flyingfishhugs · 4 days
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Molly Brett The hare in a hurry 1975
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flyingfishhugs · 6 days
everyone is strange, and being passionate is attractive. don’t be afraid to be who you are and enjoy life the way you want to
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flyingfishhugs · 8 days
i know the mortifying ordeal of being known is real for too many of us, but consider this: someone saw you once and loved your hairstyle. someone loves your laugh, how you scrunch your nose when you find something funny. your birthday could be an old friend’s password. that one song you recommended to your crush a couple summers back could still be their favorite. you are in other people’s birthday party photos. someone could’ve fallen in love with you on public transportation. our lives intertwine beautifully and you, dear human, are a little piece of other people’s fond, lovely memories. part of the ordeal of being known implies the ordeal of being loved. 
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flyingfishhugs · 8 days
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flyingfishhugs · 13 days
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Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
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flyingfishhugs · 21 days
Please read!!!!!
I don’t know how to make an official help post but I’m going to lose my apartment in 3 weeks if I don’t come up with $700 for rent. I have nowhere else to go and moving back in with family is not an option, so if I lose this place it pretty much means I’m homeless. I don’t know what to do and I’m really panicking.
Both my paypal and venmo are @/penguinbosch and literally anything would help at this point.
Please don’t ignore this!! Even if you can’t help please reblog to this can get spread around!!
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flyingfishhugs · 21 days
Please read!!!!!
I don’t know how to make an official help post but I’m going to lose my apartment in 3 weeks if I don’t come up with $700 for rent. I have nowhere else to go and moving back in with family is not an option, so if I lose this place it pretty much means I’m homeless. I don’t know what to do and I’m really panicking.
Both my paypal and venmo are @/penguinbosch and literally anything would help at this point.
Please don’t ignore this!! Even if you can’t help please reblog to this can get spread around!!
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flyingfishhugs · 24 days
If this pops up while you’re scrolling, I wish you unconditional love and massive success.
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flyingfishhugs · 25 days
Please Help Us.
Hey guys. The last thing I wanted to do was make a post while I'm still recovering/not caught up at all with my owed work, but I'm on the verge of losing my home.
I know this is a Hazbin account but its honest to god the only place I have with a good reach, and I'm honestly so scared I'm gonna end up homeless again.
My fiancé is fighting to find a new job with zero luck, and all their paychecks this past month already went to this months bills.
Me and my brother are too physically disabled to hold down a job ourselves. With chronic migraines, degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, and a possibility of POTs, and other issues, our options are extremely limited. Especially when neither of us have insurance, a mode of transportation, and sleep on a hardwood floor (which increases our pain).
I know this is a lot to ask, but the end of the month is almost here and I am so scared. So scared for myself and my brother, and fiancé, and my cats. I've been homeless before and it was one of the most dangerous and traumatizing times in my life, and I can't let my family be subjected to it. The thought of ending up homeless makes me not want to be alive because I would rather not exist than go through that again.
I don't personally have anyone in my life that I know who can really financially lend a hand at the moment. Everyone we know is broke/not in a position they can financially help.
All we ask is for a bit of help to reach our goal because I can't do it again. And I can't let everyone I love end up in the same shit as me. Please donate if you can, and share if you can't. I'm sorry it's not my usual posts.
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flyingfishhugs · 1 month
The beautiful thing as you get older is that you realize so many “rules” are made up and you can just do whatever. Posters can go anywhere in the house not just my room. I can sit down while cooking a meal or taking a shower. I can make the same thing for breakfast lunch dinner for a week straight. I can roam around the house shirtless. I can wear a dress with jeans. The world is my oyster key word my and I can live as I please embracing little things such as this
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flyingfishhugs · 1 month
you will be happy again, you will be more yourself than ever, you will understand your heart better when you heal, you will be whole, you will be okay
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flyingfishhugs · 1 month
Please read!!!!!
I don’t know how to make an official help post but I’m going to lose my apartment in 3 weeks if I don’t come up with $700 for rent. I have nowhere else to go and moving back in with family is not an option, so if I lose this place it pretty much means I’m homeless. I don’t know what to do and I’m really panicking.
Both my paypal and venmo are @/penguinbosch and literally anything would help at this point.
Please don’t ignore this!! Even if you can’t help please reblog to this can get spread around!!
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flyingfishhugs · 1 month
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flyingfishhugs · 1 month
hey can y'all share and donate to my gofundme pls. I need to move into a new place and moving is. super expensive.
my gofundme
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flyingfishhugs · 1 month
Not everyone is tired of hearing from you. Not everyone is waiting for you to fail. Not everyone is upset with you. Not everyone is using you.
I’m sorry if others in the past have made you believe otherwise.
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flyingfishhugs · 1 month
I’m so emotional about dinosaur stuffed animals,,, there are these creatures, extinct long before any of us were alive, but we found their bones and their eggs and their footprints. And we made drawings and models of what they could’ve looked like. And we made them into stuffed animals so we could hold them. We made them soft so we could love them. I’m sobbing
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flyingfishhugs · 1 month
Easily falling victim to making purchases of heart shaped items. Sorry for believing in the power of love.
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