fogboundsurvivor · 5 years
No Mither
No Mither
NSFW Fanfic by D. Johansson
David worked at the generator tirelessly, fumbling with the wires inside. He was so dead tired of running. His friends had already fallen and for whatever reason the escape shoot had not appeared for him. It was as if the Entity wanted to be an extra bitch on this cold night in Haddonfield. He tapped the wires together, hoping to make a spark, which he did, but only made the generator jump and let out a loud noise. It sputters and dies. He curses inwardly.
Ghostface stalked David from the shadows, crouched down and in Night Shroud. He could tell this particular iteration of David was different from the last. This one had a beard and he definitely didn't seem to know his way around the generator. He had already had his way taking down all of the other 3 survivors in the trial but was surprised to see that this David didn't even seem to know that. This sent an excited chill down Ghostface's spine, he was going to enjoy this. He would go about scrapping a knife against the wall, making a noise loud enough for David to hear but not know the source of.
David gulps...and moves toward an open window, but the window’s paneling comes undone and he falls backwards with a grunt. He looks up at the window and sees that it’s been blocked off by the entity. He was confused, but he felt the hair on the back of his neck rise when he heard the sound of a knife dragging against a wall. He made a move for another window, only for the entity to block it off to. He turns to the doorway..
To find that there was nothing there.
There was a moment of pure silence before suddenly David was grabbed from behind, a knife's point immediately being pressed against his neck.
"Gotta be quicker than that, Davey boy! The Entity doesn't like any slow poke survivors."
The Ghostface's voice was giddy, like he had caught a mouse in a trap that wasn't dead quite yet. Oh he couldn't wait to do all the things he wanted to do to this David
“Wait...Wait...please don’t.” David pleads, eyes darting for anything he could use. His own heart was in his throat. He could just faintly smell the vaguely minty breath of his captor. And also some rather fragrant cologne. Guess the killer wanted David to know he was there. David tried to get out of his grip.
“Oh I'm not going to kill you just yet. I've been a good little boy so the Entity said you're free for me to do what I want before I send you back to another campfire."
When he noticed the struggling, he would go forward with making a slight cut on the neck that wasn't fatal but also sent the point across that if he struggled it would only make things worse.
“Maybe if you're a good sport, I'll let you escape. Just got to play along and don't be a brat."
David grits his teeth and slowly puts his hands up* “What do you want with me...?” *David asks quietly, he was afraid to make another move, he could feel blood trickling down his neck, staining his black undershirt.
“You Davids have been running me rabid all damn day. With your altruism, getting in the way of hits and always being there to help your survivor friends on the hook."
The hand that was previously twisting one of David's arms in an uncomfortable position moved away to grab the man's ass.
“You help me vent my frustration and the hatch is all yours."
David’s eyes widened at the grab..and he shuddered. Partly due to fear...and partly due to the first stirrings of arousal. He shook the later thought away. Nobody’s touched him in god knows how long.....
”No.” He told himself. This was a killer. Who just murdered his friends. That took away the arousal and he heard Ghostface click his tongue
“I’m...sorry.” David said...trying to keep him talking.
"Oh, David. You have no idea how excited that makes me. An unwilling participant this late into the game is so much fun."
Ghostface sounded disappointed in the beginning of that but it turned into excitement very late into it.
“Thank you for this opportunity."
With that, Ghostface would move the hand off of his ass and onto his shoulder. With his far superior strength granted by the Entity, Ghostface basically sprinted forward with David coming along for the ride. It would go on for a moment before Ghostface came to a stop, only he let David go. He let David go right into a freefall down the staircase to the basement, Ghostface finding a sick thrill out of watching David ragdoll down to the landing in the stairs.
David groans and yelps when he hits the bottom. He could tell that his ankle was definitely broken. He turns and crawls for the front door, before being blocked by the body of Dwight. His shirt and pants had been sliced open and his face had a used condom thrown ontop of it. Along with a Polaroid photo of...Ghost face facefucking him. David, grabbing the wall, pushed himself to his feet and he stepped over the violated body of Dwight and limped into the street. He made it to the cop car and went around it, sliding to the floor and looking over the hood. He could see Ghostface walking out of the house. A predator in its element. He was definitely doubting his chances of the hatch at this point. He looked to his already bruising ankle and let out a quiet moan of pain. Trying to stifle the sound by breathing through his nose.
“Bastard...” David whispers to himself. He looks back at his ankle then back towards the Myer’s House. Ghostface was gone and David felt himself turn pale. Panicked now, he limped into a side yard.. a hedge park by the looks of it. several rows of park benches lied within. He sat himself down slowly by a hedge and took off his jacket and shredded it. Trying to make some bindings for his ankle. What he didn’t hear was the click of a camera just out of the way..
There was Ghostface, looking at the slowly developing polaroid in his hand. He seemed to be enjoying himself, chasing after the injured David.
“Wow, David. Getting too excited and ruining all the fun for me? I wanted to tear up the jacket myself."
He would walk over and kick the man over, getting him down onto his back before he would go to step down firmly on David's crotch, hard enough to cause some mild pain but not too hard just yet.
"You like what happened to Dwight? Little nerd did better than I thought. Better than Jeff and Jake, that's for sure."
David groaned as his head hit the grass, he felt Ghostface pressing a boot into his crotch and let out a whimper. He looked up at him, trying not to let his fear express onto his face.
“You..did that to all of them?” David asks.
"Well, why not look for yourself?"
He tossed down two polaroids for David to look at.
One was of Jake, he had been caught just as he finished sabotaging a hook and Ghostface had kicked him down right as the hook fell down, right on Jake' poor leg. The picture had Jake with his eyes rolled back as he was taking Ghostface from behind.
Next was two for Jeff who was currently suffering a similar fate. He was mid chase when he accidentally leaped a window right as Ghostface did. Thanks to Ghostface running Bamboozle, Jeff was effectively stuck in the window. The first polaroid was of Jeff's backside, flooding after a few uses and the other polaroid was his front side, his hair being the only visible identifier as his face was completely coated.
“They're nice photos. I took them myself."
David’s eyes widened and his chest heaved. He tried to move backwards, pushing with his good leg, but Ghostface’s boot on his crotch kept him in place. The pictures of his friend’s stretched open holes and the subsequent demises fresh in his head. He turned to look away, before laying flat on the ground.
“When they entity took me in, they told me I could have anything I desire as long as I killed you fools for it."
There was an unzip before Ghostface would move his foot away, leaning over to grab a handful of David's hair before sitting him up. He would sit him up so David could be meet face to face with Ghostface's massive cock.
“I told it I wanted this. I get to have my fun and the entity gets it's sacrifices. Quite the equivalent exchange."
David felt it against his face and he blushed a little. The man’s cock was massive...much, much bigger than he’s ever seen. He felt a little emasculated by the size of it. He looked up pitifully at Ghostface.
“You’re huge..” David said quietly...feeding Ghostface’s ego.
“How about we strike up that deal now? You take this to the hilt from both ends, and the hatch is all yours. If you reject it now, I'll do it anyways before I shove you on that hook."
He would cock slap David. Seeing the normally confidant David suddenly made into a whimpering bitch felt amazing. He loved it so much and couldn't wait to feel this again with other Davids later on.
David always thought he was straight...until he was pulled into the realm of the entity that drunken night. He spends what felt like eternity of lonely escapes before he ended up surviving with Jeff one trial. The two met back at the camp fire and Jeff asked David if he wanted to talk about the trial..David reluctantly agreed. It ended with Jeff going for the first kiss... then introducing David to the first pierced cock he’d ever seen, licked, sucked and taken.
David closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, before nodding. He looked up at him and opened his mouth wide, licking the tip of his captor’s cock.
A flash would appear in David's face, Ghostface taking a picture for memories sake. He had to show the other killers he never messed around after all.
“Got it for publicities sake, anyways go faster." Ghostface demanded, and its all David would get before Ghostface would move forward and part of his cock was shoved into David's mouth.
David took it a step further, taking as much of the cock he could down his throat. Tears running down his face and he bobbed his head onto it, one hand going up to fondle the large set of balls underneath the monster cock as well. He gagged and saliva ran down his chin and as worked the cock as aggressively as he could. Trying to get the ordeal over with. Hoping if he came...maybe he wouldn’t violate him further.
Ghostface would grab his head to make him stop, in order make him look up at him.
“Remember our deal, the whole thing has to go in that mouth David."
He would let go in order to let him proceed.
David tries his best, struggling to get down to the hilt of his cock. He gets onto his knees and feels a mix of salvia and pre cum fall out of his mouth. He gets frustrated and grunts, trying to take it further. He ends up choking and letting the cock slide out of his throat as he gags on air and sputters. His vision swimming from the coughing fit.
“Got 10 seconds. Start now! 1..2...3.."
Ghostface gave David 10 seconds to get a nice breath before he gets back to work on his cock. He had plans later, like gloating to Joe's smug mask about how much better of a killer Ghostface was.
David goes in for it again, only gagging immediately. He whines in defeat before looking up at Ghostface pleadingly.
“Please..I can’t do it...” David admits..face red from both embarrassment and effort. He lays on his back and spreads his big thighs apart “Please...just fuck me...use me...just don’t kill me like the others..” He whined.
“I’ll be good...so good...please.” David begs, tears running down his face.
Ghostface would go around back to his mouth.
“Oh don't be a fucking bitch David! You're going do it whether you like it or not!"
He would grab his head and in one quick motion, shove his cock in and jam the entire thing down his throat. He knew the Entity would make it to where David would only dry heave and he knew the Entity was above allowing asphyxiation being a cause of death here. He would hold him for a few seconds before letting go of David.
David sputters and chokes on air...feeling his throat get throughly resized. After realizing he couldn’t choke to death, he grabs Ghostface’s cock and shoved it down his throat pushing Ghostface’s hips towards his face as if to say “Use my mouth.”
As sick as it was David was kind of turned on by being used like a slut by someone stronger than him...perhaps that’s why he enjoyed fighting and violence. The pain always was his drive...
He felt drool slides down the sides of his mouth as the spit and throat slicked cock pumped in and out his mouth. His lips were bruised and cracking at the strain.
"I was planning on sending you back to the campfire with a souvenir. My cum all over and inside your pathetic body."
It was rare that Ghostface broke someone and it was extremely rare that it was a David. This was getting far more interesting. He was going to make sure everyone at that camp fire knew exactly what happened here.
David could feel Ghostface’s balls rest on his face. He pulled off the monster cock and sucked and licked on them, stroking the massive cock above him...he even got bolder and went to give Ghostface’s hole a sloppy lick. He was lost...hopeless and wanting to please the man that held his current fate in his hands... He tongued his hole and then went back to furiously and sloppily sucking on his monster cock. His ankle throbbed and he was getting covered in various viscous layers of saliva. David’s rebellious attitude was lost..only a cock hungry slut remained. He wanted to please his captor so bad...he felt the tears still running down his face but he didn’t care anymore. He just wanted to live and pleasing this monster was his only way out. That did not fly so well with Ghostface. He would force David off his cock and would pick him up and slam him down bent over a picnic table.
“That wasn't in our little deal, Davey.... I guess you can't teach a dog to listen. The hatch never opened, Davey. Your chance of escape was done the moment you fell down those stairs. Might as well enjoy what happens next before you go back to the campfire." Ghostface taunted.
He would line up with David's hole and without even giving him a moment to brace himself before just shoving inside of David. He had some mercy before but this was nothing held back. If only David had listened.
He could feel Ghostface trying to penetrate him through his sweatpants and he let out a startled chuckle. “Think I may need to lose the pants before ya do that..” David taunts. Since his fate was sealed, he felt adrenaline pump through his veins.
There a moment before a knife came down directly down on David's back, narrowly missing his spine or anythint vital, before it would go back to cut open his pants and boxers.
“You want to be a little shit huh? I'll show you want little shits like you deserve."
With that, the hilt of the blade would go up David's ass without any sort of grace or theateric Ghostface was known for.
David howled at the sudden penetration. He could feel it go about four inches inside before being stopped by the guard of the blade. He let out a groan, leaning into the table. He could feel the cold air around his as his muscular ass, balls and limp cock were exposed to the air.
“Motherfucker...ahh...shit...” David spat out.
“I was going to make it quick but bitch decided he wanted to do slowly."
He was not happy, he'd reach in his coat to pull out another knife. He'd pin David's head down before he would very roughly cut away at his beard, with sense of caution or percision when it came to it.
David watched his facial hair hit the table sadly. He was really enjoying his beard...he felt humiliated as he could feel his hole tighten around the hilt of the blade. He shifted his position slightly and moaned quietly as the hilt rubbed against that spot inside him. His face and ass both felt raw now. “Fuck....I’ve...been bad.” David groans into the table.
He would grab his hair and pull his head up, getting semi close face to face.
“You're damn right." Ghostface whispered huskily into his ear.
The knife would come down to pin David's right hand to the table before Ghostface went to the back, removing the knife before lining up with his cock instead. With the same amount of mercilessness, he would shove his cock inside of David.
David lets out a bloodcurdling scream as he feels his hand get pinned to the table. Before he has time to process that, he feels all 13 inches of Ghostface’s thick cock tear open his abused hole. He lets out a painful yelp and groan before feeling his legs turn to jelly. Ghostface would thrust with wreckless abandon as he mostly did it for the sake of punishing David at this point. Even though every wound on David was going to disappear after the trial was over, he wanted to make sure David was going to remember the pain for a very long time. David looked down and he could swear he could see Ghostface’s cock rearrange his guts through his stomach. He swore he could see it poke the flesh of his belly from within. He felt sick...but he felt the thick member continue to hit places inside David he didn’t know he had. He cried out again...his eyes wet and swollen as he felt his own cock swell with arousal...all this pain was beginning to feel way too good to him. “You’re going into shock.” He tried to remind himself to no avail.
“Fuckme....fuck...me....please...god hurt me...” He moans out.
"I'm going to ruin you, David. I want to make sure that nobody is going to make your ass feel as stretched as I make it tonight. Everytime your whore ass tries to take someone smaller, you'll remember me."
He had no doubt in his mind that nobody else the Entity had in their grasp came close to his size. This was going to be David's torture, the constanty longing for Ghostface's cock that he'll never feel again. It was going to be so sweet. “God...I can...feel you so deep...!” David says, and pushes back into Ghostface’s cock and arches his back. Taking the punishment with vigor now. He could feel his hard cock rubbing against the rough wood of the bench now. He was lost in lust now. He knew Ghostface was ruining his hole, and he loved every second of it...maybe after this he would get the guys to run a train on his so he could try to feel this kind of deep, unrelenting pain again.
Ghostface would go for what felt like forever, using whatever ungodly stamina the Entity had given him. Ghostface has already had a plan for after the trial. It took thousands of perfect trials, gritting his teeth through Mettle of Man, Borrowed Time, and Adrenaline on survivors or purple rarity flashlights to get 4 Kills for it.
He begged the Entity and he got it. The survivors of this trial were being sent to a different campfire, one where Ghostface or any killer he allows can enter, and use the four broken mindless slut survivors.
David was half collapsed onto the table, broken and a groaning mess. He had already cum twice onto the bench seat and his balls were swollen beyond belief. He was just waiting for the sweet release of death and Ghostface at this point. He could barely feel his hole anymore, only the massive sex organ rearranging his guts inside. He wondered how much energy Ghostface had left at this point..
Ghostface would slam to hilt inside of David before he came deep into the quote unquote survivor. It was massive and it felt so nice to get another load off for the end of the trial for Ghostface. He'd pull out and let it flood out, similar to the backside of Jeff polaroid.
“Well thanks for playing this game, David."
Finally, Ghostface would pull out his knife from David's hand.
David whimpered at the knife being pulled out and sunk into the table, he could feel the cum pushing its way out of his abused hole.
“Do it....finish me off...” David says quietly, pressing his forehead into the table.
“Gladly." The Killer says,
With a flash of his blade, he would raise it up and then....
David would open his eyes to find himself back at the campfire.
“Holy shit...” David says, feeling his face to find his beard miraculously still there. He looked around to see Jake, Jeff and Dwight all sitting there quietly staring at him.
“What?” He asks, before he feels a gallon of cum slide down his leg. “Oh fuck...that was..”
“Real?” Jeff finishes.
David lets out a soft whimper as he strips out of the pants and cleans himself off. He throws the remains in the fire and watches it burn. He pulls on some track pants and shudders.
He silently wonders what the hell did it mean.
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
This was absolutely insane and well written omg
What was your reaction to meeting legion?
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The “Legion…” They are… definitely unique in a lot of ways… For instance, during matches, The Obsession gives me more than just the insight of whichever member of their gang is killing us; It feels like their personalities and thoughts are all crammed together into one body, sometimes surging up during a direct confrontation as though to help their comrade appear more intimidating… it can be very disorientating… and it usually distracts me and makes it easier for them to get the drop on me even with the aid of my “perks.”The Legion are also more human… like The Pig. They aren’t unnaturally tall, or particularly supernatural… except for when they start sprinting. Somehow they know where everyone is hiding the second they attack one of us… so we’re forced to spread out. Personality-wise… its hard to fully understand and discern what emotions belong to who… it doesn’t really matter… they all are united in their cause. They all do the Entity’s dirty work. I call them they… because it honestly feels like they are always in a group, even when only one is actually present… the other survivors have even felt it. A sort of pack-mentality coming from the masked gang members.It’s almost disarming in a way, just seeing these people, barely different from the rest of us, but so willing to carry the orders of the monstrous entity…I’ve also seen their faces. Both in-trial on the off chance they want to show off a “game-face”, as well as that Photo that sometimes gets conjured from our Bloodwebs… it’s easy to recognize their hoodies; they look barely older than Me… they might even be a little younger given their overall demeanor. I think that’s what makes them even worse than some of the really monstrous killers… they really are the same as the rest of us survivors… they’ve just chosen to take darker path.But… It seems like there is four different people… somehow occupying the same space yet able to interchange? I don’t know what the Entity did to make them like that, but I do know they seem to be four people all in one body.My first Trial with them, they were walking around as “Joey.” I was caught off guard completely because, I saw their Aura and I swore it was a survivor… but the color was pink, not yellow. And They had a predatory gait to their walk.They had stabbed Jake, and immediately turned and ran to me, even though I was well out of sight. I was able to outrun them for a bit, but… sooner or later they caught up.Soon, “Joey,” As he later identified himself as, caught up to me, and I was running around, trying to keep my insides from being “outsides.”Before I knew it… The gates were powered, and I was the last one in the Trial. Joey was still hunting me down. The others had escaped… but I was barely able to keep myself together… I couldn’t run any longer. I felt numb all over……I collapsed. The dull throb of my leaking intestines and sliced flesh finally cementing me to the ground.He made a big show of it… it was honestly infuriating, having to just sit there as he sauntered over. His horribly bright eyes, gleaming with pride behind that dirty rag painted with that crude death’s face.I remember him kneeling down, mocking me as I tried desperately to keep his hands from probing my entrails like a child poking at garbage with a stick…’Hey lil’ blue bird, c’mon why don’t ya give me a song, uh?’I could feel outrage as well as thick bile rising in my throat as the pain and nausea of it all became overwhelming… worse yet was the sensation of all the others... all the jeering, cajoling personalities of his Fellow Legion pressing in at all sides, trying to worm their way in for front row seats.‘Make her squeal, Joey!’‘Wish I could do it myself, keep your hands nice and steady, savor it!’‘First kill, Joe, do us proud!’I don’t know if it was the pressure… but ‘Joey’ seemed to actually be hesitant despite his previous smugness… I was the last one… And I was now certain he had brought in one of those Skull necklaces… just to kill me personally. He wasn;t talking anymore… but his friends were like a buzz of angry hornets.‘What are you waiting for? Stick that fucking bitch!’‘Helllooooo…. geez…do you need me to step in? ‘Fuckin’ rest it Sooz…Don’t puss out, man…’‘…’I could almost hear their voices… almost like the how the Entity whispers just out of audible range… they were a presence… encompassing ‘Joey’ with their maddening shroud. He was breathing harder and harder…He was scared.Maybe he was Uncomfortable with killing? Kind of bizarre… but The Obsession does effect each Killer differently. Maiming me was fine, but actually killing was apparently where he drew the line I guess.I wasn’t going to make it no matter what. But I refused to back down, I looked him in the eyes, and with what strength I could muster, I slowly stood, my hands slick with the pulsing heat of blood and my own raw organs.I didn’t say anything… but I stared at him. His eyes looking into mine. All the confidence, the bravado earlier… it was withering away as I nearly matched him in height. ‘…’I almost felt like I could see another pair of hands taking his own, sternly guiding his strange, curved Blade towards my throat and slicing the artery in one clear motion.((Also @shadowhero93))
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
What do you do when one of the killers attacks Ace, David?
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Ace: He’s pretty protective… a little too much I’d say.
David: What am I s’posed to do then? Not punch ‘im? 
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
Do you have any shared kinks?
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Ace: He’ll never admit it, but, we both enjoy when he wears some nice lingerie
David: Ye, and so what if I do?!
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
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silly headcanon because I have no mood for anything else.
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
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They’ve been watching a lot of cat videos lately.
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
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Sigil witch
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
Herman, Chasing david: Dammit, he’s so fast! He must be laser-focused in. The only thing on David’s mind is this trial!
David: *singing the wii theme song in his head*
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
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There is only one thing Misty Day loves more than Cordelia Goode…and that is food, my friend.
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
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- “You bit a man’s head off!”
- “Fuel in the tank.”
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
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American Horror Story: Coven
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
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WOW these are awesome!
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
Kenneth: *honks his nose* Honk! Honk!
Kate: Why do clowns honk their noses?
Kenneth: To pump our blood…We don’t have hearts. Honk! Honk!
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
REBLOG this to be added to the masterlist of dead by daylight roleplayers. this applies if you are a single or multi-muse blog, or have a non-dead by daylight muse with a dead by daylight verse. PLEASE MENTION IN THE TAGS :
your character’s name ( or just write “multimuse” )
an oc / a canon character.
a killer / a survivor
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fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
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Arts from the video
Video: https://youtu.be/P37kCydhujA
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415 notes · View notes
fogboundsurvivor · 6 years
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These creatures...emerge from the fog with strange new abilities.
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