fluff-fics · 1 year
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fluff-fics · 1 year
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fluff-fics · 1 year
If you support gay marriage reblog this. If you're on the homophobic side, keep scrolling.
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As a bisexual, it sickens me that some people WILL keep scrolling.
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fluff-fics · 1 year
tickling me under my arms any time my arms are up for any reason >>>>>>>>
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fluff-fics · 1 year
you love me? tickle me as proof
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fluff-fics · 1 year
Reblog first, like after
Warnings: intense tickles and light bondage
Dream and George were in a switchy mood of sorts, both wanted tickles and weren't afraid to tickle someone first to get them. They had practically confided in each other when they realized they had the same motives, which led them to one solution, Sapnap. The shortest of the trio had been on call with Punz all day, playing Val, talking, streaming, ext. They had said their goodbyes about five minutes before the two knocked on his door, he was in the middle of logging out.
"Come in!" He yelled back to the knock, hanging his headphones on their designated hook and shutting everything off before he turned in his chair to face his door. Said door opened and in came Dream and George with weirdly flustered yet mischievous faces.
"Oh good! It's both of you, I've been feeling a little antsy and need some help." Dream, who was originally going to initiate their plan, fell completely speechless, mouth shut tight. He was entirely aware of what Sapnap did when he was antsy, he knew what he ment by help, looks like they didn't need their plan at all. He was surprised he didn't look right in his eyes and say their code phrase. George gave Dream a puzzled look before starting the plan himself.
"We wanted to play a game with you Sapnap." He didn't sound as teasey as he wanted and it proved to do nothing when Sapnap raised an eyebrow and smirked at the brit.
"You want to play a game~?" That was how George wanted to come off but now he was on the receiving end and he didn't know what to do. But Dream knew exactly how to get what they wanted in the first place.
"Sap... we're bored.." The Texan's head snapped to Dream at the sound of their code phrase, only confusing George more, his smirk rising greatly.
"Ok~ I've got a game for us to play~ Both of you lay next to each other on my bed." Sapnap ordered, getting up from his chair to retrieve a silk cloth. Dream complied instantly, dragging George by his wrist to join him.
"What just happened?"
"George isn't aware of the phrase yet I see~ Dream and I have this little phrase he says when he's lee so he doesn't have to directly ask me for tickles~ said phrase is 'I'm bored'~" Dream whined at the explanation, not fully acknowledging that Sapnap had crawled between them and was looping the cloth around his headboard.
"Alright, Dream, right hand." Sapnap said directly, holding his hand, palm up. Dream placed his right wrist in his waiting hand, watching him pull it up and tie it securely with the silk. It was tight enough that he couldn't get out of it without assistance but it wasn't uncomfortable by any means. George, seeing this, became rather horrified and attempted to flee, but was quickly stopped by a strong hand on his chest. His brown eyes met blue and Sapnap held out his free hand.
"Left hand George~" It wasn't a request, more a demand. George looked to Dream for help, I mean he still had a free hand...right?
"Just cooperate George, he'll be nicer if you listen." Ok, Dream was no help. He swung his arm around when Sapnap tried to grab it himself, grunting in frustration when it no longer moved. Dream had snatched his wrist and practically delivered it to the youngest.
"Here Sap."
"Thank you Dream! Such a great help~" Sapnap took his wrist from Dream, securing it on the other side of the silk cloth.
"Now!" He said loudly, clapping his hands together.
"We're doing trivia, here are the rules, rule number one, you are not allowed to interfere with the others tickles. Rule two, you cannot tickle the other without my go ahead. Rule three, no cheating. Rule four, you cannot get your answer from the other. Rule five, you cannot answer the other’s question. Any questions?" The two slowly shook their heads, cowering under his intense stare.
"Good, I will ask you both questions, one at a time. If you answer wrong or refuse to answer, you get tickled for one minute. If you answer correctly, the other gets tickled for 30 seconds. You each have your safewords, Dream, yours is vanilla, George, yours is banana. Shall we begin~?" Sapnap took their flustered silence as a yes so he gently took Dream’s chin between his fingers.
"We'll start with you cutie~ let's start easy hmm~? Where are you most ticklish~?" Dream's entire face was red, he didn't want to just exclaim it but Sapnap added a countdown and he panicked.
"Its a tie between my feet and my tummy! Nohohoho counting!" Sapnap smiled at him, not evil but not entirely sweet either.
"Correct Dream! Now count for me~ I don't have a timer~" He pressed George’s free hand, that was covering himself, into his mattress as he crawled his fingers around his upper body.
"Out loud please Dream~" George was cackling, he could barely move, all he could do was shake his head and kick pathetically.
"Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty." Dream finished counting. He couldn’t watch, he was already so on edge. Sapnap let George catch his breathe for a moment before addressing him.
"Alright George, your turn~ Do you like being tickled~?" George looked at Sapnap like he had a hand coming out of his mouth.
"You cahahan't be serious..."
"That's a generous question George~"
"You're really...? No."
"Incorrect George, that's one whole minute~" He tsked, chuckling at the horrified look on his face.
"Sap, cmon, don't be mean-" Dream attempted to but in, grabbing his wrist, but was quickly silenced by a quick vibrating claw to his stomach.
"What was rule one Dream~?"
"...You are not allowed to interfere with the others tickles..."
"Very good, now follow that~ Count again, sixty seconds this time~" George tried his hardest to protest but it was futile. Sapnap had one hand in his exposed armpit and his other squeezing his side. Dream felt like he might explode if he waited any longer.
"Thank you darlin'~ its your turn now pretty boy~ Are you ticklish~?" There it was, the dreaded question that they never answered honestly. George would have 'oooooo'ed at him if he wasn’t so out of breath. Dream shook his head at him.
"That your answer or are you refusing to answer~?" Dream just shook his head again.
"George, I'm gonna have you count to sixty for me~" Dream shrieked out a few protests but eventually just fell into bubbly cackles when Sapnap attacked his hips, finally relieved of all the anticipation.
"Fifty-niiiiiine..." George drawled out.
"Well that was a little evil, don't you think George~?" He quickly tried to justify it by saying how he didn't stop either but Sapnap slapped his hand over his fast moving mouth.
"Squeezes or scribbles~?" He removed his hand and George realized quickly that neither of them were in the best shape at the moment.
"If I answer can we tickle you?"
"If you answer I'll let you tickle Dream, if you don't, I'm getting you both~"
"Fuhuhuck, squeezes."
"Wha-?! GEORGE!" Sapnap pinned his free hand down and turned to the ravenette.
"Have your fun George~ thirty seconds." George went straight for his tummy, relishing in his wheezey cackles.
"Alright George, that's thirty." He pushed away his hand and soothed Dream, ignoring George’s pout.
"I'll give you the same deal freckles. Ler spooning lee position or ler sitting on lees hips~?" Dream didn’t even take the time to be flustered by the question, he answered instantly.
"Spooning!" Sapnap got to work, pinning George’s hand the same way he had Dream.
"Thirty seconds~ make em count~" Dream wanted revenge so he immediately knuckled his ribs, not once resenting until he heard Sapnap yell out,
"Thirty! Well isn't this fun~? You two are so cute red faced like this~ George, verbal teases or physical teases~?"
"I dohohon't knohohow... both?"
"Both~?" Sapnap kneaded into both boys hips, grinning widely at their differing laughter.
"You're right Dream, I'm sorry, you've been so good to~ so answer this one~ what tool is your favorite~?"
"Fuhuhuck, the... metal back scratcher thing."
"That is an answer George~" He whined loudly at the thought of any abused spots getting tormented again.
"Pick a spot Dream~"
"Thighs" Sapnap complied the second that spot left his lips. Narrowly avoiding getting kicked.
"Alright Georgie~ Admit something that you genuinely like about me~"
"Come on man!" Sapnap raised his eyebrow at him before counting down slowly, ignoring how he tried to talk his way out of answering.
"Two...One your out of time~" He attacked every spot he could reach. George reacted so harshly Dream feared he might actually break the headboard.
"You satisfied?" George nodded, loopy and half awake.
"Dreeeeam~" He instantly sunk in on himself, he knew he was calling it soon and so did Sapnap so he was going all out.
"When was the last time you were embarrassed~?" He asked, knowing the answer was the last time he wrecked him.
"...That's nohot fair dude"
"In detail, or your back gets it~" He hovered a clawed hand which earned a whimper.
"I can't..." Sapnap flipped him on his side and nibbled up and down his spine, adoring the squeaky laughter it produced.
"VAHAHANIHIHIHILLAHAHAHA!" Soon he to was released and the two were pulled into his chest. George already asleep and Dream already nodding off.
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fluff-fics · 2 years
Early Morning Laughs
Bucky Barnes x Black!ND!reader
SFW; Complete and utter romantic fluff
Words: 3964
Summary: Bucky returns home after some days away on a mission, and has a cozy, giggly morning with his partner.
Warnings: Bucky barnes being a mean ler (ahsjsjsjnd) lots of fluffy tickles
DISCLAIMER: This is written from my experience as a neurodivergent person. Not every neurodivergent person experiences what the reader experiences or reacts the same way. I just hope to share a sweet fluffy fic that Black ND people can find some comfort in. As always in these fics, blushing is not described with color, but rather physical feeling. Also, this fic was originally written in December of last year aksksjdjf
D/C in this fic stands for "desired color" in reference to hair
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The nights Y/N had to fall asleep without Bucky at their side were the hardest nights for them. Though they were also an Avenger, they often needed longer recovery time after missions. The team was always understanding, and never made Y/N feel weird, strange, or ashamed about their neurodivergence. However, because they needed longer to recover from missions, it meant that there were often nights where their boyfriend was out on the field.
As much as Y/N tried to mask just how much being apart from Bucky affected them, they'd often find themself tearfully curling up in bed with one of his shirts, slowly brushing their fingers over the fabric to soothe themself. All of Bucky's shirts were absolute sensory haven for them. Well, except one. One of them had a texture that physically hurt Y/N to touch. That was the shirt Bucky never wore again. He adored it when Y/N stimmed with his shirts and didn't want that to change.
After a long night, Y/N was still sleeping, exhausted from their earlier hours lying awake, struggling to get to bed without being able to snuggle with Bucky. When Bucky arrived back home, he quietly entered his and Y/N's shared room. He anticipated that they'd be sleeping, and his guess was proven correct when he saw Y/N fast asleep, their bonnet slightly pushed up from their head, still clinging to one of his shirts.
A warm smile grew on his face at the sight. Once he'd closed the door, he slowly walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it and leaning over. "Rise and shine, dollface," he uttered softly.
Y/N groaned quietly, stretching their body, Bucky's heart melting at the quiet sleepy squeaks that left their mouth, before slowly opening their eyes. The smile that formed on their lips was instantaneous, and their hands began to stim with joy.
"Bucky~!" They sang sleepily, opening their arms and reaching up to him. They giggled when Bucky wrapped his arms around their upper body and helped them to sit up, hugging them lovingly and pressing kisses to their cheek, taking a brief second to straighten their bonnet with his non-metal hand.
"How'd you sleep?"
"Not too well..." Y/N admitted. "I got really sad..."
The super soldier could see his partner's tired, puffy eyes, and he frowned, his brows furrowing sadly as his worries were indeed confirmed. "Oh doll, you were crying when I called last night... weren't you? I had a feeling, but I didn't want to make you more upset by pointing it out..."
"Can you hold me?"
"Of course I can."
Bucky pulled them into his lap, and Y/N buried their face in his chest. They tried to apologize, but Bucky softy interrupted them with reassurance.
"Y/N, you don't need to be sorry for anything. It's normal to be sad when we're apart. Especially in our line of work, I know it's really scary to be apart from each other." He smiled softly upon noticing Y/N slowly brushing their thumb over the ridges in the collar of his tee shirt. Bucky was absolutely smitten. "Lean back for a sec. I've got an idea."
Y/N looked at him curiously, breath hitching when he took off his shirt. They instinctively averted their eyes out of pure shyness, and Bucky chuckled softly.
"You're adorable, doll. C'mon. Shirt off."
"W-What for?"
"It's a surprise. A really good one."
With a breath, Y/N pulled their shirt over their head, only to be immediately engulfed in Bucky's tee shirt, which they pulled down over their head before putting their arms through the sleeves. The growing smile on their face was very hard to miss, and with a giggle, they stimmed happily.
"Youhou were right," Y/N relented with a hum of content. "It smells like you. I like you. Well- I love you. But I also like you."
"I love and like you too," Bucky stated, throwing on a different shirt. "How are you feeling about physical touch right now?"
Bucky was well aware that Y/N could grow rather touch averse at times, so he often waited for them to initiate hugs and snuggles. He wanted to be as attentive to their boundaries and as understanding a boyfriend he could be on the topic of their neurodivergence.
Y/N bit their lip and squirmed a little, averting their eyes as they mustered up the courage to answer. "I... I really need a laugh, Bucky."
Bucky grinned knowingly, before he suddenly began peppering several kisses along their neck and jaw. They immediately squealed, hands rapidly moving toward and apart from each other as they began giggling. "Buhuckyyy!"
"What's got you in such a giggly mood so early in the morning, babydoll? Does it tickle~?"
"Youhouhou ahahahalreheheady knohow thehe ahahahansweheherrr!" Y/N squeaked, shrieking when Bucky gently tackled them back onto the mattress. "BUHUHUCKYY!"
Bucky had known Y/N long enough to notice the way they happy stimmed rather intensely whenever he playfully poked their side or planted little kisses on their neck. The day he blatantly asked Y/N if they liked being tickled, they grew ashamed and tried to hide their face in their hands, but Bucky stopped them. When he noticed their watering eyes, he was very quick to reassure them.
"That's not a bad thing, doll. Hey... You don't need to feel ashamed about this, alright?" He insisted softly, gently brushing their tears away with his thumb.
"But I do..."
"Please look at me? Just for a moment?" Bucky's voice never failed to make Y/N's heart flutter, and they silently looked up into his eyes. They were a bit taken aback by how smitten their boyfriend looked, and couldn't stop the smile from forming on their lips.
"Why are you looking at me like that...?"
"You set the bar for being charming astronomically higher every damn day, you know that?"
"I'm not gonna lie, the fact that you like being tickled is so damn adorable~"
"Do you not believe me?" Bucky questioned, raising an eyebrow when his lover shrugged. "Am I gonna have to tickle you and prove it?"
Y/N had squeaked as Bucky gently but quickly pulled them into his arms and tickled them silly, all the while affirming how precious he thought it was. By the time he was done, his partner was far too giggly to feel sad or ashamed, and Bucky promised he'd tickle them to pieces whenever they wanted. "I really need a laugh," was in fact a less embarrassing way for Y/N to ask Bucky to tickle them, though it still flustered them to high heaven to just say that.
"Look out, doll!" Bucky exclaimed playfully, gently pushing up the shirt of his that Y/N was wearing until their tummy and lower ribs were exposed to the slightly chilled air. He slowly and teasingly wiggled his fingers as he used his metal arm to keep himself propped up, and Y/N squirmed with a loud squeak.
"B-Buhuhuckyyy! Nohohohooo!
"Oh yes, dollface. You said you needed a laugh." Bucky's hand moved closer and closer, but he paused just as his fingers were above Y/N's belly.
Y/N whined and squirmed from the building anticipation, happy stimming giddily and giggling nervously.
"Gotcha!" Bucky exclaimed suddenly, making Y/N scream and burst into high pitched laughter as he spidered his tickling digits on their belly.
"Damn I missed this. I missed you. I gotta make up for three missed days of tickling you silly," Bucky stated, sitting up and tauntingly wiggling his fingers.
"Yes yes yes I do~" the super soldier sang, spidering his fingers up Y/N's sides and chuckling at the giggly screech they emitted. "Did you get more ticklish since I've been gone~?"
"Nohoho teheheheasihihiiiiing!" Y/N whined, squirming and kicking their legs. Bucky grinned, before he slowly and mischievously walked his fingers up his partner's sides. They knew what he was about to do and bit their lip with a squeak, before they screamed in response to him fluttering his fingers at the spot where their underarms and ribcage met. "NohoHOHOAHAHAA! Stohohohohop ihhihit!"
"Aww, does it really tickle that badly, babydoll?" He asked softly, laughing when they nodded. "Feel free to stop me anytime then. That is, if you really want to stop me~"
Whenever Y/N rapidly tapped on his shoulder, arm, or leg, or said a specific word, that was their signal for him to stop. He'd realized that whenever they told him to stop, they never meant it, as was shown by the few times he did stop and they grew sad that he did. After that, the two came up with a different way for Y/N to communicate when they actually wanted him to stop.
He never pinned their hands when he was tickling them to make sure they could tap his shoulder if they were laughing too hard to say the word. He also knew it was the body part they used most often for stimming, and truthfully, seeing them happy stim from the tickling made his heart soar. In response to Bucky's reminder, Y/N only hid their face behind their hand and giggled more. They didn't want him to stop yet.
"Hey. Arms up, doll. No hiding," Bucky insisted, grinning when his partner whined, but complied. "You're too damn cute, you know that? Come on. Which spot am I tickling next, hm?"
"Dohohon't mahake mehehee choohoose ihihihihit!"
"Tell me~" Bucky sang.
"Ohohokay! H-Hihihips..."
"Oh? Have your hips been missing the tickles, dollface?" Bucky teased playfully, before ever so gently kneading his thumbs in circular motions right on Y/N's hipbones.
The snort that left their lips, followed by high pitched shrieks, had Bucky dissolving into sonorous laughter, absolutely smitten by the adorable human giggling beneath him.
"Why are you laughing~?" He teased, the smirk on his face making their heart flutter. "Come on, doll. Talk to me."
"Pihihihis ohohoHOFFF!"
The super soldier moved his hands to their waist and kept them dead still, leaning closer to their face so his nose was touching theirs. Y/N was still giggling nervously, waiting in agonizing anticipation for his next move. His smirk grew upon feeling the warmth radiating from their cheeks. When his eyes met theirs, they had to fight to stay looking at him. Bucky knew he'd flustered them good and he loved it.
"That wasn't very nice," he growled playfully. His gravelly tone of voice shot shivers up Y/N's spine and they squeaked. Bucky's voice immediately lost the low rasp as he began laughing. "IhI dihihidn't doho ahahanythihihing!"
"You knohohow damn well whahat you diiiid!" Y/N whined, hiding their face in their hands before playfully and lightly swatting his shoulder. "Youhouhou always do thiiis!"
"It's not my fault you melt at the sound of my voice~" he muttered, leaning close to their right ear. "Like when I get real close, and you start squirming- lihihike that~ And I know you love when I talk about how much I love hearing you laugh, and how I can't get enough of those adorable squeaks coming out of your mouth right now~"
"S-Stahaaap! IhI'm g-gonna melt..."
Bucky grinned and propped himself up again, brushing his non-metal hand across their cheek. He felt how warm their face had grown from his affections and bit his lip with pure adoration. Y/N simpered, joy evident on their lips, and hummed happily at the cool feeling of Bucky's hand caressing their burning face.
"I love you, Y/N. I love you so much."
"IhI love you too, Bucky Barnes."
"Mind if I give those lips a kiss?"
"Not one bit."
Bucky quickly, but delicately, crashed his lips onto theirs, grinning into the kiss when Y/N beckoned him even closer for a hug. "I don't wanna crush you, babydoll."
"You won't," Y/N argued. "I trust you, Buck."
Y/N knew their trust meant everything to Bucky. He'd been terrified of possibly hurting them many times, even before they began dating, but Y/N wasn't afraid. They adored him, and they loved him. On the nights he'd opened up about how broken he still felt about his days as the Winter Soldier, about how he was still terrified of hurting them, his partner gave him gentle reminders that he and the Winter Soldier were not one and the same; they would never be.
"I may not crush you, but you know what I will do~?" His tone grew playful and he propped himself up again, hands moving back to Y/N's sides. They'd already begun giggling, their hands happy stimming in anticipation.
"W-Whahat are you gohonna do?"
"Continue tickling the hell outta you~" Bucky spidered his fingers over the skin on their flanks and made them scream, the sensations shooting around to their back, setting their torso alight with ticklish sparks.
"Is it really unfair if you love when I do it~?" His teasing was driving them mad, but he was right. Y/N bent their legs up toward their sides defiantly in a half-hearted attempt to shield them. "You know, if you wanted me to get all the tickle spots on your legs, you could have just said so."
"Hehehey! Buhuhuck! Dohohon't youhouhou d-doho ihihit! Nohohot thehehehehehere!" They squealed, laughter jumping up an octave at the mere sight of Bucky's hands moving around, playfully hovering over different spots just to keep Y/N on edge.
When his hands finally stopped at their ankles, they immediately squeaked out a panicked giggle.
"Uh oh~" Bucky sang, his grip on their ankles tightening the slightest bit.
"Buhucky! Dohohon't eheheven thihink ahahabouhout ihihihit!"
"Too late~" The super soldier turned and looped both of their ankles carefully in the crook of his vibranium arm. "You're in trouble, doll."
"Nohohooo! Dohon't youhouhou dahahahare!"
"Oh I dare."
Y/N's happy stimming was in overdrive, and they screamed the moment they felt Bucky's wiggling fingers playfully attack one of their worst spots. He laughed heartily, glancing back at them with a cheeky grin and switching to slowly dragging one finger up their right foot. The timid Avenger only laughed harder than before, letting out strings of incoherent pleas and hiccupy giggles.
"I'm barely touching you!" Bucky exclaimed in pure amusement. "You are without a doubt, the most ticklish person I have ever known in my life."
"Please keep tickling you silly? Anything for you, babydoll~"
"Youhou're suhuhuhuch a jehEHERK! Thihihihis ihihis soHOHO MEHEHEAN!"
"Aw. Too mean for you? Hm?" Bucky cooed, lifting and turning his head to look Y/N, briefly mimicking the adorable pout on his partner's face that only lasted a few seconds before their smile broke out again accompanied by a screech of laughter. "Can't handle the tickling~?"
He released their ankles after a couple more minutes, giving them a moment to catch their breath and offering them their water from the bedside table.
"Thahanks, Buhuck..."
"Are you okay?" Bucky asked softly, setting the water back once Y/N had taken several sips.
They nodded, relaxing back into the sheets and pillows with a giggly sigh. Bucky saw the giddy look on their eyes, and chuckled. All it took was him slowly lifting his hands into view, and ever so slightly twitching his fingers to make his partner flinch and squeak with giggles. He moved closer, fingers forming claws.
"Have you not had enough tickles yet? Hm?"
Y/N's only response was bashfully hiding their face with a whine, and the moment they peeked through their fingers, Bucky's face was close to theirs. A startled gasp left their throat and they were thrown back into high-pitched cackling the moment Bucky rapidly but very gently squeezed their sides, uncovering their face instantly.
"What'd I tell you about hiding?" He teased, hands switching quickly to their ribs, and then their hips, before he spidered his fingers on every inch of their belly, the shirt of his they were wearing having ridden up from all of their squirming. The gesture had Y/N screeching, back arching and feet lightly slamming against the bed as they kicked their legs.
"I'm afraid the only way to apologize to a tickle monster is to get tickled into oblivion, dollface."
Bucky slowly walked his fingers down their sides, giving their hips another squeeze and grinning when Y/N bucked beneath him, before trailing down to their thighs. He paused, and Y/N squealed.
"Yes~ You think I was gonna forget about these adorably ticklish thighs of yours?"
Y/N bit their lip and swore they'd suppress their laughter, but that plan fell apart the very second their boyfriend traced over the skin with the lightest touch. Even that was enough to make them yelp.
"You can stop me anytime you want, doll." Bucky's reminder and flirtatious wink only served to make their face grow hotter, as it simply emphasized the point that Y/N was wholeheartedly enjoying getting playfully wrecked and hadn't actually signaled for him to stop doing so.
"DohOHON'T wihihihink ahahat mehehee whehehehen youhou sahahay thahaaat!"
Y/N's voice was the highest pitched it could possibly be, and Bucky's heart melted.
He smirked, trailing his fingers to the spot where their inner thigh met their knee, and Y/N knew they were absolutely done for. It was without a doubt their worst spot.
"Buhuhucky Baharnes, dohohon't youhou fuhuhucking dahare!"
"Is this spot really this bad every time?"
"Yehehehes! Youhou jahahahackahahass!"
"You need to watch your language," Bucky growled, the gruff tone of his voice making Y/N squeak loudly. They didn't realize just how intense stomach butterflies could get until they started dating Bucky.
Y/N's laughter was full on high pitched screaming, interrupted by deep gasps and snorts, followed by the occasional giggly whimpering. It took less than a minute for them to finally relent and reach up to tap Bucky's arm. He immediately stopped, chuckling when his partner dropped back onto the mattress and clutched their torso, still giggling despite their temporary breathlessness.
"Had enough~?" Bucky teased, grinning at the rapid nod in response. He moved to lay beside them, head propped up on his vibranium arm as he carefully wiped away their tears of mirth and turned their head to look at him. "Are you okay?"
Y/N nodded, hands stimming with the collar on their boyfriend's tee shirt. Bucky pressed a gentle kiss to their temple.
"Thahank you, Buck. IhIhI... really needed that," they whispered, before biting their lip. "Could... could we... um... a l-little later could you... y-you know..."
"Tickle you again?" Bucky questioned knowingly, laughing softly when Y/N bit their lip and nodded. "Of course I can, doll. How are you feeling about touch right now? I know tickles can often fill your physical touch limit."
"I'm more than okay with it, Buck." They answered with a warm smile. "I-I've missed three days of your physical affection."
"Alright. Snuggles sound good?" Bucky asked softly.
"Mhm," Y/N affirmed, turning to move into the super soldier's arms. They rested their head in the crook of his neck, and hummed with content as his arms wrapped around them.
"I love you so much," he whispered.
"I love you too," Y/N sighed, closing their eyes and taking a deep breath.
"Your hair smells really nice." Bucky muttered. "Well, I'm smelling the bonnet- but I know it's what your hair smells like too. It's nice. It smells nice."
Bucky was adorably awkward when it came to the topic of Y/N's hair.
"Thahanks, Bucky. I did wash day yesterday..."
"Can't believe I missed wash day."
"IhIt's okay. You'll be here next week for it."
"So, is it new style time today?"
"New style time indeed."
"What style do you have in mind?" Bucky asked. He absolutely loved watching Y/N style their hair, having gotten to the point of doing so often enough that Y/N let him help them take out their protective styles.
Y/N found it charming how invested he'd get in learning about their hair, and eventually offered to teach him how to style it. Within a week, he knew finger coils and two strand twists. He was getting the hang of cornrows, slowly. Whenever their hair was all styled or done up for the day, he knew not to touch it, and never asked to. Sometimes, however, Y/N would let him gently feel their styled hair with his fingertips. The first words out of his lips were always the same.
"You look so amazing."
"I'm gonna do (D/C) box braids this time. I've got all the stuff for it already."
"Do you think... Can you please teach me how?" Bucky was damn adorable.
"Yehes, Buck. I'll teach you. No part two to the butterfly loc attempt though, right?"
"No... no part two. Promise." It hadn't been the most disastrous, but Bucky had somehow gotten the one loc Y/N let him try to do sticking straight up. He'd panicked and apologized profusely, but Y/N just began giggling, and undid the loc with ease before fixing it, assuring Bucky it was okay.
"Good try, Buck. Let's get some easier styles mastered first, yeah?"
"Youhou're so cute," Y/N giggled. "I love you."
"I love you too," Bucky said softly. "I'm excited to spend a whole week home with you."
"Wait, what? R-Really?" Y/N piped up.
"I forgot to tell you when I first came in, I'm taking the week off and you're doing it with me." The super soldier heard the gleeful giggle from his partner and grinned.
"Luhucky me," they hummed.
"Lucky you indeed~ Seven whole days of being tickled to tears by your boyfriend~" Bucky teased, briefly wiggling his fingers right at the spot where Y/N's jaw met their ear and grinning at their squeak. "In all seriousness, I'm the lucky one. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, dollface. I don't know how I got so lucky."
"Lucky us that we met each other," Y/N stated, nuzzling his neck. "But if you want to know what got me... it's your kindness, your love for people, your awkward charm, and your heart, that had me catching feelings for you, hard. Everything about you makes me melt, Bucky."
"I mean it, Buck."
"I know you do," Bucky affirmed with a grin. "You just make me so damn happy. Every single thing about you makes my heart race. You make me so damn nervous sometimes you know? That's how much I adore you. God- you're so gorgeous and sweet... I'm getting nervous."
Y/N was giggling as they moved their head back so they could see Bucky's face. His cheeks and ears had grown redder. "H-Hi." He greeted, a bit taken aback by his lover being so close to his face.
"Have I ever told you that you've always got this beautiful glow to you? Y-You sure you're not secretly an angel?"
The super soldier's nervous flirting was Y/N's favorite. In the occasional moments where Bucky grew more shy than them, they did everything they could to fluster him further.
"Kihiss me, Buck," they giggled, and Bucky was quick to oblige, cupping their cheek and humming happily. The two of them were content to spend the rest of the morning snuggling close, both feeling safe in each others' arms.
Bucky. Barnes. That man makes me swoon. Also, this is my first fic writing for Bucky so I'm kind of nervous 👉🏾👈🏾 I'm just so soft over the idea of Bucky reminding reader in a playful but genuine and caring way that their boundaries will be respected the second they're set. Black ND fic readers, this one was for you ❤️ I wish you joy, all the happy stimming in the world, and absolute sensory haven each and every day!!!
P.S. reading this one back to edit it had me a little more flustered than I remembered it getting me 😳
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fluff-fics · 2 years
Tom Hiddleston Master List
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fluff-fics · 2 years
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fluff-fics · 2 years
Summary - You don’t have very much self esteem so Tom (Your boyfriend) Helps you out!
SWITCH!Tom Hiddleston SWITCH!Reader
Warnings - THIS IS A TICKLE FIC! FEET TCKS! Romance with Tom (kissing, but not in depth)
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↢ —————— ↣
Your beloved boyfriend Tom Hiddleston. Yes that is correct Tom Hiddleston. Don’t ask how or what happened to make him love you unconditionally because you didn’t know either.
“Hey what are you doing love?” Tom had asked you. You were just sitting on the couch. “Oh nothing, just thinking about why you would love me” you said in a questionable way.
“Oh what do you mean?” “LIke what do you like about so much that just made you want to date me?” “Oh here I could make you a whole list!” He said with a smirk on his face.
You were curious about why he was smirking, but you thought nothing about it. “Here we go” He said before hopping over the couch and sitting next to you.
“I love your smile” He said poking your side.
“I love your laugh,” He said, scribbling on your tummy.
“I love the way you look at me” He said, moving one hand on each side and just going wild.
At this point you were giggling. You now have realized what he is going to do so you tried to run away. “Nope you gotta sit here and listen to every single thing I am going to say about you” He said, still smirking.
“I love how your just so carefree and just live life” He said lightly scratching your ribs.
“I love everything about you ok? I just love you so much” He said, full on smiling now.
“I love you too” You said, leaning in for a kiss. He too leans in. “Now where were we?” He said before blowing raspberries on your neck. “AhahhhHHAHhhhhHAH NNNnnnoooOOOOoooo” You said trying to get his face out of your neck.
The worst part was his scruff. It tickles so much against your bare neck. “OkkkKKKK I SUrreNDERRRR” You giggled out.
“Good,” Tom said with a smirk.
You guys were now cuddling on the couch and all of a sudden you hear some snoring. Of course it is Tom.
“He is so cute” you though in your head. Your head was pressed up against his chest, so you could hear his heart beat.
You soon fell asleep as-well.
<- The Next Day ->
You woke up first. Tom was still fast asleep. You had managed to get out of his little cuddling position. You had a plan.
It was very hard to decided if you wanted to do it. It was to tickle Tom. "What are common tickle spots that are bad" You thought to yourself. You looked around and saw his foot poking out from under the covers.
"Yes, of course his feet this is gonna be fun" you thought while sneaking over to the end of the couch.
You got over there and tom was still sleeping. You sat on the edge of the couch and carefully grabbed one of his ankles. "This is going to be amazing" you thought.
"Revenge" You whispered then you lightly scribbled your nails on the ball of his foot. He started to smile then you gradually traveled his whole foot.
"ehhehehhehehhe" Tom started to giggle out. It was the cutest giggles you have ever heard in your life.
"WhhhYYYYY" he giggled. "This is what you get for tickling me yesterday!" You said not noticing Tom leaning up, but once you did you screamed and ran.
"Get back here giggle bug" He said in a playful way. "NOooOOOOo" You said giggling. Both of you were running around the apartment.
"Get back here y/n" He said a wide smile on his face. "NOooOOOOo" You giggled again. You turned around a corner and ran into his chest. "Ohhh hello there" Tom said before snatching you.
Tom threw you over his shoulder. "NOooOOOOo" You said still giggling like a crazy. While trying to escape you thought that you could just cut your way out.
Tom threw you onto the couch. "Heyyy Babyy You look extra handsome today" You said in a flirting way again trying to cute your way out. "Ooohhhh so I see what is going on you think that since your so cute that you can just get out of this? Well nope I'm still getting my revenge on you."
He dug his fingers into your tummy. Which tickled like hell. "TOooOOOOMMmm NOooOOOOo" You scream-giggled. "This is what you get you little gremlin" He says lifting your shirt just to expose your tummy.
"NOooOOOOo" you giggled a bit louder because you knew what was going to happen. "Oh yes" He said before blowing raspberries on your tummy.
He shook his head around to make it echo around your tummy. His beard didn't help at all. It was amazing horrible feeling all of the buzzing.
"Okk I'm done" He said giggling at your reaction. Tom crawled up to lay next to you. "Hehhehehe" you giggled feeling phantom tickles all over your stomach. ]
"Sorry if that was over kill" He said a little worried. "Noo Noo your fine" You said blushing even more than you already were. "Your just so stinking cute" Tom said kissing all over your face.
All you could think is how you loved him so dearly and how you could just love him forever.
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fluff-fics · 2 years
trying to prove a point to the boys at school
reblog this if you believe trans men are real men like this if you dont
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fluff-fics · 2 years
reblog if you would hug a trans boy
and if the trans boy doesnt want physical contact, youd give him a sick air-high-five
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fluff-fics · 2 years
"ANYTIME"!!?? Sap what do u mean anytime??
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fluff-fics · 2 years
Bakugou and Kirishima x Reader - When a Vampire Attacks
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A/N: I got nothing for the summary so I’ll put it in later and also this could be a gift to my 200 followers ☺️💖
Lees: Bakugou and Reader
Ler: Kirishima
Words: 1,025
You and Bakugou minded your own business in Bakugou’s room. You had your body halfway off the edge of the bed while Bakugou rested on the wall, and Kirishima was nowhere to be food.
“Is shitty hair gonna come back or what? I’m starving, and he hasn’t come back here with the damn pizza.” Bakuogu, as he was fiddling around with his Nintendo switch.
You and Bakugou were both playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Thank whatever God that he has gotten frustrated and blown up his switch. You convinced him to play with you, and it somehow worked. You two had been playing while Kirishima was gone.
“I don’t know. He has been gone for a while, so I don’t know what’s taking him a long time.” You said as you moved your avatar to the other side of the island. “Well, he better get here soon. Where the hell is Isabelle?” Bakugou growled with his mouth closed. You sighed harshly. “In the resident services building, dumbass.” “Shut up.”
Almost half an hour had passed, and Kirishima finally arrived with the pizza and an oz bottle of coke. “About damn time, shitty hair,” Bakugou said and tossed his switch to the side. Kirishima chuckled. “Sorry about that, Bakugou. They somehow got the order wrong and had to remake it.”
Bakugou blinked. “How can you fuck up a pizza?!” Both you and Kirishima laughed at Bakugou’s little outburst.
A little while passed with everyone’s bellies full and doing their own thing, but the thing is, Kirishima was starting to get fidgety. “Guys, I’m getting bored!” He groaned loudly, making sure his friends would notice. You smiled. “You can play on my switch after I’m done if you want.” You suggested while picking your head up from the edge of the bed.
“Hell no. I still need your help with this stupid game.” Bakugou said, clicking random buttons on his switch. “Oh, so you do need my help?” You spoke with a smirk. “Shut up. You're the one who dragged me into this.” Kirishima chuckled. “I’m surprised you listened.”
Bakugou huffed. “Yeah, whatever.” He said and went back to playing the game. Kirishima placed his hand on Bakugou’s shoulder and shook it a little. “Oh, come on. Don’t be like that.”
Bakugou rolled his shoulder annoyingly to get Kirishima’s hand off of him. “Get off of me!” “Or what?” Kirishima raised his eyebrow cheekily. “Or I’ll blow you to pieces!” “Like hell you are! Come here!”
Kirishima pulled Bakugou close to his side and started squeezing his sides as soon as his hands latched onto them. “Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Kirishimahahahahahaha! Don’t tickle mehehehehehe!” Bakugou laughed as he tensed his arms to his sides to try to make Kirishima stop tickling him.
“I don’t wanna hear it, Bakugou. You were being mean to them, so, therefore, I have to tickle you!” Kirishima grinned as his hands wandered up to pinch his ribs.
As Bakugou laughed louder and curled himself halfway into a ball, you cheered on Kirishima. “Get ‘em, Kiri!” Kirishima stopped tickling Bakugou and turned his attention toward you. “Oh, I’m coming after you next!” He said. You widened your eyes. “What?” You mumbled.
“C’mere!” Kirishima grabbed you so suddenly that you didn’t have time to react to get away. He placed you between his legs with your back on his chest and slithered his hands under your shirt to gently tickle your soft belly.
“Ehehehehehehehehehe Kirihihihihihi! Why are you tihihihickling mehehehe?!” You giggled and tried your hardest to swat away Kirishima’s hands. “Because you're so cute!” He chimed as he softly spidered his fingers over the middle of your tummy.
“Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe plehehehehehehease!” You begged and wiggled more against him. “Please, what?” Kirishima asked with an innocent tone. “Don’t tihihihihickle mehehehe!” Kirishima gasped playfully. “What was that? Tickle you? Aww, I thought you never asked!” He cooed as he leaned his face close to your neck and nibbled as he squeezed your sides rapidly.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO DOHOHON’T DO THAHAHAHAT!” You squealed loudly as you felt his pointed teeth in your neck that made you more ticklish. Him also squeezing your sides was pretty bad enough.
“Nom nom nom!” His words mumbled in the crook of your neck. “You have such a tasty neck, and I am a hungry vampire!” Kirishima continued to bite your neck gently as you had no way to get away.
“NAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT TICKLES TOO MUHUHUHUCH! PLEHEHEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOHOP!” You tried scrunching your shoulders to protect your neck, but that would mean that you could trap Kirishima’s head, and he won’t stop munching on your neck.
“But I want to suck your blood!” Kirishima said with his cheesy Dracula accent as he switched to the other side of your neck to snack more of it. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DON’T SWITCH SIHIHIHIHIHIHIDES! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Kirishima finally stopped. “Alright, alright,” He slowly peered at Bakugou over his shoulder. “It’s time for Bakugou’s turn, anyway.” “Wait, what?” Bakugou said, being caught off guard.
“Get over here!” Kirishima yelled in his casual Mortal Kombat voice as he dragged Bakugou by the ankles and pounced on top of him. Bakugou let out a surprised yelp, followed by strings of laughter when Kirishima dug his fingers into his ribs and nipped his neck.
Bakugou kicked his legs and wiggled side to side as his laughter boomed through the room. Kirishima was relentless and stayed on top of him until his teeth had its fill.
“You can squirm all you want, Bakugou, but you’ll never escape for me!”
After another moment of torture, Kirishima stopped tickling Bakugou and got off him. Bakugou just lay there breathing heavily with a smile on his face. Kirishima chuckled. “You alright, Bakugou?” He rubbed his shoulder a bit.
“Shut… up,” Bakugou said between breaths. Kirishima laughed. “That wasn’t very fair of you, Kiri! Your teeth tickle a lot more!” You whined. Kirishima started to smirk. “But I love your oh-so-cute squeals and couldn’t get enough!” He wiggled his fingers toward you, making you shriek and push his hands away.
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fluff-fics · 2 years
Not the Neck!
Tickle Fanfiction
Warings: SFW, mentions about kidnapping, drinking, restrained mentions about torture, otherwise fluffy
Ler!Chris Evans, Ler!Tom Hiddleston, Ler!Sebastian Stan, Lee!Reader
Side Note: This is my first Fanfiction, that idea came in my mind when I had a dream. English is my second language so I am sorry for my English and a lot of errors especially with present and past tense  :c
Plot: Y/N gets invited to the VIP lounge after having contact with Chris Hemsworth’s wife and becomes friend with the avengers cast. While trying to prank for best friend over FaceTime things take an unexpected turn…
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“Man…”, you thought, after reminding yourself you are not dreaming and you are indeed soon in the VIP/Break lounge of the avengers cast. You have been at an event that took place in a city near you.
 “I still can’t believe that Elsa Pataky -Chris Hemsworth’s wife - invited ME to this event after discovering my photography and art on Instagram. I mean I also can’t believe she has been following me since. It really feels like a dream. And now I am ‘BACKSTAGE’ for real?”, you mumbled to yourself, while adrenaline and anxiety is flushing your body. 
You have been a fan since years, but wouldn’t call yourself a fangirl. As you waited for Elsa to come pick you up you felt a tingling in your body. “What would they think of me? What if they don’t like me? What if they are poo-poo heads?”, you thought while the nervousness is becoming unbearable. 
“Hey girl, come with me.” - a lovely voice approached eased your anxiety within seconds. It was Elsa. You nodded and both of you headed inside. “wow…”, your eyes widened, “why are they all so tall? Or am I just small?”. As you entered the room you saw eyes looking up to you and many warm smiles.
“You must be y/n!”, a huge man approached, “Elsa told us much about you. Don’t worry, I don’t bite.”  “Its Chris Evans… Oh my… I think I am going to faint.”, you thought, trying to force a confident smile and not trying to faint. That would be so embarrassing. 
“Hey… Mr. Eva-” “Call me Chris, Please. Mr. Evans makes me feel old hahaha.”, he told me with his goofy smile trying to warm up the mood, “Thats Tom, the tall English man himself.” You see a handsome man running up to you and shaking you hand with wide eyes and a pretty smile. They said that Elsa has told and shown a lot of your photography and art and they asked if you wanted to take some pictures of us all over the next few weeks. After you got to meet all the remaining cast things start to warm up and you become more comfortable after you realize how friendly and funny/honest everyone is. 
The evening went on and everyone has has a few drinks, luckily, you are 21, you think and things started to become loosen up as Chris and Tom kept trying to make fun with you and you participated. You all pulled some pranks on Sebastian Stan, Chris Hemsworth and the remaining cast until you had an idea. It feels like you have been friends with them all since years because you all act like comfortable around each other.
“Listen. So my best friend lives in Germany. And she recently just pulled a major prank on me by telling me she got divorced because she cheated. I haven’t gotten the chance to get my revenge.” you talked quietly, “She is a huge fan of Loki.”
Chris had an idea: “How about, we scare her. By making her think we kiddnapped you or something. You call her over FaceTime, act all scared and in the last second we reveal our faces and she gets to talk to Tom a little bit? Does that sound good?” You nodded. “Omg that’s going to be soooo much fun Y/N!”, he’s yelling in euphoria as he poked you in the sides trying to hype you up. You jumped away because the last thing you want is them to find out you’re ticklish. But Tom picked it up and gave you an evil grin and then proceeded to hug you. They were letting the rest of the cast know to avoid any misunderstandings.
“Id say we tie little Y/N on the chair to make it look authentic!!” You hear Sebastians singing from all the way across the room and Tom and Chris looked at each other, nodding and waiting for consent from your side. You nodded as well while seeming a bit unsure but Chris’ happy smile and Toms puppy dog eyes made you feel safe and you started to feel very excited.
As they proceeded to tie your arms to the chair you said “Okay, so you slowly come from behind while I talk to my friend and freak her out. At the last second, your head pop up. Touch my on my shoulder or do something that looks scary. But just don’t touch my neck.” Tom and Chris looked at each other with raised eyebrows. You call her, and she answered her phone with messy hair and tired eyes which soon changed to a fearful look and asked what’s wrong. “YOU HAVE TO TALK IN ENGLISH, TURN YOUR SCREEN RECORDING ON AND YOUR MICROPHONE, LISTEN CAREFULLY. THEY SEE EVERYTHING SO JUST LISTEN!” Your friend was visibly scared. “I DONT HAVE MUCH TIME…”, you feel Tom and Chris coming closer, but theyre faces aren’t visible. Just their hands sliding across your skin, cheek and hair, freaking your friend out. She started talking hysterically. “JUST LISTEN TO ME I ne- AhhhahahahagagahAHJAJA” you started squirming around and moving your neck. “Tom… you blew it!! I told you to not touch my neck!”, you said as you were still shaking off that tickle feeling. “My dear, darling…” Tom laughed innocently with a big evil but adoring eyes - but lying miserably-, “…I thought you were joking, you ticklish little thing…Anyway.. SURPRISE!”. Your friend was in shock, the whole cast laughing as Tom and Chris put their heads on your shoulder next to your face. 
Your friend and Tom were talking on the phone a little bit while still in shock, and Chris and you were laughing about the prank. Your friend is visibly mad and you will soon regret that prank. “You guys know she is ticklish right? Like a lot. It drives her mad.” she said with a crooked smile and smirking in your direction while you violently shook my head trying to shut her up.
“There is no reason for me to torture her, I mean, knowing I’m her favorite avenge-”, Chris looks at you, seeing you are nervously looking to a different direction with you eyes and forced smile filled with guilt. His eyes became narrower as he came closer to my face: “Or am I wrong? I am the strongest of them all o-…”  “Eh”,  you tilted your head and looked away, guilty.  “Well sweetie, who is it then?”, He asked, while his fingers are starting to wiggle in front of your face. “I for sure won’t tell you anything NOW. You aren’t the strongest… you just have a shield and some muscles.” Tom placed down the phone, visible for her friend to see and joined the conversation while Chris was visibly getting closer and more threatening and started laughing in evil.  “Im sorry Chris, not everyone favors you.’, Tom distracted him and smiles at you proudly, “I on the other hand am certain that our pretty lady here is 100% sure about her favorite villain. Me.” You chuckle: “You aren’t serious, are you. Come on.”, you burst out laughing, “you’re like the wannabe villain that is unsure of his profession.” Everyone in the room is watching and let out a loud ‘ouhhhh burn’.  Tom and Chris came closer, so close, you could feel their breath and smell their wonderful scent. Sam joined as well and it started to feel like in interrogation of who was the best character. You don’t want to answer.  “I just love how irritated you get. You both are just too cute hahaahhaa.”, you said in a confident voice, “You don’t scare me.” Whilst still being tied to the chair and unable to escape.  “Listen lady, you either tell us right now or we will get it out of you.” Tom starts stroking your hair while your friend who sees everything cheers him on “GET HER TOM!!”. “Seb! help me!!!” you screamed at him.  “Oh, I sure will help. Them!”, he said while approaching you from behind the chair and tilting it to the back.  “Tell us!”, Chris said with his evil smile, still wiggling his fingers in front of your face and you flinch.  “I don’t favor anybod-y-AHAHAHHAHAHHHHPLEASEEEEEEEE”, you squirmed, laughing like a maniac while Chris targeted your belly and running his fingers up and down. “Wow, you are really ticklish. Well I am sorry we have to do this to you love, you asked for it.” He proceeds with your ribs while laughing with Tom who is targeting your knees and squeezing the living sh*t out of them. Sebastian is holding tight to the chair and you see a bright smile as you looked up to him. You still feel safe because you know they will never hurt you. “PLEASEEHAHAHAHHA I CANT TAKE IT PLEASSEEE”, you screamed, laughing even louder because you felt another pair of hands in your neck. RDJ took over stabilizing the tilted chair and Sebastian is taking care of your neck with his big hands. “Remember when you pranked and teased me all night? Payback young lady!”
Everyone in the room was laughing and cheering them on while you were blushing, shaking and laughing the soul out of your body. “IT IS UNBEARABLEAHAHAHAHAHA”.  “Just tell us! Who is it?”, Chris became louder and his tickles became more intense as he targets your armpits. Its been going on for 10 minutes and You’re wheezing, barely able to talk: “AGGGHAHAHHATHATTICKLESSOOOMUCHHHPLEASSEESTOOPPP ITS AHAHAHAHAHAH THOOOORRR AHAHHGHHGAHH” Everyone stopped. Chris and Tom looked at each other, Sebastian looking at you, with a big smile and narrowed eyes. “THOR?”, chris stumbled. “Of course my brother. as always’, Tom said with his accent and looking at you with angry playful eyes as you still are catching your breath and trying to relax.  “Nope.” Chris looked at you, with a more evil smile then before, “Not happy with this answer.” “Chris, I think Y/N needs to learn a lesson. First she’s calling me, the lord of mischief, weak, doesn’t give me an answer, calls Thor the strongest and her favorite and basically said youre useless.” Tom chuckled to Chris while shaking his head. “Yea and her pranks were mean!!” Sebastian added. You giggle. “But for now, lets get her out of her chair. She needs to drink. We got her pretty good.” Chris said with a calming smile but his eyes said otherwise. You are relieved and happy with their decision. You liked the tickling, but it was also very intense. As you were about to get up and walk to the Bar to get a drink you get tackled from behind. It was Chris: “ITS A PRANK! You thought we would let you go that easily? No way” he picks you up from behind and you kicked in every direction until Seb and and Tom joined and grab your legs so you can’t defend yourself. You are already laughing because you know what’s going to happen. You are screwed. 
Chris lies you on the ground and you try to escape by wiggling your body as much as possible so he can’t get a grip. “May you help?”, Chris asks Tom and Sebastian. “Of course my friend”, tom answers delightful. While Chris is sitting on your hips Sebastian is holding your arms above your head. Tom meanwhile got a grip on your legs. You are screwed. You can’t move. All you can do is accept your fate.  “Here comes hell!”, Chris is slowing wiggling his fingers and you already start laughing. “Please NOOOO”, you scream in agony. “Look, Seb, im not even touching her. She is soooo ticklish and its so fun. I could do this all night”, he laughed and his fingers are coming closer. “NO NO NOOAAHAHAHHAHAH”, “What is she saying? What are you saying Y/N? Did you understand what she said?” Chris looked at seb smiling. “ I don’t know, I think she said “yes’? he said sarcastically with an evil tone in his voice. ‘OMG NOAHHAHAHHA PLEASE” you start panicking and squirming around and arching your back. “what is goin on y/n, im not touching you?”, Chris is getting confused. “Oh. I just took off her heels’, Tom said while on your legs and clarifying why you are laughing so much. You feel his fingers slowly going over you soles and you try to hold in you laughter but it was just too much and you finally bursted out in hysterical laughter. “ahahhahHHAHAHHANOOOTOMPLEASESHSH I CA NTHAHHA TAAHAHHAKEEE ITTTAHAHH.” Seb and chris started laughing, they love how you laugh and try to escape. “We haven’t even started” “NOOOHSHSHHSHAHAHAHAHA”. Chis first tickles you exposed belly because you are wearing a two piece, pokes you in the sides while looking you in the face. He enjoys it as well. He then digs deep into your ribs and you laugh harder than before, screaming, laughing, wheezing. “Oh’, Chris smiled. “We found her death spot.”
“NOOOAHHAHAHAH I AM NOT TICKLISH HAHHAHAHHA PLEASE” you lie miserably and tom is now between you toes and you hear him laughing as you squirm and wiggle even harder. You wheeze and sweat is starting to form. “Now, the grant finale”, Chris yells. “AVENGERS! Assemble…”, he smirked and out of the sudden Tom Holland, RDJ, Anthony and Scarlett are throwing themselves onto you, tickling every inch of your body. Your wheezing becomes quiet as Chris digs into your armpits and the toms are tickling every inch of your feet and leg.You feel Chris beard digging into your neck and you scream “NOahahahhhhHAHHAHA not thE NEEECCKKKK”. After a few more minutes the guys decide to finally let you go after they see that youve had enough. “I hope you learned you lesson, Y/N, always remember, the tickle monsters are watching.” Chris looks at you while stoking your hair. You smile, you couldn’t be mad. You liked it.
“That was fun.” Chris still on the floor laughing next to you. “Hey, Tom, we should do this more often with our lovely Y/N, now that she is going to be with us more often.”. You shivered and your stomach sank. “hahah thank you guys but no thank you”, You said nervously. “Oh love,”, Tom laughed and throwing his 6”3 body onto you for a hug, “You don’t have a choice”. 
The night ends with you sitting next to Tom and Chris and you start to lean a little on chris’ shoulder. You poke Tom in his sides and he jumped and looks at you mad. “Interesting”, You mumbled, knowing you have a strategy for next time. Chris smiles because he thought he would be protected but you also poked him. He squals and you pointed and Tom: “It was him”. Happy with the information you just got you feel safe and relaxed after an eventful night, snuggling yourself in Chris and Toms arms, both tired, wondering and thinking about what will happen next weekend. Chris and Tom suddenly both look at you and look back at each other. Smirking again. Because they know.
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fluff-fics · 2 years
reblog if u need a hug
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fluff-fics · 2 years
Outnumbered (avengers cast x reader)
Hi!! First of all, I love your writing it’s AMAZING. I was hoping to request a fix where the reader finally gets to go to a reunion with the avengers cast (like evans, Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan, Lizzie, Scarlett,etc.) this would probably take place for whenever covid is no longer an issue. And with everyone together in one place a big tickle fight ensues with the reader being the main target 😊 not sure if you right for the actors or just the characters but just thought I’d send in this idea. Thank you so much!
I’m SO sorry this took literally forever!! I’m sorry if it doesn’t include every single cast member, I’m still learning how to write with multiple lers/lees! I hope you enjoy!
“So, what you’re saying is, you actually missed us?”
You could hear the teasing grin in RDJ’s voice from behind you as you stood at the kitchen counter, pouring yourself a small glass of red wine. You rolled your eyes playfully, spinning on your heel to face him. 
You were overjoyed to finally have this reunion with your best friends. With over a year of quarantine and a vaccine finally being distributed, the COVID-19 pandemic was finally finding its way to an end. And with it, isolation began coming to an end as well.
“I guess.” you hummed, taking a sip of your wine. You thought about your next remark before swallowing. “But I don’t miss Evans scaring me all the time, that’s for sure.”
From the living room, you heard Evans bark out a laugh. “You never get used to it!” he yelled back, folding one leg over the other as he lounged back on the couch.
You shook your head and strutted into the living room, eyeing the fully occupied sofa where Tom and Anthony sat next to Chris Evans. “Move over and let a gal rest her legs, will you boys?” you asked, pouting slightly.
“Only if you say you missed us.” Tom gave a cheeky smile, taking a large gulp of his wine.
“Holland, you’re supposed to sip it, you unholy swine!” you proclaimed, setting your glass down on the coffee table so you could cross your arms. Everyone began to snicker at your sass.
“Who gave him alcohol?” Anthony piped up. “Someone get this kid a juice box.”
“I’m 24!” Tom protested, glaring over at Mackie. “You’re an ass.”
“Whats a girl gotta do to find a seat around here?” you groaned, turning to the other couch where Scarlett and Elizabeth were perched. They both immediately scooted in opposite directions, leaving a space in the middle for you.
“See? The ladies always have my back.” you glared at the boys, sulking as you sat between the two girls. “Where’s Sebby?” you asked, suddenly noticing Sebastian’s absence.
“Probably on his phone on the toilet.” Tom giggled, pantomiming typing on a phone and pretending to be engrossed in it. Evans slapped his shoulder.
“If you guys aren’t busy talking shit, maybe I’ll join the party.” you heard Sebastian Stan himself proclaim as he appeared at the hallway entrance. “And y/n, you know I hate being called Sebby.”
“But I haven’t seen you in ages, Sebby!” you retorted, unable to hide your grin. “This quarantine had my memory a little rusty. Perhaps yours is even worse, considering you’re canonically 106 when you’re Bucky.”
“Watch it.” he warned, pointing at you. “I’ll still get you.” he took on a threatening tone.
You raised an eyebrow challengingly. “I’m not scared of you.” you sassed, folding your arms across your chest. You could practically feel the playful tension that began to fill the room. On your right, Scarlett barked out a laugh.
“Oh y/n, you must never learn.” she shook her head, wrapping an arm around your shoulders casually. She leaned close to your ear and whispered “Everybody in this room knows something that could end you.”
At her words, you felt your stomach drop and heat rise to your cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you mumbled, though you knew you were already defeated. Especially when you glanced up to see Sebastian stepping towards you with a menacing grin. 
You felt Lizzie wrap her arms around you from the other side. “You don’t, do you?” she feigned shock, resting her head against your shoulder. “I think she needs a reminder, don’t you guys?”
You could feel everybody’s eyes on you, your heart pounding in your chest, and the burning in your face. You knew exactly what was coming, and yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to protest. It had been such a long time since..
“You know what happens when you cross us, y/n.” Sebastian snapped you out of your thoughts, and you immediately began to squirm when he lifted his arms and began to wiggle his fingers threateningly. Elizabeth’s grip on you instantly tightened, and you found yourself stuck.
“W-Wait!” you gasped, letting out a squeal when Scarlett’s fingers began to ghost over the side of your neck. You shrugged up your shoulder, but she only responded by switching to the other side.
“Oh, now you want to protest?” RDJ suddenly spoke up from the other side of the room, his face remaining stone cold as he spectated. “It’s no secret that you practically beg for this every single time.”
“Exactly!” Seb exclaimed, his fingers gripping your sides and squeezing ruthlessly. “It must have been so hard for you, having to wait for this for so long!”
You shook your head, giggles bubbling through your gritted teeth. “Y-You’re all crahahazy!” you cried, still squirming in Elizabeth’s grip.
“Crazy?” Evans suddenly gasped from behind the couch, nearly making you jump out of your skin. He must have snuck back there whilst you were occupied with your other three assailants. “How rude of you!”
You shrieked when you felt his fingers dig into your shoulders, your hands immediately flying up to shove at them as you shrunk back against the couch, squeezing your eyes shut. “Stohop! I hate all of yohohou!”
“Poor baby y/n,” Elizabeth’s voice crooned in your ear. “I can’t imagine the torture it must have been, needing tickles for so long but having no way to get them.”
You swore you could feel your entire body heat up at her words, and you screamed when she suddenly began blowing into your ear, and Sebastian’s menacing fingers switched to your knees. You kicked your legs about in a fit of laughter.
“STOHOP! NOHOHO!” you choked out, now thrashing desperately. Four people tickling you at once was almost too much for you to handle. Almost.
“But you loooove it!” Evans exclaimed from behind you, his hands moving down to shake his fingers into your ribcage.
“TOHOM! HELP MEHEHE!” you reached out to someone, anyone. “ANTHONY!”
Both men glanced at each other, the same grin crossing their faces.
“No thanks.” Anthony folded his arms behind his head. “I’m having a good time with Holland over here.”
“Sorry y/n.” Tom shook his head. “I don’t want to fall victim to those creeps.”
“Keep that kind of talk up and you will.” Sebastian glared back at him, making Holland raise his hands in surrender and roll his eyes.
“GUHUYS!” you screamed. “I CAHANT BREATHE!”
Slowly, the tickles began to stop. You felt Elizabeth’s grip on you loosen, and you immediately jumped off of the couch, collapsing onto the floor and taking in huge gulps of air. You buried your red face into the carpet, unable to look at anyone.
“Now look what you guys did! You broke them!” RDJ exclaimed, gesturing to you. 
“I… I-I hate you guys.” you huffed, slowly sitting up. You dusted yourself off, regaining your composure. “Now, who’s first on my revenge list?” you glared at Scarlett, Elizabeth, Chris, and Sebastian. 
“Not it!” Chris exclaimed, raising his hands. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Thanks for volunteering.” you grinned, advancing towards him.
“WAIT! I’M INNOCENT!” Chris exclaimed as he took off across the house, with you hot on his heels.
You had definitely missed this. Though, you could never admit it.
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