fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
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Long ago, he would act out to try and gain his sister’s attention - even if he knew he wouldn’t receive affection, and instead scolding. It was better than never hearing or seeing her at all to that little head of his. Over the years, he had become quiet and acted out in other respects. But it became reasons for himself, not for others, mostly. He had grown quieter now, even in this unfamiliar environment.
Now that Shazana was before him. He wasn’t sure how to decipher that tone - had he done something? His busy hands with tools suddenly became idle as he stood tall, his gaze transfixed on his eldest sister.
“What have I done to honor your visit?” Every word was oozing with sarcasm, but it wasn’t playful. No, this felt personal. It hit him personally. Whatever relationship there was before their schism, it was even further apart than usual to Kasim. “Surely you must have better opportunities with your time than to act leisurely among petty citizens.”
Trying to mend a relationship was easier said than done. Shazana would have never guessed she would be thrust into this situation. While worrying about her new role as the ruler of her nation, she had completely neglected her younger brother. It wasn’t by choice. She could never do that on purpose—ignore one of her only living relatives left on earth. But with responsibility, it also meant that her relationships suffered. Not only had she not spoken to some of her friends in years, she had also abandoned Kasim as well. That was a sin she has yet to atone to. Effort. She figured if she put in an effort to right the wrongs, she would get somewhere. Though today didn’t seem like a good day to reach out to her brother. 
With his moody reception of her, she was tempted to leave him be, but her legs carried her towards him. Undeterred by his chilly response. “Does spending time with my brother deserve an explanation? I think not.” If she hadn’t been trained to refrain from reacting to harsh criticism, she might just flinch, but lucky for the both of them, she was highly versed at hiding her emotions. “Come now, are you going to say no to your older sister?” 
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
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Usually, Eirá was able to tell where they were going. Without a guide, it was needless to say they were lost. Their advisor had gone ahead of them, trusting that Eirá knew the way. That was too much faith in a giant castle. If someone forced them to guide themselves back to their quarters, they weren’t sure they’d be able to get there either. How far had they ventured?
They were looking up at the ceiling as if that would give them a tell-tale sign of a marking - give them any clue for where they were when a voice rang out. Oh no, it was aimed towards them!
Their eyes widened as their mouth moved but nothing came out. “I’m not the best with castles….” Well that just felt stupid to say! “Everything appears the same eventually. Am I the only one with this problem?” That was definitely a cry for help!
They looked like a lost puppy, wide eyed and meek. Which frankly tugged at Daniel’s heartstrings. He saw himself in their eyes. As a young boy who did not have anyone to hold his hand and guide him. It moved him enough to reach out to help. Though he was unsure what the other’s reception would be like. At least he was reaching out, right?  His lips twitched at their response, and he was quick to straighten his features to mask his amusement. “You are not alone there. I have the same problem.” He lowered his tone into a hush whisper. “I do not know what your opinion is, but I have always wondered why royalties feels the need to build such vast castles. It is not only hard to navigate, but trying to seek help when one is lost is another nightmare all on its own.” 
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
Playing Cards // Open Starter
Open Starter: @imperialearchive
Vittoria loved playing cards, to the point that her set was custom hand painted, the suits in various shades of flowers and the royal cards the pictures of lords and ladies in matching colors. It had been a gift from her mother before she went to join Queen Juliet as her lady-in-waiting, and while it had faced quite a bit of use in those six years, it was still incredibly lovely.
She had wandered into the library and taken a seat at a table, but it seemed she had arrived just as those she usually played against had left. Undeterred, Violetta set out a game of solitaire. People would arrive to play soon enough.
She had gone through two games of solitaire when a shadow was cast over her cards as someone came over to her. "Would you like to play?" she asked. "It's still a bit wet outside from the storm to truly enjoy the gardens without risking ruining one's clothing, is it not? Might as well play cards to pass the time."
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Learning new things was something Aditi loved doing. She was always finding a reason to pick up a skill and, as of late; she had been taught the game of solitaire. Perhaps she would not have been so eager to learn the new game were she back at home. But with almost all of her time free, she felt the need to fill her time with some form of activity—which didn’t involve writing. 
When she walked into the room, she immediately found a free spot. Another female was already there, inviting her to play. “I would love to.” She smiled sweetly, taking her seat next to the other. “While I normally love storms, it is making me dreadfully tired. A little distraction should set me straight. Forgive me, but we have yet to meet, I am Princess Aditi Ghazi, and you are?” 
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
florence was still so alien to her, there wasn’t a building nor room that yet felt like home. most people had been so receptive and welcoming - a few had, perhaps, been a little more reserved but elisabeta was known to wear people down. she was managing it with daniel after all~ and there it was. perhaps there as no place in florence that felt home, but some people made it feel that way. her family and friends and daniel. 
he was never going to accept her worry or concern, which was rather annoying. but it was not going to stop elisabeta from doing so. after three years with him at her side how could she not care? elisabeta was certain she was just another assignment to him, a royal that needed guarding and protection. and it was true, she was clumsier than most, and headstrong, and how many times had she tried to leave the palace without telling anyone? she was a walking disaster zone. but… but whatever his feelings were to her, to the job, she cared. if he got hurt on the job, if someone said something to him that crossed a line, that came back to her as well. he was here due to her, after all.
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looking up at him, at his straight face, she laughed. it was rather unprincess-like in scale, but she put a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound and quickly regained some composure. “no, i suppose it does not look like a man who cares~ but that shan’t stop me from caring.” and that was that. he could say what he wanted, but he could not change her feelings.
a sigh escaped her as she listened to him speak. he wasn’t wrong in what he said. there was nothing she could do about the situation just by worrying. but it was hard to just turn that off. there were so many WHAT IF scenarios stuck in her head. “i know you’re here,” she finally conceded, giving a soft nod and a little smile. “i know that you wouldn’t let that happen but… it’s just a little unsettling to think such a thing could happen here of all places.”
leading the way, still lost in thought about the dangers of the night, she didn’t think too much of him being behind her. elisabeta had learnt that he was as stubborn as she was, and telling him to walk by her side worked only half the time. if that.
but when the hallway to the garden opened once again, she slowed her pace to fall into line with him once again. it wasn’t as though there were too many people here to see them. “i’m not sure it will stop me, but i’d like a change of scenery. and the gardens here are beautiful. don’t you think?”
she was just hoping that being elsewhere would take her mind off things. though another way to distract herself was…. “how are you finding florence? is the country, the people, to your liking?” she continued to walk, adding a bit of her own answer to the question to perhaps help him along. “i’ve met so many charming princes, and so many beautiful princesses. it’s so strange to see such… magnificence in one place.”
He was a fool for even daring to feel something for the princess. Not only was he under her employment, but someone like her could never see him—as anyone other than her guard. She was one of a kind, however. When he thought of a Princess, he would never picture someone as dainty and clumsy to be one. He would never insult her by blunting stating the facts, of course. And if he really wanted to get technical here, he was no better. For a man who was in charge of another person’s safety, he was a bit of a klutz too. 
While he didn’t stumble physically, he wasn’t very good at conversations. Daniel would randomly end up spouting out facts that no one cared about. He supposed it could be why he got along with Princess Elisabeta. They were two peas in a very strange pod. Again, a known fact he would never reveal to her. Because he wasn’t the sort of man who would intentionally hurt anyone, least of all someone he cared about deeply. 
“That’s life. Sometimes unfortunate things happen, Princess. It does to me all the time.” Along with the millions of people who struggled with earning a living. Royals had it good. They lived in the lap of luxury, not having to worry about putting food on the table. His lips were sealed the entire journey towards the gardens. Though his eyes were trained on the Princess, in case someone wanted to come out and hurt her. Or that was the excuse he was using for himself.
“I do not have much of an opinion over the gardens here, for my attention is mainly focused on you.” That might sound wrong to some, as if he was flirting with her, but it was the truth nonetheless. His shoulders rose and fell into a shrug upon hearing her question. “Florence has been nice only because it has kept you in one place.” What he meant was she wasn’t up to her antics like she normally would be.
“And these princes.” His jaw tightened as he forced himself to spit out the word, “how charming are they? I’m surprised none of them have tried to court you yet.” He had completely forgotten about decorum and ended up speaking to her as though she were of the same rank. Why was he reacting like this? It wasn’t his place to question her over her life choices. Yet, here he went, doing so without remorse. “I could hardly say this place is magnificent.” The latter remark came out in a low grumble.
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
He had seen this before, panic attacks individuals had during storms or other adverse events. The Sultana was on the verge of hyperventilating, if she wasn’t already and so Edward was quick to approach her. Forgetting propriety for the time being as he curled his hands gently around her arm to shift her arms away from her face, so that he could allow their gazes to meet. As he attempted to soothe her, he couldn’t help but wonder, if briefly, this would be the unintentional tool the duke needed to be in her highness’s good graces. However, he placed that thought for a later time, as he was sure once Shazana was to her normal tune, she’d surely come seek him out to thank him. He hadn’t done this for gratitude but as this was the female he intended to marry, he had to ensure her well-being for his own reasons.  
He held her gaze and gently placed his hand to her chin, his touch as light as a feather’s. “Breathe, Sultana, all will be well. We see storms as such, even worse, in England, and they have yet to bring an end to life as we know it.” He used his thumb to gently brush away the tears streaming down her cheeks, his voice a low, and equally soothing murmur. The duke of devonshire cannot help but wonder what instilled such fear of storms within her. Children were frightened of them because of the harsh sounds they emitted, however, he’s never seen an adult react this way to storms, once their childhood fears pass. “focus on me, your highness, come on, you truly do not wish for the ton around us to see you like this. I certainly cannot have them whispering about the sultana i’ve heard many a great things about this…”
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Shazana loathed appearing weak around those who were supposed to be looking up to her. She was the Sultana of the Ottoman Empire. She should not be cowering over a thunder storm. Yet, this was the reality. Not only was she crying, but she was doing so in front of the Duke of Devonshire—her step-mother’s cousin. She did not know the duke, for he rarely visited her home when she was a young girl. And at that time, she never paid attention to anything other than her own circle. Like most girls would at her age. She could not say he was pompous, or kind, for she did not know him very well at all. Although, judging by how he was trying to calm her down, she would surmise that he was of a caring nature. Otherwise, why else would he take such care of her?
With gentle coaxing, her breathing became even. Her hues focusing only on his black ones the entire time. The first coherent words out of her lips were, “thank you.” And once she realized the embarrassing state she was in, she felt her face flushing. “I apologize for this,” meaning her panic attack, “but I assure you I am fine now. Thank you for being so gracious, Your Grace.—If you will, I would like to get up now.” She stated, her tone gentle, no doubt still filled with embarrassment.
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
those eyes on luisa were familiar to her. they weren’t any normal blue eyes, they were the color of cerulean, and only andre had such mesmerizing eyes. eyes that now were inherited by his charming little daughter who still eyed radha with such admiration, it pleased the woman. there was always a possibility radha would see him here, after all so many royals had arrived in florence, but still the sight of her former lover was unexpected and jarring. the anger in his hues wasn’t surprising but it unsettles her nonetheless, the burning hatred and anger in them has her pause for several moments. It appeared he was still angry with how she’d shattered his heart all those years ago.
“the pleasure is all mine, Princess Luisa, and your father is correct. if your pai allows it, my laidsmaids can arrange a few of these dresses while you are here.” radha has no heart to say no to her, but she doubted prince andre would allow her anywhere near radha. “go to him, little one, i fear he may lose his senses if you do not heed him.” when luisa didn’t move, andre began towards her daughter, his face still contorted with fury and radha suppressed an internal sigh. the way he spat her titel made her eyes narrow, though she didn’t wish to argue in front of his daughter, “while i would oblige your request, prince, do not expect me to ignore her should she speak to me.” she would not turn away luisa if she were to approach radha. “i didn’t seek her out, she ran into me and would have fell had i not caught her.”
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Andre detested her. After everything that she had forced him to endure, never again did he want to see her face. Nor did he feel charitable enough to share the same air with her. Perhaps he should have let it all go. It had been years since she broke his heart, and furthermore, he’d also moved on. He found love with Georgina. If she was alive today, he wouldn’t have even batted a lash at Radha. He would be too contented within his marriage to waste his time on her. But his reality was bleaker now. The sunshine in his life had gone, and he would be damned if he would allow the heartless shrew to sink her claws into Luisa. She was all that was good and pure in his world. 
“You have no right to talk to her. I do not want you to influence my daughter with your deranged views.” He hissed, though he was sensible enough to keep his tone mellow. “This will be the last time you will ever speak to her again. Do I make myself clear?” 
Luisa was confused. Why was Pai so angry? Her green hues met that of the pretty princess speaking to her, and she nodded before going to her father. “Pai, why are you angry? Did I do something wrong?” For once, her peppy demeanor faltered and her lips quivered.
His gaze softened, and he knelt before his daughter, a hand cupping her cheek. “No, meu querido. I am not angry at you. I am merely worried for your safety. Do not cry, Luisa. Pai should not have raised my voice at you.”
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
elisabeta at least managed to refrain from rolling her eyes, but her cheeks puffed slightly in annoyance as she bit back a snarky comment. he was only doing his job, and she truly appreciated his work ethic. there was hardly anyone else she trusted as much as him, and he was certainly diligent in his duties. but she just wished… it just would have been NICE to just talk with him.  
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“well, with you in charge of caring for me i have plenty of energy to care about others. yourself included. just because you say you have nothing of value doesn’t mean you can’t be affected by these things,” she finally replied, a touch amused. but she meant what she said. elisabeta wasn’t stingy when it came to caring for others, and as he was her guard it was surely natural to want him to be fine.
tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she bit her bottom lip and fell into silence for a moment as they walked. silence was a little unusual for elisabeta, but there was no need for concern - she was just trying to organise her thoughts before setting them loose into the world. 
“i just don’t understand the POINT. were they after something in particular? is it just a… a… scheme to steal things, sell things and get rich?” she paused, glancing up at him. she was mostly just thinking aloud, and she had come to expect he perhaps wouldn’t talk back. but that was okay~ she was happy to have someone by her side she could just speak in front of. elisabeta was certain she was the biggest ANNOYANCE in his life, but to her— well, he was an annoyance as well. so strict and usually formal. and out of everyone always seemed to be able to know when she was going to sneak out, and always managed to find her. but at least with him she didn’t have to hold her tongue quite as much or be incredibly prim and proper.
“i just wonder, will they try again? in a few nights time will they be back in our bedrooms? why do this?”
ah but she was just getting too worked up about this. 
she sighed softly, and said what she so rarely ever said. “i’m sorry. i know there’s not much i can do about this. i just don’t understand WHY this happened and it frustrates me. can we head out to the gardens? some fresh air, perhaps…”
It was hard for Daniel to describe his relationship with the Princess. At first, he could scarcely stand her. Each time she would open her mouth, he wished he had the power to tell her to stop. The woman did not know when to stop. It was as if she never tire of talking. One would think his silence would tell her that he was not interested in becoming her friend—or whatever it was she wanted from him—but not his Princess. Oh no, this one could go on and on, until the end of time.
He wasn’t really sure when he started seeing her in a different light, but within the three years he was under her employment, his view of her changed. Before long, he saw her as the kind hearted soul that she truly was. Princess Elisabeta Drăculești wasn’t merely a royalty, she also cared about those around her. She’d shown him that kindness one afternoon when he’d become injured while trying to protect her. At the time, Daniel was sure his life was about to be snuffed out, he could feel himself fading away, but he hadn’t died. The Princess did everything in her power to save his life. From then on, never again would he see her as merely a spoiled Princess.
Perhaps it was foolish of the guard to feel anything for his employer. It was like being a fish and wanting to fly with the birds. Things could never be. And so, he buried whatever feelings he felt for her deep inside, and carried on as though he never felt anything at all. “I am not affected, Princess. Truly,” he pointed to his bored looking face, “-does this look like a man who cares? It is best that you spend time worrying about yourself.”
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The events following the storm was unfortunate, and his heart went out to those affected. However, since no one was injured, he’d stopped himself from worrying. The Princess was unharmed. That was all he cared about. “Forgive me for speaking out of turn, but if I were you, I would not think too much about what might happen next. As your guard, I will never let anyone harm you. It’s best that you put this incident out of your mind.” His words might sound harsh, but he truly did not want her worrying over something that was out of her control. No one should be doing that. Least of all, her.
“If fresh air will stop you from worrying, then I agree. Let us head out to the gardens.” He gestured for her to lead the way. As her guard, it was necessary for him to always stand behind her—not just for protection, but also due to their difference in rank.
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
“now that’s a conversation i’d like to have,” she joked, “i’m sure the king of england and i could find MUCH in common.” …but really, maybe she’d try and steer clear of the kings and queens. just for a little bit. elisabeta trusted in herself and her lessons to remain polite, but she rather wanted to get settled into florence first before meeting those of such high importance. 
there was the quiet sound of a soft snort and a little chuckle at the word polite. there perhaps weren’t many besides shazana who could describe her as polite but she appreciated it. elisabeta never tried to push people to their limits, but sometimes her incessant chattering was too much for others to bear. “i’m not sure all would agree, but thank you~ i think most of my manners are fine but– well, some things never change. i met the prince of egypt the other day and i think i spent our entire time together questioning him about his country. i enjoyed it the conversation, but i think he needed a lie down and quiet time after meeting me.” there was an amused twinkle in her eye at this. elisabeta really HAD enjoyed the conversation, especially as so many of her questions had been answered.
it felt right to be walking alongside shazana. so often one had to think carefully before they spoke. with shazana, elisabeta felt free. and she hoped shazana felt the same. certainly shazana seemed to have grown into herself since she had last seen her. there were so many questions elisabeta was dying to ask - what shazana had been up to, what shazana was looking forward to doing whilst here, how she was really faring… but it could wait until the tea was poured when they settled down shortly. walking with shazana in the direction of a good cup of tea, she smiled brightly and tried not to laugh. 
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“oh, i am certain i could find a first victim with ease. i expected people to be high maintenance here, but it’s unbelievable. i’m not sure everyone here has even heard of the word fun. or of relaxing.” it was pretty funny to talk of causing mischief~ just like so long ago when the pair of them could cause trouble whether they meant to or not. they could be quite the formidable pairing. “we will have a lot of fun together~ i’m dying to catch up with you properly. but i can sense the tea calling to me now. so first, a drink and then i have so many questions.”
“Do you really think so?” Shazana questioned. Perhaps it would be easy for Elisabeta who was well loved by all her peers. It wasn’t an easy case for the Sultana. The scars she carried marred every interaction and possible relationship she might have with those around her. She might be kind, but one thing she had never done was to be completely free, and earnest. It was hard for her to do so—to trust someone she did not know—considering her past.
Her attention went back to Elisabeta who was animatedly describing the conversation she had with the King of Egypt. “I’m sure it was not that bad. There is nothing wrong with being friendly. You are allowed to ask questions. I would stay around you and not feel tired after our conversation.” The brunette pointed out, giving her childhood friend’s arm a gentle squeeze. She wasn’t merely saying these things to be kind, she truly meant every word. It had always been a joy for Shazana to spend time with Elisabeta.
As young girls, they played together, and whenever they were left alone, the two would be up to some mischief. That felt like a long time ago now. During a time before her innocence was stripped away. Minutes passed and before long, the two were enjoying tea together. With the teacup in hand, she blew on the hot liquid before taking a sip—her eyes trained on Elisabeta the whole time. “Most royals would find us tedious to deal with. I’ll admit, even after becoming Sultana, I have yet to adhere to all the customs and traditions. It’s much too hard to remember it all.” Who knew following rules could be so hard?
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“So far, I have yet to meet anyone I detest. They’ve all been so kind to me. I’m a little surprise that I’ve even gotten along with my step-mother’s cousin. Have you been introduced to the Duke of Devonshire? Now, Kasim is another topic entirely. I sometimes fear he would never forgive me for putting my duties above our relationship.” Her gaze became distant as another familiar face brought a smile to her face. “There is someone I wish to talk to you about, someone I have grown fond of as of late.” Her mind immediately conjured up long dark tresses and a dimpled smile.
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
closed starter for: @exqvisitcrvwns
Aditi && Sophie
It had been weeks since Aditi has had the chance to sit down and write. Being in Florence rarely afforded her any privacy, and when she did have it, she didn’t have the proper time to carve out a single intelligent thought, let alone a cohesive article. Today, it seemed luck was on her side, not only had she found the perfect place to write—the grand library—but also she managed to finish an entire article. Feeling accomplished, she hide her writing in a wooden flask—she’d done this for her own protection. At least if she somehow misplaced her writing, it wouldn’t be left out in the open for everyone to read. Now, that would spell trouble for the Mughal Princess who had never seen the need to hold back on her opinions while writing her articles.
Once everything was in place, she headed for the exit of the palace library and while she was busy ensuring that the flask was tightly sealed, she ran dab smack into someone. She stumbled back, eyes widening as she apologized profusely. “Oh dear, I am so sorry for being so clumsy. Are you alright?” She asked the other, eyeing her to ensure that she hadn’t been hurt.
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
closed starter for: @offaraway
Daniel && Eira
Daniel could always sense when people felt out of place or all around uncomfortable. He understood it, because he had been that way almost all of his life. Born into a world that wasn’t very nice to him, without parents or a family behind him, it definitely had been hard. As a young boy, he was constantly trying to fit in and even now, after thirty years on this earth, he still wanted to know what his calling was. For someone who only had basic education—thanks to his struggles with reading and writing—he’d gone far in life. No one would have ever guessed he would become a guard. Much less one for the Romanian royal family. He supposed he had a lot to thank for, because despite not having family connections, he made friends everywhere he went. That was how he landed this post, which ultimately led him to Florence.
He was standing by the entrance of one of the grand rooms when he spotted a figure. By the looks of it, they looked really out of place. Usually, he would have kept mum, however, a part of him would not allow him to stay quiet. At least not until he saw if there was something he could do for the person. “Are you lost?” He questioned, his tone polite. “I could assist you if you need help getting somewhere.”
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
closed stater for: @offaraway
Shazana && Kasim
Shazana hesitated visiting Kasim. It wasn’t that she didn’t love him as much as she did her other siblings, it was that she often felt herself coming up short where he was concerned. When their parents died, Kasim had been young, and luckily, he hadn’t gone through the trauma that she did. It didn’t mean he didn’t suffer however. He definitely did. Imagine losing both parents as a young boy, and wanting the guidance and love of those he was close to, only to not get it. Not that it was an excuse, but following her baba’s and step-mother’s death, she had been thrust into her role as Sultana. She was far too young and incompetent to handle becoming the new ruler of her nation, let alone carve out the time to be around her younger brother. By the time she thought about reconnecting with Kasim, things felt different between—as if there was a bridge that she could not reach. Still, she knew she had to try. This was her brother, she could not simply give up without trying.
Being in Florence would be of help—or at least she would like to think so—since the place worked like a neutral ground for them both. This would be a clean slate for the brother and sister, so each day, she would make an effort to visit him. This afternoon, she brought along her sketchbook with her. Inside were the sketches she’d drawn of Florence, there was even one of Kasim. “I hope I’m not disturbing you, but I thought we could spend some time together. Perhaps even explore the city together?”
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
closed starter || @fluttcringsx​
elisabeta & daniel
the storm had scared her more than she cared to admit. all grown up and still scared of childish things, it was embarrasing. it wasn’t a wory that he shared with others, and she hoped no one had found out about her being so scared during the night. only a small handful of those truly close to elisabeta knew about it, and she would like to keep it that way. 
in an effort to try and escape the fear that still clung to her, elisabeta was doing her best to try and focus on the other terror of the night. in truth, the raided bedrooms, destroyed furtniture, and stolen goods didn’t frighten her as the storm had. she was more… curious and concerned than anything else.
perhaps what (or who) also helped her fear, was daniel . her guard stood behind her as she tried to work out where best to WALK. a nice walk to gather her thoughts - and potentially eavesdrop on other residents speaking of the thefts. perhaps the garden?
falling into step with daniel, she said, “i only had a few pieces taken. nothing of sentimental value… but still expensive pieces.” her accent twanged on certain words, not caring to try and sound fancier with just him around. she mused on the items taken, lost in thought for a moment.
a sly glance towards daniel now and then, before looking around as they walked. “to think someone was able to enter so many royals rooms. it was good none of us were within our bedrooms at the time.” elisabeta looked over at daniel properly now, wide eyed (curious, maybe a touch worried - not that she would admit to it). “was your room touched? you were okay through the night?”
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as much as she didn’t really understand some of the thoughts or feelings she had for daniel, elisabeta couldn’t hide that CONCERN. still, she could hear the anxiety in her voice, and flushed lightly before turning from him to look around. “i just don’t understand how such a thing was able to occur… i wonder… if it will happen again.” would their bedrooms be raided once again? …would there be another storm like that? the thought almost made her shiver.
Last night had been a nightmare. A storm descended, and with it came along disorder. Oh, but this one had not been created by mother nature. The one he was thinking about was man made, although he didn’t know how a human being could be so thoughtless as to leave such a trail of chaos in their wake. Every chambers in the castle have been ransacked, and as he trailed behind Princess Elisabeta, he saw an array of emotions coming from each face that he passed. Some were upset, others were angry. And he could not blame them for being so.
Daniel might portray himself as unfeeling to the plight of others, but he truly wasn’t. His stoic disposition was a way to protect himself. He didn’t like anyone knowing what he was feeling. If they did, they could use it against him. This was a lesson he’d learned a long time ago, as a little boy, and until now, he chose not to let that lesson go. He couldn’t bring himself to let anyone in, not even if that person was nice to him—like Princess Elisabeta.
More often than not, she annoyed him with her incessant questions, but she was also harmless. He would never admit it to anyone, however, in the time he’d been under her employment, he had grown to care for the princess. She had a tender heart and unlike some who would look down on the help, she never did. Instead, she would chat with him—to the point where he wondered if she noticed how long she had been carrying on for. He had never chided her for it. She was his employer—he would never dream of telling her to stop. But when he grew tired of interacting with her, he would stop talking all together.
Today, it didn’t seem like he would have such luck, and he couldn’t say he faulted her for it following the mayham around them. “I am not worried about your belongings, your highness. It is you that I am in charge of caring for.” His response was clip, his features impassive. Daniel wasn’t rude, he was merely stating the truth. Her life and safety were of his utmost concern, the rest was none of his concern. “Do not trouble yourself over the state of my room. Unlike you, I have nothing of value.” Now, if someone were to injure her, that would be another story altogether. Not only would he worry, but for once, he might just lose his temper and hunt down the person who had hurt her.
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
walking with shazana was more than enough to relax elisabeta. the whole idea of florence both awed and terrified her really. she liked her own country, strange though it was. but it was comfortable and familiar, she knew so much about the  and those that lived in her country. the royals she saw on a daily basis were her own family, and by this point they were used to each others quirks. to be surrounded by so many new and grand royals…. perfect behaviour was not what she was known for, and she hated having to be on her guard all of the time. yet with shazana she could just relax and be herself. 
“i know, the staff are so elaborately dressed and well-mannered!” of course, the royals were even more dressed up in intricate clothes. everywhere you looked was RICHES. it was a dizzying effect. “well, bowing is only polite. i shall be the polite princess - until people get to know me,” elisabeta replied, continuing the joke.
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tea was an excellent plan and elisabeta and no intent of refusing. “that would be wonderful.” and when shazana lowered her tone and spoke, elisabeta blinked (startled for but a split second) and then laughed joyously. though this drew attention, elisabeta still drew close to shazana and whispered in the same tone to stop her words being overheard. “you think i am capable of mischief? …well, perhaps a little. i believe i’ve already royally annoyed some of the staff with incessant questions.” walking upright now, she smiled happily at shazana and added in her normal tone, “i’m looking forward to what we can come up with to do together~”
Shazana could hardly believe that she was together with Elisabeta again. Since becoming Sultana, she rarely had time to socialize, and had been rather bad at keeping in touch with anyone. She supposed being in Florence was a good thing. Not only would it allow her time with her siblings, she also had the chance to reconnect with some old friends. There was so much she wanted to know about Elisabeta. Did her habits and hobbies change? Had she entered into a betrothal? Years apart led to many questions being unanswered, and by the end of their talk, she hoped to have answers for most of her questions.
“It’s hard to discern which is which by their attire alone. For all we know, we could be talking to the King of England.” Shazana released a small laugh, her head nodding as a sign of acknowledgement. “You are right, but I have always known you to be polite. So unless you suddenly decide to change your ways, I wouldn’t worry too much about your manners around the others.” It was the others that might not be as civilized at times.
As young girls, they were constantly getting into trouble. It might not be intentional, but there were a few instances she could recall where the two would flee the scene of their mischief, giggling away. Ahh… The thought of old times always managed to make her smile. “I cannot see you annoying anyone, much less a staff member.” Unlike Shazana, her friend’s soul hadn’t been marred by tragedy, and for Elisabeta’s sake, she hoped nothing tragic would ever befall her. “That’s more like it. Is there someone here you do not like, perhaps they could be our first victim.”
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
The stripper cop look.
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
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joe keery, male, he/him, 30 // daniel lowell, guard to princess elisabeta has just arrived in florence. they’re said to be bored about being in florence. when asked they’re likely to says they’re loyal, but the staff say they’re more along the lines of reticent . jaw ticking when he’s annoyed, the smell of pine, & spits out silly things randomly. 
-          daniel has never known his parents. he grew up in an orphanage, and while he’s never been treated nicely, he’s still appreciative for the air in his lungs and the chance to live—unlike some unfortunate children who's lives were cut short due to diseases and famine. despite not knowing his background, he did have a family. the children he grew up around became his siblings and even as adults he would pen them letters to tell them about his travel. he wasn’t a very good student in school, learning was a little hard for him, but he never gave up—despite having difficulties grasping the concept of reading and writing. what he later found he was very good at was the ability to pick up different life skills.
-          when he was twenty, he left the only home he had ever known—london—to find his place in the world. he started with picking up odd jobs, while in france. until finally, he landed his first job as a guard for a noble family in spain. there, they took him under their wings and treated him like a part of their family. daniel would have stayed with them if it weren’t for the death of the patriarch. with him no longer around, daniel's services were no longer needed and he was forced to leave to find another employment.
-          he had been lucky to have been told about a position in romania three years ago. daniel hadn’t asked a lot of questions back then—figuring he had nothing to lose—and simply threw caution to the wind, making his journey from spain to yet another country he hadn’t been familiar with. romania was much like england, so he acclimated rather quickly. what he had an impossible time adjusting to was having to watch over princess elisabeta. she was kind enough to him; however, he had a hard time keeping up with her as their opinions were always drastically different.
siblings (essentially they grew up in an orphanage together)
TBH I’m pretty much open to almost any plots. Just HMU and we’ll go from there.
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fluttcringsx ¡ 2 years
Some of the children attempted to distract themselves from the storm by playing with one another. It wasn’t unheard of to see some of the children run around, no doubt they had also been restless being cooped up in a room for so long when they wished for nothing more than to be able to run freely outside or in the castle hallways. Radha had entertained herself by speaking to the few faces whose company she had grown to enjoy in the time she arrived in florence. Sleep was entirely impossible because she couldn’t attain slumber without the comfort of her bed, and the many figures that surrounded. Simply put, there were far too many people around her for her to achieve the total silence she would like. The impact of someone bumping into her startled her out of her thoughts and she found a pretty child peering at her with wide eyes, as radha caught her quickly before she fell.
Radha smiled at the girl, kneeling to her level and inquiring if she was hurt or not, and when the princess inspected the girl from head to toe and found her well, she was about to ask if the child was lost when she called out to someone. The words elicited an amused chuckle from Radha, whose eyes did not tear from the cheerful child, “why yes you may, i’m honored you find it pleasing.” The compliment made Radha smile, “as you are little one, you will grow up to be a magnificent beauty. What is your name?” It was then she finally looked up as she heard the male voice, a voice she knew very well. Her eyes met two angry blue hues, the anger and resentment aimed at her with such force her breath caught in her throat as her eyes revealed shock. Prince Andre. Her former flame and the man whose heart she had broke. This was his daughter? Luisa, as she heard Prince Andre call out of her daughter, and the princess stood, “Prince Andre…”
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She. Radha Ghazi. The very woman who had not only stolen his heart, but trampled all over it merely months later. Andre had never thought that he would be seeing her again. In fact, he had no wish to be around her, not after she had caused him so much pain. For years, he had forgotten about her, thanks to his lovely wife, Georgina, who had made him believe in love again. They were happy together, utterly contented with life, and loved each other fiercely. Then one day, her life faded away, and he was left feeling empty once more—much like when Radha had broken his heart all those years ago. Except, this time, it was a thousand times worse. His sweet Georgina did not deserve such a fate. If anyone should have been given the chance to grow old, it should be her. But it just wasn’t in her cards. While he had been sad, he was also grateful to be given Luisa. His daughter was his entire world now. But much to his chagrin, his world was colliding with his hell. When he saw Radha standing before Luisa, all he saw was red, and without a second thought, he demanded that Luisa come to him. The young Princess did not do as she was told, however. Instead, she stayed put to admire Radha’s attire.
Luisa blushed, her eyes filled with so much admiration at the beautiful Princess kneeling down to speak to her. “Thank you.” She said sweetly. “Pai told me that I am pretty every day too. I am Princess Luisa Margareta Avis. It is a pleasure to meet you.” She curtsied politely before her gaze flickered to her father. “Pai, she will let me get a dress just like hers.”
With his jaw ticking, the Crown Prince of Portugal strode towards his daughter and pulled her towards him. “What have I told you about talking to strangers? It is not safe, Luisa.” His cerulean eyes trained darkly over that of Radha’s. What once was a face he could not look away from only caused anger to drip down his veins now. “I would be grateful if you never spoke to my daughter again, Princess.” He spat out the title as if it was venom from his mouth.
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