a  moment  later  and  the  frog  is  sitting  on  her  head.  ❝  you’ve  got  to  be  kidding  me,  ❞  she  mumbles  into  the  grass.
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   — A SPIRALING WHIRLWIND OF EVENTS ticks by faster & faster every second - or at least , that’s how it feels - with the loud noise & commotion suddenly earning a SQUEAK from Ori before she can process what exactly is going on. Her footing - normally always on par - stumbles as she steps back , looking between her feet to make sure said frog doesn’t catch her off-guard. Heart beats heavy & fast , the world seems to slow back down once the girl’s already catching a mouthful of the earth , and . . . oh , she knew that voice was too familiar. ❝ U-Um . . . Lissa , ❞ the former dancer quietly asks before sheepishly extending a hand ,  ❝ are you alright . . . ? ❞
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flowerrpetaled · 5 years
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flowerrpetaled · 5 years
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flowerrpetaled · 5 years
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( olivia holt, demi female, she/they, fire emblem: awakening ) * &. i know it must be scary for you, olivia after surviving the takeover. to turn into someone like orion “ori” monroe, a twenty-five year old clerk at amy’s, right here in castle town. just remember that you are as artistic as you are self-conscious, and to be wary, be safe, be true to who you are : neutral through and through. ( hylia )
                yes i gave myself awakening rights again bc this is,,, best girl,,, i love olivia sm n im so excited 2 write here bt like owain - all of u be warned bc i haven’t played awakening in a long long time so i’m bound 2 be rusty with her !! / tws : death , kidnapping ( ment ) , anxiety
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so OKAY. prior to the events of the game , Olivia was a dancer that traveled around the continent of Ylisse with a theatre troupe -  unfortunately , bc of her popularity , a plot to kidnap her into her career had been set into place , and the west khan of ferox basilio prevented it. this would start off their friendship , which would eventually lead to olivia’s involvement in the plegia-ylisse war. 
her involvement was firstly to rescue chrom’s army post emmeryn’s death , to where she escorted them back to ferox via a carriage convoy. and then afterwards , before facing off against gangrel , she joined chrom’s army as a dancer to invigorate and inspire troops ( aka , if you’re not familiar with the dancer class in fe , olivia’s ur only dancer in awakening and she can basically make ppl move twice one turn )
BTTTT YEAH that’s rly about it ?? my olivia’s not married 2 anyone in particular - kinda just leaving that open ( only flat no is chrom bc chrobin rights ) bt she has her son inigo n she loves him dearly !!
but okay so like ,,,, character-wise , olivia is graceful & considered a perfomance genius. she dances divinely & her singing is gorgeous - however , she possesses extreme stage-fight & anxiety as well as incredibly low self-esteem. she’s very sweet & kind & a lovely person , but she’s also ,,,, honestly this poor girl thinks so lowly of herself n modern-day olivia would probably be behind so many self-deprecating memes
poor baby is startled v easily by surprises and/or strangers - a lot of her supports help her find ways 2 cope with this in one way or another and some of them are ,,,, incredibly sweet ?? like. one of my personal faves is her support w/ stahl where he respects her comfort zone & communicates her with notes bc he knows olivia gets incredibly anxious around confrontation. virion also volunteers to teach olivia a dance from across a room i believe for these same reasons just to respect her comfort zone n it’s INCREDIBLY sweet
one thing For Sure is that her confidence raises as she performs - but almost immediately after , the adrenaline fades n olivia goes back to her shell - n that’s okay. i honestlyyyyy really love olivia sm bc like , i deal w/ a LOT of what she deals with n it was rly cool to see a character like me bc i uh. yeah im an anxious fucker.
i also always feel the need to explain myself n am incredibly shy n need assurance even if my actions were entirely valid.
bt yeah i’m so excited 2 write her n give ini his momma !! she’s my babie,,,, il uv her,,,,
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SO ORI. ori is an interesting story in itself bc again in some ways it’s a lot of what i dealt with bt also,, you’ll see.
so i’m 90% sure she’s like. the third character i have born to famous parents bt ori was a case where she was the fourth child of a dancer mother, an actor father, and her siblings were performers + producers + directors and ori was expected to fill the same shoes.
however, she didn’t excel like they did - she didn’t excel and was always seen as the “odd one out” and the “disappointment” even tho she was just as talented as the rest of them. she just... didn’t get lucky in her career like they did, and her parents, instead of helping her or pushing her to keep trying, kind of just... used her as their token disappointment bc ig “every family has one” and all that bullshit.
so she was the one who led a more quiet life and for that reason couldn’t take the constant weight her family put on her to succeed when they already accepted she couldn’t. so that’s when ori moved out to castle town, just bc it was quiet and nice and off the map.
and also nobody... connected the dots. nobody saw her as the odd one out that didn’t fit into a family of celebrities. ori was just ori and while ori wanted to pursue her own things, she was made to feel comfortable in her own skin again.
still as shy as ever and definitely quiet & anxious, she’s an aspiring dancer but doesn’t really want to go onstage again just yet. she survived , so yes she remembers, but she’s more comfortable right now dancing in an empty room by herself than in front of other people. bt she’s defo choreographed like a hundred dances just by herself buuut she’s still gotten the “i’m not meant for that stuff” thing stuck in her head when she watches the dancers at ct centre of theatre & dance and she’s scared to audition for those reasons.
she currently works at the makeup counter at amy’s !! bt also on bad days she sometimes works in the stockroom instead w/ permission n it makes her feel better.
so she’s still,,, babie. n she wants to find inigo more than anything even tho she’s honestly scared he won’t remember her when she does : (
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