fluffycatprettypuff · 5 years
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fluffycatprettypuff · 6 years
Your past mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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fluffycatprettypuff · 6 years
If I’m not with somebody who really excites or inspires me, then I’d rather be by myself.
Unknown (via thelovejournals)
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fluffycatprettypuff · 6 years
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Rebel Without a Cause (1955) dir. Nicholas Ray
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fluffycatprettypuff · 6 years
How to Trust Again
1. Recognize the benefits of trusting others, and building some meaningful relationships. If you never let others get close to you, then you’re likely to feel lonely and empty inside.
2. Remember that one person doesn’t have to meet your needs. We can trust different people with aspects of ourselves. Doing that can feel less risky, and a lot less scary.
3. Look at the actions of other people before you decide if you can trust them or not. If they are kind to others and they seem reliable, then it’s likely they will treat you in that same way, too. However, be wary of people who are mean or critical, or who talk about others, or are unpredictable.
4. Give trust slowly – let others prove themselves – and if they seem trustworthy then start to trust them more. Share a few small things before you share some bigger things.
5. Trust yourself to cope if someone lets you down. We’ve all been disappointed and betrayed by other people. Have the confidence to know that you will manage, and survive!!
6. Don’t pressurise yourself to give more than you are able. It’s hard to trust others if you’re feeling insecure, or if you’ve been hurt by others, or if trust is threatening. Decide to take it slowly and be patient with yourself.
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fluffycatprettypuff · 6 years
“You will be too much for some people. Those aren’t your people.”
— Unknown
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fluffycatprettypuff · 7 years
Would a zombie turtle be even slower?
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fluffycatprettypuff · 7 years
Many people are so desperate for a leader that they’ll blindly follow whoever shouts the loudest.
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fluffycatprettypuff · 7 years
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fluffycatprettypuff · 7 years
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fluffycatprettypuff · 7 years
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Piero Roi http://www.pieroroi.com/
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fluffycatprettypuff · 7 years
People will love you. People will hate you. And none of it will have anything to do with you.
Abraham Hicks (via wordsnquotes)
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fluffycatprettypuff · 7 years
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fluffycatprettypuff · 7 years
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Cluster of Old Houses with the New Church in The Hague 1882
Vincent van Gogh
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fluffycatprettypuff · 7 years
When something precious and irretrievable is lost, we have the feeling of having awakened from a dream.
Hermann Hesse, The Journey to the East (via daydreaming-wildflower)
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fluffycatprettypuff · 7 years
I emptied myself in a cup, and offered them a drink; they threw it in my face, saying it didn’t taste like the idea of me they had in their heads.
Eliot Knight (via yourakh)
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fluffycatprettypuff · 7 years
im so scared the rest of my life is gonna feel like this
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