flynn-it-up · 5 years
Look what’s for sale on my Etsy!! A one-of-a-kind pair of Titanic AU Garcy pops!! Please consider giving them a home <3
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
I love these all so much @female-fogbank
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You know, in case anyone wasn’t sure.
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
Hi just wanted to say real quick Garcy was actually being set up from the pilot episode because there’s a scene near the end where Wyatt unfolds a picture of Jessica and it’s immediately followed by a cut to Flynn reading the journal and idk about y'all but that sounds like parallels to me in this essay I will-
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
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Saw this quote from @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels and had to make it a reality.
Edit is mine, quote is hers, and I hope you enjoy!
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
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#i love development
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
Hey, so.
It’s your old pal, Hilary. Same url, extra s.
After three solid weeks of absolutely no communication from tumblr whatsoever, I am finally forced to admit that the odds of ever getting my old blog back are looking…. bad. I’ll keep trying everything I can, and maybe a miracle happens and maybe it doesn’t, but as it is, I have a bad feeling that six solid years of work, fic, meta, questions, history and more are gone for good. So I’ve lost all my followers, my platform, my creative output, my flailing, and six years of my life, all because of a totally avoidable circumstance that tumblr won’t fix.
So here I am, hat in hand, and I’m going to have to apologize for the mass user tag/cross fandom/ship tagging, but also, my old blog got deleted for absolutely no reason Jesus Christ, and I’d appreciate a signal boost. I’m trying to remember everyone I was following, but it may take a while. Please remind me if we were mutuals.
If you remember me from:
Once Upon a Time (Captain Swan, Outlaw Queen, Jones brothers, etc etc, fics such as Crimson, The Lightbearers, Incarcerus, When in Rome, The Dark Horizon, etc)
Lucifer (Deckerstar, The Inferno, In Nomine Patris, in the land of gods and monsters, etc)
Timeless (Garcy, Timeless Season 3 (which got restored but I have no access to since it was a sideblog), Starlight & Strange Magic, the tangled web of fate we weave, The Procurator, The Alchemical Wedding, etc)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (Steggy, Kastle, breath of ash, bone of dust, other drabbles now mostly gone)
Medieval history (my many, also lost, historical posts, medieval magic, medieval women, 50 Women to Know, so on)
Black Sails, The North Remembers, etc etc
…. this is where I will be for the foreseeable future. I am not sure how much content is going to go here, because I am absolutely gutted about losing my old blog for, again, no reason whatsoever. I thought about not coming back at all, but I guess we’ll see. And I missed you guys too much.
And now for the deluge:
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels, @extasiswings, @prairiepirate, @sweetestinthegale, @jonathansnowflakes, @kmomof4, @whimsicallyenchantedrose, @captainswanouat, @hookedoncaptswan, @wedlakeserenities, @queen-mabs-revenge, @winterbythesea, @battleshipgarcy, @rionsanura, @oldshrewsburyian, @frankcastle, @garciaflynnismyspiritanimal, @weaverofthenight, @geekalogian, @artielu, @daeneryskairipa, @chidis-eleanor, @somekindofflowergirl, @katechaucer, @businesscasualprincess, @aloha-4-ever, @lightbringersamael, @clockadile, @saettres, @ohmarqueliot, @ofhouseadama, @mearcatsreturns, @sharkflip. @lucifersfavouritesinner, @writtenwolves, @findwhatyourefightingfor, @romancelvr, @kalena-henden, @onlymorelove, @captainofthefallen
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
Honestly, now that a good amount of time has passed since this, and I have not only read this author’s books, but also learned a lot about her and what she was going through at the time of this incident, I hate these assholes even more.
This was a perfect example of a “you don’t know what people are going through so don’t be a dick” situation. Because while ya’ll were harassing and berating her about not shipping your stupid boring ship, she was going through literal hell. I can get hella stressed out by twitter, so I honest to god cannot imagine going through what she was going through, and on top of all of that getting attacked by a bunch of asshole women having a mid-life crisis. Ya’ll are sick.
The Lyatt fandom on twitter attacking a NYT bestselling author for saying she didn’t like the finale because the writing was bad is exactly why a third season shouldn’t and will not happen.  I mean, seriously, if you weren’t dicks to her, you could have gotten her as a strong voice in the campaign to save the show, but because she doesn’t ship your ship, you’ve harassed her to the point where she’s now begging you to leave her alone. So please, tell me again how we’re the bullies here??  Because this shit happens all the damn time.  It happened to me personally, and it’s happening to a professional author now.  Is no one fucking safe from your bullshit??
I hope the show never gets picked up. Ya’ll don’t fucking deserve it.
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
Due to unforseen expenses this week, I’m selling a couple custom funkos over on my Etsy, including my 2x04 custom Flynn pop. He’s $55 (free domestic shipping) and I’ve only got the one, so if you’d like a Flynn pop this is your chance!
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
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Flynn & Lucy in Timeless Season 2 ↳ That’s not why I’m here. Why are you here?
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
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i commissioned @cersell for some garcy and it turned out SO cute, i love it to death ❤️❤️❤️
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
Nope, not me on insta, but I appreciate being tagged cuz this is funny 😂
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Goran keeping the Garcys alive in these trying times
(God bless you @flynn-it-up (I’m assuming you’re the same one))
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
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flynn-it-up · 5 years
Salt # 17392922
I still think Garcy being thematically compared to the Titanic, the world’s most famous sinking ship, is one of the purposefully cruelest things a show has ever done to a portion of its fandom.
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