fly-high · 12 days
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fly-high · 13 days
israel's invasion of jenin is so aggressive and inhumane that it speaks volumes how underreported it is in mainstream media. blocking aid from the refugee camps (classic starvation tactic), displacing at least 20 families in the last 24 hours alone, and now setting fire to jenin's market. they are razing streets with bulldozers. people are left without electricity, food, or water. and now they're targeting ambulances and medical staff without even trying to pretend it's erroneous or they're just terrorists. this is what complete impunity looks like
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fly-high · 20 days
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x / sylvia plath
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fly-high · 23 days
i love seeing best friends goofing around in public. i love seeing couples laughing together. i love seeing little kids walking hand in hand with their parents. i love seeing dogs running happily back to their owners. i love seeing closeness and positive relationships, and knowing all that love is out there
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fly-high · 25 days
how i keep my screen time under an hour a day —
i have been getting a lot of messages asking how i manage to keep my screen time to just 54 minutes a day. honestly it wasn’t some overnight miracle, it’s been a conscious effort to shift my focus from the digital world to the beauty of real life. i’ve found that the more i immerse myself in the world around me, the less i feel the need to be glued to my evil phone.
no instagram or tiktok
believe it or not, i’ve been off instagram for five years now and i’ve never ever had a tiktok account. i know that sounds crazy but staying far far away from those apps has been one of the best decisions i’ve made. when i realized that the real world is so much more fulfilling than anything on a screen, something just clicked. why spend time scrolling through someone else’s life when i could be out there truly living mine?
prioritize what really matters
i’m a firm believer in prioritizing things that add value to my life. i use my phone for work, to stay in touch with loved ones and yes, for tumblr and interacting with my beautiful mutuals. but beyond that?? i ask myself “does this add to my life or take away from it?” if it’s the latter, it’s not worth my time.
create a morning & evening ritual
starting and ending my day without my phone has been a game changer for me. in the morning, i let natural light wake me up, stretch, have my coffee, workout and ease into the day without the noise of notifications. at night, i wind down with a book, a movie, or just music & my thoughts.
set boundaries
i’m strict with myself about when and where i use my phone. no screens during meals, no scrolling when i’m with friends or family and definitely no phone after midnight.
embrace real life connections
the connections i make in real life are so much richer than any DM or comment sorry. i focus on cultivating these relationships, spending time with people i love & experiencing things together. it’s fulfilling in a way that no app on my phone can replicate.
find joy in the little things
instead of reaching for my phone out of habit, i’ve learned to find joy in the little things. like the sound of the ocean, the smell of coffee or just sitting in silence. it’s amazing how much more present and content i feel when i’m not constantly looking for the next distraction. in the end, it’s about choosing to engage with the world around me and i honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
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fly-high · 27 days
people are saying do it scared, but you also gotta do it alone. you'll miss out on so much you want to do if you wait til someone will do it with you. do it scared and do it alone.
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fly-high · 1 month
they should invent a way to reconnect with old friends that doesnt feel like eating a pile of dirt in front of god
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fly-high · 1 month
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"Growing Around Grief"
Lois Tonkin, 1996
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fly-high · 2 months
fuck this time loop im leaving (walks into a different, worse time loop)
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fly-high · 2 months
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my brain at 3am
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fly-high · 2 months
*through gritted teeth* you are not a child taking a test with the purpose of getting the highest score, you are an adult trying new things and finding ways to enjoy your life, make mistakes, be a beginner, be mediocre, be where you need to be, be unlikeable, just. be.
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fly-high · 2 months
the best part about having a job is being able to go through doors other people aren’t allowed to use the worst part is everything else
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fly-high · 2 months
Childhood obsessions do NOT go away. They lie dormant, waiting to take over again.
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fly-high · 2 months
"when i was your age, i was working three jobs to help support my family" and "when i was in college i was sleeping on a mattress on the floor and living off of soup"
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fly-high · 2 months
"someone who allows you to rest" is the relationship dynamic of all time
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fly-high · 2 months
it’s so insane we have to just keep showing up for work. no matter what is happening globally, locally, personally, you’re supposed to show up and act like the formatting on a report is actually really important and demands your attention.
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fly-high · 2 months
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"I knew everything and received everything. But real happiness, is giving."
Alain Delon.
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