foradnama · 1 year
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in which natalie scatorccio is an adorable dork™
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foradnama · 1 year
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STAR WARS ANDOR (2022-) 1.02 | Adria Arjona as Bix Caleen
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foradnama · 2 years
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So let me make this nice and simple for you. Now’s the time you say, “Fuck off,” I say to you “Fuck off,” and we’re done. 
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foradnama · 2 years
“what have you done to yourself?” / iggy + maeve!
Iggy’s words sound otherworldly, like she’s found her head underwater and can’t remember how to swim to the surface. Bad -- according to social media, the fight had crossed over from professional to a dance with suicide. She doesn’t remember wailing on her opponent. Hell, Maeve doesn’t even remember getting to the makeshift medical room in the back rooms.
His voice, however, drags her back to Earth.
What have you done to yourself? So much. Too much that he wouldn’t be proud of, too little in which her own father would approve. Defending a name only helps when you don’t die before it becomes a legacy.
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“I don’t know,” Maeve finally speaks, though her throat is hoarse. Through a bloodshot gaze she looks up, surveying the face she once knew better than she knew herself. If he’s disappointed, then she can stomach that. If he pities her? Then she doesn’t want to see it.
“Guess I finally became my father’s daughter.”
/ @sinsoakedsaints
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foradnama · 2 years
ok but who is going to a) write andor stuff with me bc i want to write bix caleen and b) who will give me a ship where i get to finally write my adria arjona oc
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foradnama · 2 years
@thegapbetweenmoments​ / MAEVE & MARTIN
Inside Thoughts
The thing about going home is that it often meant being alone with one’s thoughts.
So instead, Martin found ways as often as he could to just be away from home. Some nights that meant sitting in the corner of a bar. Some nights that meant going to the store and buying something he absolutely did not need.
Tonight, of all nights, that meant taking a walk through the busy city streets and emotionally drafting off of the energy of the people around him. It wasn’t exactly the best method for staying out of his own head, but if there was anything that Martin knew how to do, it was staring at any odd thing that might interest him, and the people of the city were certainly interesting if nothing else.
Sitting down at the first bench he happened upon, Martin tried his best not to bother the woman who had already been sitting there, but not long into his people watching he couldn’t help but let slip a thought about a performer across the street.
“Don’t think I’ve seen a real life clown in years. I thought we all collectively decided they were creepy and moved on.”
Sometimes being out here was a good thing: she spent so much time and energy living and breathing her own gym that she forgot how crisp the night air could be. Fresh air, the kind that doesn’t come dirtied with boxing gloves and hand wraps, sweat and tears. Maeve West doesn’t intend to talk to anyone because very rarely do people talk to her; something about a resting bitch face or another.
Yet this person does. When he sits down beside her, the gym owner thinks nothing of it. Public property means anyone can sit anywhere, but she’s sat with her fist pressed to her temple as she leans against the bench armrest, watching. What she’s watching, Maeve cannot articulate.
So the stranger graciously does it for her.
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Giving a half-smirk at the rogue commentary, Maeve turns her chin just so to look at him. “We did all collectively decide they were creepy. Some people just don’t listen.”
She nods once to the performer, shifting her weight to cross her legs. “I’ve seen him out here a few times, but thank God he’s never tried coming over this way. Too many precious confetti bombs that could be stolen by rotten kids.”
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foradnama · 2 years
for: @sinsoakedsaints​ / MAEVE WEST + NOAH VON​
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This could have waited until morning, but there’s something so satisfying about coming home from a late-night shift only to annoying the fuck out of your childhood best friend. Funny how the  memories seem to blur now that they finally share a place to call home, yet Maeve has been on edge since the first time she’d seen his face in what felt like eons.
With a closed fist, she doesn’t knock. She bangs once, twice, three times, until the door opens.
“Hey.” Dry. Flat. “Thought I saw the Big Dipper on my way home and figured hey, why Google it when I got a dear neighbor who paid the big bucks to know about it?”
Maeve’s chin tilts up, pointing one finger to the sky. “So? Is it Big or Little Dipper?”
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foradnama · 2 years
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he’d do anything for me.
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foradnama · 2 years
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My revenge is to feel like I have you wrapped around my little finger. You do. I know.
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foradnama · 2 years
@evocatiive​ / JOLENE + MAEVE
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“Yes, Maeve, your match.” There’s no point trying to deny, biting at the inside of her cheek to stop herself from welling up with tears. The real challenge would come as she is watching Maeve throw her body around without care or concern for her own wellbeing. The vitriol spewing from Maeve is swallowed with a tremble of her mouth, Jolene attempting to sharpen her own tongue when it’s hard to be anything but made of soft edges when she is around Maeve. “Of course you can do this, but why does life have to be a constant uphill battle for you? What do you feel like you have to prove anymore? You own TRANSCEND. Why do you still have to participate?” 
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Sometimes she hates this, how easy it is to double-down and act like the world is out to get her. That Jolene, of all people, would be out to get her when she’s been nothing but supportive -- and Maeve isn’t a stranger to how hard that can be, if not always. Maeve doesn’t shout, instead stewing on the words of her friend with a lump in her throat before throwing a half-hearted shrug. “Because maybe I don’t know how to quit? Maybe I’ve always done this, so it isn’t just about having a gym and my story’s over, Jole. It ain’t just over.”
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foradnama · 2 years
@sinsoakedsaints​ / OLIVE & JOVI
@foradnama​ asked: 💬
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“All the outfits were terrible.”
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Leave it to Jovi to make her outright snort in the middle of a public space. “I mean, for once I was nice about saying nothing, but -- someone has to tell Sticky Thighs she’s never going to serve in those Shein cut-outs. Remind me next time we come to one of these things to start serving red cards in every room for fashion offenses.”
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foradnama · 2 years
for: @sinsoakedsaints​ / WANDA + STEPHEN
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"You stand there and accuse me, but where were you at the time?"
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foradnama · 2 years
for: @sinsoakedsaints​ / DELILAH & COYOTE   💬
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"You had time to call the police, so why didn't you?"
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foradnama · 2 years
for: @heartrendcrs​ / JASEY & FALLON  💬
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"I'm telling you - the guy was a complete stranger. Just... walked up and gave me the bag. I don’t know why he was so hellbent on giving it to you.”
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foradnama · 2 years
for: @sinsoakedsaints​ / JASEY & ULYSSES  💬
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"Please don't argue. You have to leave right now, okay? You aren't safe here."
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foradnama · 2 years
for: @knivesdrcwn​ / JASEY & LANDON  💬
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"Am I supposed to be scared now?"
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foradnama · 2 years
for: @knivesdrcwn​ / JAVI & BEAU  💬
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"So, question. Actually, it’s two: What's in that bag, and why are you hiding it here?"
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