foolishs · 8 months
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MAIA REFICCO via tiktok
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foolishs · 8 months
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                    evie   shakes   her   head   and   links   her   arm   with   his   ,   patting   him   on   the   shoulder   .      she's   not   even   sure   why   she   agreed   to   this   whole   idea   but   now   they're   here   and   she's   trying   not   to   overthink   too   much   .       “   i   think   you're   deeping   this   a   bit   too   much   .      there's   nothing   to   be   suspicious   about   ,   we   totally   blend   in   here   .      we   look   like   any   other   student   .      you   don't   wanna   stay   at   least   a   few   more   minutes   ?      then   we   can   hit   the   beach   and   make   a   day   out   of   it   .   ”       
( open ) starter ! -> @santastarthq location: la universidad de bellas artes time: 12 pm, during their open house
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"no. i don't like it here. let's leave." he shifts his backpack uncomfortably on his shoulder. he had grabbed the backpack—stuffed it with a notebook, drew's debut graphic novel drive-in, and a handful of highlighters—before he had left to really fit the part, get into the mindset of being a student, but now that he is here among all this knowledge, he suddenly feels extremely small. and broke. and stupid. "uhhh, let's just bail and go to the beach. or get some juice. or both! and not be here. it was a terrible idea. the students look hoity toity; the teachers look mean; there's too many bushes around here—that's suspicious—and i think the campus security guard has been eyeing you since we walked in. so we should either leave or egg the security guard and then leave."
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foolishs · 8 months
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                    daisy   had   spent   some   time   setting   up   things   for   new   tea   recipes   ,   complete   with   teabags   ,   cut   fruit   ,   sugars   ,   honey , and   syrups   .      she   smiles   sweetly   at   the   other   in   front   of   her   and   pats   her   hand   gently   .       “   there's   so   many   different   flavors   of   tea   and   types   of   tea   .   .   .      it's   just   about   pairing   flavors   that   sound   like   they   would   be   good   together   and   then   seeing   how   they   work   .      are   you   more   interested   in   floral   flavors   or   fruity   flavors   ?      black   tea   ,   green   tea   ,   white   tea   ?      hot   or   iced   ?      sweet   or   unsweetened   ?   ”       
( closed ) starter ! -> @foolishs location : little leaves tea house
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"i look cute, i feel cute, and i am ready to rumble! your number one tea taster is checking in to duty!" she closes the compact mirror, returns it into her purse, and leans across the counter of the shop, staring at all of the different teabags, the sugar, mugs, and all the extra paraphernalia that may or may not be needed for a particularly good cup of tea. "so how do we mix teas? what makes a good mix? don't they all taste like flowers and sometimes dirt, anyways?"
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foolishs · 8 months
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                    matty   hadn't   even   expected   the   reaction   that   he   got   from   her   .      he   had   wanted   to   put   on   a   bit   of   a   show   for   her   and   barely   expected   too   much   of   a   reaction   to   it   ,   maybe   just   a   smile   or   a   little   clap   or   something   .      watching   her   excitement   brought   a   bigger   smile   to   his   own   features   ,   hands   resting   on   his   fake   stomach   as   he   let   out   a   laugh   .      this   whole   thing   sort   of   made   the   holidays   even   more   exciting   for   him   too   ,   always   the   type   to   hype   up   the   season   even   more   in   hopes   it'd   be   even   a   little   as   beautiful   as   he   wanted   it   to   be   .       “   i   don't   need   any   kind   of   repayment   ,   it's   my   christmas   duty   to   fill   you   with   christmas   cheer   and   happiness   !      and   it   really   worked   !      that's   repayment   enough   .      but   if   you   wanna   go   ghost   hunting   ,   you   gotta   ask   me   first   cause   i'll   take   you   .   ”       
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               sariyah   had   been   buzzing   with   anticipation   ever   since   she'd   arrived   at   the   noche   buena   celebration.   she   picked   up   every   candy-cane   inspired   dish,   thanked   everyone   who   complimented   her   glittery-green   puffed   dress,   and   pulled   up   the   lyrics   to   every   christmas   song   played   by   the   band   in   order   to   sing   along.   in   summary,   sariyah   was   having   the   time   of   her   life.   made   better   only   by   the   fact   that   her   secret   santa   took   the   santa   part   with   a   literal   touch.   "   i'm   sariyah   !   "   she   exclaimed   with   a   laugh   as   she   stepped   forward.   her   own   personal   delivery   from   santa   !   she   never   thought   she'd   see   the   day.   had   believed   that   part   of   her   childhood   would   never   be   redeemed.   yet,   here   he   was.   honestly   the   suit,   the   voice, and   the   personal   delivery   would   have   been   enough   for   sariyah.   she'd   already   felt   like   she'd   gain   something   invaluable:   a   moment   to   go   back   in   time   and   give   her   younger   self   the   gift   she   always   longed   for;   to   be   a   child   on   christmas   morning.   he   cheeks   hurt   from   smiling,   every   box   she   unwrapped   unveiling   something   new   and   eliciting   a   melody   of   '   this   is   so   cute   !   '   '   oh   my   god,   you   shouldn't   have   !   '   '   i   can't   wait   to   use   this   !   '   and   '   how   thoughtful   !   '   when   the   presents   came   to   an   end,   sariyah   was   left   holding   the   ghost   hunting   book   to   her   heart   as   she   surveyed   all   of   her   gifts   one   last   time.   "   are   you   kidding   ?   this   is   incredible   !   how   can   i   ever   pay   you   back   for   all   of   this   ?   this   is   the   best   christmas   ever   !   "
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foolishs · 8 months
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                    this   definitely   wasn't   something   he   had   planned   on   for   this   tournament   in   all   his   excitement   ,   but   he   takes   the   mixture   anyway   .       “   woah   ,   you   got   this   whole   thing   planned   out   for   every   possibility   .   .   .      but   isn't   it   just   for   fun   ?      the   winning   part's   not   so   important   if   we   enjoy   ourselves   !      i   even   brought   us   some   snacks   .   ”       
( open ) starter ! -> @santastarthq location: quintil valparaíso park time: 9 am, during the charity football tournament
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she pulls the other aside during the team stretching. "look," she says. "i'm totally ready to make sure our team wins. i've got the confetti and sand hidden here to throw in their face; i've got these strapped to my calves under my socks to, like, kick them and trip them; and i've also got fake blood here in my bag in case we have to, like, pretend we got gouged and get the other team disqualified or something." they grin. "pretty nifty, yeah? here, take some of the confetti / sand mix i made and put it in your pocket in case you need it. hurry, before someone sees!"
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foolishs · 8 months
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                    daisy   shakes   her   head   as   she   thinks   about   how   long   she's   been   here   at   this   point   ,   having   made   this   place   a   home   .       “   i   moved   here   and   i'm   working   here   .      felt   like   the   right   place   to   start   a   business   .      didn't   know   it   was   your   childhood   place   ,   how   long   are   you   staying   ?   ”       
"me neither!" he exclaims back with a big smile. "it was a last-minute thing. i didn't book the tickets until three days before," leon explains. with everything seemingly calming down in his life -no more tour, no more press- the man somehow was still anxious. maybe because his girlfriend was away for a while. and leon's not someone who's good at tolerating loneliness. so yeah, he booked a plane ticket and talked to his godmother on the phone asking her if he could stay in her apartment in valpo. of course she said yes. she loves her godson. so now he's here, in chile, waiting for the love of his life to meet him here. "what about you? what's brought you to my childhood place?" he asks half-jokingly. he didn't spend as nearly much time here as he spent in seattle or boston, or new york. but valparaíso feels like home to him.
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foolishs · 9 months
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                      evelyn   hurries   over   to   answer   the   door   and   gives   a   slight   smile   at   the   sight   of   the   guest   .      she   almost   forgot   that   she   was   supposed   to   be   getting   a   gift   of   her   own   ,   blanking   a   bit   on   the   whole   thing   .      the   door   is   held   open   to   allow   saff   inside   as   she   works   at   unwrapping   it   ,   surprised   when   she   saw   what   the   gift   was   .       “   the   color   is   perfect   ,      i'll   absolutely   get   some   use   out   of   these   .      can't   promise   they'll   stay   this   nice   for   long   .   ” 
closed starter / evelyn, saffron's secret santa recipient! @foolishs location / leia's apartment
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although she isn't sure what sort of dancing it is that evelyn likes to do, saffron selected a pair of powder blue ballet shoes unearthed in the stockroom at her shop for the recipient of her secret santa gift exchange present. she stands outside of evelyn's apartment awaiting an answer to her knocking with the package wrapped neatly in shiny silver paper. "surprise," saff sings, grinning despite she unenthusiastic tone. she holds the present out for evelyn to take. "for what it's worth, if this turns out to have no practical use for you then i think it would be great as a decorative sort of coffee table conversation piece at the very least," she explains, shaking the box a bit as though she's hoping to increase leia's excitement.
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foolishs · 9 months
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                      “   hey   —      i   was   drinking   that   ,   you   know   .   .   .   ”        evelyn   shouldn't   even   be   surprised   by   these   actions   when   it   comes   to   a   man   ,   let   alone   arlo   of   all   people   .      there   was   never   any   guessing   what   would   come   out   of   his   mouth   or   what   he   would   even   do   .      she   looks   around   to   try   to   see   what   he   could   be   looking   at   but   catches   nothing   and   sits   wondering   what   exactly   goes   on   in   his   mind   .       “   of   course   you   get   a   bellyache   .   .   .      how   about   you   buy   my   drink   replacement   cause   i'm   not   trying   to   waste   my   money   there   .      i've   never   touched   gfuel   .      don't   think   i   want   to   touch   anything   gamers   are   .   ” 
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⸻ status / open , @santastarthq . ⸻ location / catch me if you can new years bash !
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               arlo   was   out   of   breath   by   the   time   he   slid   into   the   booth   beside   the   other;   his   eyes   shifted   around   as   if   making   sure   he   hadn't   been   followed.   his   hands   were   burrowed   deep   in   his   hoodie's   pocket   as   he   finally   made   eye   contact   with   the   one   beside   him,   and   offered   a   panicked   sort   of   sweet   smile.   "   sorry   i'm   late.   "   he   said   a   little   loud,   trying   to   make   sure   any   lingering   security   guards   (   there   were   none   )   were   listening   in.   "   do   you   mind   ?   "   arlo   dropped   his   volume   as   he   reached   for   a   cup   that   was   nearly   empty,   and   not-so-slyly   dumped   the   rest   of   its   contents   out   on   the   floor.   "   we   should   let   that   dry   before   we   go   out   to   the   dancefloor.   "   he   instructed.   with   one   last   glance   around   for   the   security   guards   that   weren't   following   him,   he   pulled   an   energy   drink   from   his   hoodie   pocket   and   quickly   worked   to   pour   it   in   the   now   empty   cup.   "   it's   gfuel.   "   he   explained,   without   being   prompted.   "   the   energy   drink   for   gamers.   i   had   to   sneak   it   in   because   i   can't   do   alcohol.   i   get   a   bellyache.   "   he   held   the   empty   can   in   his   hand   looking   around   for   a   moment   before   he   turned   to   them   again.   "   do   you   have   a   bag   or   something   ?   i'll   give   you   my   discount   code   for   gfuel   if   you   shove   this   in   there.   "
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foolishs · 9 months
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                      “   i   wouldn't   want   to   hurt   your   feelings   at   all   ,   i'm   sure   they're   great   gifts   !   ”        she   opens   the   gifts   with   some   anticipation   and   excitement   ,   letting   out   a   giggle   at   the   photo   album   .      the   only   one   that   causes   her   to   raise   her   brow   is   the   cake   .      she's   not   entirely   sure   that's   the   right   way   to   make   a   carrot   cake   but   she   smiles   at   the   gift   regardless   .      she   doesn't   even   have   a   use   for   the   diapers   ,   but   she's   sure   she   can   save   them   for   a   future   baby   if   she   winds   up   having   one   .       “   i'll   have   to   make   you   some   cookies   as   a   thank   you   with   these   cutters   .   ” 
@foolishs location: vicente's jazz lounge
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"boo!" they shout as they fall into the seat across from daisy, dropping the large box down between them. "bet you couldn't guess that it was moi that is your secret santa!" she pushes the box toward daisy. "i've spent a lot of time curating something absolutely perfect for you, so i hope you like it, or whatever. but if you don't, it'll hurt my feelings, so, you know. keep that in mind." nora beams excitedly, sitting on the edge of their seat with anticipation at how daisy would react to the gift: a photography book showcasing animal butts, a cookie cutter set ( featuring a cat, a hippo, underwear, and ninjas ), a home-made carrot cake ( it may not have looked the greatest, but at least it tasted good; she double checked ) and rabbit diapers for her baby. daisy has a baby right? it doesn't matter; it's too late now.
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foolishs · 9 months
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                      daisy   points   a   finger   at   him   in   realization   of   who   she   sees   in   front   of   her   ,   surprised   smile   growing   with   recognition   .      the   sopaipillas   is   accepted   and   she   uses   a   free   hand   to   pat   him   on   the   shoulder   .       “   what   are   you   doing   here   ?      i   didn't   know   you   were   coming   !   ” 
leon stands in line to get a sopaipilla from the cart that's near his godmother's apartment. something tells him to look around, and he's happy when he does, because he spots daisy immediately. "you're here?" he smiles widely. they shared a one night stand years ago, before he and salem started dating, but they kept in touch. mostly through instagram. the lady selling sopaipillas ask him how many he wants and he's quick to say dos. "one for you," leon smiles when daisy approaches him.
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foolishs · 9 months
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                      matty's   not   super   used   to   receiving   gifts   ,   usually   mostly   getting   gifts   for   other   people   and   going   way   too   hard   on   it   .      so   he   finds   himself   way   more   excited   about   this   gift   exchange   and   curious   what   anyone   would   pick   for   him   .      he   grins   excitedly   as   he   looks   at   the   wrapped   gifts   in   front   of   him   and   clasps   his   hands   together   as   if   to   say   thank   you   ,   then   goes   to   begin   opening   gifts   .       “   the   wrapping   is   perfect   ,   it   gives   it   character   !      tell   your   daughter   i   loved   it   .      the   gifts   are   perfect   ,   man   .      i   really   needed   the   phone   cases   .   .   .      you   should   see   the   state   of   my   screen   .      i   drop   that   thing   so   often   .      i   can't   promise   i'll   be   using   the   ouiji   board   cause   i   don't   trust   the   energy   from   those   ,   i   don't   mess   with   those   .      it'll   make   a   fun   little   decoration   though   .   ” 
for @foolishs
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adem prides himself on being a good gift giver. he likes giving gifts and always tries to find something he thinks the receiver will like while also trying to be practical. not knowing matty all that well, he's hopeful he'll get some use out of his gifts. because, honestly and truly, adem has no idea what ghost hunting equipment consists of, so he purchased a set of flashlights and a ouija board (that's spooky, right?) in hopes they'll be useful in some way. additionally, he got matty a phone case and multiple screen protectors. he couldn't afford a whole new phone, but he figures this is second best. so he approaches the other at the party, grinning, "happy holidays! sorry the wrapping's a little shoddy, my seven-year-old insisted she help me." not that adem's solo wrapping skills are all that impressive anyway, "i have receipts and all of that if any of it doesn't work — just let me know!"
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foolishs · 9 months
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                      it   seems   like   a   good   deal   and   matty   always   enjoys   a   bit   of   entertainment   with   his   food   ,   what's   the   worst   that   can   happen   ?      he   would   survive   without   a   couple   dollars   and   he'd   get   to   see   some   magic   ;      a   win   -   win   for   him   .       “   dude   ,   you   have   yourself   a   deal   .      let's   see   some   magic   !      are   you   doing   the   pick   a   card   type   ?      those   are   so   cool   in   every   video   i've   seen   ,   like   how   do   they   do   that   ?   ” 
( closed ) starter ! -> @foolishs location : port of valparaíso for the catch me if you can new year party
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"bro, bro, bro, i have a proposal for you!" rafael flags down the nearest person, gesturing him to come closer to the table in between them. there's an empty drink glass on one side and some partially eaten chips on the other side. rafael has a deck of cards in his hands, preset for a magic trick. "i show you a magic trick, something that'll completely blow your mind away. and in return, you buy me a drink. and some fries. oh, oh, maybe a couple of anticuchos, too... well? whaddya say?"
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foolishs · 9 months
𓈒ㅤׂ⠀⠀ ___      𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬     ︵ ۫ .     daisy   +   serafina . 𓈒ㅤׂ⠀⠀ ___       𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠     ︵ ۫ .      @driftwccds . 𓈒ㅤׂ⠀⠀ ___       𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞     ︵ ۫ .      noche buena .
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                      daisy   carries   carefully   wrapped   gifts   (   featuring   a   few   festive   doodles   from   her   daughter   who   eagerly   wanted   to   contribute   to   the   gifts   that   were   being   given   )   over   to   the   other   ,   hopeful   that   sef   would   find   them   at   least   interesting   .   amongst   the   gifts   are   a   hardcopy   annotated   version   of   frankenstein   (   a   story   daisy   has   yet   to   read   herself   )   ,   a   hard   copy   annotated   version   of   pride   and   prejudice   ,   a   pair   of   tea   pot   earrings   ,   a   vintage   gold   bracelet   ,   and   a   pair   of   earrings   inspired   by   vintage   ones   worn   by   jane   russell   .       “   MERRY   CHRISTMAS   !      oh   ,   i   really   hope   you   like   these   .  .  .      if   not   then   i   can   offer   free   drinks   at   the   tea   house   till   next   christmas   .      well   ,   one   free   drink   a   day   ,   not   free   drinks   all   day   ,   every   day   .   ”       
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foolishs · 9 months
𓈒ㅤׂ⠀⠀ ___      𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬     ︵ ۫ .     matty   +   sariyah . 𓈒ㅤׂ⠀⠀ ___       𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠     ︵ ۫ .      @divinctions . 𓈒ㅤׂ⠀⠀ ___       𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞     ︵ ۫ .      noche buena .
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                      matty   makes   a   big   show   of   his   arrival   ,   decked   out   in   a   santa   outfit   with   a   beard   and   sack   and   everything   .      there's   a   bit   of   a   struggle   as   he   walks   with   pillows   stuffed   in   the   stomach   portion   of   his   suit   ,   but   he   was   committing   to   the   bit   .       “   HO   HO   HO  ,   MERRY   HOLIDAYS   !      i   come   bearing   gifts   for   a   miss   sariyah   ,   please   step   forward   .   ”       he   locates   the   recipient   of   his   secret   santa   gifts   and   approaches   her   with   a   wide   smile  ��,   setting   the   sack   on   the   table   top   so   he   can   bring   out   wrapped   gifts   (   maybe   he   went   a   little   overboard   ,   but   he   gets   really   into   the   holidays   )   .      wrapping   them   to   not   look   so   easily   figured   out   was   tough   ,   but   his   gifts   consists   of   five   boxes   of   bandaids   with   a   range   of   designs   on   them   ,   a   picnic   basket   packed   with   a   green   blanket   for   sitting   on   ,   a   pale   green   scrapbook   to   be   filled   with   photographs   ,   and   a   book   guide   to   ghost   hunting   (   his   own   personal   touch  ,   just   for   fun   )   .       “   if   you   don't   like   the   gifts   ,   can   you   just   pretend   you   do   for   me   ?      i'll   give   you   receipts   for   everything   ,   though   .   ”       
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foolishs · 9 months
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                                              evelyn   glances   over   in   the   direction   of   the   so   -   called   cutie   ,   trying   her   best   to   not   make   it   obvious   she's   looking   .     “      you   sure   they're   checking   me   out   ,   not   you   ?      there   are   two   of   us   here   ,   you   know   .     ”
"don't look now but that cutie over there is TOTALLY checking you out." the petite blonde hummed, giving a gentle nudge of her head in the direction of the aforementioned person. "what's the vibe? you need me to be your wingman or your bodyguard?"
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foolishs · 10 months
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MAIA REFICCO as NOA OLIVAR Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin
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foolishs · 10 months
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