fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
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Send ♡ for a social media headcanon.  wc: 230
Yoohyeon had been counting down the days until she was allowed her own public instagram account and to date it’s an app she most definitely spends too much time on. Her username is @yoohyeons.99 and it’s her only public account (except for wish’s fancafè and the sort). She never goes long without posting a picture, often a few times a week. Food with a friend? Posted. Her aunt’s cute new dog? Posted. New hair colour? Mini photoshoot. After all, that’s what the slide feature is for! She enjoys engaging with fans, showing them her favourite songs and tv shows she’s currently watching. In a sense her Instagram is the embodiment of her public persona, her feed is colourful and full of smiling selfies, with no discernible theme going on. her captions are often long and rambly, full of emojis and exclamation marks.
Instagram has also made her more confident when speaking English. As it is not primarily a Korean platform, it has given her the chance to interact with English-speaking fans, something she used to be quite fearful of doing. Lately, she has also been using the ‘Live’ Feature more, taking fans along in the car with her or along to dinner when she’s eating alone. It is fun for her, a way to directly speak to fans, show them song covers or talk about what she’s currently up to.
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
send a symbol for a headcanon about the answerer’s muse! reminder that headcanons are considered third-person writings done about a muse as opposed to from the perspective of the muse.
please tag answers with #fmdmeme003. every headcanon answered with a minimum 200 words can count for 1 point on your points tracker for up to a maximum of 15 points. each headcanon may only count toward points once, though you are welcome to give additional headcanons from the same prompt without earning points.
please do your best to send a message to everyone who reblogs the meme and if someone sends you a symbol, please send one back to them. you must be sending symbols to other members if others have reblogged the meme recently to collect your points.
Send ◙ for an audition headcanon.
Send ○ for a training headcanon.
Send ♥ for a headcanon about something my muse likes about being an idol.
Send ♫ for a performance headcanon.
Send ☀ for a variety headcanon.
Send ♡ for a social media headcanon.
Send ❂ for a voice-related (singing or rapping) headcanon.
Send ♞ for a non-performance talent headcanon.
Send ✈ for an airport fashion headcanon.
Send ☎ for a bad fan experience headcanon.
Send ☏ for a good fan experience headcanon.
Send ☛  for a public image headcanon.
Send ♠ for a headcanon about misconceptions fans or the public have about my muse.
Send ‼ for a career goal headcanon.
Send ∞ for a future (post-idol life) headcanon.
famedkrp idol headcanon meme
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
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001. feel special
You make me feel special No matter how the world brings me down Even when hurtful words stab me I smile again 'cause you’re there
Wish’s first comeback of 2020, ‘Feel Special’ features the girls in front of gold glittering backdrops and dressed in silk dresses and bejeweled necklaces. It’s different from their other comebacks, Yoohyeon thinks. Sure, it’s still a very upbeat song but their outfits feel more luxurious and expensive. Gone are the pleated skirts and the vibrant colour palette of their other comeback themes. Yoohyeon likes the song and the choreography, although she does not get the amount of lines she would have liked, she gets to open the song with her rap part. The promotions do turn out to be even more stressful than normal, which dampens Yoohyeon’s opinion about the song considerably. They spend their off-time having to prepare for their new Japanese single, so although she likes the general theme, it ends up not being Yoohyeon’s favourite or most memorable comeback.
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
to: whoever / open! where: bc entertainment building when: early may 
there’s a question that lingers in the back of taejin’s mind each time his own body is held hostage behind the diamond encrusted arch of bc entertainment. each time his eyes glare upon the pearl-lined smiles and the eerie euphoria trickling down the white walls of the building, the question only pushes further - who in their right mind would want to spend time in a building that only attaches a white picket fence around a reincarnation of alcatraz itself. 
but he’s no better than the slave-like employees, trading in their burdensome workload for seconds of feigned mirth, a blatant escapade for their weary bodies. he’s present right with them, stepping out of the recording box that resembles more of a cell block than a workplace - another order, meant to substantiate the appearance of a happy workforce. there’s nothing enjoyable about the moment, just pure misery as his own ‘happy’ smile remains fixed on his own mouth. “how many more minutes of standing here, do you think will fulfill the duties?” the voice seeps through like a mumble, teeth pressed against each other - an unwavering grin.
she had completely forgotten byungchul’s birthday was in may and if she hadn’t had to enter that cursed bc building to retrieve her forgotten bag, she would likely still be living that blissful life. now however, she was standing inside the bc headquarters, a wide array of cake and ice cream laid out before her. the loud, colourful atmosphere was not fitting for a man as scary as byungchul, she felt, and ideally she would have tried to duck away, her sports bag in hand but it was too late. she had immediately been recognized upon her arrival, leading to neverending small talk and a large piece of cake shoved into her arms.
yoohyeon shrugged at taejin’s complaint. technically, they could..leave? it seemed? however, she felt the invisible pressure of staying at least a while, to keep up appearances, "i don’t know but i hope it’s soon. it beats his invite only parties though,” she narrows her eyes at the ice cream and cake on the table, and looks around curiously, giving small waves and smiles to the familiar faces in the room. this is too suspicious anyways, since when does kim byungchul care about his staff?”
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
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© ᴍɪʀᴇᴜᴍ
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
( outgoing imessage 💌 yoohyeonie 💜) yes! someone leaked it and they confirmed it  ( outgoing imessage 💌 yoohyeonie 💜) it’s all i’ve been thinking about since high school… not that i’d have babies then but having them eventually!  ( outgoing imessage 💌 yoohyeonie 💜) oh… yeah ( outgoing imessage 💌 yoohyeonie 💜) imagine if i had gotten pregnant last year! 
( outgoing imessage 💌 soph 💛 ) wow imagine zayn & gigi as ur parents..lucky ( outgoing imessage 💌 soph 💛 ) obviously not! theyre so cute though ur right..  ( outgoing imessage 💌 soph 💛 ) i think you’ve given me baby fever now ಥ_ಥ im too young for that!!! ( outgoing imessage 💌 soph 💛 ) uff.. now that would have been a scandal
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
love & live preparations: april 19th, new zealand
with @fmdxsuwei
yoohyeon had been oddly nervous when she had finally received the schedule for the ‘love & live’ music video filming. these collab groups were a bold decision by the big three and she questioned whether she would mesh well with the rest of the girls. normally when travelling, she had all the wish members by her side, this wasn’t the case with this trip. she had of course already met the other collab members when they recorded the track but they had had work to do then and the sessions had all been filmed for the public so she didn’t feel that counted all too much. this was different, the producers obviously wanted all of them to bond, why else would they share a hotel room?
bond. well, she was too antsy to sleep now anyways so she could do that. she knew lucid through promotions, however her and suwei didn’t know each other too well yet, this was a good opportunity for that to change. yoohyeon loved making friends, and they were both the same age, both ‘99′ liners which eased her mind as well as she approached her, “hey, isn’t it too early to sleep yet?” she cocked her head, “there’s this new movie on netflix i really wanted to watch. want to join?"
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, Cassiopeia, Libra, Comet
send a space thing for questions: accepting!
betelgeuse: what’s something you can never forget about?
"hmm...probably wish’s first showcase. we’ve done so many events and shows they honestly just blend together but that first one was really special. i don’t think i’ve ever been that nervous before a show since. it was the first time we presented ourselves to the public as wish and it was just...nervewracking. fun in the end, but absolutely nervewracking.”
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aldebaran: what’s something you care desperately about?
”my family. although we’ve all had our difficulties over the years, especially now that it’s just my mom, my brother and me i love them a lot. it’s gotten better between us too, although i haven’t visited them in a while, which sucks. also busan as a whole, i guess. i still have some friends there that i always visit when i get the chance. it’s still my home even after living in seoul for so long.”
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cassiopeia: favourite book?
“honestly, i don’t read that much anymore... i used to read more when i was younger but i don’t know i just can’t seem to make time for it. so my favourite book (series) is harry potter because i read it when i was younger and watched all the movies and i still love all of them. if i get the chance,  i’d love to go to the harry potter world someday.”
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libra: favourite colour? 
“definitely yellow! it’s such a bright and vibrant colour, it always makes me happy whenever i see it or wear it. although i didn’t really like blonde on me all that much..”
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comet: what’s your big dream? 
“i would love to go on a world tour with wish sometime, i haven’t really been anywhere outside of wish promotions and those are mostly in japan or korea! so i think a world tour would be really amazing. other than that...i guess i’d like to show another side of myself outside of wish. i would like to release my own music someday. i’ve written some stuff but i don’t know whether that will ever happen.
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
Send a space thing for questions
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? 
Venus: What’s your first language? 
Earth: Where’s your home? 
Mars: What’s your sexuality? 
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? 
Saturn: Any pets? 
Uranus: What’s your hobby? 
Neptune: When’s your birthday? 
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? 
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? 
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? 
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? 
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? 
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? 
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? 
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? 
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? 
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? 
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? 
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?
Orion: Favourite month?
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?
Delphinus: Favourite study?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?
Gemini: Favourite song?
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?
Libra: Favourite colour? 
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?
Aries: Favourite movie? 
Cygnus: Favourite weather? 
Hydra: Favourite sound? 
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? 
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? 
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? 
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? 
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? 
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? 
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? 
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? 
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? 
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? 
Other stuff: Wishes 
Comet: What’s your big dream? 
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? 
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? 
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? 
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? 
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? 
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? 
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? 
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? 
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? 
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
( outgoing imessage 💌 open ) did you see zayn and gigi are having a baby??? ( outgoing imessage 💌 open ) i’m so jealous )))): i want a baby too )))): ( outgoing imessage 💌 open ) not right now but… eventually )))):
( outgoing imessage 💌 soph  💛 ) what??? really?? ( outgoing imessage 💌 soph  💛 ) you do? i guess ive never really thought much about having kids before  ( outgoing imessage 💌 soph 💛 ) is it bad im a bit jealous he can just say that while im scared of even dating? lol  ( outgoing imessage 💌 soph 💛 ) although i guess it would be different if he were still in the band
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
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@yoohyeons.99 hello my wishing wells!  ♡ ♡ i hope you’re enjoying feel special! we put a lot of work into it for you :)
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@knightot12 im not enjoying it.
⠀ ⠀ ↪ @wishfanstagram ok? well u can leave -.-
@ggroupenthusiast YOOHYOEN QUEEN
@lipsticklove  yoohyeon ~~ te amo  ❣ ❣
@joey_040031 catfishing or plastic surgery? she looks totally different lol
⠀ ⠀ ↪ @wishfanstagram she literally doesnt..she just lost weight hater
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
“Ah, sorry! I got a little carried away into Mijoo mode. Want everything to be perfect, even if I’m far from it.” Jiwon gave an apologetic smile. “You really think they’d love the color change? Then maybe I should aim for a double kill and even perform with my hair down again,” She chuckled to herself, remembering the comments from the past. “Gosh, that was so long ago. Hobgoblin era I believe? I’m so thankful for the stylists allowing me to have my hair out of my face, it’s kind of like a signature look at this point.” And with that, her mind was diverted from the topic of grey hair and onto hairstyles while performing. Honestly it should be a problem with how easily her brain gets distracted, but it was useful for the times she started to worry.
"It’s like you’re reading my mind. I’m definitely up for a stay-in type of day. Who know’s when I’ll get a day for myself in the upcoming weeks.” Jiwon replied. 7rophy was getting ready for their comeback, and her days were already occupied with learning the choreography for three songs and perfecting it. Knowing her and her tendency to be a stickler for details, she’d be spending an unnecessary amount of time trying to get the choreography down the point where she’s doing all of them in her sleep. 
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“I definitely think so, but silver hair and your hair down? I don’t know whether I can take it,” Yoohyeon grinned putting her two hands on her heart for the dramatic effect, “But really, even if some people don’t like it, atleast you tried something new,” Yoohyeon said with a shrug, “It’s basically impossible to please everyone anyway, especially in this job,”  was probably what Yoohyeon had the most difficulties with, being an idol. The steady flow of critiques, whether they were well-meant or simply mean-spirited did get to her, even when she tried to ignore them. Online comments were especially bad, with no name or face to attach to the hateful words, they nearly felt like they were her own. Especially with Wish’s new comeback, these comments had popped up again with a vengeance.  
“Great! Chicken or something like that would be heaven, although I guess I’m technically on a diet..” Yoohyeon trailed off and frowned slightly, before immediately trying to forget that fact. She’d deal with her manager’s dietary plans for her later, “Not today though. You’re right, with 7rophy’s comeback coming up this is like the last bit of freedom before being stuck in the practice room for like a month, so let’s make the most of it.” April was a busy month for Wish with their comeback schedules and special stage of Lucid’s song.
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
summary: yoohyeon has difficulties while filming & reflects on april as a month. date: april 13th, fake & true mv filming wc: 458 words note: april schedule self para
“yoohyeon? can you focus a little? we’re nearly done after all. this is the last scene," a finger snapping and her manager’s annoyed voice rip her from her thoughts and heat rushes to her cheeks at the chiding. she normally doesn’t need second or third takes when filming but ‘fake & true’ has been different. from stumbling over her words to messing up the choreography, she can’t count the amount of times she’s had to mumble ‘sorry’ after yet another blunder. 
getting through the scenes with the other members had been grueling but she had finally finished with only her solo scenes remaining now. she’s dressed in a blue sequined dress, surrounded by handbags. a few close-up shots for her rap part and her filming ordeal would be over. she’s good at that normally, cameras like her, which makes it doubly frustrating that nothing seems to be working today. she just feels off, she doesn’t like the dress, doesn’t feel comfortable or pretty in it and all she really wants is for filming to be over so she can curl up in bed and hope that tomorrow will be better.
if she is being honest, she has felt off all april.
she can’t pinpoint why exactly. maybe it’s the fact that ‘feel special’ isn’t doing as well as she (and bc, especially bc) had hoped. the thought of wish’s glory days being over and them finally losing their edge is constantly in the back of her mind whenever she has time for herself. 
maybe it’s the move from the wish dorms to her own apartment, a place that’s just a little too quiet for her to feel at home in. lining her move up with their comeback had been bad planning on her part and since their schedules have started up again, she has dreaded coming back to the apartment, instead opting to crash at the wish dorms or the practice rooms on a few occasions. the thought of coming back to her unfamiliar, still only partly furnished apartment after their schedules just wasn’t bearable on some days.
or perhaps it’s the new articles popping up about her looks that she would normally just ignore, or better yet, not even read. maybe it’s all that and then some. it didn’t help that she was, quite honestly, exhausted from their schedules. making even their fansigns difficult to get through  although she normally quite enjoyed doing them.
"sure, i'm sorry," yoohyeon says a little sheepishly before she gives herself a shake and positions herself among the white handbags once more. she pushes her thoughts away, tries to channel Wish Member Yoohyeon with her charming eye smiles and overtly happy personality, someone  she felt further away from each day, it seemed.
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
with @fmdyoohyeon​
“I feel like a fraud, like I’m not Jiwon or even Mijoo.” Jiwon started off. She has not yet gotten used to the grey hair she had for their upcoming comeback. “It’s kind of crazy that this is the first time the company decided to completely change my hair color since debut, but I’m not so sure if this was a good move.” Out of all the worries and concerns she had for this upcoming comeback, her appearance was the main one. Dimensions decided to experiment with Jiwon’s look, and she wasn’t sure how the public would receive this change. Frustrated, she just sighed and looked at the girl next to her. “Yoohyeon, I don’t want to leave my house ever again.”
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A rare free day for Wish was the reason Yoohyeon was lounging around Jiwon’s apartment like she did so often since 7rophy had moved out of their dorms, “Listen, I get it,” Yoohyeon said, giving Jiwon a sympathetic look, “When BC cut my hair for our debut I cried for like, a week I hated it that much.” Yoohyeon had had every hair length and hair colour from light blonde to black since then, but she still remembered how upsetting it had been for her to lose her long hair for a hairstyle she hadn’t even thought suited her. “I’m telling you though, it looks great. You're so harsh on yourself sometimes," Yoohyeon said with a frown, "Besides, fans eat hairstyle changes up. They love stuff like that, so you'll be fine."
Yoohyeon smiled encouragingly before clapping her hands together, a mischievous glint in her eyes, “Fortunately for you, we don’t have to leave the house! Well, we do at some point of course but until then, let's just order in or something and try to relax. I know I need it." BC was already planning  another comeback when they hadn't even stopped promoting 'Feel Special' yet. They truly seemed to have a never-ending reserve of feel-good summer songs always ready to release.
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
( outgoing imessage 💌 open ) [img] ( outgoing imessage 💌 open ) this is selina my new cat  ( outgoing imessage 💌 open ) say hi to selina   ( outgoing imessage 💌 open ) and if you have a pet send me pictures of your pet
(outgoing imessage 💌 origin joohwan): omg she's so sweet!!! what a model
(outgoing imessage 💌 origin joohwan): I do!!!! well not in seoul bc i really dont think id have the time for a pet rn... :/
(outgoing imessage 💌 origin joohwan): but we have a dog back in busan!! his name is hwan and hes an old man but he's still the very best
(outgoing imessage 💌 origin joohwan): [img]
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
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Introducing the nation’s girl group….
After CHARM’s successful debut, netizens were abuzz about what to expect from their promised sister group, WISH. WISH’s debut song did very well for a debut song and the group was praised for their visuals and charm on stage. Since then, they’ve only been increasing in popularity, and have become known for their catchy bubblegum pop songs, some of which have sparked trends across the country.
And they return with their latest EP FEEL SPECIAL…
@fmdsiyeon @jiaefmd @soraxfmd @fmdxarabella @fmdsophie @fmdrina @fmdyoohyeon   @fmdsooyeon 
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
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tiki taka (99%) m/v making film
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