flvshlights · 5 years
( zachmasterss‌ )
Zach thumbed through a different selection of records beside her, old classic names mixed with those of up and coming artists. He gave a shrug at her comment, not all too interested, “ Some think they sound different, others just like the look of them…but hey to each his own right?” A smirk lifted the corner of his mouth as he found On The Run’s latest album in record form before continuing to aimlessly browse. “I don’t mind the prices, especially if it makes us a profit.”
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           ❝ Uh-huh. ❞ They replied with a small nod , bobbing their head to the tune - their own voice , of course , which did sound a little weird to listen to , but of course it wasn’t . . . BAD. I’m prob’ly gonna leave real soon , just wanted to let you know -  ❝ Before I say au revoir - au revoir - you prob’ly don’t even know what that means . . . ❞ They’d sing along , before looking back up and shrugging. ❝ I dunno , man - making money is ONE thing , overcharging for something that shouldn’t be so expensive is another. I personally don’t feel that comfy charging forty bucks for a record that I’d probably knock up to about fifteeen at the most. ❞
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flvshlights · 5 years
( surerose‌ )
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“ if your shelf costs $200, you’re paying way too much, ” rose replied, beginning to thumb through some of the records herself. “ all of these are new – untouched, unloved.” pulling out a record by some nameless band, mainly because may doesn’t feel like thinking of a band or artist right now, she read the price aloud: “ $20 – that’s a laugh. ” as she put it back in its place, she continued her vinyl-guru diatribe, “ y’know, i got that exact same record in the $5 rack at sideshow rare. ”
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           ❝ Five dollars. ❞ They repeated , nodding their head. But it wasn’t bothersome , considering they only continued , ❝ I got it for FREE. ❞ Even though they remember paying for a copy of it at full price , mainly as a joke to post on the Internet. It seemed funny at the time - but whenever Luke looks back on it , they feel like a douche for some reason. ❝ Are you suggesting they put more . . . loved records on the shelf or more of these need to be bought to . . . be . . . loved - I’m gonna be honest , I didn’t exactly understand that spiel. I just think they’re expensive. ❞ 
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flvshlights · 5 years
( singularitics‌ )
initially  beau  was  DISTRACTED  when  luke  first  started  speaking  ,  having  to  finish  typing  up  a  message  to  his  assistant  before  turning  around  and  fixing  his  gaze  on  what  they  were  so  focussed  on  .  vinyls  .  to  be  honest  ,  beau  thought  for  as  cool  as  they  were  ,  it  was  more  of  a  waste  of  money  with  how  much  you  were  conned  .  ❝  yeah  ,  it’s  a  bit  RIDICULOUS  .  i  still  have  a  large  cd  collection  from  high  school  and  it’s  cool  to  look  back  on  .  occasionally  i  add  to  it  and  that’s  only  cd’s  ;  i  can’t  imagine  the  cost  of  vinyls  all  together  .  once  something  is  considered  VINTAGE  the  price  always  hikes  .  ❞  he  replies  ,  lips  quirking  up  into  an  amused  smile  when  he  sees  them  pick  up  their  own  album  .  ❝  as  long  as  you  don’t  go  looking  at  urban  outfitters  or  barnes  and  noble  then  maybe  you’ll  save  some  money  .  it’s  an  EXPENSIVE  hobby  .  that’s  why  my  dad  had  me  collect  quarters  when  i  was  younger  .  ❞  a  chuckle  bubbles  out  past  his  lips  and  beau  brings  up  a  hand  to  rub  at  the  nape  of  his  neck  with  a  shrug  .  ❝  but  hey  ,  it  was  cheap  and  easy  to  get  a  hold  of  when  you’re  shopping  and  get  change  .  my  dad  had  a  huge  collection  bin  of  different  years  where  the  quarters  filled  a  slot  on  it’s  respective  state  on  the  board  .  ❞  beau  pauses  ,  his  smile  widening  as  he  thought  about  it  .  ❝  not  sure  if  he  still  does  it  ,  but  now  i  collect  some  currency  of  whatever  country  i’m  in  at  the  time  and  send  it  back  to  him  .  ❞
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           ❝ Hey - chances are if you still had that collection , you’d probably have your hands one some quarters they don’t make anymore. Since , y’know , pieces of HISTORY and all that. ❞ They weren’t the biggest history buff in , say , school or whatever , but the little they knew about their father - as strained as their relationship with him was - was that HE was a big history buff , and for that reason they were more likely to watch the History and true crime channels instead. Not really for the reason they found them interesting - hell , the latter often made them sick to their stomach. But it was an OBLIGATION they made to themselves , almost , to try and figure out if they had something in common with their father. But thoughts of that be damned , they finally continue , ❝ I think my mom’s basement still has a shit ton of CDs ; just ones that we used to listen to all the time. It’s gonna both suck and be awesome when CDs get considered ‘vintage’ and rise up in cost. It’s gonna be a bit easier to make money but also . . . it’s gonna SUCK for the collectors. ❞
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flvshlights · 5 years
( bcnvivant‌ )
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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘: lsn….do you ever look back at your life & the decisions you’ve made & just….shake your head ??
𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘: like how can i be so damn dumb ? it’s a lil embarrassing at this point. when will my stupid bitch juice run out ?
𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘: any way, i’m thinking about getting “ hot girl summer ” tatted on my ass. what are your weekend plans ?
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LUKE : well certainly not getting an ass tattoo, as fun as that sounds LUKE : idk, I don’t think I could pull it off LUKE : but to answer your prior question I hate to inform you that I’ve made the discovery dumb bitch juice replenishes itself to never run out LUKE : because mine is definitely overflowing.
𝒔𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒕 → O P E N
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flvshlights · 5 years
( danciin‌ )
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𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄  ,  juniper attempted to identify bands and artists that she recognized on the vinyl covers . her light eyes saw a few here and there  ,  but nothing that was even worth picking up . luke’s words brought juni out of her focused mindset for a moment .  “  the records are expensive and the fuckin’ record players themselves are too fuckin’ much as well .  ”  her shoulders rose and fell in a short shrug .  “  i get that it’s for the aesthetic ‘n all  ,  but a spotify subscription is cheaper and better for the environment  ,  probably .  ”  juniper took a moment to look at the record in luke’s hands  ,  a barely noticeable grin turning up her lips .  “  that’s a damn good record  ,  though . probably worth a pretty penny  ,  too .  ”  the blond nudged them lightly and sent a wink their way . 
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             For whatever reason did they find the latter statement hilarious - maybe it was because it was their OWN album Juniper spoke of , the album that had been solely of their creation considering the rough spot in which Luke had been the only member of We Tried. It’s a work they’re proud of - but of course , it’s their work. There’s always some sort of self-deprecating humor that comes with it. ❝ I’m not so sure - I’m more inclined to give that thing out for free. ❞ But of course , they’re curious , looking back up at the blonde with a slight tilt of the head. ❝ Wait - are you meaning you think it’s good , as in you’ve actually listened to it ?? Wow. Why would you subject yourself to something like that ?? ❞   
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flvshlights · 5 years
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           ❝ I know they’re a huge thing in the industry and shit - and also a piece of art and all that crap , ❞ Luke’s fingers are carefully thumbing through a shelf of vinyl records , calloused tips resting on the backs for no more than a few miliseconds ,  ❝ but they are way too fucking expensive. ❞ They finally decide to pick out an album of their own - Talon of the Hawk , of course , slipping it out of the jacket and placing it on the player with precision. ❝ Almost feel bad for the people who collect these things - like me. A cubby of these has to be at least two hundred dollars , don’t you think ?? ❞     
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flvshlights · 5 years
( rxsslxs‌ )
The early morning light streaming into his loft was only slightly less irritating than the pounding in his head, curtesy of the picklebacks he had been downing like water the night before, his excuse of “The pickle juice has electrolytes so I can’t get a hangover!” proving to be nothing but a fool’s wish as his stomach gave a distinctive churn.
He rushed to the restroom, emptying his stomach with a groan before pouring a hefty mouthful of mouthwash into his mouth, swishing it and spitting it out into the already flushing toilet. His back ached, the head throbbed, he was positive that the bite marks littering his neck hadn’t been there before and if the shuffling coming from the bedroom was any indication, he hadn’t made it into his bed alone last night.
“Alright, uh- good job, last night that is.” He rubbed at the back of his neck nervously as he walked back into the bedroom, his cheeks flushed in a way that was miles away from the suave man he became after a few drinks. “Do you need me to call you an Uber or get some breakfast or something?”
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           ❝ Thanks. ❞ They’re not in any position probably expected - no , INSTEAD they’re settled in an open corner of the room , fingers flicking the screen on their phone repeatedly as they browse through their Twitter feed. Almost looking like they’d been there the whole night - and knowing Luke , that was probably the case. ❝ I only brought you home , for the record - no offense , but I wasn’t... nah. ❞ They stood , standing up straight and yawning. Now it could easily be seen as the tall vocalist took a step forward - they hadn’t slept. Typical for them , but not healthy in the slightest.
          ❝ I was BETTING on it though you weren’t waking up until about noon. How’s that pickle juice helpin’ you out so far ?? ❞ Crossed arms , a ghost of a smirk pulled at their lips - maybe showing that they found the smallest amusement in the fact his theory had been proven wrong. Because - maybe - they tried and claimed the same thing once. And it did not work out.    
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flvshlights · 5 years
( jadevndrmeer‌ )
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JADE: tell me why old town road still slaps like months later JADE: i’m abt to tell my band that we’re rebranding to a nu-country group JADE: old town road remix #453458 ft. vortex
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LUKE : the day I end up on an Old Town Remix is the day I’m ending my career LUKE : I don’t think it’s possible for it to get better than that. That’s when you know you’ve made it. LUKE : Ride ‘til I can’t no more, motherfucker.
— snapchat ( all ).
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flvshlights · 5 years
( intrns‌ )
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“ sorry  ?   how  much  ?  ”   the  brunet  feels  a  lump  arise  in  his  throat  as  he’s  taken  back  in  shock  ,   “  i  never  pay  more  than  five  dollars  for  a  bagel  ,   how  are  you  possibly  telling  me  that  this  one  costs  twelve  ?   for  one  bagel  ?   you  realise  how  stupid  that  is  ,   right  ?  ”   and  he  isn’t  concerned  about  the  mass  of  customers  behind  him  ,   he’s  only  concerned  about  the  absurd  price  .   “  can  you  just  let  it  slide  ?   just  this  once  ?   consider  it  as  an  i  owe  you  ?   can  you  guys  do  that  ?   like  i  am  literally  dying  of  hunger  right  now  and  that  is  literally  the  cheapest  thing  on  your  menu  and  the  next  place  that  sells  bagels  is  a  good  five  minutes  away  …   please  ?  ”  and  he  begins  to  talk  with  his  hands  to  accompany  his  words  ,   trying  to  barter  with  the  server  as  his  bank  account  is  in  heavy  disagreement  with  him  over  attempting  to  purchase  anything  over  a  few  dollars  .
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             ❝ Jesus Christ - ❞  A tired , flat tone exhales. The fact they’re right behind him in line means they can hear every word exchanged clear as day. And they’re exhausted , hungry , and losing patience. But he does have a point - a TWELVE DOLLAR BAGEL isn’t exactly reasonable , they don’t care how fucking good the bagels must be. - Which , must be true , considering there’s people behind them that are growing just as impatient if not even more pissed. They don’t want to , but they figure . . . desperate measures must be taken. ❝ Ahem , ❞ they clear their throat , earning the attention ,  ❝ he’s with me - just give him the fucking bagel and I’ll pay for it. Please. ❞ And in seconds , a sharp look is thrown towards the brunette as agreement is made , and they take a step forward. Almost daring him to protest - because frankly , Luke is not letting that happen for selfish reasons entirely.
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flvshlights · 5 years
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courtney eaton. 24. genderfluid. they & them. the front bottoms. | i can’t believe i just saw LUCINDA “LUKE” ARCHULETTA walking out of cadence records. they’re the GUITAR & LEAD VOCAL from the INDIE ROCK group WE TRIED USING A BAND NAME GENERATOR who have been in the industry for SIX YEARS. the tabloids love to focus on their ALOOF nature , but they’re also pretty HONEST and they seem to give off a vibe that reminds people of TYING FLANNELS AROUND YOUR WAIST, NEVER BEING WARM ENOUGH, PLAYING AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR IN A SHARP TUXEDO, CLAIMING YOU DON’T SMOKE MARIJUANA WHEN YOU DO, THE COMFORT AT THE BOTTOM OF A SWIMMING POOL. 
                                     she started talking backwards , but nothing                                      good it brings her. so the next time that she                                      sees him, it’ll be peace sign + middle finger.                                      to listen as you read.
listen i always say i’ll stick with one muse and that never happens so i’ll just skip the part here where i berate myself for being weAK and instead introduce u to lukey-pookie here !! they’re a very new muse ( while also combining some essences of other muses of mine ) since normally i pick from a premade roster of my own ocs and normally use courtney for a... very different character but 1.) i’m gay and 2.) i love the front bottoms so HERE WE GO !
tws : depression, divorce, arrest, drug usage / overdose
So Luke was born to a regular working class family in Wilmington, Delaware - they have some relation with the famous DuPont family that built their name there, but don’t have anything to show for it since a few generations ago Luke’s great grandmother cut off the rest of her family and now they don’t speak. So Archuletta it is.
Their mom worked a typical 9-5 job and their dad was an aspiring painter - but he was always... sick. Not sick in the physical sense, no - sick in the fact he never was himself. Sick in way that Luke always thought he was so tired and sad and nothing could ever cheer him up, and they rarely spent much time with him due to his tendencies to keep to himself. So that led to an early divorce between him and Luke’s mother when they were about six years old.
So Luke’s life was relatively normal. Maybe even too normal for them. And they’d try and put themselves out there - even joining musical theatre in attempts to try and find “their group.” Musical theatre was where they’d meet Krista.
A beautiful girl who had a passion for Broadway, booze, and marijuana - she’d become Luke’s greatest friend, and even taking Luke to meet their friends she hung out with regularly after class. But they weren’t the kids you’d want to bring home to hang out with in your parents’ house. No, in fact - they were the opposite.
Bad things, those friends did - well - bad ( or rather, illegal ) things, and Luke followed along. Such as smoking pot and getting caught for it, spraypainting and defiling public areas, maybe getting into a fight or two. In an effort to fit in, Luke would do the same - but they faced the consequences they’d never thought - considering those kids seemed invincible. Untouchable. 
Setting off fireworks from the roof of an abandoned building it a bad idea. Getting arrested the cops is an even worse idea. Your friends running off before they can get caught, leaving you alone to wait for your mom to pick you up... The worst idea.
Nobody came to check on them after that.
Not even Krista.
But the next day, Luke hung out with them like nothing was wrong, following that crowd still - and it’d only reach a breaking point when they were sixteen and had to call the ambulance since Luke found Krista in the bathroom of a party unconscious due to overdose. And thank god she survived - 
And there they were again, without many friends since Krista was seemingly the only person who even came close to genuinely liking them and everyone else, they barely knew anything about. And Luke would grow, finishing high school and clinging to the only other friend they had since childhood - being convinced to write out their issues since by NOW, Luke maybe turned out a bit more cynical than they used to be.
Writings of prose and poetry turned to translating that to music - and that would be the beginning of their new life: We Tried Using A Band Name Generator.
‘We Tried Using A Band Name Generator’ - or more conveniently just referred to as ‘We Tried’ is probably Luke’s pride and joy. It was their friend’s idea for them to originally write out how they felt - and they mutually came up with the decision to try and write songs out of that.
A small band from Wilmington didn’t seem like it was going to get notice, and it took a little while, sure - it started with an EP titled Slow Dance to Soft Rock ( 2013 ) that made Cadence turn their way. Since the indie community definitely liked the acoustic sounds paired with raw, blunt, honest emotions pushed out in songs like The Beers and Swimming Pool. And that was when they got signed.
The first album they’d release would be six months later - self-tilted, We Tried Using A Band Name Generator. They didn’t have too much of a following at the time, but they were making good momentum enough to convince them to keep going.
Things were going so well, in fact, that during touring, Luke & their best friend / drummer actually attempted dating since - there had to be a reason they worked so well together. There had to be SOME feelings. But a million arguments later and stressful tours, overall mentally testing experiences, pushing out an EP called Rose which was as amazing as it was tacing to complete... they couldn’t do it. It was thought that when their best friend left the group in early 2016, it was thought that everyone’s new favorite indie rock group was done for.
And... Luke couldn’t let that happen. It was selfish, too, in the sense that We Tried was their biggest method of release and comfort. So instead of just giving up, they got off from tour and IMMEDIATELY hit the studio for recording and song-writing.
The product of a few months of straight work would result in their 2016 album , Talon of the Hawk - all songs pulling experiences from the split between them and their drummer to their experiences with Krista in high school. 
Au Revoir/Adios was 100% written the day after their ex-drummer left. 
Another year of touring and thankfully, four more members joined the group - producing the EP Needy When I’m Needy as a sneak peak of what was new to come. A few months later , a surprise album called Back on Top would come out. 
The next three years would work well - with the band releasing another EP titled Ann and the inklings sprinkled of the next album - Going Grey.  
SO IN CASE THAT WAS TOO COMPLEX BC I RAMBLE... again, general timeline:
February 2013: Release of Slow Dance to Soft Rock
March 2013: We Tried is signed to Cadence
August 2014: Release of Self-Titled.
September 2014: Both members of We Tried start dating.
July 2015: Release of Rose.
December 2015: Nearing the end of touring, We Tried’s drummer quits and the pair breaks up. Touring officially ends later that month.
January 2016: Luke Archuletta announces they’ll be taking time to focus on a brand new album.
August 2016: Release of the rushed but extremely well-received Talon of the Hawk.
July 2017: We Tried introduces four new members.
October 2017: Release of Needy When I’m Needy.
March 2018: Release of the surprise album Back on Top.
January 2019: Release of the EP Ann, paired with the announcement production of the next album will begin soon.
March: Two songs - Peace Sign & You Used to Say (Holy Fuck) are released to tease Going Grey.
July 2018: Release of Going Grey. 
SO YOU CAN SORT OF TELL THE TIMELINE IS SPEEDY - because that’s a big part of how Luke sort of... overworks themselves and hyperfocuses on their music. Especially since ever since their first drummer left, they haven’t let go of the idea they can only rely on themselves. 
BUT MORE ABOUT THE BAND - We Tried’s aesthetic is sort of The Front Bottoms mixed with the Young Veins - Luke’s especially fond of showing up in suits, vests, etc. despite the normally blunt & uncouth content of the songs. 
There is literally always something being made. Luke can’t sleep without having something in the works. 
And... yeah that’s it honestly it’s rly just TFB but with a TWIST! 
5′10, genderfluid bisexual bby who honestly just wants a nap
SOOOO yes, Luke’s a very chill individual but chill in the sense that... they just. Don’t care. Except when it comes to their work - then they work the hardest they can on that shit and have to pay attention to every little detail.
They’re still not actually sure if they have any talent - musical theater never seemed to work out, so why is a band doing that??
But they do have one thing down pat - directing. All of We Tried’s videos have so far been directed by Luke, save for a few. 
This comes from Luke’s longtime adoration of film and cinema, from the perspective of an observer and a director.
They DO have a tendency to be a little... clingy and aloof at the same time. They’re always worried about being in the position of trying to keep a band of only one person alive again but also they don’t really notice they can other people to do things for them now.
They’re independent to a fault, in that case.
And also now finally getting a hang of not falling into peer pressure since it’s just made them cynical and aloof from people now.
They’re v grateful for their bandmates tho!! Don’t get me wrong, they love them!
Luke’s more of someone who communicates their appreciation through gestures and actions than words - setting a blanket on you while you sleep, getting new drumsticks if you broke yours, making coffee in the morning when you’ve forgotten. That kind of stuff.
They don’t get a lot of sleep for the sole reason they sort of have tendencies to keep themselves awake just... thinking. Luke thinks a lot. Luke’s actually wack-levels of intelligent, and it does show in their music save for when they’re making odd comments and obscure references.
Luke talks about tattoos a lot, but they’re actually barren since they’re afraid of needles. 
They also don’t drink, but they do smoke marijuana. But they’ll never admit to it - ...like TFB even though they have a MILLION songs that mention recreational use of the drug.
They sort of don’t really know where their purpose is, still - and that does lead them into a depression of their own, much like their father. They don’t talk to him and their mother that much nowadays - considering, the dream was always that Luke be a lawyer or a doctor and not the crass musician that they are.
They’re lowkey a fucking comedian but in the dry, deadpan humor sense. Most of their interviews consist of them making some joke that either takes a little while for the interviewer to get or one that makes the room silent for a quick minute. Or, even worse, they’re taken seriously.
Despite this aloofness, though, they actually thrive on being around other people. They’re sort of relearning how to accept that, though, since again, they’ve been shelling themselves up in their own work for quite some time. 
Also lowkey a bit of a flirt bt u didn’t hear that from me
Rides a motorcycle partially to look cool and also... bc they have the song ‘Motorcycle’ which was about them. Trying to learn how to ride a motorcycle so it just kind of stuck.
They’ve got another talent in dancing, since they took ballet classes throughout middle school to high school - but had to quit after they got arrested. Shame.
Their one dream was to be Ariel in the Broadway production of The Little Mermaid when they were younger since... they also love the sea and Disney Princesses so much secretly, but they’ve sort of given up on that.
Their love for the sea’s also because of where they’re from - Delaware beaches are beautiful and were Luke’s happy place back then. 
Most of their loves and interests are sprinkled in their songs, in that case - Delaware scenery, references of Disney films, etc.
They’re a very... complex individual. But god I lOVE them.
also the current bandmates. that would b. cool.
if ppl from luke’s old squad can show up now w/ their own careers... that would b. cool.
kids who they went to high school with that r surprised where they are now.
enemies in the music scene who don’t like luke or we tried for a multitude of reasons
maybe they think luke’s secretly a conceited dick underneath the ‘distant mysterious songwriter’ schtick
mayBBEEEE they think the nature of we tried’s songs are some sort of keep gimmick to try and cash in on being ‘casual’ and ‘relatable’
maybe they just don’t like the damn band i mean. yeah.
any reason. pls.
hook-ups bc i’ll b honest they are... a bit of a flirt. let luke serenade u w/ shit like “historic cemetery” cowards,
a rebound sort of?? probably very short-lived, but i can see luke wanting to get their mind off from their ex/drummer leaving and falling fast into another relationship - and that wouldn’t work out bc of it.
i’d also lov a plot where maybe sb discovers luke’s talent for dancing bc they do it for recreational purposes semi-often now?? 
maybe they can attend a class together or smth
or they just do it for fun at luke’s place
idk this cld go anywhere n it’s honestly adorable
ppl that they befriend who they can just. take back to delaware one day.
or even ppl they just hang out with to relive the ‘good ol days’
trips to the beach
buying store bought fireworks n setting them off
going on camping trips n shit
i’d lov a plot where there’s one person who just thinks luke is like... a MYSTERY and they just get closer and closer in attempts to try and figure that mystery out
also 100% open to brainstorming! i’ll actually get 2 interacting tmr bc it’s 2:30 AM nearly here n i want to sleep so yeah! chances are tho if u like this i’ll message u for plotting!! again if u want my discord - hmu @ rocky lynch lovebot / hylia.#0329. :^)
i love the front bottoms so much
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flvshlights · 5 years
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this is what i want, MOTHERFUCKER make it happen for me. // tag dump !!
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flvshlights · 5 years
But you were young You thought you didn’t have to care about anyone  But you’re older now  And wish that you could
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flvshlights · 5 years
I call it double or nothing on everthing that I have
I finally am what I am, a fucking bag of bags
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flvshlights · 5 years
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#legends only
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flvshlights · 5 years
u think i really give a fuck ? i can’t even read
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flvshlights · 5 years
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314 notes · View notes
flvshlights · 5 years
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‘’A genuine smile changes everything. It feels good’‘
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