fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
I’ve been scamming the Dominos app promotion where you take a picture of any pizza for free points. For three weeks in row, not only has their shitty camera always interpreted any photo of my cat as pizza, I always tell them it was “the worst I’ve ever had” and “made at home”.
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
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This is creepy as fuck. This crosses the line to sexual abuse. A doctor doing it doesn’t magically okay, it just makes the doctor complicit in the abuse. We deftly need womanism.
For anyone who wants to know, the hymen can be broken with pretty much nothing physical activities, and plenty of girls are born without one.
I mean, it should go without saying that T.I. is mega gross for this, but if anyone out there thinks he’s onto something to any degree then they should at least know that there is no medical merit to this.
There. Is. No. Virginity. Test.
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
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Talk shit, get hit
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
I know we like to talk about as autistic kids who’re geniuses with numbers, or beautiful musicians, or incredible artists. But that’s really not the norm. Autistic kids aren’t all savants. I have an autistic sister, and have worked with people on the spectrum, and most of the time you’ll find that autistic people are just autistic. And they don’t have to make up for it by having a brilliant mind. They don’t have to prove their value by being special in certain areas. They’re valuable because they’re people. Don’t spread the idea that autistic people have to be savants. That’s just perpetuating the idea that impairments are something to be ashamed of
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
d&d character concept: an adventurer who became a warlock by accident after she started dating a deity. they’re very aware of how mortal and fragile their gf is and it stresses them out, so they imbibed her with as much magic as they could to help her out. she’s not even good at it, strength is still her highest stat. her intelligence modifier is 0. she tries to solve all her problems with her fists and has 0 sense of self preservation. her divine partner knows no peace.
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
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ambivert comics
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
I don’t think a lot of people really understand that ecosystems in North America were purposefully maintained and altered by Native people.
Like, we used to purposefully set fires in order to clear underbrush in forests, and to inhibit the growth of trees on the prairies. This land hasn’t existed in some primeval state for thousands of years. What Europeans saw when they came here was the result of -work-
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
its all mariah carey from here on out and that saddens me
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
Tumblr Code.
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
“How arw you paying for photoshop” im not LMAO
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
just once I want to see a good post critiquing makeup culture that doesn’t turn out to be made by some janky radfem blog
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
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but I always thought you were cool
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
Have you ever just randomly cried because you’ve been holding shit in for too long?
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
post your stupid as hell animal pics
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fluffy-fucken-fox · 5 years
yeah people shouldnt be meanspirited and make fun of your harmless interests to your face for no reason but
1. you need to learn how to be secure in your interests, autism/adhd or not. its a life skill.
2. criticism shouldnt make you cry or get overwhelmingly defensive. worse things have happened then someone pointing out your interests have issues.
3. part of life is accepting not everyone likes what you like and move on. not for just everyone else's sake but your own.
4. its important to try and split your attention between more than one thing, and to have interests that are lower stimulus than your special interest.
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