flowersformariah · 11 days
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my favorite old man, the love of my life, the apple of my eye, the reason i get up in the morning and what keeps me going throughout the day
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flowersformariah · 20 days
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One of the 4 true gods, Supreme Demon King of the Polar Domain, Master of the Bright Moon Palace, beloved disciple of Master Bai Shuo, and Ah Wu's Ah Qi.
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flowersformariah · 1 month
you should draw jayberry kiss
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u know what… u are so right I should!! Sorry it’s rlly messy I drew it on my phone n it’s 11pm 🫡 I was gonna wait till tommorrow but u get this now bc I like ur username LOL hands u this I hope u like it
Berry gives his healer bf a smoooooch
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flowersformariah · 1 month
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Third prompt done for the TGCF Rarepairs Gotcha
The prompt given was anything Xieyin (platonic or romantic)! I was really excited to work on this prompt, they make an incredibly cute ship imo ☺️
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flowersformariah · 2 months
nobody asked for this from a heavily romance-saturated show, but samantha jones from sex and the city is aromantic and i will not stand down on this.  she’s an aroallo icon in a friend group that practically revolves around romantic relationships/endeavours & i think that’s very brave.
first off, while the other three characters basically obsess over dating woes, samantha has zero interest in dating and instead has lots of casual sex, which her friends are tbh judgey about :/ but anyway, samantha says throughout the show that she’s not a relationship person and doesn’t date (or want to date).
she talks about her sexual encounters instead when her friends talk about romance.  if her friends refer to it as dating, she will correct them and say it’s just sex.
she’s extremely dismissive of romance and the pursuit of it.
she doesn’t want anyone she has sex with to get attached to her; it makes her uncomfortable.
she’s repulsed by the idea of marriage and having kids.  while she’s ultimately supportive of her friends when they get married, her gut reaction is firstly disgust and confusion.
she does get into a few relationships in the series, but i don’t think they contradict her aromanticism at all, and here’s why:
most of the time, her sexual relations are entirely sexual–i.e. not even platonic.  she says at one point in the show that women are for friendship and men are for fucking.  it’s a shitty view to have, but this pretty clearly indicates that she doesn’t see the men she has sex with as people she wants to spend time with in a platonic, let alone romantic, context.
the times she finds herself interested in a relationship are the times when she actually does enjoy spending time with them outside of a sexual context/purpose.  i think she mistakes this for romantic attraction because she’s so dismissive of the idea of being friends with men.
she actually dislikes the relationship aspects of a relationship–as examples, she hates emotional intimacy and finds it tedious, and she doesn’t want to centre her life or any decisions or even weekend plans around other people.  she puts herself (and her career, which is her own business) first, always.
she ultimately ends all of these relationships because she’s unhappy in them in some way.  even in the two that were more serious, she tells them “i love you, but i love me more” and breaks it off.  a life in a relationship is not the life she wants for herself.
and she doesn’t end up in a relationship at the end of the series!  there’s no “finding the right person”–it’s herself and her friends.  she remains single and happy, completely subverting the trope that a happy ending = ending up in a relationship.  not only that, but when her friends end up in relationships, they don’t drift away or de-prioritise their friendship, they all remain close!  good for her.
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flowersformariah · 2 months
Samantha Jones: aromantic pansexual Carrie Bradshaw: romantic heterosexual commitment-phobe Miranda Hobbs: bisexual Charlotte York: femme lesbian paricipating in comp-het Special Mentions: Trey McDougall: asexual Big: aromantic heterosexual
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flowersformariah · 2 months
Okay it’s time to change my entire tumblr layout for the 3rd time this month
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flowersformariah · 2 months
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big boi Yizhen
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flowersformariah · 2 months
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(not g/enderbend) just them spending money on their oshi
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flowersformariah · 2 months
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yeeh for yinyutober!
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flowersformariah · 2 months
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peiquan hehe
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flowersformariah · 2 months
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chúc mừng năm mới !!
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flowersformariah · 2 months
by the way poolverine saved the world by being gay. they held hands and wolverine had his oiled up tits out and madonna’s “like a prayer” played during their cinematic climax combustion. their gay powers brought them back to life. just saying.
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flowersformariah · 2 months
i don't rly care about what's going on with the mcu multiverse or the plot or whatever the only metric of quality wrt deadpool 3 is whether him and wolverine fuck nasty or not. they won't but disney had the potential to make the greatest movie of all time
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flowersformariah · 2 months
About the car scene in Deadpool and Wolverine (spoilers)
Can we all agree, that during their massive fight in the car--
--that these two has at least stopped fighting once to have wild, angry sex with each other.
The way to screen moves down to the car plate, the way they're making sounds that can be interpreted as either fucking or fighting as the car is shaking, the way the time transitions from day to night, then BACK to day--
The way earlier in the film, a bartender comments that he can't tell if the two of them are going to fuck or fight==
The way that by the end of the scene Wolverine had somehow managed to tire out Deadpool enough and have him willingly strapped down with the seatbelts.
That they were sleeping so soundly-- passed out from sheer exhaustion that X-23 is able to get in the car, drive them back to her base-- and neither of these superhumans were awakened by it.
Pure. Poetic. Cinema.
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Anyway yeah, don't take this post seriously. But it is a scene that can be left up for interpretation, and I choose to interpret that Logan absolutely fucked the lights out of Deadpool, who volunteered to bottom.
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flowersformariah · 2 months
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They should have fucked in that car
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flowersformariah · 2 months
Aspec ship prompts
because I can't find something like this and so I guess I have to make it myself. This is meant for characters on the aromantic or asexual spectrums (grey-ace, demi-ace, romance-favorable, etc.) who are in relationships but doesn't erase that part of their identity
not realizing s/o has a crush on them for *forever* until told explicitly, and being extremely flustered by the attention
s/o giving them time to think through their feelings after the confession, without pressuring them to make a decision
s/o understanding that their affections might not be reciprocated immediately, if at all, and being ok with keeping their relationship as a qpr or a strong friendship in that case.
being unsure if their emotional reaction is anxiety or the "butterflies in your stomach" of a crush
worrying if they'll be a good s/o because they don't "get" romance or sex, but wanting their partner to be happy - needing clear and healthy communication about expectations and boundaries
s/o reassuring them they love them for who they are, and not just what they can do in a relationship
not having a first kiss/first date/first relationship until they're considered a "late bloomer" by allos
learning how to recognize feelings of attraction and being routinely baffled by new emotions (and physical reactions) but enjoying the experience nonetheless
treating "dating" as a vector for reaching marriage, because why would you casually date someone if you don't intend to spend the rest of your life with them? relationships are few and far between, but more serious than their peers (especially in high school/college) (especially especially if raised in a religious household)
slowly testing the waters of physical affection: hand holding -> hugging -> cuddling -> kissing -> etc. and checking that each other are both comfortable at each stage
letting the aspec person initiate the next "level" of intimacy to signal they're ok with that
Alternate ways of showing affection like head butts, linking arms, using s/o as a pillow, kisses but on the hand, shoulder, cheek, etc. instead of lips
boundary levels changing depending on their mood and circumstances
Avoiding PDA, maybe even in front of friends or family because it just feels far far too intimate and awkward
Still gagging at other people's PDA
thinking in terms of "building" or "growing" in love, instead of "falling" in love
it's very important to the aspec one that their relationship doesn't eclipse their other friendships - making the effort to keep in touch, having the s/o be part of the friend group and the friends feel welcomed in their home to avoid 3rd wheel awkwardness
trying (and failing) to flirt with the s/o but its endearing anyhow because the attempt was made
Completely not understanding the premise of "They're a 10 but-" or having a "type", the answer to questions like that being "My type is s/o" or "They're a 0 unless they're s/o"
Part 2 here
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