fnewstoday · 4 years
Financial Help In Urgent Situations When You Can't Delay
Back in early 2020, many thought that the virus was somewhere out there, in China, but today it has already collected many victims around the world, and in particular here in this country. How to find financial help in urgent situations during a pandemic? Why Coronavirus Is Not A Reason To Postpone Solving Problems For Later No one wants to let the coronavirus into their house, which has already officially taken millions of lives around the world, so a measure such as quarantine has appeared. The announcement of the appropriate regime for the country led to the suspension of a large number of non-food stores, markets and the service sector, and many Americans needed financial help in urgent situations. However, despite everything, today the world has a very high pace of life, and the United States is ahead of this race. This pace has its advantages, but sometimes it turns out that the problems take us by surprise. And part of these problems is financial. And this is the hardest part. And in such situations, quick money is often needed. And many find financial help in urgent situations and the easiest way to get money. Mostly this is an urgent personal loan on a card, and today we will talk about how and for what purposes it is most profitable to get it. Money today is something without which it is impossible to exist. They say that money cannot buy happiness, health, love. #FinancialHelp #FinancialHelpInUrgentSituations #GetFastPaydayLoans #PaydayLoans #PersonalLoans Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 4 years
United States During Pandemic In 2020 - How To Survive?
It all started with the fact that in the United States there are more than a million cases of coronavirus, and as a result, unemployment increased, many companies went bankrupt. The government has responded with direct payments to the population and unprecedented support for the country's economy, to help people survive in United States during pandemic in 2020. The US government has distributed more than $ 2 trillion to the population, alleviating a difficult situation for many Americans, but some experts doubt it will be good for the country's economy. Economic experts say that direct payments will not help, but can, on the contrary, greatly harm the US economy, since inflation will increase, the dollar will depreciate and may even lose its leading role in the global financial system. Helicopter Money Direct payments, otherwise called helicopter money, are an extreme measure to stimulate the economy. In the spring of the pandemic, the US Federal Reserve printed more than $ 2 trillion and distributed it to citizens to consume, buy the things they need, and pay for the services they need. People get easy money and spend it, thus paying for labor and goods from suppliers, so that in the end the economy gets an incentive. At the same time, economists understand that this measure is not entirely due to government's love for citizens. #BadCreditLoans #coronaviruspandemic #COVID19 #FastPersonalLoans #getmoneyduringpandemic #UnitedStatesDuringPandemicIn2020 Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 4 years
The Safest Investment During Pandemia Times Advice
2019 was worthy for investors to spend it with a glass of champagne, counting their earnings, but 2020 brought a lot of unpleasant surprises. Now many people are worried about the safest investment during pandemia times. The pandemic has had a severe impact on individual markets, industries and economies of entire countries. Investors are asking themselves: what are the safest investment during pandemia times? There is always risk when investing, but many ways exist to keep savings in the current economic climate. Some of them are less risky, for example, the purchase of defensive assets such as gold and government bonds, while others carry more risks. These include stocks, especially securities of companies most affected by the global pandemic, as well as cryptocurrency. In short, in such conditions, experts advise non-professional investors, as in the past year, to take measures to protect their money - to strengthen the portfolio with reliable instruments with a fixed income, reduce the proportion of shares, but one should not neglect the sharesof protective industries, ready-made investment products with limited or zero risk. It is proposed to make money on individual investment ideas, although many experts believe that it is worth forgetting about earnings during the current crisis and it is much more important to focus on saving savings. There #ChooseAFinancialAdvisorInInvesting #Investing #InvestingInStockMarket #investmentduringpandemia Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 4 years
Is It Worth To Buy Stocks In Crisis? Questions About US Economy
Despite all the shocks that have befallen the country in recent months, the onset of summer has brought quarantine mitigations around the world and some improvements in the economy, although this is not the end yet, so is it worth to buy stocks in crisis? Unexpected labor market indicators When you're deciding, is it worth to buy stocks in crisis if it comes to american companies, you should take a look at the general condition and trends in the American economy. One of the surprises was that the unemployment rate fell to 13.3% from 14.7%, while analysts expected 19.7%. These are very unexpected results after the country experienced the fastest and most severe drop in the labor market since the Great Depression. The released statistics on the US labor market showed that the number of jobs outside the agricultural sector grew by 2.5 million in May, although analysts had expected a decrease of 8 million. A month earlier, the figure had fallen by 20.7 million. In the private sector, growth was 3.1 million, while according to the consensus forecast: analysts expected a decrease of 7.5 million This week, the US Department of Labor reported that the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits over the past 11 weeks has exceeded 42 million. Futures on the S&P 500 and the dollar have responded to this release with growth. Key components that influenced the indicator: An increase in the number of jobs in non-farm payrolls by 2.51 #buystocksincrisis #LearnHowToBuyStocks #StockMarketForecast #StockMarketGuide Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 4 years
Where to Get Money During Pandemic and Unemployment?
Despite the fact that against the backdrop of the pandemic, more and more American politicians are in favor of an unconditional total income during the crisis, so that Americans do not have to look for where to get money during pandemic. The number of citizens who applied for unemployment benefits for the first time over the past week was 6,65 million. This is a new record in the history of the American labor market. The previous one, 3.3 million people, lasted only a week, and the worst unemployment rate in the United States in history was recorded in 1933, during the Great Depression. Then it amounted to 24.5%. During the financial crisis of 2008-2009, unemployment reached 10.2%. Significant reductions await both small and medium-sized businesses and large companies. Airports, airlines, infrastructure industries, and transportation are already cutting staff. Now experts such as James Bullard of Bloomberg predict that the effects of the pandemic and quarantine measures could raise US unemployment to a record 30% in the second quarter. These numbers mean that the financial consequences of a pandemic can affect virtually every American household. So where to get money during pandemic?
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How-can-I-earn-money-during-quarantine Every third small and medium-sized enterprise notes that with a decrease in demand, another quarter will be able to hold out. Half of the entrepreneurs understand that in the near future they are no longer able to reopen their business. Some types of business can recover quite quickly. For example, there was a small business for children's parties, birthdays, and so on. There was no difficult history with infrastructure, rent, means of production. The pandemic and quarantine will end, people will have money, they will want to book children's parties again, many such small companies will be able to recover. However, when it comes to some kind of production for which raw materials were purchased, floor spaces were rented, employees of certain professional skills and qualifications were hired, then after such a stop they face big problems in the form of bankruptcy and unbearable debts. After such an impact, the coronavirus pandemic will be very difficult to recover. The largest enterprises of metallurgy, transport, and so on are credited. Very few of them will be able to repay loans. These assets will be transferred to banks and those who own them. Therefore, what happens to small and medium-sized businesses can be called a natural process of assets migration. A large amount of expensive property has already changed its owners or is about to do so. Although the latest figures show that the government is pouring almost $ 6 trillion into the economy, many Americans have already lost confidence in the future. In such circumstances, most of us are faced with the question of where to get money during pandemic and how to earn money under quarantine and unemployment.
How can I earn money during quarantine?
On the other hand, the country will gradually adapt to the changes that are already taking place. Changes in distance education have already taken place. Many who learn and have already been able to work and interact remotely. Many liked this, who had not loved this before. It is clear that there will be some return to the previous formats, but the remote mode of operation entered American reality not yesterday. People understood what it was like to work in such a way, realized all its pros and cons, and many would not come back. This will undoubtedly affect the prices of commercial real estate and the previous level is unlikely to return. If you are left with no work, and your business has ceased to generate income or has completely stopped, then you still have a chance to find a source of income for yourself in order to survive and get money during pandemic. Pay attention to new trends and new professions that appeared with the onset of mass infection or began to gain momentum. Perhaps you should try to master one of them. In addition, you can find many ways to transform your existing business under the current conditions. Add new services or improve old ones. Expand the list of services that you are ready to offer your customers for the same money. Add something that does not require you to make large investments, this can attract new customers and retain old ones. For example, many restaurants offered their customers home delivery service. Cut costs. If you have the opportunity to refuse to rent an office or other commercial property. These costs occupy a fairly significant share in the budget of any business. Move your office home and production to the garage. Of course, this can create additional difficulties, but at least it can help you stay afloat. Learn a new profession. Find out now what popular offers from employers are on the labor market. Choose what is closer to you, what would you be able to do. Take online lessons from professionals to learn a new profession and skills. Create your own training online. If you have enough experience in any professional field, share your knowledge with other people, maybe they need your professional knowledge and recommendations right now. While most of us will be at home, online courses will be the only training option. Sell those things that you do not need. Each of us has some old stuff that may remind us of some moments in the past, but in reality they now only take up space and collect dust, while you have not used them for a long time. Other people may need some of your things, because they are now not ready to spend money on new ones or their finances is not enough. Audit your attic, storage room, basement and garage, check the cabinets, maybe they have a lot of such stuff that will help you hold out for some more time. These are not all options for how to make money and where to get money during pandemic. The main thing that you should pay attention to is that not everything is so hopeless. Moreover, do not forget that this is a temporary situation and quarantine will someday end. Look at China, which was the first to be hit by a viral pandemic and go to quarantine. Perhaps you need to hold out just a couple of months, which is quite realistic if you look around in search of new opportunities. If at some point it becomes difficult to find other income options, then you can take advantage of the financial support of creditors during the quarantine period. Visit our online loan store and having left a request, find out what you can count on in this situation.
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Not everything is as bad as it might seem
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which was endorsed by both parties, passed in March, will remain in force until the end of 2020. Under this law, workers who become coronavirus or are unable to perform their duties in connection with quarantine measures will be required to receive 100% of their salary (but not exceeding $ 511 per day) for two weeks. A part-time worker will receive a salary for as many hours as he would have worked in the same two weeks. An employee who takes care of a sick or quarantined family member or a child in connection with the closure of the school receives a vacation for the same two weeks with 2/3 salary (but no more than $ 200 per day). After these two weeks, these groups of workers can receive additional leave up to ten weeks - with the preservation of the workplace and 2/3 of the salary (but not higher than $ 200 per day). Employers are provided with tax deductions in the amount equal to the specified payments. The law applies to the public sector and small private enterprises with up to 500 employees. The Ministry of Labor is also given the right to exempt small enterprises (with staff of up to 50 people) from the application of this law if its application would jeopardize the survival of the enterprise. Compared to measures taken by many other countries, the law on the priority protection of families seems incomplete, but in relation to US conditions, this is a serious expansion of social protection mechanisms. Therefore, the Americans still hope that they will not let us starve to death and that eventually everything will work out some day, and life has not completely stopped. Online lenders, whose offers can be found here, can help you and your family survive the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting temporary unemployment. Here you can leave a request for a personal loan and get quick feedback from lenders. Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 4 years
How To Save Money During The Coronavirus Pandemic In 2020?
The coronavirus pandemic, the fall in oil and stock prices, the slowdown in the national economy and the depreciation of the dollar are all elements of a single crisis that the Americans are experiencing today. This makes everyone wonder how to save money during the coronavirus pandemic. There is a high probability that we are only at the beginning of the way, and all possible precautions, including in personal finances, will not be superfluous. As Warren Buffett says, "when the tide gives way to low tide, you can immediately see who was swimming naked." This rule is useful to remember in order to organize your finances in a truly reliable and efficient manner. Here are some simple tips to help you answer the question of how to save money during the coronavirus pandemic and make you feel much better in the next crisis that is inevitably coming.
What are the current ways to save money during the Coronavirus pandemic for private investors?
When it comes to preserving capital, the investment object is exclusively financial instruments with a fixed interest rate. That is, such an instrument is selected that will provide the investor with a certain income with minimal risk of losing the initial investment. Thus, to preserve money, it is probably worth to focus on such instruments as deposits and bonds. Other investment objects, for example, real estate, stocks, derivative securities do not meet the requirements of money conservation, because they do not provide for repayment or payment of the initial amount of the investment at a predetermined date.
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current-ways-to-save-money-for-private-investors We proceed directly to the consideration of financial instruments that will help preserve money. The power of the cache We are already used to various credit cards, Apple and Android Pay, other modern payment systems via smartphone. It seems that nothing can prevent it from continuing to use all this. True, some people already had experience, for example, calculating at the cash desk of a large store or in a foreign restaurant, when your card does not work, it will be easier to understand what it is about. In the era of coronavirus infection of a large number of people, which, of course, can be included in those who service our credit cards in various banks, such failures cannot be ruled out. That is why in these difficult times it is better to carry several cards of various banks with you, and it is even better to have a certain amount of cash in your pocket, which will allow you to overcome difficult situations with honor. Margin of safety Every family should have own financial cushion. It is believed that this stock should last for 6-12 months. The problem of everyday settlements smoothly leads us to the fact that it is necessary to build up cash reserves and houses that will allow us to live normally when banks fail, and some of them may even stop working for one reason or another. I think that such an amount should be some about monthly expenses of a family, and it is better to constantly maintain this supply within the given range. For those families where there are elderly parents and relatives, I would significantly increase this sum, bearing in mind the possible medical costs. And please do not be too lazy to optimize large bills, so that it is convenient to pay for the delivery of food or goods without change. This is in case of voluntary quarantine. Problems with the national currency make the question once again topical in what is better to keep your financial cushion. We believe that it is better to diversify your stocks. As for your family savings in general, it is better guided by the cache. The specific proportions depend on your personal circumstances. This is not connected with the current crisis - just after the one of 2007-2008, the dollar lost a lot in value for not to remain a reliable option for saving, and so far nothing has changed much. Further devaluation only confirms this thesis. Audit of expenses Once we have secured uninterrupted financing of our current needs, we can go further and look at family income. Are they in danger? Can’t reduce your place in the company? Will your business survive the crisis or will you have to tighten your belts? how to save money during the coronavirus pandemic in a situation if something goes according to an unfavorable scenario. Count on the worst and, if necessary, adjust your plans and upcoming expenses. For example, it might be better to postpone the purchase of a new car, or you should not take a mortgage loan for the purchase a home. In general, a little caution and prudence will not hurt anyone. Assets Portfolio Review Now is the time to look at your assets. What do you have? How is your money invested? Is everything good there? The situation has changed, and it’s possible that something is already too tough for you. Let's say you have invested $ 100,000 in a two-year structural product that is linked to the growth of shares in technology giants such as Apple, Facebook, or Alphabet. They sagged a lot, and you can lose a lot of money. It is worth contacting the investment company and once again saying everything - it might be better to leave this product ahead of schedule, if there is such an opportunity. It is worth worrying about those who have large investment portfolios abroad. Analysis of their current state and verification of “communication” with the manager will not hurt.
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Any-crisis-has-one-big-plus Make your Roadmap It will not hurt to look at your long-term plans again. Do you need to change anything there? For example, in a year your son graduates from high school and for many years you saved up for his studies at a prestigious university. Money was invested in the US stock market, and portfolio valuation has already fallen by 25% this year. This is a sign of alarm. And if it gets worse? You need to sit down and take everything into account, make informed decisions together with your investment adviser, if any. Do not rush to hypes Do not give in to these difficult times to various “attractive” offers. You can often hear: “Crisis is new opportunity!” For whom? For a professional speculator? For new customers? For those who have never played these games and are not going to do it? For an ordinary private investor, a crisis is usually almost a disaster. If this is your case, then it is better to carefully analyze your losses and look for a answer to question how to save money during the coronavirus pandemic . An honest and open conversation with yourself is the best thing you can do now. Remember that no one can predict the future and everyone relies on the old experience, but this time everything can be much worse. Only based on your personal circumstances and plans should you make responsible decisions yourself. Deposits A tool known to every American, the mechanism of which is quite simple. Having visited any bank, you need to sign an agreement and deposit money into the account. However, is everything so simple with this tool? Advantages of deposit:  The ability to draw up a deposit agreement offline at the office or online through online banking; A guarantee of the return of the investment amount up to a certain amount in commercial banks; An individual approach to determining interest rates for large amounts of investments. Disadvantages: Withholding tax on personal income; Ability to fix rates only for a short time; The inability to close a term deposit without loss of interest. Bonds This tool is one of the main ways to attract capital in developed countries. Bonds are debt securities issued by the borrower as evidence of his obligations to the lender, that is, the investor. You can buy bonds by contacting a professional broker. Benefits: In the case of government bonds, there is no levy on personal income tax; The ability to prematurely sell bonds without loss or with a slight loss of interest income; The ability to fix the interest rate for a long time. Disadvantages: The bonds are mainly guaranteed by the issuer. In the case of corporate bonds, payments are guaranteed by a specific company; There is a risk of an increase in interest rates and a decrease in the market price of bonds, which may lead to losses in the event of early sale of bonds; Additional expenses for broker's commission. Every secret becomes apparent Any crisis has one big plus, and many smart people use it. The fact is that the crisis perfectly illuminates all the mistakes that you made. This applies both to the choice of personal financial strategy, and in the tactics of its implementation. For example, during a coronavirus epidemic, the owner of a restaurant or travel agency will immediately realize that it was a mistake to focus only on this business and invest all their money there. And a private investor, looking at his portfolio of securities, without any explanation will guess the value of the advice that he received for so long from his investment adviser.
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Advantages-of-deposit New and timely investments Significant imbalances in the development of individual fields of the economy and activities give reason to think about the feasibility of entering new business projects. For example, projects in the agricultural industry may become relevant at the present time, because no one will cancel the demand for food. Despite the fact that prices for agricultural products are still somewhat lower, however, the fall will be significantly lower than other commodities, such as oil, metal, etc. Delivery services for goods, including food, are also becoming relevant. Today there is a great opportunity to invest in an online service for delivering fresh food from farmers and craft manufacturers in large cities. The organization of search services for home staff under quarantine in schools and kindergartens as never before can also be demanded. Watch carefully for changing demand, and you can find opportunities to start a new profitable business. Production related to the manufacture of hygiene products, such as toilet paper, napkins, respirators, etc., will be at the peak of loading. It is worth taking a closer look at the various investment proposals, from the position of the ongoing changes. Some projects and companies that are likely to bring you closer to the answer on the question of how to save money during the coronavirus pandemic, whose shares are probably worth paying attention to in the current situation, you might have known before, but considered them not attractive enough for investment.   Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 4 years
Pandemic Weakens? What To Expect Of The Economy
The coronavirus pandemic weakens gradually throughout the world and many countries and industries are little by little returning to life. However, the influence of СOVID-19 affected all sectors, causing changes.
International Energy Agency supported oil quotes
On May 14, the International Energy Agency (IEA) published a new forecast for the oil market in 2020. The agency expects a drop in demand of 8.6 million barrels per day, rather than 9.3 million barrels, as previously forecasted. IEA experts believe that pandemic weakens and due to this a gradual relaxation of restrictions on movement will accelerate the restoration of demand in the oil market. According to the agency, by the end of May, 2.8 billion people worldwide will be under various restrictions due to coronavirus. At the peak of restrictive measures, this number reached 4 billion people. The forecast of the agency had a positive effect on oil prices. On the morning of May 15, the cost of the July Brent futures surpassed the $ 32 mark. the-influence-of-СOVID-19-affected-all-sectors
Elon Musk persuaded authorities to resume Tesla working, enlisting the support of Trump
The US authorities nevertheless went to meet Tesla in a conflict that erupted around the resumption of the company's production. The Alamida County Health Department due to the fact that pandemic weakens allowed the automaker to fully start production from May 18. Tesla's Fremont plant was closed due to quarantine. The assembly of cars was suspended on March 23. It was supposed that he would start working in April, but the district extended quarantine measures, after which the head of Tesla, Elon Musk, went to court, announced the opening of the production contrary to the ban, and even threatened to transfer the enterprise to another state. US President Donald Trump intervened in the situation, writing on Twitter that the authorities should allow Mask to resume the company.
Goldman Sachs may merge with Wells Fargo.
On Wall Street, a wave of consolidation is expected in the US banking sector as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic ends. But this deal has few prospects. A possible merger of two US banks from the four largest US financial companies was reported by Fox Business. Goldman Sachs can merge either with Wells Fargo or with one of the other financial companies, including U.S. Bancorp, PNC Bank, BlackRock, and American Express. Why is Goldman Sachs needs another bank? The conglomerate focuses primarily on working with institutional clients, that is, funds, brokers and other financial organizations. The bank provides a range of services to them - from trading in securities to placing shares on the stock exchange. Such a bank is called an investment bank. Goldman Sachs has never worked with retail customers since its founding in 1869. An exception can be considered large private investors, to whom the bank provides services for the management of their assets. But now Goldman Sachs can change its principles and change its image. In terms of profit indicators, the bank in recent years has become much inferior to competitors. A financial company is experiencing a decline in revenue from a dominant business - securities trading. Goldman Sachs capitalization does not reach $ 60 billion now, while the market value of its closest competitor, investment bank JP Morgan, exceeds $ 267 billion. Now, when the coronavirus pandemic actually stopped the conclusion of any transactions, the need to merge an investment bank with a large commercial bank has become even more urgent. In the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic, it was also apparent that the business was moving beyond the multimillion-dollar New York, whose business activity was completely paralyzed. And that is why there may not be a merger with Wells Fargo. The deal with Wells Fargo makes strategic sense - an investment bank combined with a commercial bank will be a formidable competitor to JP Morgan, analysts say. At the same time, a number of experts consider the merger unrealistic. Pandemic weakens and the deal is becoming less relevant, while JP Morgan analyst Vivek Junidge is confident that it is not feasible. He refers to the restrictions on increasing Wells Fargo's net assets that were set by the Federal Reserve in 2018 after a major scandal involving credit card fraud. In addition, there are restrictions on merging banks, which account for more than 10% of the US deposit market share. According to the expert, Wells Fargo exceeded this limit. According to Junige, numerous legal and regulatory violations of Wells Fargo, as well as recent regulatory accusations, will prevent anyone from entering into transactions with Wells Fargo. On May 14, following the Fox Business announcement of a possible merger, Wells Fargo shares jumped 6.8%, while trading during the post-market rose another 1.6%.
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NYSE will return traders: the New York Stock Exchange will open a trading room in late May
In turn, the New York Stock Exchange, which closed the trading floor at the end of March after the detection of coronavirus infection in some employees, plans to partially return them to work two months later. Due to the fact that pandemic weakens, on May 26, the New York Stock Exchange will again open its trading platform for stock brokers, NYSE President Stacy Cunningham told The Wall Street Journal. Some traders will be able to return to work subject to the new safety rules. To get on the stock exchange, they will have to abandon the use of public transport in New York, wear masks and follow the rules of social distance. In addition, all visitors will be checked the temperature at the entrance to the building. Those who do not pass the check will not be allowed to exchange until they receive a negative result on COVID-19 or quarantine in accordance with the requirements in the country. Employees will only be allowed into the trading room, and the rest of the building will remain virtually empty. The New York Stock Exchange has completely switched to electronic trading since March 23 after coronavirus infection was detected in some employees. Many of them took equipment with them in order to work remotely. Stacy Cunningham said that stringent security measures on the exchange will weaken as the situation in the city improves, but may become more stringent if the spread of the virus begins to increase again.
The Asian Development Bank predicts a loss of $ 8.8 trillion. from the COVID-19 pandemic
Despite the positive trends in easing the pandemic, Asian Bank experts suggest that the coronavirus epidemic will cause damage in the amount of 10% of global GDP. At the same time, the Asian Development Bank noted that if the quarantine lasts for a period of three months, along with strong political decisions, it will be able to limit the impact of the pandemic to $ 4.1 trillion, or 4.5% of global GDP. The Asia-Pacific region will account for about 30% of the total decline in world production, despite the fact that pandemic weakens. In addition, globally, between 158 and 242 million jobs could be lost 70% of which are workers from Asia, the Asian Development Bank said. A mitigation of the economic impact of the pandemic by 40% is possible if the health system is improved along with the protection of income and employment introduced by states. Salaries will also decline worldwide, especially in the US and Europe due to reduced consumption and investment. Also, restricting tourism to prevent the spread of coronavirus could lead to a reduction in world trade of $ 1.7 trillion. Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 4 years
Where To Get Money During Pandemic And Unemployment on Easter?
Despite the fact that against the backdrop of the pandemic, more and more American politicians are in favor of an unconditional total income during the crisis, so that Americans do not have to look for where to get money during pandemic? The number of citizens who applied for unemployment benefits for the first time over the past week was 6,65 million. This is a new record in the history of the American labor market. The previous one, 3.3 million people, lasted only a week, and the worst unemployment rate in the United States in history was recorded in 1933, during the Great Depression. Then it amounted to 24.5%. During the financial crisis of 2008-2009, unemployment reached 10.2%. Significant reductions await both small and medium-sized businesses and large companies. Airports, airlines, infrastructure industries, and transportation are already cutting staff. Now experts such as James Bullard of Bloomberg predict that the effects of the pandemic and quarantine measures could raise US unemployment to a record 30% in the second quarter. These numbers mean that the financial consequences of a pandemic can affect virtually every American household. Every third small and medium-sized enterprise notes that with a decrease in demand, another quarter will be able to hold out. Half of the entrepreneurs understand that in the near future they are no longer able to reopen their business. Some types of business can recover quite quickly. For example, there was a small business for children's parties, birthdays, and so on. There was no difficult history with infrastructure, rent, means of production. The pandemic and quarantine will end, people will have money, they will want to book children's parties again, many such small companies will be able to recover.
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financial-consequences-of-a-pandemic-can-affect-every-American However, when it comes to some kind of production for which raw materials were purchased, floor spaces were rented, employees of certain professional skills and qualifications were hired, then after such a stop they face big problems in the form of bankruptcy and unbearable debts. After such an impact, the coronavirus pandemic will be very difficult to recover. The largest enterprises of metallurgy, transport, and so on are credited. Very few of them will be able to repay loans. These assets will be transferred to banks and those who own them. Therefore, what happens to small and medium-sized businesses can be called a natural process of assets migration. A large amount of expensive property has already changed its owners or is about to do so. Although the latest figures show that the government is pouring almost $ 6 trillion into the economy, many Americans have already lost confidence in the future. In such circumstances, most of us are faced with the question of where to get money during pandemic and how to earn money under quarantine and unemployment.
How can I earn money during quarantine?
On the other hand, the country will gradually adapt to the changes that are already taking place. Changes in distance education have already taken place. Many who learn and have already been able to work and interact remotely. Many liked this, who had not loved this before. It is clear that there will be some return to the previous formats, but the remote mode of operation entered American reality not yesterday. People understood what it was like to work in such a way, realized all its pros and cons, and many would not come back. This will undoubtedly affect the prices of commercial real estate and the previous level is unlikely to return. If you are left with no work, and your business has ceased to generate income or has completely stopped, then you still have a chance to find a source of income for yourself in order to survive in a pandemic. Pay attention to new trends and new professions that appeared with the onset of mass infection or began to gain momentum. Perhaps you should try to master one of them. In addition, you can find many ways to transform your existing business under the current conditions. Add new services or improve old ones. Expand the list of services that you are ready to offer your customers for the same money. Add something that does not require you to make large investments, this can attract new customers and retain old ones. For example, many restaurants offered their customers home delivery service. Cut costs. If you have the opportunity to refuse to rent an office or other commercial property. These costs occupy a fairly significant share in the budget of any business. Move your office home and production to the garage. Of course, this can create additional difficulties, but at least it can help you stay afloat. Learn a new profession. Find out now what popular offers from employers are on the labor market. Choose what is closer to you, what would you be able to do. Take online lessons from professionals to learn a new profession and skills. Create your own training online. If you have enough experience in any professional field, share your knowledge with other people, maybe they need your professional knowledge and recommendations right now. While most of us will be at home, online courses will be the only training option. Sell those things that you do not need. Each of us has some old stuff that may remind us of some moments in the past, but in reality they now only take up space and collect dust, while you have not used them for a long time. Other people may need some of your things, because they are now not ready to spend money on new ones or their finances is not enough. Audit your attic, storage room, basement and garage, check the cabinets, maybe they have a lot of such stuff that will help you hold out for some more time. These are not all options for how to make money and where to get money during pandemic. The main thing that you should pay attention to is that not everything is so hopeless. Moreover, do not forget that this is a temporary situation and quarantine will someday end.Look at China, which was the first to be hit by a viral pandemic and go to quarantine. Perhaps you need to hold out just a couple of months, which is quite realistic if you look around in search of new opportunities. If at some point it becomes difficult to find other income options, then you can take advantage of the financial support of creditors during the quarantine period. Visit our online loan help and having left a request, find out what you can count on in this situation.
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Not everything is as bad as it might seem
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which was endorsed by both parties, passed in March, will remain in force until the end of 2020. Under this law, workers who become coronavirus or are unable to perform their duties in connection with quarantine measures will be required to receive 100% of their salary (but not exceeding $ 511 per day) for two weeks. A part-time worker will receive a salary for as many hours as he would have worked in the same two weeks. An employee who takes care of a sick or quarantined family member or a child in connection with the closure of the school receives a vacation for the same two weeks with 2/3 salary (but no more than $ 200 per day). After these two weeks, these groups of workers can receive additional leave up to ten weeks - with the preservation of the workplace and 2/3 of the salary (but not higher than $ 200 per day). Employers are provided with tax deductions in the amount equal to the specified payments. The law applies to the public sector and small private enterprises with up to 500 employees. The Ministry of Labor is also given the right to exempt small enterprises (with staff of up to 50 people) from the application of this law if its application would jeopardize the survival of the enterprise. Compared to measures taken by many other countries, the law on the priority protection of families seems incomplete, but in relation to US conditions, this is a serious expansion of social protection mechanisms. Therefore, the Americans still hope that they will not let us starve to death and that eventually everything will work out some day, and life has not completely stopped. Online lenders, whose offers can be found here , can help you and your family survive the coronavirus pandemic and get money during pandemic. Here you can leave a request for a personal loan and get quick feedback from lenders. Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 4 years
How Markets React To Coronavirus And What To Prepare For Next?
The head of World Health Organization announced that the world is now dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, but he note that for the first time in history, the development of the pandemic has been contained. The number of cases of COVID-19 virus in Italy has grown another 25% per day and exceeded 800 000 people. In this regard, previously introduced restrictive measures in certain regions are distributed throughout the country. The number of cases outside of China continues to grow at an exponential rate and has already exceeded 32.5 thousand people. The epidemic also did not go pass the US, so many are very interested in how markets react to coronavirus.
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Market before coronavirus
Alarming fears that the rapidly spreading coronavirus will destroy global supply chains and lead the economy into recession are capturing investors. On Wall Street, passions raged for three days, the Dow Jones Industrial Average index showed a magnitude of 1000 points or more. The US stock market on March 9 showed the worst drop since 2008 amid oil collapse and persisting concerns about the negative economic impact of coronavirus. S & P500 at the end of the session fell by 7.6%, to 2747 points. The energy sector lost 20% due to a drop in WTI crude oil prices by 27%. Yesterday's stock rebound followed Monday's most powerful drawdown of indices since the crisis times of 2008. The external background for the American session was mixed: European markets showed mostly negative dynamics, while Asian ones finished in positive territory, Asian indices are recovering some of the losses after falling the day before. In response to what is happening, the US monetary and fiscal authorities announced that they are developing a plan to support the economy. The Fed is expected to cut rates immediately by 0.75% at the March 18 meeting. President Donald Trump said he plans to discuss with the Senate a radical fiscal stimulus in the form of lower payroll taxes and to help sectors that have been hit hardest by the virus, namely air carriers, cruise operators and the hotel industry. Investors are waiting for more information on the stimulus package that will provide the necessary support to the US economy.
Potential Recession Indicators
In the face of uncertainty at the beginning of 2020, many investors are trying to determine how markets react to coronavirus and whether to prepare for the worst. Bank of America has published a list of possible recession indicators developed by its experts to monitor markets and economies: Decline in consumer sentiment in the United States US consumer is an indicator of the duration of a global economic downturn. Conference Board consumer confidence index showed values less than expected 132.6 against the background of the controversial situation with the spread of coronavirus. In general, a strong consumer is central to the US economy, which is experiencing the effects of a trade war with China and another health crisis. The fall in the small businesses confidence level below 100 A fall in The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index is usually a sign of a slowdown in the economy. Currently, the index is at 104.3. If the optimism index for small businesses NFIB drops below 100, this may indicate a recession. Low mortgage activity Another important indicator is mortgage activity. With a decrease in mortgage applications, the economy gets a negative impact. To track the decline in mortgage purchase activity, analysts use the Mortgage Bankers Association Purchase index. The number of applications for unemployment benefits is above 250,000 Bank of America estimates that when the number of applications for unemployment benefits exceeds 250,000, this may mean that a recession is occurring. Last Thursday, the US Department of Labor announced that the number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits last week fell by 3,000, seasonally adjusted to 216,000 people. That is, despite the outbreak of coronavirus, the data confirm that the labor market is in good condition. In February, the US economy added 273,000 jobs, exceeding expectations for 175,000 new jobs last month. The unemployment rate also fell to 3.5%, reaching the lowest level in 50 years. Assessment of the likelihood of re-election of President Trump Bank of America believes that reducing the likelihood that President Donald Trump will be re-elected may lead to a drop in markets. Analysts use Oddschecker.com indicators to monitor, demonstrating that the likelihood of re-election of the current president fell to 58% from 62% on February 20. On Wall Street, they believe that although Biden, whose rating has grown significantly, will not cause harm, Trump is more optimistic about stocks and the economy.
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US market confidently recovering from collapse
To understand how markets react to coronavirus, you need to look at global stock exchanges, where high volatility remains against the backdrop of the collapse of the oil market and the continuing risks of the spread of coronavirus. So the Japanese Nikkei is adding 0.9%, the Chinese Shanghai Shenzhen CSI 300 against the background of the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Wuhan is growing by 2.1%, the Hong Kong Hang Seng increased by 1.5%. European stock markets in the first hours of trading are growing by 2.5-3%. The American stock market yesterday did not immediately determine the direction and went into the red before finally consolidating in the black. The creep in quotes for growth on US exchanges has been encouraged by the hope that the White House will develop and promote economic measures in Congress to overcome the situation with COVID-19. In turn, congressmen from both parties expressed skepticism about the tax cuts announced by Trump, but the investment community does not lose hope of incentive fiscal policies in the United States. On Tuesday, March 10, the United States stock market ended the trading session with a steady increase in major indices. Standard & Poor's 500 wide market index increased 135.67 points or 4.94%. Demand for safe assets remains. US bonds are getting more expensive. The 10-year treasury rate remains below 0.7%. Brent crude oil after the collapse the day before is growing by 5%, to $ 36 per barrel. The price of gold is reduced to $ 1,660. Thus, risk appetite today shows the first signs of recovery, but remains weak. At the end of the session, the Dow Jones Industrial Average blue chip indicator increased by 1167.14 points or 4.89%, the high-tech industries index Nasdaq Composite went up by 393.58 points or 4.95%, and the S&P 500 recovered during the upcoming trading above the previous local minimum of 2855 points. As part of the blue chip index, every single paper closed in positive territory. Over 6% of the shares of Tesla, JPMorgan, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL), Visa (NYSE: V), Home Depot (NYSE: HD) and others increased. A dynamic rebound at Tuesday's trading was undertaken by many oil companies, who lost significant parts of market capitalization at the start of the week - Marathon Oil shares added 21.2%, Apache - closed up 13%. Shares of Occidental Petroleum (NYSE: OXY) jumped 14.6% after it announced it would cut quarterly dividends and cut its capital investment plan due to falling oil prices. Cruise operators also made big gains amid Trump's promises - Carnival shares rose 10.5%, Royal Caribbean Cruises - 7%. In New York these days, the FinTech Forum, organized by Wolfe Research. The forum program includes presentations, talks and meetings on the development of digital and multi-channel payments, electronic and mobile commerce, B2B, blockchain and other new technologies, security payments. Attendees will be Visa and Mastercard. Nevertheless, Freedom Finance's sentiment index remains under pressure at 8 out of 100, which is in line with 2008 levels and reflects concerns about the negative economic impact of the coronavirus epidemic.
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Goldman Sachs expects further market decline
It is difficult to predict how markets react to coronavirus here and now, but specialized reputable companies in the world of finance make their expert forecasts. Goldman Sachs said that the bull market for the S&P 500, the longest in history, is likely to end soon, according to Reuters. The bank predicts a 28% drop compared with the February peak, as the rapidly spreading coronavirus is likely to affect corporate profits. Goldman Sachs expects the S&P 500 to reach 2,450 points, 15% below current levels by the middle of the year, after which a rebound of up to 3,200 points will occur in the fourth quarter. The main points of change in the assessment regarding the reduction of earnings per share are, in particular, lower oil prices and lower interest rates, which reduce the profit of energy and financial companies. Experts suggest that business activity outside these sectors is also likely to be weaker, as evidenced by lowering or canceling forecasts of some companies in recent weeks. Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 5 years
Best Loan Options In Quarantine – Find Here The Right One
The inexorable spread of coronavirus forced the government to resort to an emergency to prevent total infection of the Americans. For the second week, our life is proceeding quite differently than a month ago. In order not to get sick ourselves and not to spread COVID-19 among other people, we stay at home and leave it only in case of emergency. However, while we stay at home no one will pay us a salary, despite the fact that we will not stop eating. That is why the question about what is the best loan options in quarantine to choose in case products and money run out becomes so relevant. Many Americans would continue to go to work, despite the risk of contracting coronavirus, which can lead to death, especially older people and people with chronic illnesses. However, many jobs are closed while quarantine and if the company survives, they will open no earlier than in a few weeks. Restaurants, entertainment and shopping malls, like many other businesses, have closed to prevent the pandemic from spreading further. Some employees were sent on vacation, others were temporarily sent home without pay, and some were completely fired. So many Americans found themselves face to face with coronavirus and financial difficulties.
Take advantage of financial support
Even if you are still not as bad as many others and your work place is reserved for you and you have some money for the first time to stay at home, so far no one knows exactly how the pandemic situation will develop further and how long home isolation will last. In this regard, it is worth considering the best loan options in quarantine, which will provide you with a financial pillow and is best suited if you need money. In the event that you have already felt the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic in your own pocket, then for you this question has already become especially relevant. Find out more about the types of personal loans and lenders that you can provide to cover gaps in your finances during quarantine.
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best-loan-options-in-quarantine-to-choose Short payday loans This type of loan is very popular among short loans of small amounts, which are then repaid most often with one payment from your salary on the day it is received. Their term usually does not exceed one month and seems to be an inexpensive loan, but if you count the interest for a year, then payday loans are one of the most expensive types of financial support. To apply for and receive such loans often requires a personal visit to the lender's office, which is dangerous to do during the ramp-up of the virus throughout the country. In addition, you are unlikely to be able to count on the approval of this loan if you are temporarily or indefinitely left without a salary or completely without work. Sometimes some payday loan lenders are willing to consider your unemployment benefits as proof of income. But then again, the conditions and interest rate in this case may be even higher. If you are sure that you will pay the payday loan on time, then in general this may be an acceptable option when borrowing small amounts for two to four weeks. However, if you cannot repay the payday loan on time in one installment, it can cause to sink you into debt swamp due to its infinitely growth, which will then be difficult to repay. Peer-to-peer (p2p) lending Modern technologies of distributed and secure computer databases have made it possible to provide loans to one borrower by several lenders at once. Websites that unite different investors who want to earn on a loan, act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers. They connect several parties to the transaction and provide security and guarantees. So, wanting to borrow money through such a P2P platform, you get the opportunity to quickly get money, while each lender gets the opportunity to partially lend to several borrowers at once in order to diversify their risks and earn on the interest that the debtor pays. Same day loans Quick personal loans are very relevant among those who are in emergency situations when money becomes needed very urgently. Typically, lenders provide small amounts with this type of loan, but the money you need will be credited to your account within a few hours if the loan is approved. Traditional bank loans Of course, you can try to use the services of your bank, with which you already cooperate. If you have a good credit history and relationship with your bank, then it is highly likely that a loan will be approved for you. Another thing is that the simplicity and speed of obtaining a loan at the bank loses to other lenders. In addition, you will again have to personally visit the bank branch to apply, providing a lot of documents, and then to get a cash loan. Therefore, during a coronavirus pandemic, a traditional bank loan may not be the best loan options in quarantine, because it may not be so simple because of the restriction of the work of bank branches and violation of isolation due to contact with a large number of people. Also, this option most likely will not work if your credit score is too low or has already suffered from the first consequences of the spread of COVID-19. Even if you have a long-standing relationship with your bank, you will most likely receive a denial of a loan until you raise your credit rating. Naturally, if you run out of food or hygiene products, which are so necessary during quarantine, as well as money, then you will not have time to fix your credit. Online loan stores This will probably be the most relevant and the best loan options in quarantine during a pandemic if you need to receive financial support. Firstly, all the processes here, from filing an application to final payment, occur exclusively online, without having to visit the company’s office or even leave your home. So, having received loan approval, which is very likely, because they have one of the highest percent of approval, then you can order the necessary food or hygiene products through the online store, which will deliver them to your home. This one of the best loan options in quarantine is probably the most relevant to security requirement. One of the successful examples of such online loan stores is our project Fnews.today, through which you can apply for a loan to which several online lenders will immediately respond and you will receive a preliminary decision on a loan in a few seconds. Here you will find creditors with different conditions and criteria for approving loans, including for borrowers with bad credit.
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How to take a loan?
There are many loan options to stay a quarantine many places, so you will only have to choose the most suitable conditions for you. However, do not forget that any loan must be paid, so before you submit an application, soberly assess your capabilities. Check your credit status so that you can understand for approval which loans you are likely to be able to count on. Your credit rating also affects not only the likelihood of approval, but also the conditions that lenders are willing to provide you. The higher your credit score, the better conditions and interest rates you can be approved by lenders.
Study your budget
Check your monthly income and expenses. How much money do you have left? Will there be enough for a monthly loan payment? Can you give up something to save? Having answered all these questions, you will be able to determine what limit of the amount per month you are ready to pay on the loan. This is important because a too small loan payment will increase the loan term, which will make you pay more in the end, and a too large payment may be too difficult for you. The good news is that since all public institutions, restaurants, entertainment centers, cinemas, etc. in most areas are closed, you can save on visiting these places to ensure faster loan repayments, or to secure a small reserve of funds on time until quarantine ends. The main thing now is to maintain prudence in all areas of life, not to succumb to panic and not to be wasteful, observing all safety measures and hygiene. Soundly and keep up to date with the news. While nothing has been definitely decided by state financial aid, you should not count on it prematurely and weigh each expenditure. Apply for support using the loan application form on our website. Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 5 years
Shares Of Mastercard And Visa Fell In Price. What's Next?
The outbreak of the deadly coronavirus triggered global supply chain disruptions and hit markets, affecting most companies, such as Apple, Nike and United Airlines, have already warned about the impact of COVID-19 on revenue. However, few expected that on this wave it is possible that shares of Mastercard and Visa fell in price, since the world's largest payment providers provide contactless and remote payments, which is especially relevant and in demand in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. However, the last 2 weeks have shown that Mastercard and Visa, due to their influence on international travel in the near future, both companies maintain very strong credit profiles. When the initial outbreak of coronavirus was mainly limited to China, it was expected that the potential impact on Mastercard and Visa would be relatively small due to the limited presence of companies in the domestic market of China. Nevertheless, since the virus has recently spread widely to other countries, its negative impact on international travel has intensified. The international travel sector plays an important role for Mastercard and Visa, as cross-border fees and transaction revenue account for a significant portion of the total revenue of both companies. This contribution is estimated at approximately 30-40% of total revenue. This is why it is so unexpected for many shares of Mastercard and Visa fell in price.
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©Mastercard value of shares
From the last decade of February to March 9, about 16% fall in the value of shares. The international payment system MasterCard from the state of New York, USA, founded in 1966, unites financial institutions in 210 countries of the world. The main business is the processing of payments between acquiring banks serving retail outlets, issuing banks or credit cooperatives. The corporation is involved in the development of microprocessor card technologies, as well as in the promotion of cards as a secure payment tool in the e-commerce market. In February, Mastercard announced that, due to the spread of coronavirus, the company may not reach the previously planned revenue figures for the current year, according to the new forecast, revenue growth may reach 9-10% in annual terms, which is 2-3 percentage points lower than the previous forecast. The company indicated that coronavirus has an impact on the overseas travel sector and the growth of cross-border e-commerce. Many experts, from a credit point of view, believe that revising the forecast for Mastercard revenue is quite modest. In fact, if the outbreak is sustained, there may be a larger impact on income and profits. On the other hand, Mastercard securities fell to attractive levels for buying, despite the fact that the US financial services market is still maintaining positive dynamics, a deep correction has formed in the US stock markets, and the company's debt burden is low.
©Visa value of shares
Shares of Visa - an American payment operator from the last decade of February to March 9 showed about 20% fall. For the same reasons as its main competitor, Visa shares lost in value due to travel restrictions with a large share of the company's revenues from foreign transactions. At the same time, as a result of a deep correction of the American stock market, Visa shares regained support. Against the backdrop of a discussion of monetary and fiscal stimulus measures in the leading countries of the world, paper may demonstrate another growth trend.
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Payment systems will still rise in price
Both companies have significant financial flexibility and can change their capital allocation strategy to maintain their credit indicators, if necessary. Despite the fact that shares of Mastercard and Visa fell in price in recent weeks, before that, for the last three years they have mostly only risen in value, and showed the maximum growth in 2019 - by 41% and 57.4%, respectively. The growth of quotes of payment systems was caused not only by investor interest in the performance of these companies, but also by the growth of the US stock market as a whole. Mastercard shares rose in average price by 41.5% over three years, and Visa securities - by 33%. And if we assume that in the next three years the average annual increase in the share prices of these two companies will be approximately the same as the previous three years, then the companies have good chances of achieving a value of $ 1 trillion in 3 years. Then in the trillion race, Visa and Mastercard will be able to get ahead of Facebook and Berkshire Hathaway, who are now following the leaders. Investors' interest in payment system assets is quite natural. The boom of online shopping and cashless transactions cannot but contribute to the growth of revenue and profit of payment systems. Since 2010, the share of consumers paying with plastic cards for their purchases has increased from about 28% to 45%. Payment systems have long become intermediaries between consumers and banks, and in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, remote cashless and contactless payments become especially relevant, therefore, although shares of Mastercard and Visa fell in price over the past two weeks. Their prospects look very rosy. Visa has now reached 60% of the debit and credit card market, followed by Mastercard with a 30% share. Not surprisingly, both Visa and Mastercard have doubled revenue over the past five years. Twice as much profit came to shareholders and securities of both payment systems. According to Wedbush experts, in 2020 the hype around the shares of payment systems will continue. Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 5 years
How to Open Cafe After Bankruptcy in 2020? Find Out Read here
According to analysts, in the United States in the first three years after the launch, about 60% of restaurants are closed, of which a quarter in the first year, about one fifth in the second year and almost one sixth of them close in the third year. The main reasons are the lack of initial capital, the wrong choice of location, errors in compiling the menu, problems with the staff, especially in terms of controlling incoming revenue and the lack of original ideas. However, many entrepreneurs after the first failures do not abandon the dream of their own cafe and, having gained experience, they again want to open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020. Bank of America / CFI Group a couple of years ago conducted a survey among private businessmen regarding the state of their business. Entrepreneurs rated the health of their companies and noted an improvement in business compared to previous years. In general, according to the so-called satisfaction index, small business owners have become more optimistic about their success. Most of them put 70 points out of 100 on the scale of a positive assessment of their work. Probably now is the right time to try again in the restaurant business and open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020. Find out further what problems entrepreneurs in the USA face, what are the risks, and what are they going through, starting such a business after a failure.
Where to start to open cafe after bankruptcy 
First of all, you need to find a place that largely determines the number of potential customers. Pay attention to the flows of people who are in that location, as well as what is around it. It will be good if you find nearby, for example, a hairdresser or a shopping center where people regularly go, a bus stop or other public transport. Pay attention to how your window will always be visible. Clients can see the sign for a few meters that is very important In addition, choosing a location, it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors that should be in harmony with the concept of the restaurant. What is within walking distance? Business center, university, school, supermarket? Parking, traffic jams, parks, shops, residential buildings, visual accessibility, other food outlets - everything matters for choosing a place. Ultimately, from the place and style there is an understanding of who your guests are. Understanding your client will ensure the success of your cafe. Having once chosen a target group, the restaurateur is simply obliged to study it thoroughly, in order to understand and, if possible, anticipate the expectations of customers, their feedback, and build high-quality communication. This is especially true for those, who already burned on this and now open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020.
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Business Registration
About 30 million small businesses are registered in the United States. These are companies whose annual turnover does not exceed $ 10 million. Anyone can open their own business in the USA, even without being an American citizen and without a residence permit. The local government is very loyal to novice entrepreneurs. There is no fundamental difference where exactly to register a company. The registration fee itself is notable for minor details and the procedure is approximately the same in any state. But it makes sense to register where the entrepreneur plans to live and conduct business. If this is inconvenient for important reasons, then you can create a company in any state, and then register it to do business in another one. This method is often used when an entrepreneur is located outside the United States, and there is no clear certainty where exactly he will live, yet. In this case, the company is registered in the state where, for example, the office of an immigration attorney is located, and a certificate of registration will come there. Or where there are friends who are ready to provide their address for receiving correspondence. It also happens that there are bureaucratic costs that you may encounter. For example, the Gas Service of the city for unknown reasons delayed the license. The reason was commonplace, as it turned out, just the officials forgot to put a tick in the computer program. The issue got stuck in place and could not be solved at all, while the entrepreneur continued to pay several thousand dollars a month for the rental of the premises, and the open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020 do not work for some indefinite time. You should rely on the fact that something may go wrong and cause any delays, which in turn can bring additional costs. That is why, according to professionals, opening a restaurant, it is worth having a capital reserve for 12-16 months in advance for operating expenses, including paying rent, paying salaries and purchasing products for restaurant. Of course, such a safety margin is not always available, especially for those who try to open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020. In this situation, you can find support from lenders, for example, here you can find companies working with bad credit borrowers.
Buy it or create it yourself?
After registering your new business, choosing a place and signing a lease, there is no way back. Now you have the option of moving only forward. You can choose a concept yourself and design a cafe, although most likely you will still have to contact the architect to draw your ideas on paper, which can cost you an average of about $ 5000. All papers must be taken to the Department of Buildings. A new cafe and obtaining licenses from scratch takes a huge amount of time and effort, as well as obtaining a full license for alcohol. Therefore, many prefer to buy an already working cafe. But you must always remember that if this business were successful, the owner would not sell it. All these stories are about the fact that the business is for sale, because the owner  tired and just wants to open something new, usually do not correspond to reality. For these reasons - that the restaurant is not for sale from a good life, it is worth looking for a place that could be bought for a small amount and invested in development, changing the kitchen, staff, interior, and reputation for your needs. Prices can vary greatly depending on the area and other parameters of the cafe. It is worth carefully choosing a particular cafe, even if it takes six months or more, and you also need to make sure that you have saved the amount of money for the development of your cafe. Lawyers and brokers can evaluate the contract, check licenses, but only the buyer can make a comprehensive assessment of the business. For these reasons, before you open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020, if you choose the option of acquiring a ready-made business, you need to carefully analyze all the documents, clarify whether the income is seasonal, check attendance, audience, and in general carefully clarify for yourself what is the real reason for the sale the cafe.
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 Optimize and improve your new cafe
Having chosen the option of buying a working cafe, do the optimization of its financial flows. Finding unnecessary expenses can get rid of non-constructive expenses that you got from previous owners. Former owners could approach the development of their cafe in a completely different way. For example, a settlement company, which supposedly helped pay employees salaries, taxes, and so on. They took about $ 500 a month for their services, while mistakenly made tax calculations. Many banks can find a special application for business, which is much cheaper - about $ 20 per month, very convenient to use and makes the correct calculations. When you open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020, you probably already know that you should not invite friends and treat them for free. Choose suppliers carefully. Some food service suppliers do not conduct business very cleanly and transparently, which often negatively affects food cost. Sometimes it can go as far as outright fraud, for example, delivering 10 pounds of products in 40 pound packaging by size or they can raise prices without warning for some items, which is easy to miss when you read the invoice, where everything is covered with numbers and letters. Many restaurateurs prefer to choose and buy all available products themselves, and order only something exclusive. There are specialty shops for restaurants, such as Restaurant Depot, that sell tax-free goods. To purchase products there, you will need to present your restaurant license. Another thing, if you have a chain of restaurants, then of course you can’t do without suppliers.
If you are not ready to spend all the time in your cafe yourself or are afraid that you will not be in time, then it is very important to find a good restaurant manager. From the business and human qualities of a manager there will be a significant share of the success of your cafe. The level of competence and decency will affect the entire work of the cafe - from the organization of processes to the quality of guest service. The staff of your cafe, in particular the waiters and bartenders, will work the way the manager will influence them or you by yourself as the manager. In large cities, they can consistently receive from $ 500 to $ 1000 tips per day. Managers often like to attach their relatives or friends to such jobs and give small work such as equipment repairs to them. Bartenders, in turn, can abuse their official position and your trust and pour more alcohol than they officially went through the checkout, and clients gave them generous tips for this. And in the end it turned out that there seemed to be a lot of customers, but all of them did not really pay, and the business fell into decay.
Cuisine choice
It is advisable to invite a professional chef to develop the menu of the cafe. Despite your personal gastronomic preferences, when you open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020, you should treat the it only as a business and focus on the tastes of your visitors. Often it is better to cook only famous dishes that most people like. It can be, for example, grilled chicken, which is very popular among Americans and in many cafes and restaurants it is one of the best-selling dishes. Guests also prefer chicken with Parmesan and chicken with mushrooms and onions. In different places dishes can have different names, but they are prepared in a similar way. In recent years, vegetarian dishes and seafood, such as mussels and clams, which in many places are even more popular than burgers, have become increasingly popular.
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Promote it
The American dream still exists, and therefore it is necessary to dream, even despite the failures that have befallen. If people notice a high level of service, then once they get to you, they begin to return. So you have regular customers, and after six months of work, there are practically no empty seats during lunch time in your cafe. The best advertisement is word of mouth when people find out about your cafe from your customers. If people like it, they tell their friends and they come. Creating the right atmosphere that attracts visitors to your cafe is the result of the coordinated work of all staff, and especially you However, it’s still important to advertise in a variety of ways to let as many people in your area know about your cafe. Advertising in various sources of information, hiring promoters and other marketing events can occupy a significant part of the budget, however, with the right approach, these investments are always quickly returned. You just have to choose the most effective channel for communication with potential customers and determine the source of financing. Find not only a suitable option for financial support, but a lot of useful information about personal finances, credit and business Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 5 years
What Will Happen To Cryptocurrency In 2020? Explaining Here
Kaspersky Lab has conducted a study, that show us almost one fifth of the world's people have ever bought digital currency. Simultaneously Deloitte reports that enterprises are also growingly better as regards cryptocurrency utilizing as a payment means as well as assets. Such information makes us think that positive progress in this area is inevitable, so what will happen to cryptocurrency in 2020? It seems that overall fine expectations are emerging, but let's dwell on this in more detail.
Facts that will influence on the cryptocurrency
Only 20% of ICO is hardly call a scam. A study of the rating site CoinMarketCap showed that out of the 2000 largest blockchain projects, a quarter more than a year did not publish updates on GitHub, and a third did not do this over the past 5 years. The crypto industry is one of the few that change so quickly. Every day, new development of fintech industry and the actions of governments significantly affect prices levels, utilizing, as well as further development of crypto. However, a number of important happens are expected in this year, that will definitely influence strongly on what will happen to cryptocurrency in 2020.
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Bitcoin halving
If we analyze the cryptocurrency news in recent months, then most often they talk about the Bitcoin halving, which is scheduled for approximately May 2020. Then the remuneration of the miners in the Bitcoin network will be halved, which always led to a price increase of several hundred percent due to reducing the number of bitcoins available. However, opinions were divided, as some experts note that the price increase in 2019 was caused by the halving effect. Some even believe that reducing rewards will negatively affect the price, because many small miners will no longer be interested in turning on their computers to support the Bitcoin blockchain. With previous halving, the price always increased at the beginning of the month, so in the first quarter we will immediately see whether it will be the long-awaited catalyst that will increase the cost of not only bitcoin, but also closely related alternative coins, which always grow exponentially.
Libra project from Facebook
Facebook has recently met with a strong backlash from governments on its latest project, so it’s not even known whether the project will even be launched. In Europe, Germany, France and Italy are developing measures to ban the project, and there is no certainty about the launch in the USA, although CEO Zuckerberg recently announced that the launch will take place only if the regulators fully agree. He also warned investors that the project might not be launched at all. Other top managers of the social network, as well as a number of important shareholders, criticized the project from the very beginning. PayPal, Visa and MasterCard refused to participate, possibly under pressure from US regulators. Given the scandals surrounding Facebook, the question arises as to whether consumers want to trust a social network with something as fragile as financial data. On the other hand, more than one and a half billion people in the world still do not have bank accounts, and 1 billion of them have mobile phones. According to the World Bank, now these people pay high commissions for the transfer and receipt of money through the mediation of third parties. The money saved on commissions could make a significant contribution to the economic growth of countries. Central banks point to two main concerns about financial system stability and identify all network participants as for money laundering, for example, to impede the financing of terrorism. Both issues have not yet been clarified. Other large companies, such as Walmart, also work on their own cryptocurrencies. Various governments, in the European Union, in China and in Asia, have also approved and set about developing their digital currencies. There are also companies behind governments that indicate that the monetary system should remain in the hands of the latter, as Apple CEO Tim Cook recently hinted at. Various studies have shown that consumers spend a lot more on digital money than cash.
Further development of projects
Due to the crazy increase in the price of bitcoin, many who want to get rich look for other cryptocurrencies that have potential, and expect that will happen to cryptocurrency in 2020 to go to the moon, that is, to grow strongly in price. However, as a Chinese study showed 80,000 blockchain projects, their average life expectancy is only a little over a year. The short life span of most projects does not allow many to earn on such investments. When looking for a new Microsoft or Facebook, it is especially important to thoroughly study the projects according to various criteria. Find out where the company is located, what kind of team it has and what information it generally has. So at the end of hot 2017, many left billions of euros in the pockets of fraudsters who created fake projects. In addition to the main cryptocurrency - Bitcoin, Ethereum is also often referred to as "Apple cryptocurrencies", but it met with serious competition in the form of two projects. Among the 50 leading decentralized dApp applications, there are only three that work on the Ethereum platform, all others on the two EOS and TRON networks. Despite this, an important update to its network is expected in 2020, where a new energy-efficient transaction confirmation method called proof of stake will be introduced. In addition, solutions for scaling the network will also be implemented, and given the approval of regulated futures, the price of Ethereum could rise significantly. There are also other promising projects that continue to develop, for example, Ripple, BAT, IOTA, VeChain and others.
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Regulation of the digital currencies industry
The several countries administrations are already working to create the regulations for the rapid growth of crypto and companies in this industry. If this does not impede innovation, then this is excellent, as it not only reduces the likelihood of using digital currencies in criminal practices like the money laundering, but also gives greater confidence to large investors, allowing them to enter the market faster. As they say the main tasks of different states administrations is to protect their citizens. After many scandals surrounding cryptocurrencies in recent years, while users lost a lot of funds invested in fake or mysteriously bankrupt projects. For instance, the Dutch government wants to introduce relevant laws and regulations faster than other European governments. In January, the directive will come into force, according to which crypto exchanges and trustees will have to register with the Netherlands Bank, receive an estimation of the compliance of their directors and shareholders and demonstrate that their business processes comply with the requirements of resisting funding of terrorism as well as money laundering.
The arrival of large institutional capital in the industry
It's no secret that large investors are eager to enter the cryptocurrency market. On the sidelines of a number of large banks, they say that bankers advise wealthy clients to invest up to 10% in cryptocurrency in 2020, and many asset managers of very wealthy families work in the same direction. Cryptocurrency companies, such as Coinbase, indicate that they receive hundreds of millions of dollars in futures for storage or trading futures from institutional investors every week. The great thing about the blockchain is that everything is transparent, including transactions and amounts on digital wallets. A recent analysis of Bitcoin wallets showed a very strong increase in the number of wallets with large amounts. What can happen to cryptocurrency in 2020 in connection with this trend indicates good prospects for the industry. Since only 21 million bitcoins can be created and 4 million lost, their rarity is growing, which, of course, is good for the price. Big money is already entering this market and it remains to observe what effect this will have on the prices of various cryptocurrencies, as well as on the further development of the market.
Given the aforementioned expectations of what will happen to cryptocurrency in 2020, it becomes very interesting how events will develop, what will actually happen and how this will affect the industry. The forecasts of various experts often differ greatly, like heaven and earth, but the fact that there is a high probability that this will be a year of rapid growth in maturity and further technological development of the industry is beyond doubt. Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 5 years
How Does The Coronavirus Epidemic Affect Cryptocurrency Rate?
The increasingly pervasive coronavirus has already significantly affected many sectors of the global economy, so many today are interested in how coronavirus epidemic affect cryptocurrency. Today, many people use the main digital currency Bitcoin to protect their investments, often comparing it with gold, so it is really important to know whether it can go up in price in the near future or can be cheaper on the contrary. The new coronavirus is most actively spreading in China and neighboring countries, according to mid-February, more than 1,500 people have already been infected. Several Chinese cities are quarantined. The epidemic may affect the value of various assets, such as Brent crude oil, due to the cancellation of many flights at airports around the world. So, more and more experts recently think that Bitcoin is already starting to perform protective functions for investments and assets. This means that when the world experiences global upheavals, cryptocurrency begins to grow in value. At the beginning of the year, when a military conflict arose between the United States and Iran, the price of bitcoin rose sharply, which, according to many, is a direct consequence of the event. After that, many people had little doubt that the coronavirus epidemic affect cryptocurrency, but how exactly, the question remains open for many. Let us further consider the various positions on this issue and their basics.
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Why coronavirus epidemic can affect the cryptocurrency?
If the epidemic gets out of hand, the consequences may be most serious, given the high level of corporate defaults, since China is one of the main players in the cryptocurrency market today, the country has a command state system that solves any problems tough. Coronavirus did not spread in a single province in China, so it poses a risk to China’s economic security in general. That is why the regulator will have to introduce tough measures, restrictions not only on the people’s movement, but also on that of capital. In this way, Bitcoin, which has become a mass technology of global cross-border movement of capital, can immediately receive a huge number of new users, in the hundreds of millions, who simply can not physically carry out transactions with fiat currencies. Moreover, other countries will be able to take advantage of the fact that cryptocurrency mining farms can stop, and this will also affect the complexity of mining, which due to this will significantly decrease in the Bitcoin network. The possibility that coronavirus epidemic affect cryptocurrency should be considered both from the point of view of changing the complexity of BTC mining, as well as from the position of the recently appeared relationship between the BTC rate and exchange-traded assets. Both options suggest the most negative scenario for the spread of the epidemic, up to a national disaster. As for the impact of market inter asset relationships, one of the main drivers for Bitcoin is gold prices and the RMB course, the correlation of prices with which is obvious. The national coronavirus epidemic could force a state of emergency in the country, which could lead to interruptions in gold mining, and since China is the global leader in this industry now, it is likely to cause a significant increase in the price of a precious metal. Also, the RMB rate will begin to weaken, which will also lead to an increase in Bitcoin prices, as it could already be observed in 2019 due to a rather high correlation. Last year, during the U.S.-China trade war, as in January 2020, amid the worsening situation in Iran, Bitcoin was in demand from investors, which led to higher prices. Cryptocurrency in these situations has shown interest in itself, as a reliable investment tool that can protect investors' assets. Amid rising gold prices and the depreciation of the Chinese yuan, we can expect an increase in the value of the leading cryptocurrency. Disabling a large number of mining farms will very quickly lead to a decrease in the complexity of mining BTC. Some believe that this may cause a drop in the value of Bitcoin, since its mining will become a more profitable enterprise than a holding, which will encourage market participants to sell their coins. At some point, this can negatively affect the value of Bitcoin, however, it will not last long, since the redistribution of the complexity of the network will not take long. The next step will be that the market very quickly finds a balance level that is beneficial for both investors and cryptocurrency miners. After such a short decline on the background of a drop in network complexity, we can most likely expect another wave of Bitcoin exchange rate growth. However, so far no one can tell exactly how much BTC can go up after that.
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Why coronavirus epidemic will not affect the price of Bitcoin?
There is still insufficient data on the development of events around the development of coronavirus in China, based on which it would be possible to trace a clear relationship between the infection and the cryptocurrency market. Some financiers consider the biggest problem, not that coronavirus epidemic affect cryptocurrency, but a fall in activity due to the holidays due to the Chinese New Year. They explain this by the fact that China, as you know, is the main cryptocurrency market and the biggest user in the world. Thus, the decline in activity in China will in any case affect the overall trading volumes and liquidity. There is a chance to see low dynamics of demand for cryptocurrencies, albeit with periodic surges in volatility. The global phenomena observed over the past few years have had a key impact on such major indices as oil, gold, stock quotes, and the rates of major reserve currencies, but at the same time they did not significantly affect cryptocurrencies. The effective interdependence of the cryptocurrency and the blockchain industry with offline reality and fiat currencies is quite specific. Many experts believe that the expectations of crypto enthusiasts regarding Bitcoin as a protective asset did not materialize, since there was no large-scale conversion of USD to BTC when it last lowered rates. The Federal Reserve System has not cut rates for more than 10 years, and such a reaction from the cryptocurrency market has been very revealing. With a high degree of probability in the trader's portfolio, there are not only crypto assets, therefore the behavior of such an investor is determined by the news of the global world. Today, only such an interconnection can be traced, at least until the cryptocurrency market ceases to be somewhat isolated.
Which of them is right?
There is currently no consensus among financiers and traders whether coronavirus epidemic affect cryptocurrency. Those who deny those relationship can be called crypto-skeptics, although on the other hand, even those experts who believe that the disease can affect the main digital coin, explain that this will happen only if the outbreak develops into a full-fledged epidemic. China is making efforts to localize the coronavirus, so significant changes in the cost of cryptocurrency will now largely depend on how effective these efforts are. So in any case, follow the events around the epidemic and in the crypto industry. Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 5 years
Best Way To Handle Debt Collectors If You Can't Repay Your Debt
When your financial affairs went down for any reason and you can no longer repay your loans or other debts, then you should find out what is the best way to handle debt collectors. Perhaps your business began to experience difficulties or you could lose your job, but you still need to pay for housing, refuel your car and eat something. No matter what your problems are, lenders will want to get their money back and therefore debt collectors come into play here. Often this is due to the most unpleasant moments in your life when you and your family members receive letters and phone calls with threatening requirements, but in spite of everything you can mitigate these troubles for you and make interaction with debt collectors less painful and unpleasant. Find out as much as possible about what is the best way to handle debt collectors to remove this hell from your life. If it seems to you that this is impossible or will require some extra effort from you, then in fact, not everything is so bad and you can do it by following some simple rules.
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Try to negotiate
In the event that you are not able to respond for your obligations, this is usually associated with the most unpleasant feelings and emotions. Besides the fact that you are under pressure from those to whom you have unliquidated obligations, you most likely feel uncomfortable and insecure yourself, since your reputation suffers. As a result, you get not only the lack of the ability to receive financial support in the near future, but you also gradually develop depression, because you are constantly in a state of stress that does not leave you for even a minute. It is unlikely that in this state you have a great desire to communicate and get to know people, and every unknown phone call makes you tremble, since it most likely involves the most unpleasant communication with debt collectors. But you should also understand that hiding from the world and people you will not solve your problem. This forces you to look for the best way to handle debt collectors to get rid of this problem. Only after talking with representatives of the lender or collection agency will you be able to resolve this issue. Start talking with debt collectors, pick up the phone. Do not make your situation worse by simply ignoring them completely. With calm, adequate communication, you will have the opportunity to inform them of your situation. Try to explain your circumstances, how you ended up in them and what capabilities you now have to get out of them. Even if you still have no idea how you will get out of the difficult situation with your finances, you will probably be able to work out a repayment plan together with a debt collector, agree on a temporary reduction in the monthly payment, suspension of the payment of debt or the recovery process for several weeks or even months. During this time, you can improve your affairs, which is easier to do without depression and constant stress. Very often, debt collectors are ready to delve into your problem and compromise, while ceasing to put undue pressure on you. With this approach, you will most likely receive a different attitude from the lender or the debt collector, less pressure and more correct treatment. It is worthwhile to soberly assess your capabilities that you have in the circumstances, to estimate from what you can refuse now and carefully calculate how much you could repay on your debt. The best way to handle debt collectors is to draw up a preliminary debt repayment plan and then arrange this with your creditor.
Debt restructuring
When you stop avoiding talking with the creditor, you can find out that one of the best way to handle debt collectors, in addition to paying off the debt itself, is debt restructuring. This method can help you pay in the end, sometimes several times less money than you should have at the very beginning. This is possible due to the fact that the lender or collector can write off part of your debt if you offer him to pay a significant part of the debt immediately. Many will prefer to get less, but now guaranteed, than an unknown result sometime later, because for various reasons they may eventually not recover most of the debt from you, and the costs can be quite large. At the same time, when making such a deal, you should be very careful that the rest of your debt is not reported to the IRS as your income, from which you will then have to pay taxes. For example, you had a debt of $ 10,000, you were unable to pay it, and it was transferred to a debt collection agency. Then you agreed with the debt collector that you would pay $ 5,000 and so completely close the debt. You will receive a notification that you have closed a debt for a smaller amount, but it is considered to be fully repaid, but in the tax service this can be regarded as the fact that the remaining money of $ 5,000 is left with you and that this is your profit. Not only will you have to pay income tax on this amount, but also your credit rating may suffer additionally. It is worth weighing everything carefully beforehand. This does not happen in all cases, but if you yourself are not an accountant, then before agreeing to such conditions with a debt collector, it is better to discuss this with a professional in order to exclude such a possibility.
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Find an opportunity to pay the debt in full
This, of course, may sound strange, especially considering that you were no longer able to pay your debt obligations even in installments, but in fact you can almost always find a way out of almost any situation. Sometimes it’s enough to get off the beaten track, which, by the way, has led you to this dead end and just look around for opportunities. Family members and friends. Although in a situation where you are not able to meet your financial obligations, you don’t really want to communicate with other people, even with relatives, and even more so to talk about the difficulties you are in, it can be the most effective and cheapest for you the best way to handle debt collectors and get rid of psychological pressure and unpleasant communication with them, sorting out debts in this way. Just overcome this threshold by admitting that you are in a difficult situation. The next effective way to quickly get rid of the pressure of collectors, even if you do not have anyone who could help you, is to use the services offered by many online lenders working with borrowers with poor credit status. Even when you have a very sad situation with a credit score, such lenders in most cases will be ready to offer you options that will help to get out of a financial tailspin. You are very likely to be able to get a personal loan to pay off debt or to consolidate all your debts. So you will end up with one general loan, which will be easier for you to repay than several different ones, and besides, there will be no more phone calls with threats, letters and other elements of psychological pressure on you from debt collectors.
Remember that you have rights
Often, communication with debt collectors turns into a thriller for debtors, especially when the latter tries to hide and by all means avoid communication with a collection agency. Collectors organize a “hell of a life” for the borrower who cannot pay the debt and because of constant psychological pressure the debtor may become depressed, which does not contribute to a quicker solution to the problem. Some collectors can make late calls, threaten, harass, intimidate and in other ways make life terrible, but the debtor himself must remember that despite the unpaid debt he has all civil rights. This means that if the collector allows himself to intimidate you, threaten, swear, prosecute and other actions that violate your rights, then you can sue him. In addition, some collectors, so that threats have a greater effect on the debtor, may resort to significant exaggeration of the debt or the use of outdated information about the debt, which is also a violation of the law. Remember that if you cannot pay the debt, then this does not automatically make you a criminal, and even more so the collector is not entitled to determine the degree of your guilt, but only the court. Therefore, do not allow such treatment of you. Try from the very beginning to communicate with the debt collector and set a calm tone as a person who knows his rights, this most often sets up for a constructive dialogue. You should also be aware that you cannot endlessly be required to pay old debt, since debts also have a statute of limitations and after a certain period the court will not consider the claims of the creditor or collector, while the last one may try to continue to knock the debt out of you whereas he has no a legal right to do so.
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Seize opportunities
Nobody wants to experience unpleasant communication with debt collectors as a debtor, so the best way to handle debt collectors is not to bring your debts to the collection. If this happens, then use one of the options that we described above to mitigate this trouble and overcome it as quickly as possible. When you do not know how to solve the problem, contact online creditors working with bad credit. To choose the best option among the offers of such creditors, fill out an application on our website, then get a fast response from many lenders and compare them. It is better to take a personal loan to consolidate your debts than to allow the sending of your debts to debt collectors and be pressured by them. Learn more from our blog about personal finance, loans and credit cards, and how you can quickly improve your credit status or build it from scratch. Use the search to find answers to your questions. Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 5 years
US-China Relations - What's Next In This Wicked Game In 2020?
The agreement between the United States and China on the first phase of the trade transaction was a long-awaited event, but, it was won back, so it provided rather restrained support for quotations. The turnover in US-China relations entailed the trading on the exchanges of mainland China opened with growth in the main indexes. So, the Shanghai Composite - an indicator of the situation on the Shanghai Stock Exchange - at the opening rose 0.18% to 3095.73 points. The main indicator of business activity on the Shenzhen trading platform grew by 0.13% to 10986.65 points. Growth was also observed outside the PRC. In the green zone, the ASX 200 is growing at 0.6% and KOSPI added 0.26%. Economics previously wrote, the United States and China signed an agreement on the first part of a trade deal. Celestial Empire has committed itself to the purchase of American goods for more than $ 200 billion, and a quarter of this volume, as our portal has already noted, is energy. trade-conflict-between-the-US-and-China-slowed-economic-growth
Where will countries continue to compete with each other?
The worldwide tension for economic rule and control is unfolding in the US-China relations, struggling for the Arctic and Indian ocean regions, which could be the next mark in confrontation after the trade war, the South China Morning Post inform. Two years ago, China included the Arctic in its One Belt - One Way trade and infrastructure initiative, which aims to connect the countries of Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa, with a network of ports, roads, airports, pipelines, and other infrastructure projects. In 2018 Celestial Empire released the China’s Arctic Policy, a document that sets out as the One Belt - One Way initiative applies to the Arctic. As it is signed at the document, China intends to stimulate developers to create infrastructure lengthways the Arctic itineraries and motivate its navigation enterprises to conduct test flights throughout the sea. Transport itineraries will widen, so China will contribute to economic and public advancement. The paper emits that China has common interests with other the Arctic states. However, Washington is wary of Beijing’s ambitions and the possibility of turning Chinese trade and science projects into a security risk, SCMP notes. Then, US-China relations do not get better, even after signing trade agreements.
China set its sights on the Arctic
The US opposed China’s status as a subarctic country and accused Russia of aggression in the Arctic China is an important partner of Russia in the development of the Northern Sea Route In May 2019, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo opposed China's status as a subarctic country. He said that China’s recent actions have raised doubts about its intentions. Pompeo told representatives of the Arctic Council that Beijing calls itself a subarctic country. But the shortest distance between China and the Arctic is about 900 nautical Miles. There are only arctic and non-arctic countries. There are no other countries, he said. Pompeo consider that this is part of a well known scheme. Beijing is trying to develop critical infrastructure using Chinese money, Chinese companies and Chinese workers - in some cases, to ensure the continued presence of Chinese security forces," said Pompeo. The offer of US President Donald Trump to buy Greenland in August was perceived by some as related to these concerns. This happened after the Chinese state corporation China Communications Construction withdrew its application for the construction of two airports in the autonomous territory of Denmark, where the US Air Force base is located. Meanwhile, the key to success for China is cooperation with the Arctic countries, said Gao Tianming from Harbin University of Engineering in northeast China. The progress of the economical passage in the Arctic requires large-scale formation and rebuilding of infrastructure lengthwise, the whole itinerary from Iceland and Greenland in the West to Chukotka in the east to. He explained that in such a circumstances, the future building of the passage and China’s stance in the lead depend on the alacrity of the Nordic states and Russia to greet the contribution of China. Meanwhile, Russia welcomed Chinese investment, as Western sanctions have limited access to capital and technology, and the strengthening of diplomatic relations requires a more accommodating attitude towards Beijing’s Arctic aspirations.
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UN warns of trade war threat to global economy
In UN report to the annual meeting of world leaders in Davos, the UN expressed concern that trade tensions could act as a drag on economic growth, with detrimental consequences for sustainable development. The UN said that the trade conflict between the US and China slowed economic growth in 2019 to a minimum in a decade, and it is likely that a re-escalation of the conflict, financial turmoil, or aggravation of geopolitical tensions could undermine recovery this year. Although the first-phase deal significantly reduces tensions, it will not put an end to the trade war between the two largest economies in the world. US duties on Chinese imports worth $ 370 billion are still in force. In addition, the parties are likely to discuss more complex issues, including Chinese subsidies to state-owned companies and industrial policy, in negotiations on a second-phase deal. Although the easing of trade tension should help accelerate global GDP growth to about 2.5% this year from a 10-year low of 2.3% in 2019, the likelihood of a relapse is high, the UN warned. Failure to keep risks under control will mean that GDP growth in 2020 will slow to about 1.8%, which will have negative consequences for government efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. Antoniu Guterres, UN Secretary General said, that these risks can cause serious and long-term damage to development prospects. They also threaten to stimulate the further rise of policies focused on domestic needs, at a time when global cooperation is paramount. According to UN forecasts, US GDP growth will slow down from 2.2% in 2019 to 1.7% in 2020. A decrease in business confidence after a long trade conflict in US-China relations , as well as a weakening effect of tax cuts, will slow down the growth of the world's largest economy. The growth of China's economy, the second largest in the world, is expected to slow to about 6% this year compared to 6.1% in 2019. Economic growth in the EU is projected to remain relatively weak compared to previous years amid declining manufacturing output. GDP growth is expected to accelerate slightly from 1.4% in 2019 to 1.6% in 2020. Read the full article
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fnewstoday · 5 years
How To Save On Health Insurance In 2020? Find Out Here
American medicine is very well developed and has the largest medical services market in the world. Also in this country developed about half of all medicines in the world for recent decades. In terms of their income, American doctors are far superior to their colleagues from other countries. According to a study by the Kaiser Foundation, the average annual cost of insurance for an American family increased by 5% in 2019 and amounts to about $ 21,000, with employers compensating most, and workers paying about $ 6,000. Despite this, more than 60% of personal bankruptcies in the United States are caused by medical expenses. It is logical that many are very interested in the question of how to save on health insurance in 2020. Until 2014, there was no compulsory health insurance in the USA The costs of medicine were fully borne by each individual person. So in 2008, out of more than 300 million Americans, almost 50 million did not have health insurance and were denied access to qualified medical care. Other about 50 million residents were insured to a minimum, which did not solve the problem, if serious treatment was required, access to expensive drugs was needed. The cost of insurance grew several times faster than the average salary. American medicine has an established system for monitoring the quality of services, the rights of the patient and his relationship with the doctor are regulated by legislation, which allows the patient in case of medical errors to receive the help of qualified lawyers who will help to achieve large financial compensation. But if you suddenly become seriously ill, then you first need to pay a lot to get medical help, and only then, if the doctors do something wrong, after a while you can count on compensation. We’ll learn more about health insurance in order to find out what opportunities are there to save on health insurance in 2020 and whether you can use them.
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What is health insurance and why is it needed?
Since 2014, health insurance in the United States has become mandatory, and the medical field has undergone changes. However, insurance does not cover everything, but only a clearly limited list of medical services. The services of dentists and ophthalmologists, psychiatrists and pediatricians are usually not included in health insurance. Only a very wealthy person can afford to buy a medical policy that includes all types of medical services. As a result, a serious injury or illness can severely undermine the family budget and cause personal bankruptcy. Therefore, save on health insurance in 2020 will remain a very topical issue for most Americans. Medicine in America is really very expensive, so you should not neglect insurance, in addition, it is mandatory for all legal residents of the country and a penalty of several hundred dollars is provided for its absence. When buying a medical insurance policy, you enter into a contract with an insurance company, according to which you pay a certain amount every month, usually at least $ 300, and the insurance company incurs a part of medical expenses if you become ill or get injured. All Americans have equal access to emergency medical care, and doctors should not ask for insurance for patients, but in fact you will have to wait long in the corridors of the hospital if you do not have insurance, since those who have a medical policy are the first to receive help. Just visiting a doctor to show where it hurts to you will cost you no less than $ 10-20, emergency care at least $ 50. For an uninsured person, calling an ambulance or visiting an emergency room can result in serious financial expenses. Health insurance usually covers the cost of medicines, most of which are only available on prescription. For low-income Americans, a special federal Medicaid program is provided, and for the elderly is the Medicare program. So a little less than 30% of Americans use government programs. Overall, almost 85% of Americans have health insurance, of which about 60% receive insurance from the employer, and almost 9% get it themselves. If you belong to the latter category, then perhaps you should take advantage of the financial assistance to purchase medical insurance so as not to be in a difficult situation if you become ill. In most cases, working Americans are not able to choose an insurance company, because they are forced to purchase the one that the employer offers them.
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Types of Health Insurance
Most major companies provide insurance to their employees. Many organizations can take out insurance for several people. This insurance type is usually cheaper than individual. However, in the event of a serious illness of one of the members of the labor collective, the cost of the total price of insurance for the next year may increase. The average cost of such insurance is $ 600 per month per employee. There are two types of health insurance provided by the employer - these are: Payment for services, when the insurance company reimburses up to 80% of the costs for the services actually provided by the doctors, and the remaining expenses are borne by the patient; Managed services, when there is compensation for the set amount for each employee, without additional services. It is not surprising that many people want to save on health insurance in 2020 in order to spend as little as possible on medical services. In the case of a Service charge, the employer is interested in lowering medical expenses, for which purpose special companies are involved, collaborating with several providers of medical services, thereby reducing their cost. Before going to a specialist, the patient is examined by a general practitioner. If there is a possibility of prescribing expensive treatment, it is necessary to obtain the conclusion of another specialist. There are also payments to employees in case they lose their ability to work, as well as in the case of job loss, when insurance can be extended for a year and a half, and the employer will pay 60% of the cost of medical services. The lowest cost of health insurance in the US is HMO (Health Maintenance Organizations). This is due to the fact that using these types of insurance you can visit a very limited number of doctors and medical institutions. You will have to be treated in institutions of the same network, and you will have a primary physician who will issue referrals to other specialists. Coverage does not include services provided outside this network, except in cases of emergency medical care. A much wider network of hospitals provides the type of PPO (Preferred Provider Organizations). You can be treated not only in hospitals of a certain network, but also in others, however, in order to save on health insurance in 2020, you should still choose the hospital of the network, since there you will get much more favorable conditions. Also, you will not need to take a referral to specialists, because they will be able to take you on insurance and without it. But it is worth considering that buying such medical insurance will be much more expensive than others. So what is it worth choosing to save more on health insurance in 2020 - HMO or PPO? Here a lot will depend on your lifestyle. If you already have a family doctor, or you do not mind that the same therapist is constantly engaged in you, as well as you move around the country a little and do not mind being treated only on the network, then HMO will be a more suitable choice for you. Also choose HMO if you want to pay less and a low Deductible. The PPO type is more suitable for those who want to choose a doctor for themselves according to reviews, and not the one they will appoint, those who travel often and want to be able to go to any clinic without an appointment. In addition, when choosing a PPO, you should be prepared for large insurance premiums and for paying a high deductible. There are other, less popular types of insurance. Many people who want to save on health insurance in 2020 use the POS (Point-of-service) type of health insurance because it assumes that you will pay less using the services of doctors and hospitals from the network. Another less common type of insurance is EPO (Exclusive Provider Organization), which works on the same principle as HMO, but in this case you will not have mandatory referrals to specialists and the main doctor. For low-income Americans who do not allow them to purchase health insurance or pay for treatment on their own, the federal government provides two special programs. The first is Medicaid, designed to help low-income people, funded by the federal government or a specific state. To use the services of Medicaid, you must prove that a person’s financial situation is below a certain level.
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health-insurance-provided-by-the-employer Medicaid provides several services: consultations of various specialists laboratory diagnostics inpatient and outpatient treatment X-ray research methods, stay in nursing homes. Medicaid plays a significant role in the redistribution of income in the United States, and also helps tens of millions of Americans of different categories of the population. The second government program is Medicare, which aims to help people near retirement age, as well as people over 65 who have health problems. The program is funded from corporate income tax, payroll tax and progressive income tax. Medicare stably provides up to half of hospital revenue. The program provides the following medical services: diagnostic procedures some preventive services hospital treatment home service short stay in nursing homes. The Medicare program does not provide long-term hospitalization, or free prescription drugs and hearing aids. There is another Tricare state health insurance program that provides insurance for veterans and their families. You can get health insurance in the USA depending on your life circumstances and income level in the following ways: the state pays the insurance in full; part of the costs borne by the state; insurance is fully or partially paid by the employer; buy yourself.
What are insurance plans and how much does it cost?
There are basic insurance plans that differ from each other in terms of the percentage of coverage of medical expenses: the minimum insurance plan is available to those who can confirm that they are in a difficult financial situation or to persons under 30 years of age, no one else, and is designed for emergency cases the Bronze insurance plan, when the insurance company pays about 60% the Silver, when the insurance company pays about 70% the Gold, the insurance company pays about 80% the Platinum when the insurance company pays almost 90% of medical expenses. In addition to the percentage of coverage, insurance plans differ in sundry conditions: Out-of-pocket maximum represents the upper amount, after payment which you begin to receive 100% coverage from the insurance company during the year Co-insurance, when you pay a certain percentage of the cost, and the insurance company compensates for the rest Co-pay is a fixed amount that you pay for each medical service, while the remaining amount is covered by the insurance company Deductible is the amount you need to spend before the insurance coverage starts. Which deductible type to choose depends on what situation you are in right now. For example, if you want to save on health insurance in 2020, while you are not sick, and very rarely visit the doctors, then the best choice for you would be a high Deductible. Such insurance will be cheaper for you. If you never visit a doctor for a year, then you will spend less money. But you will be protected from high costs in case of accidents. If you choose a high deductible plan, try to invest as much money as possible in H.S.A. If you do not use it, you can leave money and even invest it in the future. Money at H.S.A. can be used to pay for treatment and care for children, even if they are covered by another health plan. High deductible insurance plans usually have lower insurance premiums and may be accompanied by an employer contribution, often to a special tax-free health savings account. This may make them less expensive than the PPO plan. In the case when you or your family members have to undergo a lot of treatment, you will have to pay for everything from your pocket every time until you reach the Deductible amount. If the deductible is too high, then you have to pay too much out of pocket. Therefore, in such a situation, you should choose a smaller deductible, despite the fact that initially the cost of the insurance policy will cost you more. When choosing the type of medical insurance, you should understand that dental and ophthalmological insurance are separate from the main medical insurance. Dental services include only child health insurance. Recently, however, more and more insurance companies are starting to include these two option services in their basic insurance, and perhaps to save on health insurance in 2020, you should look for such an offer, but so far there are so many companies that offer such an opportunity. The cost of insurance for the most part will depend on your income, region and the selected insurance plan. Such insurance, of course, will cost you more when buying a policy, but if you have any problems with your teeth or eyes, then it is probably worth spending a lot on such an offer, so that in the end you will pay less out by your own. If it’s hard for you now to find the necessary amount to buy such a policy, then you can take a personal loan and solve this problem. Despite everything, it is usually more profitable than paying for the services of a dentist or an ophthalmologist yourself.
Where and when is it best to buy health insurance
You can buy health insurance through the Health Insurance MarketPlace, a nationwide resource. Some states have their own sites. Also note that there is a good time to buy insurance. With the beginning of reforms in the medical field, insurance companies can no longer change the cost of the policy during the year, but the period for purchasing medical insurance is now limited to the period from November 15 to February 15, although cases of relocation, changes in family composition and the like are an exception and allow you to purchase insurance outside the specified period.
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How to save on health insurance in 2020
In some cases, you may qualify for financial assistance from the government, depending on your income level and some other conditions. If you are family with children, pregnant women, you have adopted children under the age of 26, as well as you are an older people or people with disabilities, then you should leave an application online on the website or at one of the local offices of the Department of Medical Services. If you earn a little and buying health insurance hurts your pocket, you can either get health insurance from your employer or get a government subsidy. Only a very small layer of people who earn average, and for whom the employer does not provide insurance, acquire health insurance at full cost. Some, even to save on health insurance in 2020, choose not to buy any, but to pay a fine. Sometimes it can even be cheaper if you do not have health problems and you are young. Medical expenses are the first cause of bankruptcy of individuals in the United States. More than 60% of bankrupt citizens owe their deplorable position to expensive medical care. Moreover, three quarters of these bankrupts were not insured. Therefore, insurance, even not the most profitable, is still often better than paying bills by yourself. Minimum insurance covers emergency care, visits to the therapist, physical examination and tests two to three times a year, as well as various preventive procedures and a short stay in the hospital. The most expensive medical insurance costs those who are ill a lot. However, for some diagnoses, for example, severe renal failure, the state assumes all insurance payments. In 2019, the individual mandate was canceled, which means that Americans who do not have health insurance in 2019 could avoid a tax penalty. The new rule provides for exceptions for residents in districts where no medical insurance company provides insurance coverage, or only one insurer offers it. Under the Affordable Health Services Act, insurance companies had to justify any increase in premiums of 10% or more. In addition, the new rule will attract government regulators to review rates and free student health insurance plans from federal tariff review requirements. The national health business group, which is conducting a survey of large employers, expects that next year the total cost of medical costs will increase by 5%. Experts recommend that employed US residents review their insurance plans over an open period to ensure that they do not miss the opportunity to save. Another option to save on health insurance in 2020 is to use the premium discount offered by many employers, as well as their offer to deposit additional money into a savings account if employees agree to a health examination or check. Identifying factors such as smoking or high blood sugar can help prevent health problems that are more serious and costly to treat. Use all possible options to save on health insurance in 2020 and do not refuse to purchase medical insurance, even if it is too expensive for your budget, it is better to take the opportunity to get financing from lenders, so as not to then spend a lot of money from your own pocket for medical services. Read the full article
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