flywithmeto · 8 years
Fly with me to.. Japan
(Source: http://www.shi-atsu.asia)
Cleanliness, cute things, interesting shrines and temples, beautiful landscapes, sakura blossoms, and YUMMY FOODS.. pretty much sums up Japan. AND, if you’re looking for these particular things in a place where you can spend your vacation, then JAPAN is the right place for YOU… and me :)
Anime is one of the many reasons I wanna visit Japan. I’ve watched A LOT of anime that I’ve grown to like their culture and become familiar with the language. When I was a kid, I wanted to study in Japan because EVERYTHING is just so darn cute and awesome and everyone is friendly and everything is full of happiness. BUT EY, that’s irrelevant soo moving on.
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OF COURSE, we’re gonna talk about food first. (◕▿◕✿) Food is an essential, Food is yummy. Food makes anyone happy. Food is a source of happiness.  Therefore, we shall start with the delicious food in Japan.
Sushi.. Tempura.. Ramen.. Udon.. Onigiri.. i dont even wanna continue. I’m gonna end up drooling; the picture above is also contributing very well into making me crave more food. 
I know that there do serve sushi, tempura, ramen, et cetera here. BUT,  it’s not that easy to come close to authentic Japanese cuisine in Canada. 
NOT TO MENTION, they make the sushi in front of you in Japan. Isn’t that great?! 
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(Source: http://www.worldofwanderlust.com)
EVERYTHING IN JAPAN IS KAWAII (which literally means cute in Japanese). And no, i’m not exaggerating. Japan is full of cute things— from food to almost ANYTHING! Just look at that donut. Isn’t that JUST adorable !! (꒪▿꒪)
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(Source: http://www.worldofwanderlust.com/)
Let me just inform y’all that KitKats do come in DIFFERENT FLAVOURS!
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(Source: http://jpninfo.com/6024) 
I should really refrain myself from using caps lock too much.. BUT I JUST CAN’T!! I’m too excited haha. BUT ANYWAY, another thing that I like about Japan is their photo booths. YAS. PHOTO BOOTHS. They have a lot of ‘em there.
They’re not your “typical” photo booths though. Instead, you get to choose the background of your photo and edit the photos with stickers later (just like the picture shown above)
I’m not sure if I explained that right. But, for short, you get to turn your pictures into something super adorable !! 
Not to mention that the photos can be both printed and transferred to your phones. 
I told y’all everything is.. just.. so.. CUTE ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ゙
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(Source: https://thelittleyellowbutterflies.files.wordpress.com) 
Ahhhh, the popular cherry blossoms that one would enjoy seeing. Especially me!!! I’ve always dreamed of seeing cherry blossoms or sakura in real life. BUT, sadly.. I can only witness such beautiful creation through google images, haha. 
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(Source: http://www.nomadicmatt.com/)
This is probably a bit weird.. or interesting.. or just pure AWESOME.  Japan has high-tech toilets. Okay, so the “normal” toilet would be just a normal toilet, the only thing it could do is to flush down the waste from your body. 
BUT, oh my.. oh my..
The toilets in Japan does not only flush down one’s excretion. IT ALSO WARMS UP THE SEAT FOR YOU, while playing music !! PLUS, it comes with a jet of water option that washes your front and back.
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Anyway.. I shall now talk about the places I would love to visit if EVER I go to Japan. BUT, we all know that won’t happen.. haha.. only in my imagination. *cries*
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(Source: http://blog.hihostels.com & www.tsunagujapan.com) 
These are all photographs of the places I want to visit:
Mount Fuji
Bamboo Forest of Sagano (Kyoto)
Kawachi Fuji Gardens
Firefly Squid Spawn / Toyama
Mifuneyama rakuen / Saga
That’s it for today guys! This is probably my last post.. or I’ll probably post another one. Oh well, but thank you so much for spending the time to read! SEE YAAA~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
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flywithmeto · 8 years
Fly with me to.. South Korea
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(Source: http://lovesouthkorea.tumblr.com)
K-dramas or Korean dramas are one of the reasons that sparked my interest to visit South Korea. I’ve watched numerous k-dramas that I actually know how to speak some words in Korean. K-drama is also the reason why I wanna learn Korean!! But EY, I’m getting off-topic here. ANYWAY, like i have said in every post, IF I EVER HAD THE MONEY TO TRAVEL.. i would love to visit South Korea. 
Okay, first of all.. SCRUMPTIOUS FOOD. Their barbecue actually looks good in the shows that I’ve watched. It makes me sad because I know I won’t be able to try any of those until I’m rich, haha. *cries* 
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As you can see here.. THE MEAT LOOKS SO FRICKIN GOOD AND SO JUICY AND JUST SO YUMMY THAT I WISH I CAN JUST TAKE THE FOOD FROM MY LAPTOP’S SCREEN. SERIOUSLY IT LOOKS THAT YUMMY. Okay, I’ve been using caps lock way too much. Thou shall not blame me for being this excited and jolly. 
These kind of dishes are often prepared at the table with a built-in grill... and you know what’s the fun part. You get to cook it. YOU READ THAT RIGHT!!! YOU GET TO COOK IT. *insert 2000x smiley face here* BUUT, like I said, for a girl who’s broke and who’s not even allowed to go outside, this is nothing but a dream I can never catch. ahahahaha... *cries*
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Just like in the Philippines, KARAOKE is popular in Korea. AAAAND, for a girl who like to sing (YAS, I’m talking about me), this is one key to my happiness. 
If I ever visit Korea with you—whoever is reading this... and you can no longer find me. Know that I will be in the nearest karaoke place, and you will find me singing my heart out. 
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Do you see what I see y’all? Those are 4 consecutive Korean cosmetic shops. *jumps in excitement* OK, so I don’t really use cosmetic products a lot, other than mascara and lip balm. BUT, if I ever.. EVER.. see these stores together. Well, Sugar Honey Iced Tea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m prepared to devote the cents that I have to buy some products.. or just spend my time admiring all dem cute products. 
I’ve SEEN a lot of reviews on Korean cosmetic products and they were all positive reviews!!! So I shall try one for my self. ALSO, they’re products are all so cute and lovely. PLUS, it’s aesthetic too. ;) 
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THESE ARE JUST FACE MASKS, BUT ITS DESIGNS ARE ANIMALS. ISN’T THAT ADORABLE??? Okay, maybe I’m the only one who thinks that. BUT, it’s very very very very very very very very CUTE.
“It seems like Korea is five years ahead of the world in technology.” (Hungry Partier, Drew). If y’all wanna see advanced technology and just cool stuff, fly to Korea. If you also want fast wifi, go to Korea. “But above all else, the readily available and utterly fast Wi-Fi speeds are perhaps the most impressive of Korea’s tech-driven economy. (Hungry Partier, Drew) 
Who wouldn’t want to experience advanced technology and FAST WI-FI?? THAT WOULD BE MEEEEEEEE. But that sounds too good to be true. 
I won’t only visit Korea to try the food, or buy cosmetics, or even experience the technology... although that would be most of what I’m gonna do. BUT PUTTING THAT ASIDE, I really wanna just explore the city and discover attractions. 
I also wanna make memories by taking pictures with my polaroid; it would be a pain in the bum tho because the films is hella expensive. I would have to spend $1000 on films because knowing the photographer that I am (i’m really not a photographer, LOL), I’d take a lot of pictures. 
That’s it for now y’all !! I really hope I get to visit Korea.  Well, TIME TO WATCH K-DRAMA!!!
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flywithmeto · 8 years
Fly with me to.. Paris
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(Source: http://hostedvillas.com/our-destinations/europe/paris-france)
Bonjour mon ami/amie! <- I did not use google translate, at all. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ahhh, can we just take a moment to appreciate the amazing photograph shown? But anyway, when I think of Paris, France, I contemplate about the fancy/scrumptious cuisine, the Disney movie Ratatouille, cute couples, the song La Vie En Rose, the Eiffel Tower, and the romance *wink wink* ;) 
If I win the lottery (and I will never because i ain’t 18), Paris would definitely be one of the places that I’d love to visit!!! Not only will it be an amazing place to create new and fun memories, it will also bless my ears hearing wonderful people speak the oh so beautiful language, Français. I really wanna speak French. I have no idea why I dropped that course so quick, LOL. Jokes, it’s actually stressful. I’m already having difficulties translating Tagalog to English so quickly in my head. BUUUT SERIOUSLY, French is such a beautiful language. 
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Anyway, if I ever go to Paris I would like to visit the parks and any public greenspace, specifically the Parc Monceau. It’s actually known as one of the most attractive parks in Paris. With its beautiful flower gardens and an impressing display of statues, I wouldn’t even question as to why it is hella attractive to people. Buuuut, while strolling through the parks or gardens, I’d probably see a lot, and by a lot.. i mean A LOT of sweet couples. IT IS THE CITY OF LOVE after all, but ima be alone.. with my camera.. and food.. and yeah .__. IM KIDDING. Ima be with Christopher !!!!!! and my friends. :D 
One more advantage is that I’m able to lose weight. Paris having multiple of parks and a lot of places to visit, I’m gonna be walking my bum off and hopefully lose 1000000 pounds. 
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Just look at this picture.. Well Sugar Honey Iced Tea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I take back what I said about losing weight. Merely thinking of the baguette.. macarons.. croissants.. street-stand crêpes.. chocolate covered marshmallows.. and this picture... makes me drool. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻  <- this is me flipping the table out of anger because all the walkings won’t pay off. 
HOWEVER, this is another reason why I wanna visit Paris, France. THE FOOD. THE DELICIOUS FOOD. THE INSTAGRAM-WORTHY FOOD. YUMMY FOOD. 
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Okay, but let’s not forget about the gorgeous collections of arts and beautifully structured museums filled with interesting sculptures and things to see. For instance, Petit Palais is a must-go museum because it’s a home to “roughly 1,300 decorative murals, outstanding sculptures, paintings and tapestries created by major French artists from 1903 – 1925” (Talk in French). More aesthetic looking pictures for instagram ;) IM JOKING, it’s not all about instagram... well maybe it is. BUT REALLY, I just wanna look and appreciate all the artworks and be inspired. I actually spend some of my “alone” time sketching or doing anything art-related. 
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One last thing.. VINTAGE SHOPS. I repeat. LOTS OF VINTAGE STUFF AND SHOPS (i really didn’t repeat what I said before, BUT.. just let it be). There are really a lot of vintage shops that are worthy to spend your money on. One example of it is Marché aux puces de la Porte de Vanves (i bet you didn’t even try to read that LOL). Beautiful antique laces, old tablecloths, oil paintings, retro-styled clothing.. all of that just makes me smile. I don’t know but i’m just a sucker for anything vintage. I guess i just appreciate the stuff from before and would love to bring it back. When I imagine myself being in Paris, I feel like i’m in a whole different era, specifically the era filled with retro and vintage stuff. 
Paris is definitely a place that one would enjoy visiting. I didn’t mention a lot of reason as to why I REALLY WANNA GOOOooOOo, but the few stuff I’ve mentioned in this post should be enough to convince someone to go. The culture, architectures, food, attractions, art.. what else are you looking for? Not to mention, how it will complement your instagram feed *wink wink* ;)
Oh how I wish I’m superman.. so I could just fly and go straight to Paris.. and just leave all my responsibilities behind. *cough* UNITS *cough*.  BUUT, that’s it for now y’all!! \( ̄▽ ̄)/ Au revoir mon ami/amie!! <- again, i DEFINITELY did not use google translate.
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flywithmeto · 8 years
Fly with me to.. Greece
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(Source: https://royalresorts.co.in/country/greece-0)
(Just to let you all know that my blog is still under construction (◕ᴗ◕✿) I still needa tweak it and make it fabulous. But for now, bear with the plainness. )
As someone who hasn’t gone to any countries (other than the Philippines), I would love to visit Greece. Just look at the picture above, doesn’t that make you want to witness that kind of view in real life? Well, I do. I’d fill up my whole instagram page with photographs of the breathtaking sceneries in Greece. NOT TO MENTION that my name originated from this place!!! OMG. I actually wanna see the gigantic statue of the greek goddess Athena. Ain’t that coool??? 
A lot bloggers have talked about the food in Greece, and the ones that really caught my attention are the Pies of Kythnos and Saganaki. 
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(Source: http://www.mygreekdish.com/) So this is what a Saganaki looks like. And it’s literally DEEP FRIED CHEESE. LIKE WAT. I actually wanna try this yummy appetizer! AND i found out you can cook this hot-looking food in just 10 minutes! I’D COOK THIS but I’m pretty sure my mom considers me as an arsonist and would not be pleased if I touch the stove.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Next food is PIES OF KYNTHOS. I have absolutely no idea what it is made of or what it tastes like, but my eyes are captivated by this photograph. Something tells me that this is something GOOOOD (●♡_♡) In fact, it is. Pies of Kynthos is actually a shortbread filled with cheese and honey. A blog called, Travel with Bender said, “almost takes like cheesecake combined with a quiche”. Now I don’t know what exactly is a quiche, but according to google images it’s like a pie? or is it an actual pie? I HAVE NO IDEA. BUUUT, Pies of Kynthos is definitely a must-eat-food for me!! 
There are absolutely more delicious food that I haven’t come across, and there are also things I haven’t talked about in this blog post. Sooo, moving on..  The places in Greece are breathtaking, and of course, I can tell just by looking at the photographs in google images  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Athens would probably be one of the most visited places by tourists. Well, I can’t blame ‘em for wanting to go. The view is beautiful. Honestly, if I had freedom, money, and Dr. Who’s time machine.. you’d never see me again. But anyway, there are also islands such as, Santorini, Mykonos, Crete and more, that are out of this world! 
Greece has great natural diversity and beautifully formed landscapes and sceneries that are out of this world. I really think every place in Greece is worth visiting. Like I said, i’d probably be outta here, HOWEVER, I don’t have the necessities to travel. Haha. ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ 
I would type more, but i’m trying to keep this first original post.... brief. And I believe I have failed to do so.. I do hope y’all enjoyed this. 
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flywithmeto · 8 years
Fly with me to the.. Land of Dreams
By land of dreams I mean I’m actually gonna go to sleep. (◡‿◡✿) Pretty boring for my first post, haha. After a long period of time, I FINALLY POSTED SOMETHING. I feel so accomplished °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° But anyway, i worked hard this week so I can finally reward myself a good night sleep. HOWEVER, ima tell y’all what this blog gon be about.  This is like my 4th blog??? Hahaha. The other 2 blogs are for personal stufff and the other 1 is for my media course. I can’t believe i’m running 4 blogs simultaneously. Not to mention I have units to do too.... can i just like, escape from my responsibilities right now? That would be really great. BUT THERE’S NO WAY AROUND IT , I GOTTA DO WAT I GOTTA DO. Anyway, this blog will be about travelling. I won’t be posting a lot about the places I’VE BEEN TO, but rather the places I wanna go to. Because lemme be real with y’all, I’m a person who never leaves the house, but wants to. It’s really rare for my family to go outside... so I just stay here in the house, with them.. cuz i really can’t do anything about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Hopefully my second post won’t be as boring as this one, LOL. I appreciate you, if you took the time to read this. (˶′◡‵˶)Well, that’s it for now people!  See yaaaaa~ 
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