fondly-fawn · 5 years
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
Upon hearing the reasoning, a certain level of guilt washed over him since it had been a while since he’d seen all the girls together at once. Adulting had become more and more pervasive in their lives, and there was no doubt in his mind that old habits die hard, especially when it came to the mama bear side of Fawn. “No, no, I should’ve done some portion control,” he concluded to avoid discouraging her. “I mean, yeah, we can try doing that next time, but we can also try turning the whole buffet into meal preps,” he presented. “I could start carrying some of my weight. I’ll need a heads-up when you start cooking, of course, and if you have some secret ingredient you don’t want to share, I promise I’ll look away. How does that sound?”
Terence’s brows raised expectantly at that her pause, waiting to hear what witty rebuttal she had for him, but what he ended up getting in return was anticlimactic, amusing in its own right. He raised his hands to call a truce, “Message received, loud and clear, boludo. You live here now.” He went to take a swig of water before setting it down, and with a mouth full of water, he looked back at her in thought. “Mm,” swallowing it down, he pushed himself up and held his hands out to her, “alright. Come on. You’re going to help me find nieve de garrafa or italian ice. Please.”
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“Well, hey, meal preps would be a good idea. This is the perfect plan!” She lightly shoved his shoulder, not wanting him to feel any unnecessary guilt. “Besides, just because we don’t see the girls that often doesn’t mean I can’t be an overbearing mother, and bring them leftovers constantly.” She laughed at the thought, although it wouldn’t be the first time she had shown up bearing gifts of food, at any one of their houses.
She took his hand, and began to pull herself off the ground, letting out a dramatic groan in the process. “Yes, please, let’s goooo! I need something that will help me regain my energy. I think I know a spot in town we can try out, that is if you can make it all the way back.” She smirked, choosing to ignore the fact that she was just the one on the floor complaining about her own exhaustion.
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
“Is he good at fetch, at least?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “I mean, the amount of sticks he can probably find around here is astronomically high, I bet!” Lilo explained further. “A rabbit? Rabbits don’t do much, though! They just hop around… chew on carrots. That’s boring.” 
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“UH, when it comes to fetch, Gruff is the master. He brings me sticks all the time, and once he even brought me a tree branch. It was crazy!” She shook her head at the memory. “Hey! they may not do much, but they’re sweet, and kind of like a dog.”
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
“That’s…. still crazy. I don’t think I could ever live alone,” Lilo said, shaking her head at the thought. Her head turned to the dog, having not seen it before, “Oh! That’s true! Man’s best friend, right? I wish my sister would let us get a dog… She says Stitch is practically the same thing anyway,” she joked. Her brother was not the same thing… but in some aspects? Maybe Nani was right. “It’s probably smarter to explore with someone else… Or some Hansel and Gretel shit may happen.”
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“Totally, he's not much of a guard dog or anything like that, but he’s the best company to have around.” She laughed at the comparison of Stitch and a dog, she had seen the two of them running around town before, leading her to believe that Stitch was.. her brother? It was hard to remember. “Maybe you could convince her to get you something smaller to start with? Like a rabbit!”
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
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“Wait I love this idea. A doggy boot camp would be so c-cool!” She spoke in agreement, “I’ve always wanted to teach a dog tricks and do all the dog mom things! Can we get him a puppaccino?” 
“That can be the first thing we do with him, he absolutely loves puppaccinos. He also just loves attention in general, and I can already tell he’s about to be so spoiled.” She laughed.
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
Whether she liked to admit it or not, there were many occasions where Peach found herself alone at the Marine Life Institute. While some days it was for working, there were other times she found it to be peaceful there later in the evenings, sometimes even sparking up conversations with the janitorial team and enjoying the emptiness of it all.
While at home that evening, Peach realized she’d left her phone charger in her locker at work. While most would be annoyed and frustrated by the predicament, she took is as an opportunity to stop by, say hello to a few of her favorites in the aquarium, and enjoy the peace she always felt there. Although, after retrieving her phone charger and heading down one of the hallways, the normal peaceful feeling of the aquarium completely disappeared as the lights shut off. Peach was immediately freaked out by this, although hearing a familiar voice within the darkness made her feel a little less uneasy. “I’m over here!” She called, deciding to turn the flashlight on her phone on. “Fawn? Is that you?” The voice seemed to resemble Fawn’s, though she was still a little too far away to tell. She took a few steps closer until she was able to recognize her. “Hey! What just happened?”
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Flinching slightly at the sudden source of light shining in her direction, Fawn made her way over to the voice deciding that whoever it may be, it would be better to stand with them rather than by herself in the dark. “Oh my goodness, I’m so happy it’s you!” She cried out after the realization that it was just Peach and not someone, or something, far worse. “I don’t know.” She whispered in response, feeling a little too loud in the darkness of the room. “I was just finishing up when everything went dark. I didn’t even hit any light switches this time. At least, I don’t think I did.” Okay, yes, maybe Fawn was known for sometimes hitting light switches accidentally, especially at the marine life institute, there were just so many, but she was almost positive this wasn’t her doing. “Do you think it’s just us out of power? Maybe it’s the whole town too.”
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July 14,2019.
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
it's time to build an arc! pick only FIVE animals you'd take with you on your journey.
“ONLY FIVE? I would take… dog, owl, elephant, rabbit, and… giraffe. These are animals just off the top of my head because if I had to pick based on favorites, my brain might explode. I’m taking them all, you can’t stop me.”
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
do you ever compare your clique to the sugar racers?
“Not really! I guess you could compare the fact that we both have sort of a big-ish friend group, but I actually don’t know all that much about the sugar racers, and I’m sure there are different dynamics.”
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
Her days were filled with wandering around, not knowing what was supposed to do, aimlessly searching for something intriguing. But sadly, her days consisted of re-reading stolen books from the library at the beach and wandering around till she found a couch to crash on. Needless to say it was hard admitting she was wrong, especially to those who meant a lot to her. 
The girl couldn’t help but think about the gang as she looked out over the water and she couldn’t help but fear the presence she felt when she was at the water. She couldn’t help but be saddened by everything going on right now, even when she was trying to reconnect with her old friends. But the girl knew that she had her moment to come back, there had to be a point of no return. 
As she reread the same line in her book over and over, frustration consuming her, forcing her to slam the book and toss it to the sand at her feet. And thats when a voice snapped her out of her thoughts, her brows knotting in confusion. “Fawn?” The girl couldn’t help but tilt her head, “I guess it has been a while… If you want this spot, I can move, I should probably get going anyways…” 
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“No! You don’t have to go!” She was quick to say, not wanting to give her the wrong impression of why she had come here in the first place. “I actually.. Well, I came here looking for you. I was hoping we could talk... If you don’t mind?” It had gone on long enough, the two of them just... not talking. Not addressing anything that had gone on in the past, and not even acknowledging that the other existed anymore. Maybe there truly wasn’t anything to address, maybe there weren’t any hard feelings, but she couldn’t help but feeling constantly guilty on her end. Fawn was never one to dwell on the past, but this is the one situation she just couldn’t seem to get over. The only thing she knew for certain was that she missed her best friend, and it was about time she tried to fix that.
Without waiting for a response, she made the hurried choice to take a seat next to Zarina in the sand, hoping it would give off the impression that she wasn’t going to give up that easy. “I’m just.. I’m sorry it took me so long to come talk to you... I’m sorry for everything.”
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
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“ damn, maybe i should just camp out there for the rest of the summer. ” her brain needed a break– a REAL break. inspiration hit at weird times, and although she was grateful she even had the ability to make things, she no longer wanted to have the urge to make things at two in the morning. “ oh my goodness, YES. please, i need it. ” it wasn’t like tinka to beg, but it felt like it had been so long since she saw the entire group in one place at one time. “ a girls night plus terence sounds amazing. ”
“I’m thinking that I should just turn my house into a retreat center for anyone who needs to get away from the rest of the town, that’s what everyone uses it for anyways.” It was true, but really she loved that she was able to give her friends a secret place to get away from the world. “Okay, great! I can tell that this is something we all need, I swear I can feel when you guys are stressed out. It’s like my super power.”
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
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fondly-fawn · 5 years
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