fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
Throughout my first year of university I found myself lacking motivation within the units that we had to do, which made me produce work of a quality that I knew I could do better at, I found that the units that we done weren’t of a great interest to me and when I don’t find interest in to my work I won’t put as much effort as I would in contrast. I also had a lot of personal issues in my life involving my friend passing which affected me mentally which also had an effect on my university attendance. From all of this I took it as a lesson to be learned for second year and to have a more positive approach and a better mindset when it comes to work. I have found that this unit has been the best project that I have done so far that I have managed to enjoy and stay motivated without force. I prepared ahead in the summer before starting second year to pick which brand I was going to use for my film, which didn’t leave me having to think within the first few weeks in at university. Learning from last year’s mistakes, I ensured that would keep myself organised by following weekly tasks as well as using and following my project management plan to help assist with anything I didn’t get to do that week. Knowing that the aim of the task was direct and edit the film ourselves, I was 50/50 on wanting to film it myself due to photography being my weak point as I have never been confident with the camera due to not trying to use it. However, long term academic goals for the year at university was to make sure I try things out of my comfort zone and to challenge myself better. So, I pushed myself and said to myself that I was going to do it. It was essential for me to understand the works of the camera and to get comfortable using it, so I made sure I attended every workshop that Colin provide to enable myself to get valuable information and the help required from it. I documented all the knowledge I learnt on. Research blog to look back on if I needed a recap on something. Being able to document our research on a blog is such a blessing as it saves more time for us alongside money which every student appreciates. Using Tumblr as way to project our research was a good choice due it being a popular networking site of our generation of today, therefore, me, myself who was very in to Tumblr years ago, still knows how to work it effortlessly without any trouble. I found that the only problem using Tumblr was that posts would get flagged for unnecessary reasons which meant you had to appeal for your posts to be kept on your page. This could cause problems if your research gets rejected and you are unable to retrieve it back. To improve on this for the upcoming year twos would be to use another blogger site such as WordPress which will eliminate the construction of flagging. It is very simple and easy to use just like Tumblr and is also free. When it came to the formative review, I was very on edge to see what Piers and Colin would think of my idea, however the feedback came very positive, the only concern was with Colin with the lighting and the settings on my film, as if I wasn’t to achieve the right lighting my film wouldn’t look the way I want it to. He told me “work hard to make the scene look natural in documentary as it is not easy to do, make sure the camera is on manual focus as the auto settings will not make the lighting natural” Everything he said made perfect sense I took on board on everything that was said by him. I did this by ensuring I filmed on a day where there was a grey overcast so they it provided the musky cloudy lighting. I then changed the settings on the camera to cloudy to also provide that grey image, I also brought the ISO down so that the camera focus made it darker to fit the mood and it worked perfectly. Another important point he made was “There is so much more going on at a rave that you might not be able to control”. This was something I always knew was going to be an issue due to a person who attends raves a lot I know how busy it can be. I made sure we got to the event early on when I knew it wouldn’t be as busy to enable more space to get enough footage of my model dancing. Within that time though it still got relatively busy. However, my friend who was dj’ing at the event allowed us to access the VIP room which gave me more time to film in a room with more space. This allowed me to experiment a bit more on the angles and view of filming. From Piers points, one I took in to action was “What points are you making, Is there a story behind it?”. Even though I had the research and rationale to state the meaning behind the film, if it wasn’t projected out from my film then it would have been pointless, so I made sure that the story behind it made sense by creating a narrative script which would be voiced over the film to gain a better understanding. The voice over was in polish due to the brand being polish. I felt that my story telling skills came to use and I was able to create something that was very effective, yet emotional at the same time. During post production I was able to master my skills in editing by putting my ideas in to creation. Having Simon and Chrissy every other week was beneficial as it allowed us to have two different people help in things that one of them couldn’t help us in. however due to many people wanting help, which would make Simon and Chrissy spend a lot of time with individuals led to me myself finding out how to do stuff via the internet, which I also felt in essence was a good thing to do as it saved me time having to wait and also saved their time having to come and help me. I now feel like I have excelled in editing and would definitely like to continue this as one of my talents in the career field. Having a study buddy to help support each other’s work was a beneficial way to help motivate each other and produce quality work. Having this task allowed you to build your communication skills alongside team building. I worked with my good friend Yasmin and due to having the same work ethic we managed to complete the work effectively, I feel like effectively working independently whilst having support on the side allows you work successfully. Yasmin’s main focus on her film was within PR and marketing, even thought she had a good amount of knowledge within marketing due to doing business at secondary school, me having knowledge in PR and marketing helped benefit for her film, I helped her to make sure the aesthetic that her brand has linked to her film and made sure it would match the audience etc; Yasmin also helped me within my film with the scripting ensuring that my grammar and everything was perfect for when it came to my polish narrator to translate it that it wouldn’t be a problem, this was very helpful for me as I am not as academic in contrast to Yasmin. Overall, I have found that the communication between the tutors and students this years has been amazing. MYUCA email, has been the best route for communication that Pier’s regularly uses to send us any important information. All tutors have been supportive by replying to emails effectively and continuously telling us to ask any questions regarding their work which shows us that they really do want us to do well. The handbook this year is definitely better in contrast to last year, it had everything that we needed for the project without anything missing for us to find out halfway through the project like last year which made it 10 x easier. To conclude, unit 5001 and 5002 have both allowed me to express my creativity without any limits which has allowed me to do work of my expression, this has allowed me to become more confident within my work and I believe that the quality of work I have done has been done with the help of the project management plan, my organisation and skills alongside the tutor’s support. I am happy with start of second year and I hope that this positivity and success can continue to prosper throughout the rest of the academic year.
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
A moving image showcasing MISBHV’s upcoming collection ‘RAVING IS REVOLUTIONARY’.
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
A moving image showcasing MISBHV’s upcoming collection ‘RAVING IS REVOLUTIONARY’.
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
A moving image showcasing MISBHV’s upcoming collection ‘RAVING IS REVOLUTIONARY’.
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
A moving image showcasing MISBHV's upcoming collection 'RAVING IS REVOLUTIONARY'.
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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Coming in to the promotion of my film I want to implement the idea of a #hashtag campaign in order to keep the movement flowing.
As misbhv aren’t a brand who promote their work much due to the recognition they get naturally, they either make clear,sufficient posts with information or post things that you have to work out yourself.
I will intend to do that by using influencers within the rave scene wearing the clothes from the collection based in the film with the hashtag #RAVINGISREVOLUTIONARY this will keep the audience curious as to what is going on and will click on the hashtag to find out. I hope that this hashtag will make consumers tag the clothes they have purchased from the collection as a way to involve themselves within the movement.
I feel like this is a perfect way to gain more consumers and a increase in the financial sector.
The teasers I will be using are stills from my film, I feel like snippets from my film with give it away too much which is why a still with the English subtitles makes it more alluring and exciting.
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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Me and Yasmin both filmed our own behind the scenes for each other due to busy schedules which allowed us to not be able to attend each other’s filming, therefore we filmed our own for each other.
Unfortunately we decided it was just easier to edit our own BTS. I already have footage for my own BTS that I was going to use for my portfolio so I decided to use it as part of my hand in instead.
The BTS of my film showcases a short snippet of what’s being filmed, I wanted to experiment with the editing by adding effects as Misbhv portray a nostalgic tone therefore I added the use of lava lamp effects as well as psychedelic lights to give it that edgy vibe that they perceive.
I wanted my BTS to still link to my film so I still applied the vhs glitch.
I feel like my editing on my BTS is better than my fashion film due to my improvement on editing with premiere pro.
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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Now that I have finished my film, it’s now time to decided what to do for my 4 moving images.
Looking at misbhv’s social media, specifically Instagram, you will find that they are not the ones to promote using GIFS or boomerangs like other brands.
One way in which they use moving image to promote their videos is of music artists wearing there clothes whilst on tour or performing, this shows the influencer and PR side of the branding, linking style influencers such as Lancey Foux and Travis Scott will bound to get the brand and increase in sales and following.
Another way in which they use moving image is literally a moving image. It’s a raw unedited video of the model standing there wearing the brand clothing whilst the background is still going in the background.
The implements the basic idea of a Cinemagraph but do not edit it, stick the the raw aesthetic that the brand gives off.
I wanted to try and implement a new way of promoting the brand by doing a Cinemagraph, however because I filmed without using a tripod the stability of the camera made it hard to keep the main image from moving, therefore Simon said it would be beneficial to leave the Cinemagraph and use a boomerang.(image below) I felt that a boomerang isn’t the way the brand expresses themself, so I decided to replicate the short clip videos (4secs) of the model wearing the clothes still.
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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Having previous workshops with Simon on how I want my film to look like specifically the second half of the film involving the VHS look to provide the 80’s/90’s aesethic I took note on how to do it which required me to use and overlay video source which you can find on YouTube.
The process of getting used to premier pro is easy to adapt to and I’ve been finding it fun to edit, I believe that’s editing is become a new talent of mine.
Not having Simon all the time left a lot of questions when trying to finish editing my film, so I decided to challenge myself by experienmenting and using the help of YouTube tutorials to help things such as change audio levels, adding another screen frame on top and adding my effects such as glitch.
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For the rave scene I want to implement techno to give it that upbeat vibes as techno was the ultimate change within the music evolution of Poland.
I contacted a favourite Dj of mine called zendid, they’re fresh based however are very popular within Romania and Poland.
I messaged them on Instagram asking if it was okay to use their music for my project and that I would credit them.
I was thankful that they replied and said yes!!
I will be using two of their songs, one for my film and one for my behind the scenes.
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When it came to the voice over I finally went over my script and checked the grammar to see if everything was okay.
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I wanted to push myself with story telling and create something that is strong,realistic, emotional yet brings awareness to the whole film. This meant I had to put myself in the perception of a teenager in the times of post communism and how they would’ve felt, from then on I was able to write and amazing script and I am happy with it.
Now I needed to find someone who’s native language is polish to do the voiceover for my film
Luckily my work colleague’s girlfriend studies at the same university as me, I asked her and she was happy to do it!
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We met up in the library and translated my script from English to polish, I booked out the audio room for 2 hours to ensure we had enough time to go over the script if it went wrong.
The studio room session was fun and easy to use, in fact we completed the script within 45 mins. They room had a step by step booklet which helps guide you if you had any problems using the program for it.
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The only thing left to do is to put the English subtitles over my film along the script and my film will be done!!
Using the tools effectively has enabled my film to turn out successful!! I’m so happy with the results.
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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Today we filmed the first half of the film and we have now finished filming woo!!
Lydia was amazing with the camera and I’m so happy I chose her to be my model.
The weather affected us a little bit involving torrential rain but we got the work done. I did my trial and error on outfits for the rest of the film before filming.
I’m always changing ideas with outfits, which is why I don’t stick to a certain amount of outfits I like to experiment and I found that these worked best and resembled a mix of misbhv collection but still amplified the teenage girls attitude.
I weorked with the camera well, however I did struggle with the tripod at some points( I will get used to it soon haha! )
Looking back on the footage I am happy with it and can’t wait to start editing it!!
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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Happy Halloween and happy rave day!!
We managed to film professionally for the rave as well as have a good time after!!
I picked out Lydia’s outfit to implify the look of the brands collection, Lydia wanted to wear a wig due the fact I was because it was Halloween, originally I didn’t want her to wear it, but it actually fit with the outfit and also fit alongside the story behind the girl portraying to be the “real” her by looking completely different so the pink wig turned out to be the perfect look!!
I chose the black dungaree with a black buckle belt to implify the practically of the the girls regular outfit with a mix of sportswear which is rave material.
Overall I managed to get enough raving footage and was happy with result.
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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So I managed to have a day where the sky was a grey over cast the WHOLE DAY!!!
Therefore I forced me and my housemate to go Great Lines heritage park in Chatham to film the skyline across the Medway towns.
My study buddy Yasmin was at work and she lives too far away so she wasn’t able to get footage for the behind the scenes so my house mate Cameron done it for her!!
The process of this filming was easy, I didn’t want to make the panaramic view so stable as I wanted to create a raw aesthetic which is why I chose film free hand instead of using a tripod
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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After talking with my model and good friend Lydia we decided that this rave would be a good place to film, not only is our friend dj’ing there, but the venue is a nice size meaning it will be spacious to get enough footage in.
I have booked this date in my diary and excited to film!!!
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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I had my formative review which involved me documenting my “treatment” which is a “professional” presentation on the process of developing your film.
I presented it to my tutor Piers as well as my photography tutor Colin.
I felt that my feedback went very well and I’m happy that Piers likes the concept of my film!
The feedback that I got given helped me in a lot of ways especially Colin when it came to the lighting and the camera settings, as I’ve stated that I’m not as confident with the camera, so to get enough information in to learn so I can work with the camera well was beneficial to me.
When Piers asked “is there a story behind it? If so make sure it is seen in the film”. It made me have a good think on what I can do for my story telling script to ensure the narrative played through within the voiceover.
Piers also mention to show an element of the girls style through the first half of the film whilst applying the basic look which I’ll take in mind.
Overall this feedback has made me confident that I’m on the right track with my work.
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fmp5002campbelll · 6 years
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This is my first draft of my storyboard for my film before the formative review.
I’ve always seemed to struggle with storyboarding due to continuously changing my ideas all the time, however I’ve noticed with this unit and filming that its merely impossible to produce a good quality film without a storyboard.
My film will start off with a panoramic view of the town, I want it have they grey musky effect which I’ll evelate the idea of the actors mood as well as give that documentary style.
My storyboard showcases different angles and shots of how the film is going to be done.
I didn’t finish this storyboard as I was unsure of how I wanted to film at the rave due to not knowing the venue and what kind of shots I want.
I will ask these questions when it comes to my formative review.
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