flyawaybrynn-blog · 8 years
About Me
Okay... Where do I start. Anyway I'm very new to tumblr. A friend and I are working on a project. I will talk more about that later when I actually have followers. Basically I'm obsessed with anything that has to do with Dalton Rapattoni: IM5, Fly Away Hero, School Of Rock, Salt... You name it! I spend most of my time sitting in my bedroom listening and singing to Dalton's music. It sounds pathetic but I love it. Can't get enough of Dalton. Ok... Let's move on from Dalty... Ooh so hard to do. I also really love to sing. It's my one stress reliever other than listening to Dalty: singing to Dalty's music. I tried to move on. Um, that didn't really happen. Okay. Honestly I can't really get away from the Dalton thing. My life is too boring. Well, I met Dalton Rapattoni and Will Jay on August second at The School of Rock Gives Back Tour. It was amazing! The most fun I've had in a looooooooong time. I really can't think of anything else to say at the moment... Hopefully I can think of better stuff later, but come on. Nothing's better than Salty Dalty. This is like the most awkward thing I've ever written... So... Bye.
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