fmdrem · 5 years
i ,, completely forgot about being active, lol !! i simply have too much of a busy time and a very low muse at the moment, so i won’t reapply ( even because jhope got reserved already ) !! for those interested in talking to me, i’ll leave my discord here ( @ 𝚗𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗 ;#2465 ), feel free to add me !!
it has been fun, see you around my dears !
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fmdrem · 5 years
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“ sowon-ah, can you hear me ? the signal is shitty because as always, my luck is as shitty as my dice. ” the chirping of his voice at the phone was oh so high because honestly, he’s been recording and having dance practices for so long he lost contact with what truly fun was, and that’s without counting the experience of the shared house. that was still part of his job, it wasn’t exactly like screaming against tieflings and odd numerical chances. “ listen, are we going to start a new campaign since we finished with the one-shot before christmas ? i’d be up for it, honestly, the abstinence is killing me. ”
@sowonfmd​ / starter call
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fmdrem · 5 years
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“ hyung, do you mind if i ask you a favor ? ” his own figure sat in front of the other by gentle concession of his own favourite cafeteria ━ahreum clearly harboring agitation inside, holding onto his phone and a pair of earplugs he was tapping onto the clear surface of the table while waiting for his coffee to arrive. for sure, he thought he had worried duri uselessly with the sudden call and request to see each other, but he really needed someone’s opinion outside his usual sphere. “ i promise it doesn’t involve any coup d’etat against mnet, because i still care about our asses. ”
@durifmd​ / starter call
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fmdrem · 5 years
this is a small starter call !! i want ahreum to have more interactions, especially with the new people who have joined ( maybe this will help me recovering from this nasty slump i’ve been sinking in, yuck ), so like this for a starter ! currently capping this at 7 !
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fmdrem · 5 years
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“ i promise, we’re going out soon, but first i wanted you to listen to something. ” considering how packed origin’s schedule was ━and how miserable mars was doing, month after month, making him doubt the group would ever survive this newly commenced year━, he doubted junsu wanted to even talk about the very music that tied them and gave them life, but still ... it was a song he had been working for a while, something meant to talk even more of his personal struggles ━stored for now in a small mp3 file because he’s been chasing insik to listen to this but of course, leader was busy, couldn’t do much about it. “ i have the first draft in my phone and i can make you listen to it, i’m not gonna drag down the laptop. ”
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fmdrem · 5 years
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Maybe he should had done some research of ice skating to grasp the basics of it. He didn’t really have the time to do that though because Origin also has their own schedules to deal with and it kept him busy. It left little time for him to look into something like this. He was aware he was told he would be making a cameo in this week’s Shared Home filming, but he didn’t look in depth into it. When he thinks he found balance he soon finds himself losing that balance and having to grab onto the handrail to prevent him from falling down. “I’m not really sure either. I applaud those that are able to ice skate though because I’m sure we look like lost people trying to ice skate and deep down need someone to help us.” Who knows if people would take pity on them because they were lost in how to ice skate. There probably may be a few who will take pity on them. “The both of us are probably going to end up with bruises and being sore by the end of this so at least one of us isn’t going to be suffering alone.”
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“ i’d rather get no bruises, or my makeup artist will kill me ━with the help of my manager. ” it’s not like he could ask for days or rest, or that covering up bruising was easy ; considering he was a dancer, it was all too easy for him to accidentally slam himself somewhere while being too focused on the flow of the choreography, and ending up having to suck it up while being prepared for the stage. and he can tell anyone ━applying makeup on a bruise is very, very painful. and ice still looked very, very slippery underneath the blades of his skates. he loved going onto skateboards and rollerblades ━why is this so different ?  “ i feel so incredibly inferior to those kiddies who are like, five years old and already doing flips and spins like they’re yuzuru hanyu or something, like ... how. give me your sense of balance. ” at least junsu was there with him ( and as afraid to slam against someplace on a pair of ice skates as the dancer himself was ) and he was smiling, which was all ahreum really wanted, at the end of the day.
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fmdrem · 5 years
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Seeing his boyfriend pout it was cute and has him smiling. “Then let’s hope we can accomplish in finding that balance while on ice.” It probably was going to be highly amusing and laughable seeing them attempt to ice skate. Who knows if they’ll be able to since he sees them falling onto the ice more than doing some actual ice skating. Listening to his boyfriend that they should hurry he hums in understanding. “They’re going to laugh at us anyways. We’re two people trying to desperately ice skate, but instead we’re just falling onto the ground. Anyways, we should hurry like you said.” He starts heading over to the ice rink with Ahreum. He’s looking forward to seeing how all of this was going to go. The moment they enter the ice rink Junsu is already trying to manage in finding balance since now he was on ice instead of the ground.
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it’s not like he was faring any better with the whole ice skating thing, to be fair --if not, while the other was trying to find some balance, ahreum himself was still blocked at the entrance of the rink, eyes big and wide and full of regret for choosing to do such a dumb thing instead of baking cookies or writing excessively cheesy and cringeworthy letters to santa. yep, he’d rather crawl away and write those letters with all the possible childish drawings of small snowmen and smiley faces, but alas he was there and he wasn’t really sure which foot he had to put on the ice first. maybe let’s start with the left --no, no, the right. “ aish, how does people do that ? how do kids do that ? i’m just at a loss with this- ” could he ask again if he was still in time with retiring everything ? no ? the ice looked ... icy and slippery already, and his legs were like wobbly springs ontop of it. definitely not the greatest balance for a dancer. “ i’m gonna break my neck today, i swear !! ”
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fmdrem · 5 years
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back to blue side 💙
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fmdrem · 5 years
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        it was already really nice, to be quite honest. plus, getting to have a roommate on the show and rooming with someone that was almost like a brother to him, was really going to help him. it was going to really help him to get over that bump of the loneliness of living alone ever since he moved over of the knight dorm earlier that year. added onto that, it was probably going to be a lot of fun as well.
duri looked around the room for a moment, thinking up of a plan. he was trying to see a new room layout, just to see if it was possible. a giggle leaves his lips, looking back upon rem moments later. “do you think we’d be able to move the beds just so you’d be able to be close to the window too?” he suggested, looking around again with a soft giggle. it seemed like it was possible. plus, he’d be sure to move the beds back to their spot after the show was over. he giggles, a soft shrug leaving his shoulders. “i’m not sure… they might be! i wonder how their entrance will be..” his giggle turned more into a soft laugh. 
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moving beds was surely something he was thinking about the moment he saw how the room disposition was, but for sure he knew it was going to cause the ires of the production team ━which he wasn’t sure if it was exactly the best way to introduce himself to the non-dimensions-produced reality shows. but alas, the idea still didn’t sound that bad ━it’s not like he wanted to dismantle a whole wall !! it was just moving the second single bed of a few inches. “ well, we could try ? or do you think we should ask a staff member ? ” his voice dropping in volume, hand hiding lips. “ i don’t really want to end up in troubles for a bed, hyung. ” could he be blamed ? idols had the short end of the stick no matter what, after all.
and cue his nose scrunching a little, lips in a line despite he was really feeling the contagious laughter of the older idol. “ i wonder that too, and i hope they won’t be grouchy or mopey ━it wouldn’t be that fun. also, we should get something for dinner, i really feel like eating something greasy you’ve got no idea. ”
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fmdrem · 5 years
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“I expected you’re going to fall too at some point,” he shrugs. “We both don’t have any talents with ice skating.” It wasn’t going to surprise him if Ahreum did fall. The both of them had no skills in ice skating after all. He can only wonder how long he could stand on the ice before falling down. He probably could last a few seconds before falling down. Maybe Ahreum was going to be the same as him. He just hopes they weren’t going to be too sore after this with all the falling down that’s going to happen between them. “Well, I’ll try my best to. Though, I’m probably not going to stand long on the ice too. I’m most likely going to be trying to find that balance and struggle at the same time.”
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“ one can’t just expect me to have balance even in things i’ve never seen outside of a glass !! ” the pout on his lips, already giving some hints of caprice for the other’s amusement ━holding onto his bag already while glancing at the door and the car that was going to come for them outside in a few minutes by now. ahreum’s arms stretched upwards, a small groan escaping his lips. he was going to stretch properly once they were at the skating rink, there wasn’t much time by now. “ well, at least we’ll make people laugh, if you wanna put it that way !! see ? not that tragic anymore ━━also we better hurry, soon we gotta act like i just arrived and i’m coming with the manager to pick you up. ”
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fmdrem · 5 years
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He can already imagine how much of a mess the both of them were going to be. Barely does he ice skate and it was possible Ahreum shared the same amount of skills as him when it comes to ice skating. “So, you’re telling me you’re just going to let me suffer if I end up with a sore butt? That’s mean of you,” he jokes. The both of them were probably going to end up with sores on their bodies after all of this. But, at least they were going to have some fun with this in the end right? Overall he just wanted to have a good time with his boyfriend and spend time with him. “I don’t have any professional skills with ice skating, so don’t expect any fancy tricks from me.”
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“ ah, how bold of you to think i’m not going to fall as well !! ” lips of rapper pursed at the other, giving a light nudge to junsu as a form of silent support. they both were going to deal with it and badly so, there was no way they were going to make it out of the skating rink without a bruise but hey, at least they weren’t alone in this. having each other was definitely a plus, even if it wasn’t something private like they’d wish to ━alas, it was in his contract the moment he joined the shared house thing, so he wouldn’t complain much when it was a chance to have mars known more to the public. “ the only ice i’ve dealt with was the one in my drinks because it was too hot, trust me ━i don’t know how to hold myself up on ice skates, prepare yourself to collect me piece by piece. ”
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fmdrem · 5 years
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He is well aware he has no skills and talents when it comes to ice skating. He never had the opportunity to learn how to skate and certainly doesn’t have the time now. Honestly, he would had been okay with him and Ahreum just browsing through the market and seeing what was available. But then again, that could get boring after awhile so here they were going to ice skate. It was nice though they were able to spend some time together before filming begins. It was even more nice that he was told to make a cameo appearance for this. That meant for him that he can see Ahreum and spend time with his boyfriend. He gets up after putting on his ice skates and looks at his boyfriend. “Are you ready to go?”
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ice skating was definitely something he didn’t even know how to approach ━he’s a boy from the sea, when it comes to riding waves he’s pretty great, but ice? when he’s only seen it as cubes in his drinks? it was going to either be an enlightening or a terribly wrong experience, he could tell. “ i am, i am ! it’s gonna be fun. ” or a disaster, but after all, it was all for the show ahreum had been taken in and which wanted origin’s prophet to star as a cameo ━most likely to reference the fact that, to the public, they were just good friends who happen to have done some tracks together. ah, little did they know ━and thankfully so. “ i won’t take any responsibility for any sore butt at the end of this filming. just so you know ! ”
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fmdrem · 5 years
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          he was truly a master at bear hugs; it was almost like duri was meant to give bear hugs to others. but, that’s alright, because he was very much a hugger, always enjoying giving out hugs to others. however, now was nice, considering he was a bit over-excited getting to room with rem, who’s very much a good friend of his. the two were simply like brothers, someone that duri took care of in a way, and rem had done the same. 
there’s another giggle that couldn’t help but to leave duri’s lips when rem had spoken, nodding his head excitingly once more. “ah, it was already at one hundred percent, but now it’s at two hundred percent!” he said, another giggle leaving his lips. he laughs, head shaking his head, “is it the best bed?! it’s just by the window!” he responded, giggling; whenever you were with duri, except a lot of giggling, especially when he was overly happy. he shook his head, “i don’t know yet! i don’t think they’ve come to the room yet.” 
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it was nice, it felt nice ━as if life was finally smiling to him, giving him opportunities he’s only dreamed in the loneliness of his room or seen in the hands of others ; to share such an opportunity with a dear friend he saw almost as a brother by blood was just the cherry on top he didn’t ask for but surely was extremely grateful for, and it was visible in his smile and in the way he still remained lingering in that hug, missing so much contact with people ever since being forced out of the dorms and living alone. 
“ well, i love staying by the window ! it’s very poetic to just lean in and look outside, stare at the sky, getting inspired ~ ” which was pretty much a rapper’s life, with so many lyrics having seen the light of the moon when they were first born, hearing his whispered complaints about how so much he felt no reason behind his very own existence in the world. “ but since it’s you, i’m not going to challenge you for it ━━ah, really? are they trying to do some spectacular late entrance perhaps? ”
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fmdrem · 5 years
“He certainly does act like one,” he laughs. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he was one.” Taking care of Juju he certainly has seen that playful side of the parrot and seeing how much Juju likes playing and being around people. He’s glad that Ahreum and Juju have each other because he can see how the both of them make each other happy. He’s happy though that Juju has accepted him and perhaps sees how much Ahreum loves him as well. 
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“I just let him get used to my apartment first since I know it’s a whole new environment for him,” he hums. “He started opening up to me once he was comfortable in my apartment and being around me.” He didn’t want to overwhelm Juju when Ahruem first dropped him off, so he lets the parrot get used to his place before engaging in anything with Juju. It was nice seeing Juju getting used to his place and getting comfortable. “I’ve been okay. I’ve been working in my studio, but also resting when the opportunity comes. I’m not overworking myself, so there’s no need for you to worry. How has filming been going for you? I imagine you’ve been having fun.”
“ i wouldn’t be surprised either, and he’s still the cutest, ever. ” and his junsu, smiling and looking so happy, so healthy ━he looked so good and he was so glad to see love in those eyes mirroring his own, something only seen ‘tween each other. taking his sweet time looking at him, looking at the videos of the parrot singing and wiggling his fluffy little head alongside junsu’s very soft voice, wondering if one day that sweetness could be their daily thing.
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his hand was immediately on the other’s shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze, looking to reassure any fear  and doubt he knew junsu held in ( and never let out, thinking of being a weight ━something he’s too familiar with, sadly ). “ you did good, junjun. don’t you worry. i am sure he’d be screeching if he didn’t like the place ━━ah, filming? it’s been good so far, i’m with duri-hyung and a yiounger idol caled sunny, and so far it’s been quite fun to meet them and start with the first activities! it’s the first time i do a variety like this, and i want to give a good impression of myself and mars, you know. ”
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fmdrem · 5 years
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        when he heard he had gotten chosen for the show, he was a bit too excited. doing something like this was truly something that duri really wanted to do for a while, a show of the sorts. he was probably a bit too overexcited about it, but he truly thought he was going to end up being a good time; even if he was slightly worried about the times they would all end up sleeping over in the rooms. nonetheless, it was going to be fine, he was sure of it. 
duri was going to be one hundred good, even more than good, with whomever he’d be rooming with; he was assuming it was going to be two others, as the room had three twin beds. even though he was going to be more than good with whoever would be rooming with him, he couldn’t help the excitement that would take over when rem was the one to appear in the room as a roommate. he was giggling a bunch himself, still jumping up and down a bit like a rather excited child. there’s another giggle leaving his lips, nodding his head, “i knew nothing either!” he said, before going over to give a big ol’ friendly, warm bear hug, still jumping a bit.
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bear hugs were great, especially when coming from someone he considered a great friend ━ahreum all giggles and laughters in the other’s grasp, holding backo onto him so tight and not even afraid to jump and be lifted by duri and wanting to have so much fun with a person he considered a friend and a brother, someone who’s been there for him to support his doubts in letting out solo songs, performing, solving all those issues that left such a big scar in him.
duri was really someone he could count onto and he appreciated that so much.
“ well that’s the best surprise so far!! i thought being picked for the program was it, but this? this made it super better!! ” in his cheers, ahreum couldn’t help but jump along ━wide and bright smile that could blind anyone, truly. “ i bet you chose already the best bed of the whole room, huh? i bet a whole pizza on it ━ph, do you know who else is in the room with us? ‘cause i got no clue. ”
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fmdrem · 5 years
replies are coming today ! i am currently going to work out at the gym for a few hours so once i’ll be back ♥ everything will be done !!!
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fmdrem · 5 years
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   the wish member offered rem a smile, she likes to think of herself as some sort of happy virus ( as some fans like to say ) but honestly, rem seemed to be even brighter than her. did soojin ever see him mad? no. ‘‘i’m fine, busy as always but i guess we all feel the same way when it comes to that, right?’’, she asked after taking a sip of her water. ‘‘hm, they’ll scold me if i tell you anything but hey, why not?’’ soojin giggled, it was the first time someone was showing interest in her acting role and she honestly wasn’t mad about it. ‘‘you just have to promise me not to share anything with other people or else i’ll have some trouble waiting for me’’
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honestly, outside of mars ( and junsu ) no one has really seen ahreum’s smile falter into emotions of rage and sadness ━his bright spirit meant to shine like a flame pillar, because he wanted more than anything for people to be happy around him, to trust him and see him as a person they can find comfort with. it was a natural energy so intrinsic in him, something that he’s risked losing but always strove in keeping it alive, and he was glad to see his friends relaxing around him, he always was. “ yeah, public activities are just public activities, we all do much more behind the scenes and many just forget it, or are unaware of it. ” he chuckled, crossing his legs on the floor, elbows resting on the knees. “ you can count on me on keeping any secret ! i might look like i have a large mouth but it’s all for smiles ! i do respect all secrets. ”
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