flutelessons-blog · 8 years
Some Vital Tips Speaking Of Piano Lessons
Here is something that I am quite sure you already know; it is a very vital part of our lives. We listen to music for hundreds or even thousands of hours every year. It also does more than just pleasing our years, music is a vital part of the human development. Any parent will tell you that kids at just 3 or 4 will already be humming or singing song that they have learned. Nonetheless, there is more than that. The experiment conducted over a decade ago on music regarding students listening to it. Right after these listening sessions, the student took tests that involved putting together the puzzles. The experiment found that the students just listened Mozart had a huge betterment with respect to those that just listened to a silence or relaxation tape. The reason this happened is because it is believed that the spatial and music abilities share the pathway in the brain. Many people feel that if you listen to more music, it will enhance your brain and thinking related skills. And depending on this study, it seems like that can be true. Many people also want to undergo piano lessons. It is one of the popular instruments you can learn. It has one of the loveliest sounds and has been around for generations. So are you or your kid thinking of taking piano lessons? Well, you should first check out 5 guidelines speaking of piano lessons. 1. If you are going to have your kid take piano lessons Singapore, ask yourself, is this something they truly want to do? Is it your kid’s dream to learn the piano? Or is it more than your dream? If it is more than your dream, then you should undergo piano lessons. Even retired people take piano lessons, and they are quite good at it! If you have any dream of playing the piano, then take those lessons! You will never regret it! 2. Which instrument should you utilize for the piano lessons? This may sound like a stupid question, indeed you want to utilize the piano for the piano lessons. Nonetheless, what type of piano? Or what about just an electronic keyboard? An electronic keyboard is much inexpensive after all. It is possibly best to start with an electronic keyboard and see how you do. If time goes on and you favor learning the piano for just personal entertainment, then there is nothing wrong with sticking with the keyboard.
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flutelessons-blog · 8 years
Things You Should Consider While Choosing a Music School in Singapore
School owners and teachers will possibly know this very well. When the phone rings and it is possibly a new student calling in, the numero Uno question looks to be, “How much does it cost?” followed by “where are you situated?” This is how most of the people shop for what could be one of the most vital investments they will ever make, education for themselves and their loved ones. It is really shocking that is great decision is being based almost only on price and location. If you are a student or parent is old enough to take their own decision, you need to know the information provided here. If you are a school owner or teacher, your students should know this before they enroll with you. You should feel free to forward this message to anybody interested in taking the music lessons. For most part of my life I have worked in a music school Singapore, I have worked along with my wife, but I have spent but I have spent almost 10 years working for big school systems specializing in the group lessons. Hence, I believe that I can give you the best possible opinion. I will get straight down to business, no sugar coating. Some of what you read may not be what you want to see. But knowing this information and utilizing it wisely might end up saving you much time and hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in useless expense. After cautiously reading and realizing the information provided here, you must be better equipped to shop around for the appropriate teacher and school to suit your specific requirements. And to the school owners and mentors, you may utilize this information to screen and choose the student types you are willing to accept. There are few things you should make sure before starting your music lessons Singapore. If you are looking mainly at the location and cost, you may easily cheat yourself out of a great value and rather wasting years and hundreds of dollars in fixing the bad habits that might have been avoided if you have invested wisely on an appropriate mentor right from the beginning. More frequently, a professional teacher charging $50 an hour might end up saving your precious time and money. Speaking of your education, convenience and cost should not be on top of your priority list. That being said, all the factors mentioned above should be duly considered while choosing a music school Singapore.
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flutelessons-blog · 8 years
Why You Have To Study Music Theory Lessons
Music theory generally refers to the basic aspects that make music, which comprise of structure, texture, rhythm, pitch, harmony, and melody. This is generally taught by first introducing the fundamentals like naming rhythmic values and how to write them. More intricate concepts like scales, key signatures, chords, modes are taught in the next levels. Identifying formal structures like ternary, binary and fugue forms are also an integral part of a more sophisticated theory curriculum. You might think that you don’t really have to study all the things if you know to play the instrument, but an understanding of how music is put together can assist you a lot as a musician. In fact, knowledge about the building blocks of music, i.e. the chords, the scales, the notes is something that separates a true musician from somebody who merely knows how to play the instrument or sing a song. The advantages of learning theory Composing your own songs will need you to read and write the musical notes, which are an integral part of music theory lessons. How else can you put on paper those incredible ideas if you can’t write them down by utilizing the appropriate symbols like sharps, flats and notes? Moreover, a fundamental knowledge on harmony and melody is also vital if you want to make your own music. After all, the composition of a song implies arranging chords and notes that will sound great together. Therefore, if you want to pursue a career in music, you should realize that the basic understanding the theory lessons are important. Knowing the fundamentals will also assist you admire music better. If you have a favorite song, wouldn’t you be a bit curious as how the music was arranged? Regardless whether your favorite musician is a modern artist or a classic legend, analyzing the structure of their musical creations will need a bit of theory. Studying music theory will also expose you to the different fun genres and styles like Baroque, Romantic and classical. This is very vital as the foundation of Western music is considerably influenced by the work of the creative geniuses. Tips while studying theory behind music Studying how music is put together doesn’t have to be a difficult and tedious chore. You just have to find yourself a good mentor and some dependable references that can assist you realize the fundamental concepts. The type of theory education that is best for you will eventually depend on your objectives. If you want to learn to play an instrument, sticking to the fundamentals is sufficient.
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flutelessons-blog · 8 years
Relaxation Methods during the Keyboard Lessons in Singapore
Good keyboard players or concert pianists are truly impressive to watch. It is nice to watch how their fingers glide through the keyboards. They make playing the keyboard or the piano look so effortless and simple. How they do it? Keyboard mentors will teach you different skills, styles and methods as you progress with the lessons. Yet the mastery of all these emerges from the art of relaxation. Here you will get some pointers on how the different parts of the body can go on a relaxed state in order to prevent stress and injuries. Still the body parts which will take maximum beating are the wrists and hands. They are similar to your hard working equipments that give you performance accuracy and power. Nonetheless, constant pressure can make them break down. By enabling them to recharge and rest, your relaxed hands will become a well-oiled machine. You are getting them ready to run if full power when required, yet effective enough to maintain the overall health condition of your body. Play the Piano while keeping it calm Relaxation guidelines for the wrist and hands 1. Cup the ball The position of your fingers and hands on the keyboards should be slightly cupped. Just think about having a small ball under the palm of the hands. Your hands must be cupping the imaginary ball and not gripping it. 2. Keep your wrist flexible, supple and straight Don’t put much pressure on the wrist by applying much force specifically while playing the loud notes. Release the tension as early as you can. Too much force might cause injuries and fatigue such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Don’t ‘over-relax’ or let it go too limp either. Know the timing when you should exert and also release the pressure. 3. Are your fingers relaxed or tensed? Conduct the ’claw test’. Put your hands up, with your palms facing forward, and with the back of the hands facing you. Now, behave like a monster that is going to attack a prey with the claws. That’s it. Your fingers are in a tensed state on the keyboard if it is on the ‘monster-attack- mode’. For younger kids taking keyboard lessons Singapore, it is vital that they are aware of the difference of how tensed or relaxed feels. Make them tense and then unwind purposefully. Allow them to do it alternately and repeatedly. This awareness makes it simpler for them to shift to unwind mode if they feel the tension.
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flutelessons-blog · 9 years
Get the Best Lessons of Ukulele from Stradivari Strings
The ukulele is one of the best instruments among the stringed instrument. It is the smallest instruments among the stringed instrument. This has only four strings and it is to strum or pluck to play. As this is a small instrument, you have to practice capturing it with special technique. In case of violin, you will get different sizes according to the age or arm size of the learner. As the discussed instrument is small, you have to practice capturing it excellently. So, learn Ukulele lessons in Singapore from the best music schools and enjoy the best. The instrument is small but it sooths the mind very much. Every instrument has its different kinds of tonal appeal. The music lovers always admire ukulele playing tone in the present day. The instrument is invented in the long past still the appeal is high in this present day. Regardless if you are innovative in enjoying stringed equipment, or whether you've tried other instruments and planned to give ukulele an opportunity, you will find both formal and informal lessons that one could go for. For the self satisfaction you can learn to pass your idle time to entertain yourself. On the other hand, you can be professional to play in an orchestra or a music band. You can follow two ways to follow ukulele class in Singapore . You have to option of taking the lessons in the school surrounding having the best teachers in it. On the other hand, you can learn the lesson at home by hiring the best ukulele private teacher. For your support of the lesson, some good school supports the best lessons going at home with special fees. You can take any kind of lesson either at home or in the school. At home, you will get single learning facility that clears the problematic lesson prominently. On the other hand the school environment lessons also are highly reasonable for getting group learning and group performing. If any ambiguity happens to learning, you will get the best lessons in the individual learning classes. The best school in Singapore always teaches you the best lesson in details. You’ll learn from getting into a proper training or lesson about ukuleles include correct tuning. This is extremely important especially if you take prescription your own - you can't create and are available up with quality music in case your ukulele has run out of tune. For getting the best ukulele class in Singapore, you have to learn the lesson from the Stradivari Strings, the best music school.
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flutelessons-blog · 9 years
The Essence of Music Theory Lessons for Reaching the Goal
Learning different kinds of music seems too easy. The teachers give importance to practical lessons and give the lessons that can make a student enable of learning the lesson. If you suppose want to learn the lesson of violin. The teachers make you enable how to hold it, rub the bow and then play the music notes by different ways. They also teach you how to tune up the strings and cut notes and chords of it. Then you will be taught how to play easy songs and gradually the tough ones. In this way, you will be taught a music lesson without entering in to the theory of playing. You will not know the internal theory of a music note and chords. When you can play music without learning the music theory lessons, where is the importance of learning it? This is the great question you ever know. Most of the teachers teach the students with a great showmanship. They prove that the student has learnt a lot in a particular music, though, he do not know the theories. While playing songs, there are lots of theories behind every notes and chords. Why you have to pluck a particular string of a guitar, or why you have to rub with slight an angular way on violin is a great matter of fact. While playing drum kits, you need to learn the theory why you have to beat on a particular drum and then cymbal or high hat. Everything runs on a particular way. The rules and theories should be learnt. This is the reason; you must have to take admission in such a music school where music theory lessons are must. Without learning theories of any kind of music, you will not be able to go so far. For reaching your target goal, it is essential. Without having theories, your advanced level learning is will be hampered. For getting the best music theory, you should take admission in Stradivari Strings.
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flutelessons-blog · 9 years
Piano for Beginners- The Best Way to Learn the Piano
As a graceful language, piano has been bringing us awesome and endless happiness. You might be taking up piano for beginners just for your own pleasure. It might be a strictly entertaining pursuit. When you are commencing a new chore or learning something new, it is always best to have a starting point. But for playing the piano to be really rewarding, you will have to try your best to be a master in it. Therefore, though I hope you can always have fun learning and playing the piano, I definitely recommend you not to take the piano casually. On the other hand, you should devote yourself to play the lovely music with an incredible attitude, perseverance, determination and passion. Furthermore, taking some lessons on piano for beginners, you can get some good practice habits in a short span of time. Implementing those 5 habits to the piano playing will improve your joy of music. There are different kinds of free beginner piano lessons that are designed to develop your mechanical capabilities on the piano and enhance your understanding on the piano keyboard. Attitude is a vital factor to accomplish your goal. You should believe that you can do it. You may learn to play the piano. Moreover, you can learn to read the sheet, play by your ear and accompany the other musicians if those things entice you. There are various piano players who are not as smart as you are. If they can do it, you can, also. And there are various things; you can learn how to play the piano songs also. As you have decided to learn the piano lessons for beginners, you should keep playing even if you don’t want to. Keep playing even if, at the moment, you are not feeling the fun. You should just keep on doing it. You will succeed in learning what you are trying to hone. And then you will be able to go on to face many other tough aspects. If you face a problem, try another way. If anything doesn’t work, you should do something else. But you should never forget your goal of honing piano for beginners. You should keep practicing and you will surely love it. Discipline is very important. When you try to play the piano songs, you enhance your ability for discipline. And hence it keeps on going. Just apply yourself and enhance your success with discipline.
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flutelessons-blog · 9 years
Make the Violin Lessons in Singapore Get Better
Playing the violin as a musical instrument is truly delightful, once you come to a well acclaimed and reputed academy like Stradivari Strings. And in this context, you can very well say that violin lessons in Singapore gets easy, fun and productive, only if you opt for a professional academy to do the needful. There are certain things which can make violin learning all the more better and productive and in this account it can certainly be said that, in order to make the things all the more interesting, engaging and fruitful, the following points is certainly very crucial, which you need to look into, for making the violin lessons in Singapore get an edge over others and only at a renowned place like Stradivari Strings can such things be profitable and beneficial. Teachers with experience and expertise Only an experienced teacher will not do, you need to opt for a person with talent and passion to teach you the craft well. An experienced teacher knows pretty well, on how to make the things work and this in turn will help in achieving the perfect desired skill, to make the craft be well known to you and it is always a bonus and a delight to learn from a talented person. Learning is fun and enjoyable truly and things definitely seem to brighten up when you opt for an academy for this purpose. Ambience at home Putting your heart and soul in music needs to be your true calling and this is the reason why you need to opt for a peaceful ambience in order to avail the best teaching services. There are plenty of academies with ample amount of space eager to give violin lessons in Singapore, but only the best will offer to come to your place and make you learn the courses in a simple step by step format. Learning at home is enjoyable only when you have an experienced teacher to come to place and make you comfortably and productively enjoy the violin lessons in Singapore. Fixed courses Know what you learn and learn well, that should be your priority, when you are going for violin lessons in Singapore and therefore opting for fixed courses is certainly the best call ever. When you are going in for an academy like Stradivari Strings, then learning is a pleasure with a fixed course, as you get the opportunity to harness your skill with utmost impeccable perfection. Stradivari Strings is certainly the best place for violin lessons in Singapore.
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flutelessons-blog · 9 years
Enroll in a Good Academy for Cello Lessons in Singapore
Interested to learn cello lessons in Singapore, then your wait is over, when you are at Stradivari Strings, the best music school, with result oriented service. Although in this competitive era, a lot of good music institutes have sprung up but you need to analyze which is the best one and which academy is going to suit and fit with your needs and requirements optimally. However, in this regard, the one thing which you do need to follow up on is whether or not the music institute measures up with the criteria and quality of expertise you are looking for and in such a case, the most important thing is to judge the three essential components which make enrolling in the academy worthwhile. The three factors are: Good teachers When you are looking to get the best cello lessons in Singapore, then you most certainly cannot miss out on the expertise of the teaching staff. A good grade of teachers will most certainly help you in getting the best grades for cello and also make the musical experience all the more jovial and enriching. Learning is fun, no doubt about that but it gets all the more enjoyable too, when you have a good teacher assisting you and guiding you in this wonderful journey. So, check out the qualification, talent and experience of the teachers, before you enroll yourself for getting the optimal services and making the cello lessons in Singapore fruitful enough. Well developed courses The other most crucial thing, which you do require to take a note of when you are looking for cello lessons in Singapore, is the course materials. Having a well defined course will most certainly help and enable the student to learn the task well enough and will also make the learning call all the more easy and simple too. Be it a beginner or an advanced person passionate about music, a good course will ensure that you get the best grade of optimal lessons and course materials for learning the skill of cello. The right ambience Environment matters a lot, when you are planning to opt for cello lessons in Singapore. A friendly and disciplined atmosphere is something which is much desirable when you are learning the skill of cello. A good ambience and atmosphere conducive for music lessons can create wonders and intoxicate the students, developing their passion for cello even further. So, gear up and without delay opt for Stradivari Strings and make sure that you get the maximum benefits for cello lessons in Singapore and turn into a skilled cellist with time.
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flutelessons-blog · 9 years
Know How a Good Violin Teacher Can Get Desirable Productivity
Learning the violin is definitely very interesting and a mind refreshing, soothing experience but only when you know the skill perfectly. Love for playing music must have brought you to this path and coming to a well acclaimed music institute like Stradivari Strings is definitely going to get you the best violin teacher who will make sure that the classes get interesting, engaging and altogether productive from all respects. However, if you are thinking how a good and capable teacher can bring in the required difference then read on the factors below and make sure that you surely encircle on the right one for the optimal selection: Lessons articulately customized One of the best things that only a capable teacher can do, is to customize the lessons according to the needs and suitability of the students and for this very reason it is truly important that you seek the aid of a qualified and experienced violin teacher who will be able to churn out the best results from the candidate. Making sure that the theory and the practical classes are carried out really well, in an articulate way it is certainly a delight, when the teachers makes the lessons cater in such a way that it suits with the emotional and intelligence quotient of the learner and at the same time enriches his personality along with the productivity of the lessons. Patience is a top virtue A patient violin teacher is an asset and this is the reason why going in for a patient and considerate teaching staff is definitely the best call above all and coming to a place like Stradivari Strings you have certainly made it to the right destination. They have quality teaching staff with them who are not only experienced and qualified but are also highly talented, immensely skilled and passionate about music and all these qualities easily and effortlessly get transferred to the students, while the classes are on. Learning simple and enjoyable A good violin teacher needs to be really nice and make the classes interesting and enjoyable and in this account it can be said that an intelligent person needs to be assigned to do the job particularly well. Students should find the classes engaging and delightful enough which will make them love the craft and thus in turn the skill will get enhanced in a proper fashion ensuring superior grade of productivity. Therefore, you certainly need a violin teacher and on this account checking out Stradivari Strings deserves a mention, to get you optimal results.
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flutelessons-blog · 9 years
Learning Flute In Singapore Gets Productive
Music learning is surely a factor which will enlighten you to love the little tones and notes which in turn makes the journey all the more intoxicating with the right appeal. But when you are fond of playing and learning the musical instrument like the flute in Singapore, then coming to Stradivari Strings is surely doing to benefit you and make you stand out in the crowd in the perfect way you desire to be- that is be the master of that skill with utmost impeccable perfection. But in order to ensure that the venture of learning will be productive you need to check out the parameters which will cater to the point and ensure its effectiveness altogether. Teachers qualified and considerate The most important thing which you need to check before you enroll yourself into any academy and that is whether the teaching staff is capable enough or not to get you the desirable results which you are looking for. This in other words means you first need to access the quality of teachers employed out there and be wise enough to make the perfect pick. Thinking how to go about it? Then first of all check whether the guide is qualified in that particular musical instrument, he is teaching you. After that make sure that he or she is capable to make you learn the lessons not only from the practical aspect but also from the theory part of it, making sure that the productivity achieved is optimal and all the more perfect! The next factor which you should take into note is to check the credibility of the teachers, which is how experienced they are in the teaching field, how patient; considerate they are to carry on in their work endeavor and so on. Sometimes, if the guide is really a good one, he or she will take care to make the learning of flute in Singapore easy and productive by customizing the lessons in the right way. Ample courses await you Coming to a reputed academy like Stradivari Strings you will definitely be impressed with the courses which are on offer. When you have a number of courses offering you the best classes for flute in Singapore you are sure to be delighted with the learning venture which will make the experience enjoyable, joyful and definitely something which you should look out for, in terms of making the productivity go higher and making sure that you are a skilled master of that particular craft. Enjoy playing the flute and with the musical tones just right, you will definitely enjoy the wonderful experience.
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flutelessons-blog · 9 years
Which Kind of Piano is better today?
The piano is used in almost all kinds of music composition, including the classical music. With the passage of time, the music instrument to today has also been improved many times. The acoustic piano has been improved to digital piano. Now there is some confusion regarding the superiority of this instrument. It is true that when, the instrument becomes digital, the dimension is getting many times lesser than that of before and the specification is improving. The keyboard is now the best alternative of piano. In place of digital piano some people prefer to use keyboards. This captures a little place in the room, but does the works of so many music instruments. This is also a digital device having the multiple facility of playing music. What do you want acoustic or digital piano? The preference of the digital or acoustic piano depends on users. The teachers of piano school in Singapore do not differ most. The digital piano of the day is really performing superbly without any reasonable maintenance. There is no tension of toning up and play. The digital instrument gives you always the same tone for the lifelong. If you use digital keyboards as piano, you will be able to change music and tone as you wish. The acoustic piano produces the same tone and music for the last 300 years. Its strings have to tone up, the mechanical system may damage, the size is larger and there is a pedal that is operated by the feet. From the past, this has been considered as the grandest music instrument. But, by keeping the basic instinct unchanged, the digital device has been invented with the added advantage. The digital music instrument has lots of sample music with notations. The rhythm can be preset to play an added music with the music of piano. You will get hundreds of new music with the digital piano. You can play as you wish, and enjoy music with the sense of joy.
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flutelessons-blog · 9 years
Qualities to Look For In an Ideal Piano Teacher
Just like a good candle is made by casting the wax within a specific mould, a good student is made by casting his or her talent in the mould (or pathway) shown by the teacher. A student willing to become a skillful player of piano should first look for an ideal piano teacher. This is necessary so that the student knows and imbibes the correct techniques of handling, maintaining and playing the instrument. Stradivari Strings has an array of good piano teacher in Singapore. Talking of an ideal piano teacher, one that possesses the following qualities can be referred to as an ideal one: • Patience- A teacher with enough patience is worth the investment of your time, energy and money for taking the lessons in piano. A good teacher will never be annoyed if you fail to grasp the things taught and ask for repeating. • Passion- A good teacher should know, assess and understand your goals and should be passionate about the taste of music you exhibit. A teacher with contradictory taste of music would never be able to guide you properly with your taste of music. • Knowledge, Skill and Experience- A good teacher should have fathoms of knowledge, skill and experience in the field you are showing interest in. It is only then that a teacher can enlighten and guide you properly. A piano is a complex and complicated instrument, both in structure and playing technique. It requires expert guidance for knowing this instrument better and becoming a pro in playing it. Therefore, the role of a good teacher becomes crucial in becoming an expert pianist. Stradivari Strings is a music academy in Singapore that has a panel of highly patient, passionate, knowledgeable, skilled and experienced teachers. For availing the lessons from this group of teachers, you can contact the school at the earliest.
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flutelessons-blog · 9 years
The Ways to Get Advanced Violin Lessons for the Beginners
The charming music of a violin attracts the minds of everybody. The music resonance and its mind blowing music is nothing but the rendering of the sophisticated expression of mental agony. It is considered that violin is very helpful to produce the music of blue mood. However, the songs of happy mood played by violin are similarity accepted. If you want to continue violin lesson, the Violin Lessons Singapore is the best in all respects. There you will get all relevant methods and alternative process to learn the lessons.
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Now, you have to consider some facts while taking admission to a violin lesson and improving your skill on this lesson. Find out a good violin school or teacher who can guide you to reach your goal. Someone prefers to have private violin lessons, and some other prefers schooling educational training. We have that sort of facilities according to the availability of the teacher. A quality instrument should be purchased at first. If the instrument is not excellent enough, the composed music will not be attractive as you hear from the other violinist. Avoid distractions of everything while playing violin. You should shut the door of the room, turn off your phone and disallow pets or siblings in the room. Any kind of music deserves full concentration and whole hearted dedication. Time is also a factor. According to the work pressure and profession, you have to select time for regular practicing. Always follow the routine and never leave yourself on your wish and whimsical attitude. It the learner is a minor, guild him and set a routine for practicing when he has free time. It is better not to practice all the notes and chords at the same day and learn nothing. Rather, you should practice one or two notes and chords in a day again and again to be a master of the art. Thus, cross over the initial violin lesson and step into the advanced lesson of violin.
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flutelessons-blog · 10 years
Learn Playing the Violin to Encounter an Altogether Different Experience
Music is considered to be one of the most incredible things in the world. It’s incredible because of the feelings and sentiments it kindles and rekindles in a person. It has the power to evoke all latent feelings and sentiments and pacify them with its magic. Owing to this fact, several people across the world opt for being related to music in some way or the other. The more enthusiast lot prefers playing musical instruments of their choice. Violin happens to be a hot favorite of countless music players across the world. The violin, also termed as the fiddle, is a popular stringed instrument that contains four strings which are tuned in almost perfect fifths. The instrument happens to be the smallest of all members in its family in appearance but is the highest of all in terms of pitch. The violinist or fiddler plays the instrument by drawing a bow against one or several strings with one hand and by strumming the strings of the fingerboard with the other hand. The instrument is most widely used in assorted music genres like: • Classical • Jazz • Baroque music • Rock and roll • Folk music • Soft rock and so on The best aspect of playing a violin is that when the fiddler draws the bow against the strings on the bridge with one hand and strums the strings of the fingerboard with the other, the music that emanates from it seems to take up a life of its own. If playing a violin interests you and you want to master the art at the earliest, try enrolling into violin courses offered by reliable and reputed music academies across the world. Stradivari Strings offers commendable violin classes in Singapore at budget friendly prices for interested candidates of all age groups.
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flutelessons-blog · 10 years
Prominent Types of Guitars Available in Market
It is often witnessed that ardent players of guitars with years of knowledge, skill and experience in the field do not have proper light on the availability of different types of guitars in the market. Such players might probably not be able to state the name of the instrument they possess; they are only deft in handling, maintaining and playing the same. If you are looking for an ideal guitar teacher in Singapore, Stradivari Strings can provide you with an array of it. The music academy is renowned for its quality guitar lessons at pocket friendly rates. It is not at all a credit for a professional guitarist to be unaware of the prominent types of guitars available in the market. The prominent types of guitars widely available in the market can be enlisted as following: • Acoustic electric- These types of instruments have pickups installed within them so that they can be plugged into PA systems or amplifiers while playing if desired. These instruments are identical to the conventional acoustic guitars. • Electric- These types of instruments rely on the PA systems or amplifiers completely for the control of volume while playing. The unique range of sound emitted by the instrument lends to the best rock and roll music effect. • Classical- These types of instruments are also known as ‘nylon strings’. These instruments are mostly used for accompanying classical and folk performances. Some popular performances also use these types of instruments. • Hollow Body- These types of instruments are nothing but the traditional electric guitars with a cut chamber in the body that allows more sonic resonance. Players of blues and jazz mostly prefer this type of music. • Steel- These types of instruments are played flat on the back with the strings being elevated approximately half inch on top of the fret board. These types of instruments with a classical ‘crying sound’ are far away from the other prominent types of instruments available.
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flutelessons-blog · 10 years
Use of Fingering Tape for Assisting Beginner Violinists
Beginners in violin often find it difficult to grasp learning the techniques of playing the instrument. Generally the instrument is played by placing the instrument horizontally against the left collar bone pressing the left side of the jaw against it, fretting the strings of the fingerboard with the fingers of the left hand and moving the bow with the right hand over the bridge area of the violin. It has been observed that the beginner violinists face crisis in the locating the correct positioning of the fingers of the left hand for fretting the strings on the fingerboard. To assist such beginner violinists with the correct positioning of the fingers of the left hand on the fingerboard the teachers use fingering tapes to help. There is a specific step for using these fingering tapes which may be listed as following: • Fine thin strips of color tapes are used on the fingerboard to demarcate the correct positioning where the students should position their fingers of the left hand. • The different sorts of tapes used for the purpose include musical instrument tape, masking tape, vinyl tape, electrical tape, circle sticker dots etc. • Once the beginners become used to the correct positioning of the fingers on the fingerboard, the tapes used for marking are removed. • In case a sticky residue stays on the fingerboard, a liquid cleaner for cleaning instruments is used to clean the spot on the fingerboard. If you find difficulty in removing the residue with the liquid cleaner, an isopropyl alcohol is used for cleaning it. For taking violin classes in Singapore, Stradivari Strings is the right place to reach out to. The panel of teachers at this music school takes special care for helping the beginner violinists grasp the lessons with dexterity so that they can become pro players in future.
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