flowycollective · 8 months
Percy Jackson twitter AU part four
once again a self indulgence, implied Percy x aphrodite male oc and implied Luke x ares male oc, once again characters might be ooc!!
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
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flowycollective · 8 months
Percy Jackson twitter AU part three
once again this is a self indulgence, implied Percy x aprhodite male oc, and I think I'm set for Luke x Ares male oc so yeah! Reminder some characters might be ooc so
part 1 - part 2
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42 notes · View notes
flowycollective · 8 months
Percy Jackson twitter AU part 2
part 1
once again this is a self indulgence, implied Percy Jackson x male Aphrodite reader, maybe Luke x male Ares reader I don't know if I'm going to actually do it
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44 notes · View notes
flowycollective · 8 months
Percy Jackson twitter AU
This is a self indulgence for me!! Implied Percy x male Aphrodite oc, implied Luke x male Ares oc (?) idk if I'm going to commit to that tho
warning: some characters might be ooc I never wrote anyone besides Percy so I'm sorry 🙏
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flowycollective · 2 years
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Nothing a little jealousy won't hurt
Parings: Shousuke Komi x male!reader
Word Count: 1466
Summary: Shousuke gets jealous <3
Author Note: ignore the fact we have to finish a few other one-shots but Shousuke getting jealous <3 ugh idk why just yeah reblogs are appreciated + requests are open!
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The day went smoothly, up until this moment right in front of his eyes. Shousuke Komi, brother of Shouko Komi, the insanely hot but quiet guy in the first year roster. Who did not need to communicate now needed to communicate for reasons unknown as off now. Let's take his back a few hours before shall we?
The day started like any other, Shousuke had exited his house before his sister would tapping the front of his shoes onto the solid floor to make sure the shoes were in place, before shifting his bag to make sure that was also secured on his shoulders.
Not something anyone would know of him was that Shousuke had a boyfriend, yeah you read this correctly THE Shousuke Komi was bisexual more on males instead of females. Said boyfriend was waiting for him at the usual spot that was round the corner a few blocks away from the Komi household.
A neutral expression on the handsome boys face as he treaded to the households gate opening the gate before closing it behind him, walking over to the meeting area. At the spot there stood his wonderful amazing boyfriend, how Shousuke got together with this god send? He didn't know, all he knew was that he was grateful.
Stuffing both hands in his pockets Shousuke walked to stand beside (Y/N), the other looking over giving a smile at Shousuke before patting his head after a confirmation from said person to allow him. Shousuke's face was blank but deep down the boy was a bit flustered over the gesture.
Still seemingly shocked at how he got a touchy boyfriend for this touch deprived part of himself. Leaning over just before leaving Shousuke just laid there head on (Y/N)'s shoulder smiling faintly this was what Shousuke did before going to school, it was a simple gesture yet it meant quite a lot to the both of them.
Shousuke was very popular even having a couple of fans from both genders most likely because the Komi family is pretty well known for their looks and with every fandom or fans there are toxic ones. No one knows why they are toxic nor where they came from to become one but it's pretty unhealthy.
And such Shousuke and (Y/N) had to keep in on the down low because surprise surprise the quiet one aka Shousuke did not want his very amazing boyfriend to get some death threats in their shoe locker one day and that will make Shousuke feel very bad and guilty over it.
Shousuke stayed there for a few as (Y/N) scrolled through an app while waiting for his boyfriend to be done getting his fair share of touch between them as partners, a few minutes pass and Shousuke is finished lifting his head back up and started walking, (Y/N) seeing the pair of legs move turned off their phone and sped walked over to quickly walk beside the other.
It was hard to have a secret relationships with the coordinating meet ups and to make sure no one sees them but something Shousuke hates is everyone thinks their single which could lead to so many moments where someone tries to mingle with one of them most of them leading Shousuke to be jealous.
And this topic leads us to this situation, walking to school was a breeze until a friend of yours who was win the boxing club entered the picture. There at the entrance of the school stood Aki, the second popular boy in school under Shousuke of course. The albino haired boy noticed (Y/N) waving at him.
"Yo (Y/N), got a minute?" the boxer asked pocketing the phone he held in his hoodie pocket. (Y/N) looked at Shousuke to see if they were free to chat with Aki, said person in question raised a brow but nodded. Sad that they couldn't walk to class together as "just friends"
Smiling (Y/N) walked over to Aki, "yup! Whatcha need Aki-senpai?" Shousuke walked past the two into the school but couldn't help looking back, eyes narrowing slightly at the two but left them be looking towards the gates and walking in school.
This will be one of the many incidents throughout this day.
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At class the lunch bell rang indicating it was lunch. Shousuke took his fair share of lunch and stood up looking in front of him, there sat his boyfriend (Y/N) packing their stuff up. Shousuke opened his mouth to ask them if they wanted to eat lunch but an orange haired girl beat him to it.
"yooo~ (Y/N)-kun.. let's eat lunch together~" she said in a sing-song voice poking the male. (Y/N) blinked then smiled "yeah sure Taba, give me a few." Taba stood up straight and nodded hands behind her back and walked outside the classroom. (Y/N) looked behind and smiled apologetically at Shousuke.
"Sorry seems like we can't eat with each other." they said apologetically, Shousuke furrowed his eyebrows in dissatisfaction over it but nodded nonetheless. The male in front of him stood up and walked out of class.
The silent male stood there in a daze, the bubbling feeling that is now resurfacing came. Shousuke knew he was jealous but kept it in, his boyfriend was just eating lunch with somebody for one day. This wasn't gonna effect their relationship.
His thoughts were finished as Hitomi and Ai had walked up to the boy, "yo little bro!" Hitomi started giving the other a big smile "let's go eat together!!" she finished, Al looked at Shousuke waiting for a response, the male who had no one to eat with declined politely ..
Shousuke got dragged by Hitomi to eat together.
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The next incident happened when they were walking back, Shousuke was glad the school day has ended as he can now rest alone in his room cuddling with his boyfriend and living a domestic life. Those plans got slightly halted as Yu walked into the scene.
"hey (Y/N), you promised we'd go shopping today for a new TV." Yu said as he walked near (Y/N), the male smiled at Yu "oh right, yeah let me just-" before he could say anything Shousuke stepped in and said "I'm going."
The so called 'prince charming' intervened not wanting to be left out and go home alone. His boyfriend's eyes widened but nodded "oh sure! Is that fine with you Yu?"
The older of the two, the second-year Yu looked between them both and nodded "yup that's fine with me, let's go then." the group then walked to the mall, Yu initiating conversation with (Y/N) as Shousuke watched behind them with slight jealousy and envy but kept it quiet.
The walk wasn't long as they already made it to their destination as Yu grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and walked to the tv area Shousuke felt the feeling come back as he seethed watching them staring most likely glaring at the two and their connected hands.
As they walked to the area Shousuke stayed behind watching in envy at the two. A few more minutes later the quiet male couldn't help it anymore, disliking Yu for taking his beloved's attention away, not liking it one bit.
As Yu left to pay for the TV he had picked out with (Y/N), Shousuke chose this opportunity to grab the others arm and walk straight out of the store which surprised the other. "Sho- we have to- what are you doing."
As those words left the other, the slightly older male Shousuke had pulled them into a hug. Wanting to do more than a hug like pin the other to the wall, but decided against it as they were in public. Shousuke didn't want to deal with people watching their every move.
"I don't like you hanging out with others today .." Shousuke said, a bit muffled as his head was in the others shoulder "want, go home." moments like these were the slightly rare moments of Shousuke acting very mushy and soft then the cool demeanor he always pulls.
It was refreshing to see this as (Y/N) chuckled at the way their boyfriend is acting "alright, let me say bye to Yu then we'll go home okay?" Shousuke heard the word 'Yu' and disliked it, pulling (Y/N) closer.
"no, we go now." as Shousuke said this the older of the pair let go from the hug and walked back home dragging the other who was frantically saying about that isn't nice and whatnot but Shousuke didn't listen, he wanted to just enjoy being alone with the other for once. Like he wanted in the beginning.
Let's just say Yu was confused where the other two have gone.
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flowycollective · 3 years
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𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞!
Pairings: Shousuke x demi-girl reader Alters included: brothers of reader Tomaye and Dream [they wanted to be in the oneshot] Word count: 1130
Summary: Y/N bumps into Shousuke in the arcade uhm yeah
Author Note: one-shot written by Tomaye! Just wanted some credit hehe, sorry if Shousuke is a bit OOC did this on a wim before continuing reading the manga since I had a story in mind, you may request some one-shots!
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Taking in a deep breath Y/N entered the bustling arcade with one goal in mind. Do NOT waste all your money on useless claw machines! And the person who can prevent that is Tomaye and Dream, their brothers. The younger brother Tomaye had quite a bit of a rough reputation here and there, prone to be loud but very strategic shown in their baseball games.
“alright Y/N, I’ll be with my boyfriend if you need me alright?” Dream said ruffling the others hair before chuckling “take care of Tomaye for me will ya?” Dream gave a tiny little salute before walking off to where its boyfriend resided. Sighing, Tomaye huffed and looked at the determined Y/N “cmon, let’s go.”
Y/N quickly nodded and started walking to some arcade games they were eyeing for awhile. Tomaye walking right behind her noticed a looming figure that looked very oh so familiar. Taking a quick glance the blond boy's mouth was agape as they jumped back as a response like an anime character would when they were shocked by something. Then the shock turned into a glare and hatred. Shousuke Komi, the school’s prince charming who rarely even speaks. 
Tomaye wasn’t jealous per-se more so .. over protective because believe it or not Shousuke had a little tiny crush on their older sister. The prince charming in question had a stoic face with no emotions visible but internally Shousuke was panicking considering he knew Tomaye knew that he liked his sister, and he knew that Tomaye knew that Tomaye hated him for that one thing.
It was like the blond boy had devil tail and horns right about now as they continued to glare at Shousuke with cold blue eyes before looking away and continued to follow behind Y/N. Devil tail flicking left and right. Hitomi, Shousuke’s self forced friend, hummed as she tried to beat a shooting game. Shousuke who was standing behind her kept staring at Y/N, some people might’ve interpreted it as a glare but no, he was just admiring her from afar. 
Shousuke wasn’t the one to be good at expressing emotions or even speak about said things to someone. Even if he never really talks to people that much Hitomi still pressures him to do so, but this is different. Shousuke now wants ,, wants Y/N. Everytime he tries to go for an approach it always ends up with him walking away after second guessing it after all, it runs in the family. Overthinking that is.
Hitomi noticed this as she let out an ‘ah’ in understanding, Hitomi could read Shousuke like an open book. Maybe it was genes from her older brother with Komi? Hitomi smirked at that before walking towards the two siblings. Shousuke’s eyes widened a fraction yet it wasn’t very noticeable. Hitomi knew Shousuke’s little crush from the very beginning and even encouraged him at some parts. 
But it all failed, so this time Hitomi’s goal was too !! make Shousuke and Y/N have a bit of a conversation! Baby steps! Shousuke undoubtedly followed behind Hitomi as Tomaye sensed a force and their imaginable animated devil horns twitched and wings flickered at the sudden foe entering the battlefield. 
“Y/N!! Tomaye-san!!” Hitomi greeted them waving at them as Shousuke was slightly behind her staring down Y/N in admiration. Y/N chuckled and waved back as they went into a conversation with the younger Tadano. Shousuke and Tomaye looked at them before the blond male turned to glare at Shousuke which made the prince charming flinch. 
“Hey guys! Let’s go win some prizes!” Y/N stated with a big smile as Shousuke internally blushed at the cute motion as Tomaye continued to glare at him knowing full well what the other was thinking, the devil incarnation muttered a string of curses directed at a simp before walking behind Y/N and Hitomi. Shousuke then got out of his state of shock and followed.
The group then started playing games and winning prizes, Tomaye was holding the tickets as they excused themselves to count the tickets, Hitomi took this chance to go with Tomaye to leave the two behind as Tomaye nodded  giving a final warning to Shousuke to not try anything funny and walked with Hitomi as they went into a conversation resulting in the heated blond to yell back at them like a cat after being bathed in water.
Y/N looked around as they noticed a small little claw machine noting that they were eying a plushie Shousuke thought for a bit, maybe he could win them a prize? What’s new was Y/N shaking her head no not wanting to gamble and spend tons of money on one game and wanting to help the two as Y/N left calling out Hitomi and Tomaye, Shousuke stared at the plushie Y/N was eying. 
Shousuke then put a coin in and moved the claw around trying to get the plushie. Maybe this could be a chance? Shousuke then pressed the button as the claw lowered, grabbing the plushie by its head and lifted it up. First try, he was such a talented person wasn’t he? Taking the plushie out Shosuke walked towards the group as they got prizes, Shousuke didn’t want anything. Knowing that he could easily make most of said prizes on his own.
The sun was setting as the group left Y/N beside Shousuke, Tomaye and Hitomi arguing at the front like siblings do and Dream and its boyfriend Techno  in the front of Tomaye and Hitomi. Shousuke then took this chance and showed Y/N the prize he got. Y/N eyes widened at that and looked up at Shousuke and smiled softly, taking the plushie from his hands and squishing it.
“Arigato Komi-san!” Y/N exclaimed with a wide grin and giving the other a closed eyed smile, the boy in question’s heart started racing, his face on the outside was normal but on the inside he was blushing like mad. Like a dog receiving attention. Or in this case, a simp receiving one. 
Shousuke dismissed it with a wave of his hand as Y/N bid goodbye to Hitomi and Shousuke same goes with the other three and went home. Let’s just say Tomaye wasn’t happy with the new addition of an inanimate object Y/N had gotten from Shousuke. The blond was possibly planning to bury the plushie once they got home.
While Shousuke on the other hand was ecstatic at the push of the both of them relationship. Now he needs to be calm whenever talking to Y/N. Which .. will take a lot of dedication and time. But right now, he felt like he finished an impossible quest.
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