fogism-blog · 7 years
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fogism-blog · 7 years
‘oh cute,’ she smiled at the brunette, interested to know more about her. alaska had always been a pretty knowledgeable person, always wanting to know things about different subjects or people. the situation at home while growing up had turned her more of a loner at school, and she often took the time to watch the other kids around her. looking for what they liked or what made them tick. now that she was more grown up, she was a bit more outgoing with others. ‘how old are they?’ she asked, truly interested in where the conversation was going.
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“yeah i guess so” effy smiles at the girl. effy and her siblings were known about town, thanks to their parents. some people thought badly of them because of their parents but effy didn’t care. she showed them how wrong they were by working tirelessly to provide the best for erin and elena. “uh -- both sixteen, they’re twins” she tells her. 
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fogism-blog · 7 years
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My Rose & Olive Branch Tattoo (First) | Bloodline Tattoo Co. Napier NZ by Jarna (by NZL_Truly) via KoolTattoos
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fogism-blog · 7 years
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“how much’ll it cost for a whole fucking sleeve? i’m talking shoulder to wrist, man.” another consideration of his, would probably allow the other full artistic control. seemed like the guy had confidence - which resonated easily with him. “pass over one of those and you got a deal.” gesturing to the cigarette the other is currently holding. 
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“shit man. it’s gonna be in the thousands at least. .‘cause it’s gonna have to be done in more than one sitting. i can work it out once we have a design sorted” rigby tells the male. rigby had been tattooing for a good few years now so he knew what he was doing. “sure thing” he passes one over to the male. “do you have any idea what you’d like?”.
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fogism-blog · 7 years
“well,” samyuel said sighing pausing his typing as he wrote up for the weeks lesson plan. “if you don’t show, and we have something important about your child to talk to you about, it sets you back a bit. it’s also a chance for parents to see what their kids are learning and to make any notes regarding to curriculum, but honestly it’s just for us to complain about how bratty some of the other children are being…” he smiled finally turning to look at her. “i’m kidding, don’t go, it’s a scam. you’ll be there for 5 minutes and we’ll look tired and annoyed while you gush over some cursive writing of finger painting. it’s not worth your time.”
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effy listens to the male speak and rasies a brow, if she could go to her sisters parents evenings she would. she was just so busy. “seriously? well i guess they are going to have to be set back. i don’t have the time to go to this” she shrugs a little. “ah, i see. i don’t think my sisters are that bad” she carries on. a small smile appears on effy’s face, “now that’s what i wanted to hear. my sisters tell me everything that happens at school as soon as they get in so i don’t think i’ll be missing much”.
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fogism-blog · 7 years
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Astoria set her coffee down, glancing at the woman who’d addressed her. “Erm…” She furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head slowly. “I don’t think so. There’s hardly anything they can do to you for not being able to attend. Maybe they’ll schedule a call with you instead?”
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She lets out a sigh relief. “That’s perfect. I honestly can’t be swapping anymore shifts with anyone at the bar, as I think they are starting to hate me” Effy replies with a laugh. “I’ll look into it. My sisters always tell me how they are doing at school anyway, so I don’t really need to see their teachers”. 
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fogism-blog · 7 years
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fogism-blog · 7 years
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fogism-blog · 7 years
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Astoria’s first reaction to being greeted was to groan, having grown used to the cat calls of New York and assuming this would be something similar. However she was pleasantly surprised at what followed, “Doesn’t cheap also equal blood poisoning?” She asked, quirking an eyebrow.
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Upon seeing the female Rigby’s whole demeanor changed. He threw the cig on the floor and stubbed it out with his foot. He gives her a cheeky grin, “not with me miss. you’ll be safe in my hands, don’t you worry”
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fogism-blog · 7 years
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his steps find pause, turning back towards the street. scanning for the origin of the offer - money was no object to him, but he’d never turn down a good opportunity to make his parents blood boil. tattoos were on his list of future acts of rebellion, in fact, as well as being something he’d always wanted. stepping up towards the man, squaring his head.  “how cheap we talking?” 
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rigby takes another puff from his cig, “depends what your wanting” he pauses for a second and has a think. “i can do you a small one for a couple of dollars but the bigger you get the more its gonna cost ya’” he tells the male. he watches the male, “you’re welcome to come inside and we can work something out”. 
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fogism-blog · 7 years
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rigby is stood outside the tattoo shop, with a cig in his hand. he was on a smoke break at work, it was a slow day and he was bored. someone walks past and he has an idea. “hey! do you wanna do something crazy? you should get a tattoo. i’ll do it for you, cheap” he calls out. 
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fogism-blog · 7 years
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effy sits at the end of the bar with a letter in hand, she’s frowning. “another parent - teacher night?! how many do these kids need” effy mumbles to herself as she reads through the letter. she places the letter down on the side and lets out a sigh. she turns to the person next to her, “do you know if anything bad happens if you don’t go to a parent - teacher night? i honestly don’t think i have the time to go”. 
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fogism-blog · 7 years
‘what’s that, lila?’ she cooed, holding the six months old in her arms as she played with one of the decorations the store had hanging up from the ceiling. due to the fact that she worked at the local daycare, it was only natural that some of the parents would ask if harlow was available to babysit on the weekends, knowing fully well how capable she was with taking care of children of all ages. a lot of people had told the brunette throughout her life how gifted she was when it came to kids, and after leaving italy and coming to the states to work in star hollow, she finally understood what they meant. ‘do you think we’ll be good with these books for daycare on monday?’ she talked to the baby, knowing fully well she wouldn’t get a reply; although, that didn’t stop her from smiling down at the small bundle in her arms. the bookstore was mostly empty other than the usual crowd sitting at the table in the backroom. so she though it was an excellent opportunity to get some books for the kids at work. walking past the isle of kid books and around the corner, she halted her steps when she almost bumped into the person coming the opposite direction. ‘sorry!’ she looked up sheepishly at the person she almost ran into, lila letting out a laugh from her reaction. tightening her free hand on the basket filled with books, she cocked her head to the side and met their gaze . ‘you’re lucky i didn’t run into you and dropped this, i doubt a few broken toes was on your agenda for today.’
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effy and her younger sister erin were doing the family shop. there was only three of them but elena and erin ate a lot of food as they were both growing teenagers. erin piled bags of food into effy’s basket, “okay, why don’t you find us some sweets?” effy asks her sister. erin nods and runs off, effy was busy minding her own business when she felt the other foot hit hers. she gives the other a brief smile, even though it did hurt. “it’s okay!” effy replies. she nods her head in agreement, “now that would’ve been painful. yeah, i didn’t need that today, it’s a busy day!” she says with a laugh. it was true effy was busy as per usual, she had a lot of little jobs she needed to do. shopping being one of them.
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fogism-blog · 7 years
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“i really thought i was the most needy person in stars hollow, but then this girl in my kinder ballet class sneezed, and then got annoyed that no one said anything and was like uh, bless me. so it’s definitely her, i’ve lost my crown.”
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“little girls can be the worst sometimes. they often think the world revolves around them” he says with a laugh. “i’m sure you’ll be able you’ll be able to get it back somehow. i have a feeling its not a hard crown to steal”. 
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fogism-blog · 7 years
she was all doe eyes and red lips as she walked inside the grocery store, her craving for ben & jerry’s ice cream bringing her here in the first place. she’d been in star hollow for close to two months now, and despite being here for a while, she was still foreign to where some of the things were located– inside super markers or outside on main street. after a few minutes of searching, she finally asked for help from one of the cashiers, who pointed her in the right direction. the petite blonde couldn’t help but smile in triumphs when she found what she was searching for. ‘thank god,’ she whispers under breath, sliding the freezer door and grabbing a pint of the famous ‘half baked’ ice cream.  she was just about to turn around and head up to the cash register to pay, but stumbled lightly when she noticed someone waiting for their turn to get their hands on the brand as well. ‘shit, sorry,’ she smiled lightly, moving to the side so they can get at it. ‘so which one are you? pregnant, on your period or just craving the hell out of this because it’s so delicious?’ she joked.
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effy’s sisters had been badgering her about getting ben & jerry’s for quite sometime. effy always said no because it cost a lot and they didn’t have that kind of money to be throwing around. but tonight was different, both girls had done really well in school so she decided to treat them. she arrived at the store and makes her way to the correct aisle. effy waits for the blonde to get what she wanted, she watches her stumble and she feels a little awkward. “uh it’s fine -- don’t worry about it” effy shakes her head. “none of the above. i’m getting it for my little sisters” she tells the other.
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fogism-blog · 7 years
Evangeline was washing the car while she listened to the person continue on who was obviously flirting with her. She rolled her eyes, resisting the urge to rest a hand on her stomach as she stood up straight to adjust her shorts. Even if she wasn’t showing yet, it had become a nervous habit for her. “Look..” she finally sighed as she went back to washing the hood of the car. “I’m dating someone, and I’m not really interested in- whatever this is..”
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Rigby laughs a little as the girl speaks. He runs a hand through his dark hair and adjusts his sunglasses. “Hey! I know a pretty girl when I see one” He says with a shrug. A smirk appears on his lips, “Shit. Really? Is your boyfriend gonna come and beat me up?” Rigby teases the girl.
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fogism-blog · 7 years
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